Aries Stoner Horoscope June

Aries Stoner Horoscope June

The magic of Summer is upon us stoner Aries.  And with the calendar change of season comes the blessing of celestial bodies for the youngest of the stoner Zodiac.

All of your wonderful stoner star sign traits will be the engine that drives positivity this month.

Naivete, enthusiasm, and even a bit of stubbornness will suit you well in the first Summer month.  So pack your stash jar with only your most favorite cannabis strains.  Those herbal delights you find most agreeable will be the best medicine for a blessed period.

One important aspect of June will be the emotional aperture created by planetary alignment.  Don’t read into this too much stoner Aries.  The emotional floodgates may open you to feeling and understanding the nature and wonderment of the world around you.

Toke time to light a spliff, and enjoy the enlightened connection between you and the universe.  Your connected cannabis copilot will only enhance the voyage.

And yes stoner Aries, your enthusiastic energy will bring you bountiful learned experiences in June.  Soak it up!  Meditative smoke sessions will be filled with research and knowledgeable quests instead of deep inner digs.

The only stress or strain may be found in the final decade of the month.  But each stoner Aries will have their individual challenge to face.  Just remember my resilient Ram:  You are an amazing creature capable of anything you set your mind to.

By the end of the month all sacred bowls will be in balance.  Perhaps a shared smoke session with a cannabuddy will solidify the magic created, and push positivity into the next period.

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Aries Stoner Horoscope May

Aries Stoner Horoscope May

Stoner Aries should receive constructive blessings from the cosmos in May.  What are you building?  Where are you growing?

My unrestrained Ram, think about the final Spring month as a time to bring the life of the party to your work sphere.  There is much to do and much to accomplish.  The planetary alignment supports all systems GO!

Allow your mind to wander from the smoke circle stoner Aries.  Mercury enters retrograde this month, and with this cosmic conundrum comes diminished communications with cannabis companions.

Head strong arguments among friends could pose long lasting injury.  Celebratory bowls of the sacred herb will not be missed this month; matching sessions with canna-buddies will be replaced by solo excursions of quiet contemplation with self.  

Stoner Aries, this may seem antithetical to your natural drives, but the scenario should play out naturally as the month progresses.  Best buds and cannabis companions will be there when the work is done.   

All of this should flow just fine in your daily routine stoner Aries.  You will bring the life of the party to the workplace!  The Ram is quite adept at climbing steep cliffs.  This month will be focused on ascending higher into the economic ecosystem.  Whether it be that half baked idea you have been meditating on, or straight forward time on the work clock, exciting results will show from attendance and attention.

Don’t worry stoner Aries, the pot infused party will return to the personal sphere in the future.  You may be so busy building projects and pouring foundations of success for the future, perhaps you won’t notice missing out on smoke circle dramatics.

Aries Stoner Horoscope April

Aries Stoner Horoscope April

Stoner Aries, the days of smoking the dankest nugs at home on the couch are over; at least the couch part of the equation!  Spring is in full swing so grab your buds, and your trusty travel piece; it’s time to take your smoke sessions on the road!

March was meant to be a mellow and mindful month. A season for solo smoke sessions with the sacred herb.  A time to inhale those insight-expanding vapors while you relax and recharge your cosmic space suit.

But even if it was a spiritually and mentally rejuvenating season, vegetative time is coming to an end. Now it’s grow time my rejuvenated Ram! 

It’s time to branch out, to rejoin the social smoke circle, and get back to puff puff passing time in the company of your favorite cannabis companions. 

With the New Moon ushering in a season of reflection and rebirth for almost all signs of the Stoner Zodiac, there will be plenty for you to catch up on while you talk and toke with the best buds.

Stoner Aries, you might be feeling a little anxious at the idea of getting back to smoking in larger groups. With everyone undergoing notable transformation, you might be worried that you may have outgrown each other.

It might sound cliche, but the best way to overcome this concern is simple:  Be yourself!  Don’t hide behind the smoke. Light up and let the fire illuminate your four-twenty-friendly, charismatic self.

If confrontation with any of your cannabis companions does arise, just smoke your cannabis and speak your piece my reefer-loving Ram. Sometimes people change and do grow apart. It doesn’t mean that you’re wrong or that they’re right. Sometimes different is just that, different.

Just remember stoner Aries, the more you share the more you will care. The more you enjoy fellowship while sharing bowls of the sacred herb, the better you will communicate, and the easier it will be to meet on common ground.

Aries Stoner Horoscope March

Aries Stoner Horoscope March

Ok stoner Aries, the hangover of the slow start to 2022 is over.  Did you toke time to recover in February?  A cosmic window of opportunity is opening in March.  A new day you might say is upon us.

This transition into a more positive mental space comes right away in the first Spring month.  The New Moon on the 2nd marks a universal cleansing.  But, my rambunctious Ram, the blessings of this cosmic changeover might be felt differently depending upon the recuperative steps taken in February.

Be honest stoner Aries:  Did you toke time with cannabis to slow yourself down in the final Winter month?  Did you use the sacred herb to heal, and seek internal guidance?

There is great news for those Aries who addressed their physical aches, and mental anguish, with recuperative smoke sessions.  Now the landscape will shift.  Bowls will seem a bit brighter.  Circumstances may not appear to change, but the ideas and attitudes gleaned from those sacred moments with cannabis will shift into notes of positivity and hope.

For those stoner Aries who did not heed the words to slow down, and toke time for self in February, all is not lost; but there is still work to be done.  Absolutely this New Moon on the 2nd must be used to make up for lost time.  Sink deep into self with a solo medicated meditative smoke session in a safe space.

There are dangers in leaning into a state of melancholy with an internal self assessment.  However, the universe has your back finally!  Great discoveries await by connecting you with yourself through an exercise with cannabis.  Perhaps after this exercise you can catch up to your advanced brethren, and truly feel the positive shifts in the cosmic winds during March.

No matter your past, or your future, things will start to heat up this month.  A welcome cosmic warmth for any adventurous stoner Ram.  Use the cannabis connection with your third eye sight to see the hill in front of you.  Pipes are warming, but there are many bowls yet to be burnt before the peak is mounted.

Aries Stoner Horoscope February

Aries Stoner Horoscope February

Stoner Aries you survived!  January is over!  Done.  Ashed out.

Bold Aries. You know those nights where you rushed into the smoke session, and maybe you stayed too long?  The next day might be considered more of a fog than a memory.  Let’s look at February like that, my recovering Ram.

Seek communion with cannabis in soothing safe spaces this month.  You might temper your bold nature, and try more mellow cannabis strains.  Perhaps low THC and high CBD strains will fit your mood.

Repair and recovery are not just themes for the personal sphere stoner Aries.  Any workplace drama or lingering issues with collaborators must be faced at this time.  

Breathe in the perspective enhancing nature of the sacred herb.  Perhaps your role in this communication breakdown was larger than you initially felt.  Squash the beef stoner Aries.  And if you can match bowls with a coworker, I can’t think of a better way to clear the air than to cloud up the room.

Heal, rest, and recuperate in your safe space.  Make high minded attempts to repair broken lines of communication in the workplace.  Once these recuperative tasks are complete, you will be ready to rip, roll, and roar in 2022.  

Aries Stoner Horoscope January

Aries Stoner Horoscope January

Inhale positive intentions.  Exhale positive manifestation.  It’s a new year stoner Aries!  Anything is possible, and it is all within you.

January brings a powerful lunar cycle with a Super New Moon on the 2nd, a Full Moon on the 17th, and a Black Moon on the 31st.  

Native Americans call the Full Moon of the 17th the Wolf Moon, as the luminosity draws the attention of all terrestrial spirits to the celestial cycle during the dark Winter month.

Now is the time for your future stoner Aries!  Toke time between the New Moon bookends meditating with the sacred herb.  Just you, your favorite piece, and the peace of the sacred herb.

Find multiple moments to steal away from the hustle and bustle of your energetic terrestrial life for medicated meditative solo smoke sessions.  Use your cannabis copilot to connect with your inner voice.  Magnify it’s volume.

The positive intentions you make this month will become the positive manifestations you reap in future periods.  There will be plenty of opportunities to howl at the Moon stoner Aries.  Toke time for self, and make sure you set the intentions today you want to fulfill tomorrow.

Aries Stoner Horoscope December

Aries Stoner Horoscope December


Countdown to blast off stoner Aries!  The final push to the new year will see cosmic waves of strength and energy propelling you forward toward your future you.

Seek balance my rambunctious Ram throughout the month with hybrid strains of our sacred herb.  Balance is the key to reaping the rewards of this fiery celestial influence.

A pure Sativa cannabis strain could tip the energy scale to obsessive heights.  Whereas a pure Indica cannabis strain could muddy the energetic gift from the heavens.  Thus, an old favorite like Gorilla Glue would be the best bud for your stash jar this month.

Know yourself stoner Aries.  If you feel your cannabis consumption detracting from the mission of the day, perhaps you need to tone down the psychoactive THC element for the more medicinal CBD properties.

With bold energetic cosmic winds filling your sphere, even a confident stoner Ram could get anxiety wiggles.  A bowl of ACDC can settle the soul in those most important moments.

Don’t hesitate to get experimental stoner Aries.  Find the right balance for you.  Maybe a little bit of this bud mixed with a little bit of that bud will bring you in tune with the wonderful world around you.

All this talk of balance and internal harmony is important.  The cosmic energy being thrust in your direction this month will be focused on getting things done.

This will mean different things for different stoner Aries.  Perhaps one stoner Aries might dive head deep into that studious project of knowledge.  Another Aries might find the momentum to complete that big home project they are working on.

With the right balance of support from the sacred herb, perhaps you will be a multi-tasking master, and harness the energy to do it all.

Finally stoner Aries, toke time to contemplate with your cannabis copilot before you lock horns with fellow terrestrial astronauts.  Don’t shy away from authenticity, but be empathetic and mature in delivery.  There is too much to get done this month to mess around with smoke circle dramatics.

Aries Stoner Horoscope November

Aries Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Aries, did you take advantage of the slow and balanced flow last month.  Did you break away from the stereotype of being a fierce, fast-moving fire sign; and instead float along the mellow moving cosmic waters?

I hope so, my red-eyed Ram. Because if last month was marked by balance and moderation, and filled with peaceful smoke sessions and high spirits, the days ahead will be spent navigating your way through more powerful, uncertain cosmic currents.

Stoner Aries, while you might be feeling like you are back to your usual confident, ready-to-conquer self, now is not the time to let your inhibitions chart the course of your terrestrial travels.

Steer clear of heady Sativas during this time; even if they are your go-to cannabis strains.  Of course they can be helpful in inspiring creativity and motivating you into action, but too much cerebral stimulation might increase unwanted impulsivity.

Instead, stick to the smooth and soothing effects of calming Indica strains. Think healing, not heady stoner Aries. You want something to help maintain your cosmic spacesuit, and protect it against heavy cosmic winds.  Something that will help you stay stoney, but also keep you grounded and centered between the highs and lows November is sure to bring.

Stoner Aries, avoid serious conversations or confronting partners-in-chronic this season.  You and fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts will feel their emotions more intensely during this time. Of course, you can always try the peace pipe to help ease tensions, but be sure to let the smoke clear before airing your grievances.

The best approach to maintaining good relationships may be to do nothing at all. Instead of forcing uncomfortable conversations, try giving each other space to medicate and meditate on their own. Time away from the smoke circle, and social settings, will allow feuding friends the opportunity to be alone with their own thoughts.

Embrace the quiet time and the sacred sensemilla. Look within yourself stoner Aries. Inhale the perspective expanding vapors of the sacred herb, and explore your own hidden depths. After you have meditated and reflected on your own feelings, you may be ready to express what’s bothering you with calm compassion, and empathy.

Or, you might come to realize that when it comes to working through growing pains with our cannabis companions, the simplest solution is to smoke about it, and forget about it. Instead of holding onto those bad vibes, sometimes we just have to light up and let go.

Aries Stoner Horoscope October

Aries Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Aries the October time period will be enlightening, frustrating, and fantastic all in one balanced ball of celestial perfection.

The season of Libra will bring with it something you are not accustomed to:  Balance.  This statement may seem silly at first.  But you are the energetic Ram, always on the front hoof moving forward, guided by exuberance and the emotional trigger of the day.

I love who you are stoner Aries, and you love who you are.  The universal influence this month won’t challenge your internal drives.  Think of the cosmic wind as a cool breeze at your back, pushing you toward a more patient and centered existence.

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Chill with the Sativa dominant diet of sacred herb this month.  Match bowls with the universe, and stock the stash jar with a balanced cannabis hybrid strain.  Maybe two!

Let your softer side out this month stoner Aries.  With the calming nature of the cosmic breeze, and your ability to slow time down to better understand the terrestrial world around you, an opportunity will develop within the broader smoke circle.  Opportunity to see things in a new light.  Opportunity for others to see a new layer of the rambunctious Ram.

Deep dives with the sacred herb are not required this month to gain a progressive perspective.  We are in the season of balance, so moderate consistent tokes of the marijuana smoke will suffice.

Allow your cannabis copilot to assist you in embracing the chill of this cosmic phase.  For the most fortunate stoner Aries, a new spirit of understanding may develop from this break from chaos.

By the end of the month celestial bodies will transition, and the fiery Ram will be back leaping large obstacles in a single bound.  More importantly your spirit may feel refreshed.  Your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts in the smoke circle of life will see the growth in your nature.  In the end you may forget about the contemplative chill days of October, as you embark on endo-excursions with new bud-loving buddies.

Aries Stoner Horoscope September

Aries Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Aries the cosmic influence of September doesn’t lean into your strong stoner traits.  Introspective contemplation is never your desired state of mind!  However, sometimes a little support in areas unfamiliar is the key to a progressive period.

Don’t fret my bold Ram.  With the contemplative universal support present this month, deep dives with the Indica species of our sacred herb is not needed.  You are free to taste and toke your preferred Sativa hybrid cannabis strains.

At many moments this month, toke time with the sacred herb to forgive yourself.

Expectations are a powerful psychological implement.  Often your headstrong ambitious nature creates your own hurdles of monumental expectations.

Forgive yourself stoner Aries.  Deep dives with the sacred herb are not required, but you must find moments of marijuana musings to look deeper within.  Allow your cannabis copilot to expose the frustration you feel might be of your own creation.

The universe is a magical creation stoner Aries.  The support sent this month to assist you in your own internal dilemma may culminate in strengthened bonds within the smoke circle.  Once you give in to yourself, and find forgiveness, this gentle concept can be aimed toward your cannabis companions.  Often the roots of our own contentment can spread to nourish our surroundings.

Forgiveness will start with you, and then spreads to others.

We are all on this cosmic spaceship together stoner Aries.  With a little help from the planetary alignment, and the connected magic of the sacred herb, heady progress within the human experience will be assured.  And what could be better than increased confidence in yourself transitioning to increased strength in the broader smoke circle?

Remember my rambunctious Ram:  Contemplation does not require meditation.  A little bit of thought, sprinkled with a portion of forgiveness, will result in great human progress.

Aries Stoner Horoscope August

Aries Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Aries, you’ve been blazing hot and fast since the Summer season started.  So you don’t have to feel like you’re missing out if you decide to slow your roll, and coast into the cooler days of Fall.

Of course, you don’t want to completely burn out, and spend the whole month in a perpetual state of couch-lock.  But know this my restful Ram:  It’s okay if your calendar isn’t filled to the fullest every minute of the day.

August should be a season of refreshing R&R:  roasting and relaxation. Stoner Aries, be sure to toke plenty of time to stop to smell, and smoke, the flowers. You won’t have to travel far to discover scenic smoke spots, and serenity can be found in your own backyard.

Whether you set out by yourself for a solo stoney stroll in nearby nature, or venture out and about with a few cannabis companions.  You will see your familiar stomping grounds in a new light this month.

There is inspiration to be found all around you stoner Aries.  You just have to remember to look.

Work will be equally peaceful and productive in the final Summer month. But this is one area of life you don’t want to turn on auto-pilot. As long as you keep your time for play and productivity separate, you will be able to quickly check off most tasks on your to-do list without breaking a sweat.

Stoner Aries, because you make it look so easy, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if some of your coworkers become suspicious of how much you are able to achieve. Let them waste time criticizing if that’s what they need to do.  You have projects to tackle, and work to get done.

Just be mindful that you don’t let your successes go to your head. Instead of responding to their jealousy, try to inspire them to push onward and upward, to reach the lifted frequency you are operating on this month.

Most of all stoner Aries, you should spend the last weeks of Summer tokin’ and talkin’ with the cannabis companions you care for the most. The universe has nothing but high times, and good vibes planned for you this August. As long as you surround yourself with good company, and the greenest ganja, you will make the summer of 2021 the highest, and happiest, it can be.

Aries Stoner Horoscope July

Aries Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Aries prepare for fireworks in July.  No, this explosive analogy is not tied to dramatics within the smoke circle; but instead, think of yourself as the streaking explosion of color across the night sky.

The universe is sending coordinated tools of positivity your way in the second Summer month.  Where you may be headstrong and over exuberant in other periods.  Perhaps often crashing into the smoke circle horns first.  This month you will be sliding into communal smoke sessions spreading good vibes and positive fun.

Lean into this new chill you stoner Aries.  Stock the stash jar with an Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strain.  Allow your cannabis copilot to assist the universe in smoothing out your rough edges.  Mellow moods and chill vibes will light the path to progress this month.

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My fierce Ram, there will be moments of epiphany during July.  Often your actions precede thoughtful contemplation.  Cannabis companions bristle and react to your initial enthusiastic energy.  Often they miss the retrospective contemplative lens you judge yourself with.

As you slow your roll this month, and coordinate lessons of the past with real-time experiences, cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances will embrace shared sacred bowls.  Find your chill stoner Aries, everything will come to you naturally.

Lessons of the past, mixed with positive reinforcement in real-time, will add up to a progressive period.  And yes my young star seed, you have a secret weapon blessed by the cosmos:  A sacred herbal copilot to guide your adventure.

There is a specific period in July when you must lean on the guidance of our sacred herb.  Between the 14th and 27th, uncertain cosmic winds will blow.  This is the precise time where lessons learned in the past, and current moments of chill, must collide.  Smoke sessions might not always be deep and powerful during this period, but they should be numerous.

By the end of July, you will be back to your normal rambunctious ways.  But perhaps lessons and experiences will transform your stoner self with gained maturity and progress.  As always, your cannabis copilot will be your guiding green light illuminating your progressive path.

Aries Stoner Horoscope June

Aries Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Aries with summer in full swing, you are fired up, roaring and ready to blaze full speed ahead. You are the fun-loving spirit who will say yes to almost any invitation for adventure.  The one who is down to join your partners in chronic on all of their endo-excursions. But proceed with caution this month.  The goal is to make the most of the long days and good weather, not to burn yourself out before you make it to July.  So, slow your roll stoner Aries, or at least try to pace yourself.  It is better to take a pause, toke a moment to think, and know what you’re getting into before you fully commit.

Stoner Aries, there are some of your coworkers that see your confidence as you being cocky; those who see your relentless persistence as showing off to the supervisors. Everyone is entitled to have their opinions, but it is up to you as to whether you take their words as insults or inspiration. You can waste your energy worrying about what the critics have to say, or you can choose to invest your efforts into constructive collaborations with your more ambitious peers. My rambunctious Ram, during June you may end up packing the peace pipe for one. A few stress relieving tokes will help you to stay grounded and keep your spirit high.  Keen well placed solo smoke sessions will help rise above the fray, and the naysayers.

Before you embark on outdoor expeditions this month, you should spend time exploring your own inner nature. Regardless of whether you prefer Indica or Sativa, maybe you smoke them all, now will be a good time to seek out cerebrally stimulating strains. There may not be any apparent issues that are troubling you right now, but medicated meditative sessions with the sacred herb can shine light on what is beneath the smokey vail. Perhaps there is an underlying tension with a close cannabis companion or a four-twenty friendly family member. Before you finalize any trips or plans with this person, light up and let go of any past grievances you might be holding onto. It is important you align your chakras, and find your own Zen first stoner Aries. Otherwise, when you do get together for your next smoke session, you risk puff puff passing bad vibes instead of kind buds.

Aries Stoner Horoscope May

Aries Stoner Horoscope May


Get ready stoner Aries, you’re about to make things happen!  May will begin with self-reflection and the rebirth of your determination. What will result is a sense of accomplishment felt throughout the month. Be sure to schedule regular meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb throughout the final Spring month.  Your cannabis prescription will favor the Sativa species of our sacred plant over Indica strains.  But be forewarned:  Self-restraint will be key; overindulgence will only make things more complicated than necessary.

My stoner Ram, the month of May will propel you into the project you’ve been seeking to finish, the job you’ve been striving to get, and the relationships you’ve been yearning to start. For significant periods you’re going to spend your time contemplating the truths and deeper meanings of all spheres of life. What’s troubling you stoner Aries? It’s high time you toke your way to relieving the struggles within you. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to inspect and cleanse the negative energy from your being. Pick which battles to fight, and release your spirit from the ones that are not going to serve you moving forward.

Stoner Aries, you’re going to crank your body and mind into full gear during the last half of May. This means lots of long days and late nights working to get ahead of that deadline, networking to make new contacts, and seeking new opportunities to get you and your career to the next level. No smoking during business hours my stoner Ram!  And stick to bright Sativa cannabis strains to avoid couch lock. It’s time to impress, make money, and take risks. If you’ve ever wanted to switch careers, RIGHT NOW is the time to do so. Doors are opening, and getting your foot in the industry that you’ve been eyeing is a realistic possibility this month. But take caution with internal conflict.  Manage your negative side stoner Aries. You are building a new life for yourself, and you want to enter this era with ethereal patience and emotional control.

My fiery and bold stoner Ram, don’t question yourself this month. You are enough. With the right mindset, and a stash jar filled with the sacred herb, May will bring a time of focus for your mind, and perseverance to your spirit. So go forth and change your world!

Aries Stoner Horoscope April

Aries Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Aries April looks to be a tale of two strains, marked by the New Moon on the 11th.  It is months like this we are reminded of the bipolar nature of the two most popular cannabis species.  Most importantly, how we can use them to curate our own sacred terrestrial experience.

The start of April finds your usually vibrant and excitable nature much more subdued and turned inward. This may be difficult for you my stoner Ram, but this time of self-reflection will help you get in touch with your intuition. Load the stash jar with a heavy hitting Indica, toke some time for yourself, and allow your mind to wander. With a bit of thoughtful meditation, and the help of some sweet Sinsemilla, you will likely encounter a few eureka moments during the first two weeks of the month.  All this introspective thought will be useful for when things start moving faster in the second half of April.

In contrast Stoner Aries, the pace of life will increase after the New Moon on the 11th.  This period beckons for extroversion, and time with your smoke circle companions.  So pack the travel piece with a bright sacred Sativa strain, grab the canna-crew, and head out for an endo-excursion.  A perfectly packed bowl or rolled joint of an energetic Sativa strain will give you and the ganja gang an extra boost of inspiration. Now is the time to do the things you’ve been planning during the early introspective stage of the month. Just remember, moderation is key this month my stoner Ram. It will be very tempting to go wild, but if you set your priorities straight, you’re sure to reap the rewards. There will be nothing that can stop you during this moon cycle as long as you’re putting in the work. There will be time and energy to do it all.  Stoner Aries make it a point to puff puff pass the inspiration you’ve found this month to your closest partners in chronic. They will appreciate the fresh bud and inspirational perspective.

Stoner Aries, be your own cannabis curator this month, and seek balance through the sacred herb. Use the right sacred tool for the right moment, and watch the blessings wash over you throughout April and beyond.

Aries Stoner Horoscope March

Aries Stoner Horoscope March


Happy early birthday stoner Aries! The universe will rain blessings of positivity in the first Spring month.  With a mindful third eye toward your sacred strain selections, an internal conversation with your inner voice, and a canna-collaborative attitude at work, progress and success are assured.

Stoner Aries March is offering you the perfect opportunity to delve deep into your sense of self, and your place, on our terrestrial plane. Load the stash jar with a balanced hybrid, toke some time with your feelings, and explore those things you’ve kept hidden from yourself. But be forewarned stoner Aries: Try not to let the smoke cloud your progress. Now is not the time to be self-defeating while in your introspective space. The cosmos is blessing you with some much needed confidence and courage to change things. Harness this energy my stoner Ram.

In the work sphere this month, channel your bravery, self-starting attitude, action-oriented perspective, and natural ability to lead. Stoner Aries, March is calling for you to put the contemplative efforts of the last few months into action. If possible, sit down with your corporate canna crew this month and puff puff pass inspiration. It’s time to get things done, so make sure to choose a light and bright Sativa dominant species this month within work focused smoke sessions. You’ll want to avoid couchlock at all costs, and instead use the sacred herb as a catalyst to put thoughts into action regarding your place within the economic machine. You have the power to create the perfect space within the daily grind; so get to it!

March will offer two different perspectives, stoner Ram. Personal moments of meditative smoke sessions will require a balanced hybrid to break up the busyness of the work sphere, while a Sativa dominant strain of the sacred herb within the economic machine will help you harness the innovative and original energy the cosmos is offering. Make sure smoke sessions are centered around open and honest communication with the canna-fam, as well as yourself. Stoner Aries, this unreserved sincerity will illuminate the path to peace and tranquility throughout March.

Aries Stoner Horoscope February

Aries Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Aries the Winter season will end with a focus on the future. Take solace in your canna-fam, and plenty of solo smoke sessions too. This month is going to find you in need of introspection, something that doesn’t necessarily come easy for you. A packed stash jar and self-analysis is necessary for growth my stoner Ram, but it won’t be helpful to choke on the things you feel you’ve done wrong. February is the month to break down those walls that you have put up against yourself.

Stoner Aries, everything related to your material possessions and money might feel like they are only barely trudging forward this month. However, remember that just like your favorite creeper cannabis strain, moving slowly is sometimes better than rushing ahead. The Full Moon falls on February 27th this month. Your natural search for perfection might be heightened during this time. It’s important my stoner Ram, to go easy on yourself, and use this Full Moon to remove excess from your life in areas of everyday work and service. Get your daily schedule in order, and you’ll feel altogether more in control.

Stoner Aries, you will feel empowered in areas relating to your partners in chronic. Use your forward-thinking attitude, and the energetic Sativa cannabis species, to empower your efforts in the personal sphere. Though I feel compelled to forewarn you my stoner Ram: Mercury is still moving retrograde until the 21st. The start of February may find you needing to reign in some of your usual tendencies to act on impulse. But fear not stoner Aries! The New Moon on February 11th will act as a breath of sweet herb-filled air. The New Moon event will offer an opportunity for a fresh start. Toke advantage of this energy to realign with what matters to you, and make plans for the future.

These cross winds of cosmic influence may cause some strain with your closest cannabis companions. If you find yourself being more irritable or grumpy than you are naturally, that’s perfectly okay; just remember to keep the stash jar full of that sweet sensimilla, and smoke your way to a cooler canna-head. With a little effort, and a packed bowl, you can manifest immense positivity on our terrestrial plane.

Aries Stoner Horoscope January

Aries Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Aries the January time period will be a slow steady burn throughout the month, with a kief topped bowl to finish.  But slow down my rambunctious Ram.  This month will be like that Atari video game Pitfall:  You will have to make solid choices which direction you go, and step carefully over dangerous traps.

Decisions decisions decisions stoner Aries.  The universe will present you with a plethora of social decisions in January.  That’s good right?  So many smoke circles to pass through, and lots of canna-buddies ready to roll.  However, you must be selective.  There will be forces at work behind the cosmic curtain that will grind you down if you make the wrong choices.  For single stoner Rams, it will be best to finish the days with close cannabis companions or members of the canna-fam.  For partnered stoner Rams the days should finish with your cannabis companion.  You should not charge down the party path like a wild animal.

Although the social smoke circle will be calling throughout the month, selectivity is paramount so that energy remains strong at work and at home.  This is not the month to burn the joint at both ends.  How does that even work anyways!?!  I strongly recommend a high CBD strain of the sacred herb to pack in your bowls this month.  Amid all the opportunities to hang and chill will be an underlying tension brought on through work stress and home-life anxiety.  The high CBD dominant cannabis strain will help maintain physical health while taking the edge off those potentially frayed nerves.

The month will build to a climax near the Full Moon of the 28th.  If you don’t maintain a sure path throughout the month, then the pressure filled climax could damage overall progress at work and at home.  But, these are not words of doom and gloom stoner Aries.  You got this.  Along with the sacred prescription for a high CBD strain, also build a solid physical regiment.  Perhaps some of the right choices in the video game of life will be targeted spots of rest and recuperation.  Maybe instead of that Tokin Tuesday smoke out, you can go home and chill with a solo sesh and a good movie like Bandersnatch.  In this choose-your-own-adventure, the ganja gang will be more than ready to take that healthy hike to that killer smoke spot on the weekend.

Aries Stoner Horoscope December

Aries Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Aries you have been burning hot all year. Being the first of the Fire signs, you are always down to ride, and ready to light one up. After another year of blazing trails, and countless stoney adventures, it’s time to slow your roll. This doesn’t mean you are coming to a complete stop, but rather, embracing a change of pace. The journey isn’t over, but the transition of one year to the next brings the realization that sometimes it’s okay to take the scenic route. So, during this holiday season my rough stoner Ram, remember to take time to smell, and smoke, the flowers. 

Stoner Aries the idea of slowing down might sound strange at first, but don’t fret. The workplace will be one outlet where you can channel all your excess energy. While home life may be more mellow than usual, you will have endless opportunities to express your creative undertakings on the clock. Your enthusiasm to get the job done, and get it done well, will help to inspire the rest of the team to keep the fires burning into the new year. But, when the job is done, don’t feel bad to take a breather. There’s no better reward for a job well done, than to settle down in your coziest smoke spot, and relax with a bowl of the sweet sensimilla.

As the month and year come to an end, it will be time to truly relax. Maybe you spend the holidays with a group of your partners in chronic, lighting up and laughing at all the hazy days gone by. Or perhaps you choose to share a bowl for two with your one and only cannabis companion, imagining the smokey days ahead. Use the down time to the fullest by celebrating both the highs and the lows, with those who mean the most. However you say goodbye to the past year, enjoy the peace while you can stoner Aries. Before you know it, 2021 will be here, and it will be time to get back to the grind.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Aries Stoner Horoscope December

Aries Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Aries you have been burning hot all year. Being the first of the Fire signs, you are always down to ride, and ready to light one up. After another year of blazing trails, and countless stoney adventures, it’s time to slow your roll. This doesn’t mean you are coming to a complete stop, but rather, embracing a change of pace. The journey isn’t over, but the transition of one year to the next brings the realization that sometimes it’s okay to take the scenic route. So, during this holiday season my rough stoner Ram, remember to take time to smell, and smoke, the flowers. 

Stoner Aries the idea of slowing down might sound strange at first, but don’t fret. The workplace will be one outlet where you can channel all your excess energy. While home life may be more mellow than usual, you will have endless opportunities to express your creative undertakings on the clock. Your enthusiasm to get the job done, and get it done well, will help to inspire the rest of the team to keep the fires burning into the new year. But, when the job is done, don’t feel bad to take a breather. There’s no better reward for a job well done, than to settle down in your coziest smoke spot, and relax with a bowl of the sweet sensimilla.

As the month and year come to an end, it will be time to truly relax. Maybe you spend the holidays with a group of your partners in chronic, lighting up and laughing at all the hazy days gone by. Or perhaps you choose to share a bowl for two with your one and only cannabis companion, imagining the smokey days ahead. Use the down time to the fullest by celebrating both the highs and the lows, with those who mean the most. However you say goodbye to the past year, enjoy the peace while you can stoner Aries. Before you know it, 2021 will be here, and it will be time to get back to the grind.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Aries Stoner Horoscope November

Aries Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Aries, if last month was like Float On by Modest Mouse, November will be like I Want to Break Free by Queen.  Now is the time to take the reins of your destiny.  Now is the time for self empowerment.

Ok stoner Ram, let’s take a quick smoke break before we charge head first into the great void.  After all, there is no point in charging forward with no direction or destination in mind.  Within the first trimester of November, toke time for a medicated meditative solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  Lamb’s Bread or Granddaddy Purple are perfect strains for this meditative exercise.  Focus deep within stoner Aries.  Find your center, and thus your direction will be revealed.  

The final two trimesters of November will be all about action more so than contemplation.  With your direction attained, now you can put your horns down and charge ahead.  For optimal success my fierce Ram, you must engage your third eye on this path forward.  The nice thing about floating with the universal currents is the safety in letting go.  The November path guided by your own momentum could be more treacherous.  Once again you may find assistance with specific cannabis strains.  Keep the stash jar loaded with Sour Diesel and or Green Crack for your executive adventures in November.  With these cannabis strains as your herbal assistant, your third eye sight will help root out the traps and pitfalls of your chosen path.

Stoner Aries, I have one strong note to pass for this sacred vision quest in the transition from Fall to Winter.  It may be out of season, but you must take time to plant seeds for the future during your hard charge forward in November.  Once again, your keen herbally enhanced third eye should spot the opportunities.  The seeds you plant now for success in both the work and personal spheres, will bear fruit in later time periods.  Break free stoner Aries!  Guide yourself toward positivity!

Aries Stoner Horoscope October

Aries Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Aries you will grow like a pumpkin in October.  While others may be stuck in the frigidity of the second Fall month, you will be supported by a warm cosmic breeze.  With the sacred herb as your terrestrial guide, love and progress are assured.

Action is required right away in October!  The Full Moon on the 1st marks an opportunity to seize the cosmic reigns of your own stelar mission.  Find personal time near the Full Moon for a solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  The strain does not matter.  Your meditative mission on this smoke out will be to prepare yourself for the month ahead.  Support from the planetary alignment will be strongest for a stoner Ram that is nimble, and can float with the cosmic current.  This solo medicated meditative exercise will balance the chakras, and prepare your mental state for flexibility in solving problems and connecting with cannabis companions.

Stoner Aries there is more than one way to trim bud.  More than one way to roll a joint.  As you flow through the October time period, use the sacred herb to maintain a higher perspective.  From this enhanced perspective, obstacles and problems will be easier solved and overcome.  Keep these solution oriented smoke sessions light.  A little dab will do yah.  There is great power in the sacred herb; even the lightest touch can bring great impact.

Stoner Aries this is a great time to maintain and repair your cannabis community connection.  Family and close cannabis companions aren’t gone, they just haven’t been in your view for some time.  October presents a fantastic opportunity to reach out, and touch a long lost loved one.  Toke time to find a safe space to inhale the sacred herb and make the connection.  There is great power in this action, but it requires you to take the first step.  With the sacred herb as your canna-copilot, love and progress can be harvested from all spheres of life.

Aries Stoner Horoscope September

Aries Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Aries, while you watch others frantically try to squeeze in a last minute road trip, or a stay-cation before autumn arrives, you welcome September contentedly.  The stoner Ram knows that they made the most out of every hot and hazy day of Summer.  But, the good times don’t have to end Stoner Aries!  It may not be at the same fiery pace you maintained in August, but you can continue your stoney adventures at a slow and steady burn, far into the fall season.  The secret to maintaining your groove will be to keep a balanced budget regarding both your finances, and your spiritual energy.  You might always be ready to hike to an elevated smoke spot, or to take a ride with your partners-in-chronic to enjoy cannabis on the coast.  But be forewarned:  You won’t get very far unless you have enough green to put gas in the tank, and enough left in your stash to toke up when you finally arrive.  

Stoner Aries the workplace will be a time of great accomplishment and advancement, as long as you are able to avoid butting heads with coworkers.  Even if you are in a leadership position, remember you are still one of the team.  Not everyone will always like the tasks they are assigned, but instead of reprimanding skeptics, redirect them.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to illuminate the vision of the big picture, and help everyone to see the impact of individual contributions.  But, keep in mind that communication is a two-way street stoner Aries.  Just because someone’s idea seems half-baked, or was not part of the original action plan, doesn’t mean it’s not worth hearing.  Your most important job is to promote peace, progress and innovation.  If the team is able to puff puff pass on the dramatics, productivity will reach record highs.  

September is here and it’s time to clear your head.  It’s always recommended you keep the stash jar full, and the air hazy stoner Aries!  But there may be a fog that has been hanging over your head.  Perhaps there is uncertainty that has been holding you back from taking your relationships to the next level.  While it is true that cannabis can help you expand your mind, it can also be a catalyst in strengthening connections with your partners-in-chronic.  So embrace the sacred herb stoner Aries.  Light one up and let go of fear.  You may be surprised to find that it was all in your head all along, and the canna crew has been waiting for you to rejoin the smoke circle.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Aries Stoner Horoscope August

August finds the stoner Aries feeling themselves, cruising along in an above average groove that can be expected to flow throughout the entirety of the month.  As the first of the stoner Zodiac, you will ultimately have executive decision making authority as to how the smokey scenes play out during the cannabis infused chapters of your Summer.  Although you may find yourself at the helm, commander of your cosmic space cruiser, understand that the journey will be much more memorable with a trusted partner-in-chronic sitting shotgun!  A trusted co-pilot can mean the difference between smokin’ solo, or having someone to puff puff pass with when you need to pause, and pack a bowl, at a crucial crossroad.  In other words, they can be the canna-confidant who talks, and tokes, with you before you pick which path you hope leads to greener pastures. 

Stoner Aries while it can be helpful and lucrative to keep the long-game in mind, don’t plan out your calendar for work too far in advance this month.  Circumstances are subject to, and are likely to, change.  Your most valuable asset in your sacred tool chest during this season will be flexibility.  Even the most well-rolled joint can tear and run unexpectedly.  These stoner boner tears may also affect projects you were certain were a surefire win.  Don’t panic stoner Aries!  Assess, adapt, and apply the new approaches necessary to get the job done.  Use the sacred herb to enhance your elevated third eye vision.  As long as you are learning as you go, you can turn setbacks into new skills, and reimagine obstacles as opportunities, to advance toward higher levels of achievement.  You can’t always avoid the possibility of the stash having a couple seeds in it, but you may be pleasantly surprised by what may grow if you plant them.

When it comes to recreation and relationships, the stars have aligned to deliver the stoner Aries the greatest good vibes of the season.  The only way drama will find you my irrepressible Ram, is if you go looking for it.  Keep puffing and passing to those you already consider to be a part of your most inner smoke circle.  You can count on any ill will, or unwanted negativity, to get lost in the haze.  Stick with your trustworthy tokin’ terrestrial astronauts, and your tried-and-true cannabis strains stoner Aries, and you are sure to keep your spirit high all Summer.

Aries Stoner Horoscope August

August finds the stoner Aries feeling themselves, cruising along in an above average groove that can be expected to flow throughout the entirety of the month.  As the first of the stoner Zodiac, you will ultimately have executive decision making authority as to how the smokey scenes play out during the cannabis infused chapters of your Summer.  Although you may find yourself at the helm, commander of your cosmic space cruiser, understand that the journey will be much more memorable with a trusted partner-in-chronic sitting shotgun!  A trusted co-pilot can mean the difference between smokin’ solo, or having someone to puff puff pass with when you need to pause, and pack a bowl, at a crucial crossroad.  In other words, they can be the canna-confidant who talks, and tokes, with you before you pick which path you hope leads to greener pastures. 

Stoner Aries while it can be helpful and lucrative to keep the long-game in mind, don’t plan out your calendar for work too far in advance this month.  Circumstances are subject to, and are likely to, change.  Your most valuable asset in your sacred tool chest during this season will be flexibility.  Even the most well-rolled joint can tear and run unexpectedly.  These stoner boner tears may also affect projects you were certain were a surefire win.  Don’t panic stoner Aries!  Assess, adapt, and apply the new approaches necessary to get the job done.  Use the sacred herb to enhance your elevated third eye vision.  As long as you are learning as you go, you can turn setbacks into new skills, and reimagine obstacles as opportunities, to advance toward higher levels of achievement.  You can’t always avoid the possibility of the stash having a couple seeds in it, but you may be pleasantly surprised by what may grow if you plant them.

When it comes to recreation and relationships, the stars have aligned to deliver the stoner Aries the greatest good vibes of the season.  The only way drama will find you my irrepressible Ram, is if you go looking for it.  Keep puffing and passing to those you already consider to be a part of your most inner smoke circle.  You can count on any ill will, or unwanted negativity, to get lost in the haze.  Stick with your trustworthy tokin’ terrestrial astronauts, and your tried-and-true cannabis strains stoner Aries, and you are sure to keep your spirit high all Summer.

Aries Stoner Horoscope July

Aries Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Aries you will begin the summer feeling as fiery as ever!  You are still experiencing the afterglow of a sweetly successful June, and you are ready for more!  After the first week you may notice these feelings of satisfaction dim, but don’t worry.  It would be unreasonable to maintain such a fervent sprint for the entire month.  Instead, find a more sustainable pace, and move through July at a steady slow-burn.  You’re playing the long-game stoner Aries.  Budget your efforts, and energy, so you can keep the good vibes flowing until Fall.  

There will always be the urge to second guess, to reexamine recently completed projects, and notice something you could have done better.  Don’t dwell on what could have been done differently stoner Aries; instead use lessons learned to improve the outcomes of future endeavors.  And remember, not all work is done on the clock.  Brainstorm with a fresh bowl at home. Seeking herbal inspiration during downtime could be the secret sauce for success at work.  While there are times to smoke in order to find solid ground, this season, cannabis will help to catapult you to a higher vantage point.  From this ten thousand foot view, you will be able to better see the bigger picture, and easily avoid obstacles down the road.  Your coworkers will look to you for guidance during this period my stout stoner Ram.  You are more than able to lead them, as long as you are willing to rise to the occasion.

Stoner Aries this month you can expect to accrue a great deal of social capital as a result of your own elevated spirit. Take advantage of this by making time to recreate with your fellow cannabis connoisseurs.  Whether it is in your own backyard, or against the backdrop of a majestic mountain landscape, toke good and toke often.  But, don’t worry about how big your smoke circle is, only how smoke-filled your days are.  When it comes to the greens you puff, and the people you pass them too, always aim for higher quality, not quantity. 

Aries Stoner Horoscope June

Aries Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Aries sometimes we plant seeds, envisioning only the bountiful crop that is sure to come.  We forget all the work that it takes to nurture those tiny saplings into full-grown, flowering beauties.  Take off those rose colored glasses, the world will soon be bright enough.  This does not mean you should lower your expectations, or have more modest goals.  As long as you remember there is plenty of weeding and pruning to be done, and are willing to get your hands dirty, you will see all of your aspirations manifest into tangible results.  Remain humble and stay diligent stoner Aries.  As you find your groove in the latter half of the month, it will be easy to forget the rough patches from the first weeks of June.  While you watch your efforts grow into healthy and hearty results, remember there is still much work to be done.  

Stoner Aries the best strategy in the workplace this month will be continual and concerted cooperation.  You may be the stoner Ram with the plan, but it will take many hands to turn your ideas into reality.  Even if you are elected project leader, do not ignore the opinions of your peers.  Career advancement will be directly correlated to your ability to balance work and home events.  While it is crucial to stay on the grind when you’re on the job, it will be equally important to slow the burn when you’re off the clock.  Use personal time to cloud the room, and clear your mind.  Whether you prefer Indica or Sativa, you may find some of your best creative thinking happens in the company of the sacred herb. Take notes with the marijuana tokes stoner Aries! We all have those smoke-inspired epiphanies and realizations.  The true test for manifestation of such enlightened ideas is being able to remember them later.  

Are you ready stoner Aries?  Summer is almost here, and the weather is not the only thing heating up.  With the long days, long standing relationships between cannabis companions and fellow tokers will be taken to a higher level.  The secret to strengthening these bonds will be sharing all the delights and challenges equally.  Share the burdens, and the sticky buds alike.  Invite the canna-fam to enjoy in your many endo-excursions, and maybe even help you burn through your extra special stash.  Together you can put the bright days of June to good use:  Finding secret secluded smoke spots, creating your favorite cannabis recipes, and making lasting memories during this herbally infused month. 

Aries Stoner Horoscope May

Aries Stoner Horoscope May


The temperature is rising and so is your outlook stoner Aries.  Overall, optimism will rise throughout the month.  Of course not every day will be sunshine and rainbows, but the cosmic forecast is promising.  Your positivity will attract those who cross your path, and you will be in the unique position to share the good vibes.  During the first week, make sure you toke time to burn one down by yourself.  These moments of meditating, and medicating, without external distractions, will be the time to get grounded stoner Aries.  Find your center, align your chakras, and prepare for the quickly approaching summer!  Sometimes the best way to clear the mind is by getting the room a little hazy.  When the smoke clears, your mindset will be even brighter, and your spirit ever the higher.  

Stoner Aries the work crew may be feeling the wear and tear of a long and draining period.  But, remember who your peers are; you are all working toward a common goal, and the team should remember, a win for one is a win for all.  After an uphill start in the beginning, by mid month, the team will be back to performing like a well rolled joint:  Burning full steam ahead like two nugs in the same bowl.  Keep this in mind throughout the remainder of the May work calendar.  The stoner Aries who are fortunate enough to get to blaze with their coworkers will find a mellow, yet motivated mood prevailing in the second half of the month.  Those who do not get to toke with the team will still find their spirits uplifted by the sacred herb during their time off the clock.

It is important this May to remember one thing stoner Aries:  Words matter!  Not only what you say, but how you choose to say it when expressing yourself.  Be open and honest with your partner-in-chronic, and close cannabis companions.  When you speak, they will take to heart your message.  Similarly, during this period, you equally need to be an active and empathetic listener.  If communication hits a roadblock, find the trusted peace pipe, light one up, and meet your cannabis companions on a higher level.  It will always be easier to see eye to eye when everyone has an elevated vantage point.  

Aries Stoner Horoscope April

Aries Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Aries there will be cosmic blessings in April, but they may come with growing pains.  The universal influence will bring winds of change as you embark on a process of rebirth. However, this personal growth will come with emotional trials.  As you shed your former skin, and renew your self confident spirit, the journey may be difficult. But the greatest rewards don’t come without great effort.

Often we speak of universal influence as if we are not in control of our destiny.  However, the planets are merely a partner in your great adventure on the terrestrial plane.  Toke time early in the month to medicate and meditate with the sacred herb. A deep solo smoke session is required to delve into the concept of forgiveness.  You see, often we hold ourselves back from great personal growth by holding on to disappointments or injuries of the past. If they are not confronted, they can ride with us like a backpack of emotional weight.  This month holds a great opportunity to shed yourself of this weighty backpack stoner Aries. Granddaddy Purple or Lamb’s Bread will work perfect for this deep meditative dive. Relax stoner Aries, inhale the sacred herb and open up that backpack.  Put the emotional weight of past transgressions down forever. Forgive yourself, or you will never stop blaming yourself. Leave the weight of history behind.

Pursuit of a love interest should wait until after the cloudy exercise of emptying your backpack is complete.  But, be ready for magic once you complete your emotional task stoner Aries. If all goes well with your deep medicated meditative dive with the sacred herb, you will come out feeling like a new you.  Pump up the jam. Embrace that new confident stride. All eyes will be on you. Be sure to take the new you for a spin with some smoke circle acquaintances and the canna-crew in the second half of the month.  The deep contemplation will be over, and the puff puff parties will be plentiful. Be sure to practice safe toking stoner Aries. 

Aries Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Aries, this may seem trite, but the first month of Spring is the perfect time to clean out the clutter of the past, and move forward with fresh planting.  The clutter remaining from previous periods must go: Both emotional and physical. This isn’t just a fortune cookie phrase told a million times; the current planetary alignment supports tossing out old plans and starting from scratch.

But before you jump off the cliff and abandon everything from the past, toke time to contemplate your action.  Yes, there is cosmic support to a thorough cleansing, but sometimes the interpretation of cosmic influence requires its own interpretation.  Ah yes, a deep third eye vision inspired by the sacred herb. At the heart of this note of Spring cleaning, or cleansing, is assessment. March is the perfect time to take deep tokes of the marijuana smoke, and assess where you are at in your inner progress, and where you are at on the terrestrial plane.  In other words, take time to look at the bath water before you throw it out, there might be a baby in there!

Be forewarned stoner Aries:  These notes of assessment and emotional closet cleaning come quickly in March.  You must make your deep medicated meditative dive with the sacred herb before the 9th!  The Full Moon of the 9th marks an important date on your personal calendar. Assessments must be made before that date, or a bit of closet chaos may ensue.  But, if you are prepared my sturdy stoner Ram, then this date will mark the point of fresh beginnings. With the emotional and physical clutter assessed and analyzed before the 9th, a clear plan and fresh direction will take shape after the 9th.

Here is the wonderful message contained within this horoscope:  With your closets clean, bountiful opportunity opens as the Spring flowers bloom.  March sets up to be a spectacular month as long as you take care of cleaning requirements.  By mid month there will be no restrictions on sacred strains, physical direction, or emotional opportunity.  This will definitely be the time to plant those fresh sacred seeds of inspiration for future harvest.

Aries Stoner Horoscope February

Aries Stoner Horoscope February


The February period may be cool and damp, but the stoner Aries will be on fire.  Burning brightly, the fiery Ram will be a beacon of light for their fellow stoner zodiac.  This month fellow tokin’ terrestrials might find themselves wandering in the dark. This doesn’t mean you should neglect your personal well being, simply be ready to help when you can. And know that a little will go a long way this month.  An old saying goes, “We get by with a little help from our friends.” And you can be a friend indeed this month! The one with weed who can help elevate others’ perspectives to higher levels. From this vantage point, issues seem smaller and more easily manageable.

Stoner Aries everyone knows that sharing is caring.  You will be in no short supply of empathy this month.  But, be mindful of the toll it can take on your spirit and energy.  This will be especially crucial in the workplace. You may adopt a leadership role in the coming weeks, but maintaining balance will be essential to the success for everyone involved.  There is a big difference between guiding the crew or offering a helping hand, and just doing everything yourself. In other words: It shows kindness and caring to pack a bowl for two, but becomes pointless if you don’t pass it around.  As long as you keep this in mind, you will be a catalyst for success and not a constraint to progress.

The home front will be a little less demanding stoner Aries.  Certainly you will find cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances who will look to you to be an open ear and sounding board.  Perhaps this will require you to be a secretive cannabis confidant. The best advice, stoner Aries, is to be honest with your words. Know they will not always be taken to heart. Sometimes the best way to help is simply by being willing to listen, and to light one up when needed.  Just be sure to honor confidentiality within the smoke circle. Personal satisfaction will be gained this month by playing the part of the partner-in-chronic. Be the rock to those who need grounding, and the inspiration to those who need lifting.

Aries Stoner Horoscope January

Aries Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Aries I told you about the new race beginning in December, January will be a continuation of this track and field excursion.  Or perhaps for you it may be more of gunny-sack hop. Just like that comedic summer family reunion or summer camp farce, there will be tons of events for you to participate in.  But instead of the egg toss and three legged race, maybe your personal track and field events will be bowl matching and smoke spot hunting.

Others might be catching up stoner Aries.  You got a fresh start in a new cycle last month.  Now, other stoner star signs will start to acknowledge a new phase of their own.  This gives you an upper hand with any conflicts. You are already warmed up and ready for battle.  If there are any long standing grievances held within the smoke circle, be sure to smoke them out early in the month.  One caveat being if your grievance is with a fellow tokin’ Aries: Watch out! They might be just as ready to throw bows as well as bowls.

Within the work sphere it might be best to save the fighting for internal battles.  There will be a natural inclination to lash out at perceived slights and injustices within the work environment.  Puff puff pass on the retribution at work stoner Aries. Seek the calm wisdom of the sacred herb to analyze your place within the workplace dynamic.  There may be a well founded grievance with a coworker or employer, but are you doing all that you can do to make yourself an invaluable asset to the company or team?  Remember stoner Aries, the goal is to be indispensable, not dramatic. As you seek out and fight the characteristics you wish to change, do not avoid the positives that are plain to see.  Medicate with the sacred herb and remember to give yourself praise and love mixed in with the honest criticism.

Aries Stoner Horoscope December

Aries Stoner Horoscope December

What a long strange trip it’s been stoner Aries.  2019 has been a year of tests, trials, and triumphs.  You may feel like an exhaustive race is near the end with the finish line in sight.  Breathe deep, inhale the perspective expanding magic of the sacred herb, and see with your third eye vision that the race is far from over.  Perhaps December should be viewed as the beginning of a new race, and all that work and effort in the past was merely preparation. Ah yes, isn’t that just the way our cosmic simulation is set-up:  A constant realization of catch 22 or circular logic.

Before you put your jogging shoes back on, know that the work sphere may be more calm than previous periods.  Obstacles and obstructions will fall with ease. But instead of sitting back to recognize your accomplishments with generous self adulatory pats on the back, use these calm cosmic moments to work on your expertise within your field.  Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate how you can grow in your position under your own momentum.  

It is within the personal sphere where the hard work lies in December.  And similar to the work sphere, tasks must be performed with self motivated impetus.  Matters of love and smoke circle relationships have presented many challenges this year.  No matter your relationship status, this truth for all stoner Aries must be analyzed and contemplated.  This may be contrary to your happy-go-lucky direct in-the-moment tact, but progress requires internal growth stoner Aries.  This change-up of ingrained traits will be most effective with a change-up of herbal assistance. Two stash jars will be required in December; one with a dank Indica strain, and the other with an airy Sativa.  Find moments to steal away on a cold night with a blanket for warmth, and a bowl of Indica for deep contemplation. Seek internal truth and understanding on your personal actions, and your personal desires. Have those two things matched in your quest for companionship this year?  Switch to the stoney stash of Sativa for public moments with the smoke circle. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to enact the plan stemming from the contemplated merger of want and desire.

It could be, all that was missing this year was contemplative thought with yourself to align your path with internal direction.  Wow, imagine how much love you can share and receive with your traditional happy-go-lucky traits once you’ve found the correct course.

Aries Stoner Horoscope November

Aries Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Aries the final Fall month will end with a bomb cyclone of turbulent cosmic energy. Thankfully this powerful surge of storm clouds won’t hit your astrological house, but you must prepare for emergency procedures nonetheless. Fear not my stoner Ram, there will be a clear path to safety, even if danger surrounds you.

The path forward in November will come from within stoner Aries. Universal influence may consume cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances with dramatics and conflict. Even though this planetary ire will not be directed at the stoner Ram, the impact of these negative storm clouds will surely affect them. The clear path moving forward will be mapped out within the essence of the sacred herb. The kind nature and chill impact of the sacred herb will assist in conflict resolution and anger management.

Chill stoner Aries. Puff puff pass on the conflict. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to awaken the third eye. See through dramatic situations that may come from all angles in November. Combust the inherent empathy contained within the sacred herb. Part of conflict resolution is conflict avoidance. Use an empathetic third eye vision to understand the conflicts approaching aren’t about, or connected, to you. This way, you may be able to turn a potential conflict into a helping hand for a cannabis companion. Be the chill friend and kind bub your cannabis cohorts need.

Seek the kind nature of the sacred herb within burnt bowls this month. Kindness is a fundamental key to combating this difficult time. There will be moments of anger stoner Aries, but you control the level of your aggression. Sink deep into the sacred herb and extract a calm kindness. Rise high above the terrestrial plane to see these moments of frustration and anger are temporary. Puff puff pass on the immediacy of charged moments.

The Ram brings visions of physical power. This month, with a sacred herbal assistant, conjure up a more metaphysical power of positivity to enhance and heal struggling members of the smoke circle. All the positive power is within you stoner Aries.

Aries Stoner Horoscope October

Aries Stoner Horoscope October


Usually known for blazin’ trails and burnin’ blunts, a leader in the stoner Zodiac, the stoner Aries can anticipate a more lighthearted period with their fellow tokin’ terrestrials. After the steady grind of a busy summer season, this may be a welcomed change of pace. Use meditative moments to ‘keep it real’ stoner Aries. Toke time to look inward, align those chakras, and find your zen. This will be the best way to keep it real with yourself, and keep it one hundred with the rest of your partners-in-chronic.

We cosmic travelers can all be moody creatures, especially during the changing of the seasons. The days are getting colder, and the sunlight fades sooner; these conditions can often entice us to burrow at home and resign ourselves to the confines of the couch. Not the stoner Aries! They can always find a way to cheer themselves up, or trick themselves into a better mood during moments tainted by internal negativity.

In October, it will be important to quickly address any negative moods, and deal with them head on. While it can be a tedious task, sometimes you just have to pick out the seeds and stems to get the greens to smoke a little better. You have it within your power to take a schwaggy situation and make it better. Lessons can be learned from facing adversity versus pushing it aside. Classic strains like Jack Herer and Purple Haze can help elevate mood, and inspire the creativity needed to suck it up, smoke one down, and get the job done.

Stoner Aries can be prone to questioning their own instincts. In the spirit of keeping it real, additional effort will be needed to dial-in the frequency of their third eye. Connectivity with the inner voice can be problematic. Fortunately, tokin their favorite fragrant strain, or ‘smokin that loud,’ can help tune out terrestrial noise; and amplify the airwaves of internal communication. Whether additional time is dedicated to solo meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb, the greatest growth and understanding will come from puff puff and passing time within the communal smoke circle.

At the end of the workday, it will be up to the stoner Aries to keep things fresh. A smooth ride can become complacent and boring if the scenery never changes. Find creativity within the workplace. Seeking insight with the sweet sensimilla can help expand the mind, and make it easier to view work dynamics from a new perspective. Formerly daunting to-dos will suddenly seem like a drop in the bucket when they are seen from a new, higher vantage point.

Nobody Glass Pipes

Aries Stoner Horoscope September

Aries Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Aries how hard is your hustle? How good is your grind? The month of September will be all about realizing the true extent of your grit. There will always be an endless to-do list. It is up to you to search out the challenging projects that bring the desired sense of satisfaction. You are not one who is quick to choose the easy way out, but you can also lose interest if a task does not provoke a certain cerebral stimulation. The goal will be to find the proper balance between getting stuff done, and stoking your curiosities.

This season there will be times where you puff puff pass on sharing the grass with others; Instead toking time to puff puff by yourself. Fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts might take this as a slight. Be sure to make clear that there are no hard feelings. It will be up to you to carve out time for solo smoke sessions to tend to the soul and connect with your inner spirit. Sometimes the best way to prepare for external pressure is to turn your attention inward. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to ease the pressure of the terrestrial world. Cannabis concentrations will help you reconnect with the inner self, and prepare you to be a better bud.

Stoner Aries September is a great month to work out old kinks in familial relationships. Just like a good purveyor of the sticky sensimilla, sometimes you need to pick out the seeds and stems. Smoldering bowls of conflict must be extinguished as they flare up. As daunting as it first may sound, it will be prime time to air grievances and settle past beefs. The peace pipe is precisely for these situations. While everyone should be allowed to express their side of the issue, it will be the shared stoney experience that enables all involved to meet on common ground, and rise above the haze of conflict.

Once you have cleared the air, you will enjoy more lighthearted evenings with your smoke circle. With everyone in higher spirits, you will be able to gather peacefully around the campfire and contemplate the cosmic conundrums that riddle us all. While the days may grow shorter, adventures will be in no short supply. As it happens, a little birdie told me the first month of Fall is the new fourth month of summer. Keep those bowls packed and the fire burning stoner Aries.

Smokin Js Anniversary

Aries Stoner Horoscope August

Aries Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Aries push hesitancy aside, and dispose of all reservations. This is the season of the Fire Sign! The universe will send a kick of energy and confidence your way in the final month of summer. While stress is likely, success is even more certain. You can expect to make great strides in the things that may bring you the most trepidation. Strive for success stoner Aries, not speed. There will be plenty of wins that come with great ease, but you should be prepared to go in hard with a steady grind. August is all about achieving balance: Push for fun accomplishments early in the month, but be willing to work toward more practical and humble goals toward the end of the month.

The sacred herbal prescription for August is a balanced hybrid. The month will be comprised of many ups, but how you react to the downs will be crucial. Balance could be the key between substantial success, and missing your mark. Operating outside of your comfort zone is exhilarating, but at the same time it can produce an aura of anxiety. The Sativa side of things will help you settle into a succinct groove, handling business and checking off that to-do list. And the Indica influences will help flip those pangs of anxiety into feelings of well-being. The balanced result will turn the negative energy into positive action.

Be forewarned stoner Aries: Proceed with caution when playing with fellow terrestrial astronauts. A bold cosmic wind could bring out more from you than your smoke circle is ready for. While they might be surprised, your response to their surprise will be the deciding factor. It is up to you stoner Aries, whether you proceed with a hot head, or play it cool. If needed, take a time out for a solo smoke sesh. Puff, puff, pass the time reflecting on where you’re at, and where you want to go.

Seek a progressive smoke session with the sacred herb early in the month while confidence is high. There will be many adventures and distractions that keep you from this task, but this is the most optimal time to take a deep meditative dive into yourself. Seek inner understanding and alignment of your chakras. With this session, success in August will be more likely, and more impactful toward long term progress.

Aries Stoner Horoscope July 2019

Aries Stoner Horoscope July 2019


Stoner Aries the second summer month will be a time of doing! The current planetary alignment will support, and almost require, a frenetic pace. Leave the full bodied Indica strains in the stash box. Sativa strains and Sativa dominant hybrids will be the sacred prescription for July.

Doing, not spending, stoner Aries. The terrestrial missions and project fulfillment of July must be accomplished with hard work or acute intellect, not through monetary spending. Too many times terrestrial astronauts assign accomplishment to material assets. The universal support this month is more about internal progress and task management than material trinkets. However, there is nothing holding you back from increased earnings during this energetic month.

Toke time early in the month to fly high above the terrestrial plane on a medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb. From these medicated highs, the stoner Aries will be able to see life in context from a broader perspective. Think of this meditative moment as a tool for organizing the frenetic energy toward internal progress. Aligning bountiful opportunities with internal desire will help take the edge off the frenetic pace, and illuminate the desired pathway. Opportunities will be abundant in July. Take on as many as possible. Success will be assured with a contemplative plan of action, and organized methodology of progress.

Before the month concludes, toke time for another deep medicated meditative dive with the sacred herb. This meditative smoke session will act as a book end to a crazy busy period. Seek insight into how the actions of the month related to internal desires. Now, instead of flying high above the terrestrial plane, sink deep into yourself for connected analysis. An Indica strain can be applied for this meditative download. This final action of July could lead to breakthroughs for future time periods.

Burn one for me you delightful busy bee.

Aries Stoner Horoscope June 2019

Aries Stoner Horoscope June 2019


Stoner Aries the month of June is a mixed bag of sacred herb. A bit of swag with a bit of kind bud. As with the usual mantra of life, the blessings of June will be what you make of your mixed bag.

The work sphere has immense potential this month. However, there will be no safe space for your cannabis enthusiasm in the workplace. Be mindful to keep a clear line of separation with workplace activities and smoke circle enjoyment. It is also true that you will need to view business activities with clear eyes. Any smoke clouds at work could obscure and hide necessary tasks. All diligent efforts in the business sphere will pay off by the end of the June time period. Attack stoner Aries! With clear sight and a motivated heart, attack your work responsibilities with vigor.

After the work day is complete, blow off steam with sweet sacred greens. Try to find an Indica dominate hybrid strain for the after work parties. Enlist the support of your cannabis cohorts. The sacred herb is best enjoyed in a circle with your best buds. Be forewarned stoner Aries: The clear line of work and cannabis includes the smoke circle. Your recuperative smoke sessions should be with cannabis companions, not work buds.

The planets have aligned in June to assist the stoner Aries on a mission for self improvement. Cardio workouts are always good for your cosmic spacesuit, but you need to strive for more during this period. Attention to the physical condition of your cosmic spacesuit is important and necessary, but time and energy must be given to the emotional soul inside the physical suit. Find a way to workout among your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Seek recuperative enjoyment from your physical exercise. This will differ from one stoner Aries to another, but toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate your passionate personal desires. These efforts will harden your space suit and brighten your soul.

Aries Stoner Horoscope May 2019

Aries Stoner Horoscope May 2019


Stoner Aries it’s always a fine idea to puff, puff, pass. But, if you’re honest with yourself, you may have been passing on necessary tasks a little too much lately. Now the pressure is building from across the circle to accomplish the polite pass. Obstacles and problems put off in past periods will come to a head in May. While is safe to say your current situation is self-inflicted, don’t beat yourself up too much. Now you must be more selective when it comes to whether a particular circumstance suggests you light one up and mellow out, or requires you to put down the pipe and get down to the grind. It would be too much to say the month will be marred by confrontation, instead you should expect your calendar to be filled with conflict resolution.

This month the level of your achievements will be straight fire as you catch up for past transgressions, and burn through those lingering obstacles. Amidst all the movement, remember to keep your chill stoner Aries. Some obstacles will be leaped over with a single bound, others may require additional elbow grease, and more imaginative problem solving. No matter the amount of effort, or size of the obstacle, May will be the month to advance past these pesky problems; and plant the seeds for future progress. This is a great period to work with a new coalition of cannabis collaborators. Rely upon your fellow gardeners of the earth, and work to grow something long lasting and beautiful.

Regardless of external forces, considerable contemplation must be paid to the social sphere. Perhaps it’s time to take your relationship to the next level. This may mean many things:
– An acquaintance becomes a friend.
– A friend becomes a confidant.
– A romantic interest becomes your one and only cannabis companion.
Be gentle and be deliberate. Do not rush or force growth where it does not occur organically. Look inward stoner Aries! Invoke the intuitive third eye through meditations with the sacred herb. Trust that with proper contemplation and herbal consultation, you will realize what path you must travel. Be confident in the final destination stoner Aries! You may very well come to the conclusion to say ‘Let’s do this.’ It is also possible you decide to part ways with that special sensimilla someone. Handle the business you need to handle, and you will have more time to wander towards what it is you want.

Aries Stoner Horoscope April 2019

Aries Stoner Horoscope April 2019


Stoner Aries the obstacles of last month have been demolished, and the rain has washed the debris away. The clouds have cleared to a brilliant display as the sun peaks. This all warming your life with a soothing cosmic influence in the second month of Spring. Deep contemplation of terrestrial concerns are in the past. Now you may feel a strange sensation, a deep internal pull to take to the sky. All paths are clear for takeoff. April is a time to live for the now, embrace the present, and toke time to appreciate the blessings of life.

April will be a very personal month for the stoner Aries. In this time you could be likened to a larva that emerges from their cocoon as a beautiful butterfly. Now is the time for this beautiful transformation. Through this process, one big deep meditative dive with the sacred herb won’t do it. Instead, toke time for several solo journeys with the sacred herb throughout the month. Seek depth and solace on your personal journey. Contemplate how you fit among your fellow terrestrial astronauts in this puzzle that is life. Answers and understanding will be found if you toke to the time to allow your inner self to speak and guide you.

Ah stoner Aries, unfortunately April cannot only be deep sea diving with your soul. The work of the day must be done. Cosmic influences have blessed you with a straight forward path in the work sphere. Be diligent, take care of the to-do list, and no harm or drama should come from your work sphere.

If you are ready to emerge from your cocoon, April could very well be a great period of transformation. This will be the time you look back on as a seminal moment of self discovery and personal progress. A deeper dive into the inner you could lead to a higher progression in the physical world. Examination of yourself could not only lead to inner understanding, but also contentment with those around you, and thus peace.

Aries Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Aries Stoner Horoscope March 2019


Stoner Aries the first month of Spring will bring fresh challenges to your mental and physical space. Ah, but fear not my cannabis warrior, all fresh obstacles will clear new pathways to progress. Even when the weight of the world seems to bring unbearable pressure, keep in mind: There are no challenges you can’t overcome. Even the most ominous challenges lurking on the horizon can be successfully thwarted with confidence in self, and a plan of action.

Early in the month toke time with the sacred herb for a medicated meditative smoke session. The species or strain does not matter. Center your meditation on one thought: Resiliency.
All obstacles can be overcome with planning, confidence, and adaptability. When the universe puts a little rain in your personal forecast, realize you are not going to melt stoner Aries. Rain gear, a positive attitude, and flexibility will see you through the cosmic rain to sunnier days ahead.

March is not the time to seek helping hands. Your perspective and your path is yours alone. Keep your cannabis travel kit packed and loaded. Sometimes a solo sesh can help you see a new perspective, and a brighter outlook. March is a time to be clear with your intentions, actions, and decisions. But this must all be done with little reliance on others.

All of this may seem ominous. But with solid preparation and a rigid spirit, March may prove to be a very positive period for you stoner Aries. With confidence, adaptability, and kindness leading the way, who knows who may notice your noble efforts. Maybe a boss will gain new appreciation of your skills. Maybe you will impress a lover with your kind-hearted positive attitude. In the end, we all have obstacles to overcome, it’s how we approach and conquer these obstacles that matters.

Aries February 2019

Aries February 2019


Stoner Aries we may be in the middle of the winter season, but you can take great comfort that spring will soon be here! While there is always something magical watching your plants unfurl in full flower, remember that the time spent in a vegetative state are just as important. If you invest the time now, loving and caring for your prospects while they are small and easily shaped, you will experience greater satisfaction when your garden begins to bloom. Do your best to distribute all available resources evenly this month. It is never a wise idea to burn through your whole stash in one session. Your goal should always be to expand the good vibes, not to exhaust them.

Do you feel it, stoner Aries? The air around you is electric! As you continue your journey through this period of positively buzzing optimism, be aware that your excitement and uplifting energy will infect all those you encounter. While you may be intent upon making sure these good deeds make the most impact, having a plan for spreading the most love will require some well thought out planning. Be comprehensive in your compassion and cover as many spheres as you can reasonably manage. This can be a delicate balance to strike, indeed. It is recommended you find an equally balanced strain of the sacred herb, and stick with it during this month. The perfect blend of Indica and Sativa will provide both the physical recuperation and the mental rejuvenation needed to keep you in equilibrium, and blazing ahead in your mission of achieving higher aspirations.

Balance stoner Aries. Balance your dreams with your level of determination. With realistic goals and effort to match, nothing will keep you from attaining accomplishments. Develop your winning strategy early in the month. You are certain to celebrate numerous successes in February, instead of spending time cleaning up epic failures.

The full moon spent musing over a fresh green bowl will mark a transition to a much calmer period for the stoner Aries. Your grind in the early days of the month will transition into a slow and consistent burn in the later part of the month. In the end, balance will be achieved.

Aries January 2019

Aries January 2019


Stoner Aries the New Year comes in like a fresh warm breeze full of cosmic blessings. The senses will be invigorated. The body and mind will be energized in January. That said, get active early this month to make the most of it! January promises to be an exciting, fast paced month. Achievement and progress are next to certain with an energetic effort! Sativa strains will be handy early on in the month to keep spirits high.

There is a perfect time for deep contemplative meditation with the sacred herb: January 21st, when the full moon rises, grab a cannabis companion and go on a deep spiritual adventure of contemplation. Combust the sacred herb, breathe deep and use it as a catalyst to reveal your truth to yourself. Find an Indica dominant hybrid strain for this event. The sacred herb will be the rocket fuel for your exploration.

Universal influence will also support healing old familial wounds in January. You have the ability, and the opportunity to heal festering injuries. With a bowl, a smile, and a listening ear, you can forge new bonds where bridges were once broken.

Do you feel it, maybe even sense it, stoner Aries? Take a look in the mirror. You shine like a great signal fire on the hilltop. It will be noticed by others! Take comfort in this: You shine because of your mindful actions, and being true to yourself. There is no need to steal the spotlight because you ARE the spotlight! Show the world what you’re all about!

As you will surely see, the first month of the year is a blessing for the stoner Aries. Efforts for progression in all of the key areas of your life such as work, love, and family can be likened to tending a garden. With love, care, and action, each of the buds in your life will blossom into beautiful flowers.

Aries December Horoscope

Aries December Horoscope


Stoner Aries it is crucial you do what is in your power to stay humble this month. You are often called upon to help lead others or to tackle the tough problems. But, you need to worry about tending to your own garden, and completing your own projects before offering help to others. You will only be successful in your efforts if you are able to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and your focus straight ahead. It is highly advised you restock the stash jar early in the month. Find a nice Indica/Sativa hybrid: This will help you achieve the balance needed to stay motivated and focused, while at the same time relaxed and patient. This combination should see you through the tough tasks of the month.

It is always solid advice to keep your work relationships in good standing. No one wants to purposefully instigate unwanted drama. Just remember stoner Aries, not everyone has to be your BFF. Keep it professional, but stand your ground when disagreements occur. Critique the idea, not the person. Any efforts you spend trying to make others look bad, is only time wasted that you could have spent toward progress. As long as all parties are willing to listen to the others’ perspective, the only problems you will experience will be figuring out the best way to tackle obstacles as a team. Remember stoner Aries, the stoners who toke together stay together. Keep it moving forward, and keep it positive. The true meaning of ‘sharing is caring,’ means sticking together through the rough patches so we can all better enjoy the good times when they come.

The key to a successful December is confidence! While the month is likely to move forward at a seemingly slow pace, you will have the time to reflect before making meaningful choices. Take time for solo meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Use these solo smoke sessions to ground your roots. Keep it green, and keep it growing, stoner Aries.

When it comes to serving others or pursuing your own goals, it is okay to focus on personal causes first this month. Self-betterment will prepare you to help others in the long run. Use a keen third eye to see the motives of fellow terrestrial astronauts. It is up to you to distinguish between those who wish to join the smoke circle, and those who just want to smoke your stash.

Aries November 2018

Aries November 2018


Stoner Aries this month should come as a breath of fresh air. It seems this time has been set aside for you to truly toke a moment to recover from the tedious daily grind. Puff puff pass on the stress this November and take time off work when possible. When you do have downtime, remember to toke time for yourself. Do things that bring you enjoyment!

As bold as you are, this month you need to direct that quality inward. Work as hard for yourself as you do on the job. And when you’ve got a moment to make plumes with your smoke circle, look out for a good brainstorm brewing on the horizon. This would be a marvelous time to seek collaboration for work problems. Not just with coworkers, but your partners-in-chronic may have the gust of creative inspiration you’ve needed. And though you may have the ability to take it all on, it is not recommended that you shoulder all the responsibility. Ensure your team takes the workload in balance. You already have your own personal mission this month.

Stoner Aries there is a personal fork in the road ahead. How the fork got there, or the motives behind the intersection are beyond comprehension. Inhale, breathe, and let it be stoner Aries. How you react to disappointment could send you down the wrong road. Besides, the fork may be a product of your expectations. Keep your chill, and move on with positivity in your heart.

For those solo stoners, focus on finding peace and happiness in yourself. Release the pressure to find significant relationships. When we stop searching and toke a moment to love ourselves, we can be the best we can be, and find peace. And when you’re at peace, amazing things happen. Manifest your reality, single stoner Aries!

For the partnered Aries, cut through the smoke clouds this month and burn a path to your significant cannabis companion. Here you should seek to lavish your partner with quality time and quality tokage. It is time for you to fully enjoy this bond. Fight the good fight, and toke the good smoke.

Aries October 2018

Aries October 2018


Stoner Aries October may feel as if you’ve finally exited the rat race only to be unceremoniously dropped into an episode of the Twilight Zone. There may be very strange days ahead for you in this period of finicky cosmic winds.

Despite strange days ahead, this will be an energetic period for you. You will find that for the tasks you take up, everything you need to accomplish them is within you. This energetic time isn’t just for your own benefit, but for those around you too. October is a time of service, to self to family, to your smoke circle, and to those you encounter in life who need it.

For this fickle month, even the best laid plans won’t help steer the course. And that’s alright, because you’ve got the skillz to pay the billz. Or shall I say the energy and instincts to react accordingly for changing situations, or spur of the moment opportunities. Embrace the chaos stoner Aries because positive action leads to positive results. On the flip side, turning a blind third eye to the opportunities or obstacles you encounter will surely lead to negative paths. React quickly and decisively, but do so with your cannabis companions in mind. You can help others in this time, but remember that path works both ways. Between you and yours and a packed bowl, there’s nothing you can’t achieve.

Your work sphere calls for action, decisiveness, and task mastery. Right now mulling over options could lead to unfavorable circumstances. Generally with decisions an herbal medicated mulling never hurts, but in the present you need decisive confident action. When in doubt, collaborate! Together, there’s nothing you and your crew can’t do.

The same theme applies to your personal sphere: action and decisiveness. Contemplate too deep and you could undo an opportunity, or enlarge an obstacle. For the single Aries, you’ll be entering a bright period of smoke circle expansion. Enjoy life, don’t worry about the significance of others, just enjoy them. For the partnered Aries, dive deep into family. Dependability can create unbreakable familial bonds. Strengthening those bonds will allow for expansion of influence in the future. With an earnest effort, all returns will be positive.

Aries September 2018

Aries September 2018


Stoner Aries, in the first month of fall you may be feeling like you are going nowhere fast. Instead of chasing after personal goals, you will feel more like a rat, running in a race you’re not sure you signed up for. But don’t be discouraged, Stoner Aries. Although it might take you longer to reach your final destination, be confident you will ultimately make it to wherever you want to go. The stars simply have a different path for you at this point in time. .

You have two ways you can respond to these unexpected detours, stoner Aries. You can complain and whine about how events didn’t happen exactly how you wanted them to; or you can light one up, burn one down, and remind yourself you are simply taking the scenic route. It’s usually a matter of perspective. If you don’t like the view, it won’t hurt to see things from a higher vantage point. You will not need to change your plans, only your attitude … and maybe the bong water on occasion won’t hurt.

Dedicate time specifically for meditative smoke sessions. Remember that those sacred flowers are there to help. In the workplace, they can help you find an agreed upon path forward. With direction obtained from your third eye wisdom, you will not waste precious energy on arguing. Time saved can be better spent working toward success.

Stick with the tried and true at work. September is not the time for pipe dreams. It is the time for a get-the-job-done approach. If you are able to remain focused on the bottom line while on the grind, there will be plenty of time later to burn some fresh green and savor the sweet flavor of success.

Stoner Aries keep the pipe packed and the hemp wick handy on all your worldly adventures. Avoid starting new projects at home. Summer has been a busy season with good momentum regarding personal relationships. So be sure to finish strong and avoid burnout with the end so near. Keep your best buds in mind when embarking upon any end-of-summer trips. You know your closest canna-companions are always ready to spark one up, and are forever down to ride.

Aries August 2018

Stoner Aries the stars have aligned in the final summer month to bless you with a psychic understanding of situations and opportunities surrounding you. Don’t think of this power as super-stoner psychic skills, but more like a finely tuned third eye vision. Nothing can sneak up on you in August! But to use this cosmic tool you must remain true to yourself and take care of your cosmic space suit. Confident, not cocky stoner Aries.

It’s time for the hard work and preparations of the past to come to fruition. The seeds planted long ago will now bear the sweet flowering fruit of your nurturing. Could this be professional advancement, or a new business adventure? Only you know stoner Aries because it will only come from the seeds planted in previous periods. Without the seeds of projects, ideas, or inspiration planted in the past, you will not have a positive garden of change to tend to in August. However, do not despair; this period is full of cosmic support even without preparations from the past. Learn from your mistakes! Pay close attention now more than ever to take advantage of opportunities and even plant new seeds for the future. With diligence now you will not miss out again on such a bountiful harvest of cosmic support.

Trust yourself and the blessings of the universe. Such a positive celestial position will be sure to offer many opportunities of companionship. However, be forewarned stoner Aries: These opportunities all come with responsibility. Do not receive blessings from the cosmos blindly without contemplation. Look at it this way: You always carry a pipe and a lighter for a stony adventure. Be sure to find the same preparedness for romantic encounters.

Enjoy the blessed time period stoner Aries. Be sure to stay hydrated and pack plenty of green for the road. If you question if something is too dangerous or risky, it probably is!

Aries July 2018

Aries July 2018


Stoner Aries be prepared for a high energy – high impact July. You will celebrate the birth of the United States with cosmic support for all aspects of freedom. So get the barbecue fired up and pack the bowls for blazing, you should expect one kick ass second summer month. #Merica

Our phones are amazing! Stoner Aries can you believe how much social interaction we can achieve with our fellow terrestrial astronauts through social media apps? From Instagram to Tumblr, there is an app for every lifestyle. Well, it’s time to take a break from scrolling feeds with an envious eye. July will be the month to get out and create your own post-worthy moments! Instead of chatting through snaps and DM’s, arrange actual meet-ups to explore the wonders of the world with your cannabis companions.

Entrepreneurial stoner Aries should expect a bright month filled with task execution and achievement. When there is space, meditate with a Sativa dominant species of the sacred herb. There is an idea or a project you have neglected or paused for a good reason. Now is the time to reassess!. July is the perfect month to pour yourself into completing big ideas. Toke about it with a friend or mentor. Sometimes a simple conversation flushes out the answers or directives that were simply hiding behind silence.

Stoner Aries stuck in the grind of our economic system will be blessed with universal insight in the second summer month. Spark one up, and look deep inside yourself. How long has it been since you have truly asked yourself what you are interested in, and passionate about? Do these feelings and desires line up with your current occupation? The blessing of our vast economic system is the freedom to move. Nothing is holding you back stoner Aries! Once you find your passion, there is a job waiting that is aligned with your core desires. Big moves to high places are possible; you just have to envision it, research it, and execute steps towards it.

Aries July 2018

Aries July 2018


Stoner Aries be prepared for a high energy – high impact July. You will celebrate the birth of the United States with cosmic support for all aspects of freedom. So get the barbecue fired up and pack the bowls for blazing, you should expect one kick ass second summer month. #Merica

Our phones are amazing! Stoner Aries can you believe how much social interaction we can achieve with our fellow terrestrial astronauts through social media apps? From Instagram to Tumblr, there is an app for every lifestyle. Well, it’s time to take a break from scrolling feeds with an envious eye. July will be the month to get out and create your own post-worthy moments! Instead of chatting through snaps and DM’s, arrange actual meet-ups to explore the wonders of the world with your cannabis companions.

Entrepreneurial stoner Aries should expect a bright month filled with task execution and achievement. When there is space, meditate with a Sativa dominant species of the sacred herb. There is an idea or a project you have neglected or paused for a good reason. Now is the time to reassess!. July is the perfect month to pour yourself into completing big ideas. Toke about it with a friend or mentor. Sometimes a simple conversation flushes out the answers or directives that were simply hiding behind silence.

Stoner Aries stuck in the grind of our economic system will be blessed with universal insight in the second summer month. Spark one up, and look deep inside yourself. How long has it been since you have truly asked yourself what you are interested in, and passionate about? Do these feelings and desires line up with your current occupation? The blessing of our vast economic system is the freedom to move. Nothing is holding you back stoner Aries! Once you find your passion, there is a job waiting that is aligned with your core desires. Big moves to high places are possible; you just have to envision it, research it, and execute steps towards it.

Aries June 2018

Aries June 2018


Stoner Aries many cosmic blessings await you in the first summer month. You can put the work sphere on auto pilot and focus on yourself and your love life! Work must be done, but it will all come from within yourself. Early in the month get in touch with your third eye through a meditative smoke session with the sacred herb. Focus on communication, attention through observation, and understanding through empathy. June will be a period of growth and recuperation.

Universal support will be enough to tackle all obstacles in your way in the work sphere. Clear communication is all you need to see you through the first summer month. But remember stoner Aries, communication is the act of receiving a message as well as delivering it.

With work on cruise control, take advantage of the first month of summer! Get out in mother nature. Take a break from the pressure of society, and connect with the spirituality of the environment. A deep meditative smoke session out in nature will be a wonderful tool to help center and connect you with the oneness of all things. Allow the sacred herb to take you high in the clouds. See yourself and your place in society amongst your cannabis companions. Think of yourself floating high above the terrestrial plane in your own societal observatory. A closer look at a broader perspective will assist you in understanding your role within the hive.

Look deeper into your smoke circle. What are your intentions? Are these relationships more about the kind instead of your kind buds? Each one of us has our own role to play as terrestrial astronauts populating our cosmic spaceship named Earth. Perhaps you will see more in your cannabis companions once you look past the smoke clouds. For committed Aries this deeper dive into those around you could lead to meaningful and loving experiences. For single Aries, this compassionate second look might lead to a smoke circle expansion, and thus more possibilities of love. Perhaps that love interest has been a canna-bud all along, but the smoke clouds obscured your attention.

Aries May 2018

Aries May 2018


Stoner Aries, you can expect this particular month of May to be straight fire! You have the sun at your back and green pastures at your feet. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t have to grind. It would be silly to assume that gardens yield spectacular harvests without getting your hands dirty. Be prepared to get a little messy this month Stoner Aries. The world is your garden and you have plenty of work to do. To ensure efficiency is at its highest levels, you must tackle properly developed and planned projects. Once you have accomplished your current list of to-dos, you will have plenty of time remaining to burn through your net passion project.

Stoner Aries there will be more hours in the days in May. Your biggest challenge will be to determine how you will spend them. Opportunities are only as rewarding as your willingness to take them. If you are in a position of leadership, it will be even more important for you to take initiative prompting those you lead to pursue spectacular successes. However, this may require you to be stern with subordinates who are not completely convinced such great feats can be accomplished. Be kind, but be candid. Whether you are leader of the pack, or working your way up the ladder, Stoner Aries, it will be important to keep the peace at work, and the peace-pipe at home. While there are certainly times when the two can mix, business and bud-ness should remain distinctly separate this month.

Whether single, or with a special stoner companion, you will have the opportunity to take time for self reflection. Take a chance on investing in yourself, Stoner Aries. Perhaps you will embark on hike to your favorite smoke spot. Or, you may indulge in an all-inclusive smoke session with your closest partners in chronic. Just remember, you have special someones who are relying on you to bring the goodness and the green. When others are involved, there will always be bumps in the short term, but you can rest assured there will be few bruises in the long run.

Aries April 2018

Aries April 2018


Stoner Aries universal influences will support a positive and prosperous April.  With Spring in full effect, it will be imperative to organize and complete projects already underway.  The full moon on the 31st of March represents an opportunity for the stoner Aries to cleanse the past and prepare for the future.

Think of the beginning of April as a vision quest.  Puff early and meditate often. See the year unfold.  Perhaps you can enhance your medicated meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb by trying something new to connect with your inner voice.  An internal journey within a float tank is a wonderful conduit to better self understanding. Perhaps a long hike in the majesty of our terrestrial plane will inspire your vision.  Maybe a medicated hot yoga session is just what the doctor ordered to expel toxins and breathe in new energy. No matter the tools of your quest, find the time early in April to open your mind to your internal voice.  Seek your true desired direction.

Smoke some flower stoner Aries.  Dust off the leaves that clutter your environment, both external and internal.  Once your vision quest is complete, the next step will be to complete all projects already established.  Leaving loose ends can trip you up as you run toward your future. You will find the pace of your work and mental analysis will increase tremendously now that you have found your true direction.  What can you do now to reach this vision? Once you have your direction established and work in progress completed, waste no time in executing forward progress toward your future.

Don’t spend all your time in a yurt on a mountain top visualizing your future stoner Aries.  After your vision quest early in the month it will be crucial to connect with your cannabis companions, loved ones, and smoke circle acquaintances.  It’s possible these connections will help actualize the vision of your future.

Aries March 2018

Aries March 2018


Stoner Aries the March period will once again be a thematic continuation of the first two months of 2018. So let’s recap the important points of the February stoner horoscope. Trust in yourself, do not rely on others. Do not try to solve the mystery of paranoid smoke clouds, move on quickly to the task or direction in front of you. A steady pace should be kept, no racing or jumping ahead.

How did you do with your cosmic mission in February? There is plenty of universal support and positive planetary influences surrounding you. In the end, your happiness or sense of accomplishment all lies within your sphere of influence. Once again balance and an even pace will be important as you navigate terrestrial obstacles. A nice balanced hybrid strain of the sacred herb will be your rocket fuel as you dance amidst the stars. Moderation will also be an important aspect to your meditative smoke sessions. Blasting off with too much fuel may send you off course and too close to the searing sun.

You should feel confident within the work sphere in March. Keep in mind my lovely Aries, an even pace does not mean relaxed. All tasks and obstacles should be dealt with directly. With concentration and a willful intent there will be no obstacles that hold you back. Stay on task. Take other’s opinions and analysis into account, but remain steadfast in the intent and goal of your mission.

Be forewarned stoner Aries, there will be moments in March where you will feel like you are traveling in a bumper car. Negative energy may not directly impact your situation, but as a cannabis companion is negatively impacted, that energy may careen into your sphere of influence. Once again, solving the mystery of the situation will not be as important as moving forward dealing with the dilema. Inhale, breathe, and let it be.

Aries February 2018

Aries February 2018


Stoner Aries the February time period will be a continuation of what you were able to establish in January. This can be a positive period filled with personal growth and achievement. Speed and pace will be important to monitor. A balanced hybrid strain should be your go-to sacred herb for the month. It will be important to maintain a steady pace chasing after your goals. Avoid racing ahead or a serious crash may occur. Avoid lethargy or opportunity may pass you by. Everything you need to achieve your goals is within yourself.

February will be rolled up with mystery, just like a kief topped joint. Be forewarned stoner Aries, do not turn the mysteries of February into puzzles that need to be solved. Planetary influences will support you in your endeavors. When plans change it will be more important to deal with the new direction than figuring out the hows and whys behind the change. Proceed with confidence. Do not get stuck over analyzing minutia or interpreting paranoid smoke clouds.

Stoner Arians should expect progress in the workplace as warm cosmic winds will bring a comfort during the winter month. Do not mistake this for good fortune however. Diligence and concentration will be required to reap the benefits of this warm cosmic breeze. There will be no problem or obstacle you cannot solve as long as you keep your third eye open and alert. As advised in January, a change in approach will serve you well against pesky problems.

Don’t get caught without a packed bowl for your travels. You will not find support from your fellow terrestrial astronauts this month stoner Aries. Do not pass off important tasks or crucial decisions to any cannabis companions. Your steady pace, positive attitude, and confident demeanor will be the cure for any situation that arises. Remember stoner Aries, it’s not a mystery, just the circumstance.

Aries January 2018

Aries January 2018


Stoner Aries should expect to experience an intense beginning to the 2018 new year; intense, but enjoyable in the same breath. You are likely to discover new insights into the inner workings of those closest to you, but be assured the greatest lessons learned will be in the realm of self realization. Be warned, however, not all of your discoveries will be positive in nature. However, as the first sign of the stoner Zodiac, you need to remember you are in direct control when it comes to how you respond to these situations. Sometimes in life you may not get the best grade of smoke, but you can always upgrade your smoking device. The point is these are the times when it is more effective to change your approach, not the problem.

While the weather this time of year often motivates people to stay inside where it is warm and cozy, you can still make productive use of this time. You certainly want to avoid couchlock or becoming stagnant. This down time is the perfect opportunity to make plans for when the weather warms and spring brings back the sun. Stick to the sativas, Stoner Aries, they will help keep you moving, at least mentally. You have plenty of creative ideas that you need to get down on paper, the cerebral highs of sativas will magnify these tendencies, as well as help keep you motivated when chasing fervently after your goals.

Avoid unnecessary conflict in the workplace. Although this advice is good year round, January is likely to bring additional troubles. The good news is most problems you encounter can be easily cleared up by using your words. The worst thing to do is to waste energies or engage in arguments over simple misunderstandings that could have been avoided if all parties involved took the time to actually hear what the other were trying to say.

When it comes to loved ones or lovers, Stoner Aries, the best you can do is to be a good listener. It isn’t going to hurt to have the peace pipe ready with a freshly packed bowl, it can be a great equalizer. Undeniable is the truth that “sharing is caring.” You may even change someone’s day for the better without even knowing it. While others will certainly benefit from your kindness, there is a great deal you will gain by considering your friends’ and family’s perspectives when contemplating your life, the universe, and everything. As much as possible, do not rush to make decisions. Be sure to weigh potential outcomes before taking action, and when possible get a second opinion on the bigger choices that may result in more substantial transformations.

Aries December 2017

Aries December 2017


Stoner Aries, December is the month that you should focus your investments toward body and health. We are all space travelers zooming through the universe, and we only get one cosmic space suit–it’s important that we take care of it. This does not mean you should go out and adopt whatever new fashionable diet you come across surfing the net. Rather, make those small, but effective choices in favor of health. If you are prone to the munchies, choose more natural sweets like fruit, or limit yourself to only two scoops of ice cream. These seem trivial, but watch how quickly the little things add up to big results.

Most months, the Stoner Aries is filled with fire and ready to take on the world. During the winter months it can be more difficult to find outlets for all that energy. It will just require a little creative problem solving, but you can do it Stoner Aries. Maybe it’s time to finally get that gym membership, or you pick up hemp braiding, or try your hand at watercolor. You might decide to use your powers for some extra good and volunteer for a local charity. Whatever you choose, you are sure to excel in creating positive results in the cosmos.

This is why it is important to avoid couchlock. Find a nice sativa dominant variety or explore the family of Hazes. These will offer a cerebral boost to help focus the mind in order to accomplish the projects you undertake. In the spirit of improving overall health, it may be time to investigate vaporizers or medibles, more health conscious approaches to interacting with our favorite plant of healing.

Your energetic and free spirit will attract others who are curious as to how you do it. If you are single, Stoner Aries, be sure to keep some of your magic a mystery. Those who already have a special canna-companion will feel this connection grow. Your adventurous nature will serve you well as you and your partner seek new experiences on this big blue planet we call home. Safe travels fellow cosmic explorer!

Aries November 2017

Aries November 2017


Stoner Aries, this November you will rediscover just how resilient you really are. At first, you may see your shortcomings as only that–as simply wasted efforts and energies. But remember, from the most devastating ashes can grow a beautiful new life and accomplishment. Instead of dwelling on what was, you should look forward to all that is to come. This does not mean that you should “hurry up and wait.” To the contrary, this winter will be a time for substantive self-evaluation: Find what has worked or has helped with your previous successes and let go of old habits or approaches that were unfruitful. Medicated meditation will be a must during this time. Whether you choose to smoke a cerebral enhancing Sativa to promote problem solving, or a nice relaxing Indica to refresh the body, make sure that some of your smoke sessions are solo so you will have the time to look inward.

Regarding homelife, Stoner Aries, it is advised that you choose your battles wisely. Not all will be chaotic or challenging. However, since you will undergo your own transformative experiences, you want to make sure you are on steady ground yourself before you attempt to prop up others. Otherwise, you should expect a period of great, and healthy harvests regarding your most special cannabis companion. If you are single, this positivity will easily translate to your friends and family, also known as your “partners in chronic.” Although you may be feeling proud of your renewed confidence, remember there is a thin line that separates hubris and humility. Just because you think highly of yourself, that does not necessarily make you above everyone else.

You are seen as a natural leader by those who have the pleasure of working with you, stoner Aries. Your peers will often seek your guidance and outside-the-box approaches to solving difficult problems. This month, however, it will benefit you to adopt slightly more passive, supporting roles. Counter to your historical trends, attacking tasks from behind the scenes will enable you the freedom to try new tactics. Roll and light one up stoner Aries and stay at a mellow, but maintainable pace. You will be successful if you think like a long distance runner and look far into the future. Don’t come up short by focusing all your energy on only one leg of the race.

Aries October 2017

Aries October 2017


Stoner Aries, while we often think of summer and harvest time as the end of the fruits of our labor, cultivation is a full-time endeavour. While you may be admiring the great bounty from all your hard work, remember now is the time to dig into the dirt and plant the seeds for future growth. Although your efforts have produce ample and supple results, it is important to not overlook the weeds that have sprouted. Amidst the celebration of your successes from summer, do not miss the opportunity to cultivate that which is important and to discard those things that do not bear fruit.

You may experience a significant period of change in the workplace, Stoner Aries, but, do not count all of your losses as failures. Sometimes, something must end for another to begin. You may have reached the end of a particular road, only to discover that there is a great plain of potential before you. It can be necessary at times, to get rid of a few bad trees in order to save the rest of the forest. While at first, this absence might be more prominent, you will be able to invest these newly recovered resources into projects that will produce noticeable results.

With regards to familial aspects, Stoner Aries, you could not ask for more. All will be quiet on the home front. And, the only things that will need to be addressed are the improvements that you wish to see. Break out the peace pipe, and break down the herb–all of your closest cannabis companions will be down to toke one up to your accomplishments. This month, it is advised that you find your favorite strain and stick with it; perhaps a more grounding Indica so that you are able to stay focused on one task at a time. You will experience a great sense of satisfaction as long as you do not try to go in too many directions at once. If you invest your efforts into specific tasks, Stoner Aries, you will be sure to impress yourself and those nearest you with a period of peace and prosperity.

Aries September 2017

Aries September 2017


This Autumn, Stoner Aries, it will be okay to want it all. There are many avenues that you will have the choice to pursue. The hardest part will be the decision of what to do first. You will be able to inspire a vibrancy and vitality within yourself and kinfolk that will provide the energy to accomplish seemingly unconquerable obstacles with actual ease. While there will be much work to be done, you and yours will find plenty of time to unwind. Among its many uses, our sacred green herb will provide the perfect bonding platform. Whether it is softening critics, or strengthening established relationships, this magnificent plant will help to foster friendships and allow everyone to meet on common grounds.

It is sometimes said that teamwork makes the dream work. Particularly this September, Stoner Aries, working in collaboration with your peers will bring about the certainty of many successes. As long as your actions are deliberate, and given the proper foresight, all endeavors will produce the desired results. If the goals are clearly defined, then everyone involved in the project will be able put forth their best efforts. The most likely obstacle, the only one really, will be establishing the delicate equilibrium between much to do, and doing too much. While it is often thought that Sativas are more energizing, it may be advised to try finding a nice relaxing Indica variety. The logic is to grind hard when work needs to be done, and maximize recuperation times with good quality r&r.

When the day’s work is done or perhaps after more significant projects are completed, it will be wise to celebrate a job well done. Life on the home-front will be little to worry about. In fact, it will be a time of great prosperity. It will be important to share this positivity with your cannabis companion and bud-sharing buddies. Whether it is a brief day trip for an outdoor smoke session, or an extended adventure where the nights are filled with a sweet green aroma, get out and explore. Remember that your successes will be short lived if you do not take the proper time to reflect upon and enjoy them.

Aries September 2017

Aries September 2017


This Autumn, Stoner Aries, it will be okay to want it all. There are many avenues that you will have the choice to pursue. The hardest part will be the decision of what to do first. You will be able to inspire a vibrancy and vitality within yourself and kinfolk that will provide the energy to accomplish seemingly unconquerable obstacles with actual ease. While there will be much work to be done, you and yours will find plenty of time to unwind. Among its many uses, our sacred green herb will provide the perfect bonding platform. Whether it is softening critics, or strengthening established relationships, this magnificent plant will help to foster friendships and allow everyone to meet on common grounds.

It is sometimes said that teamwork makes the dream work. Particularly this September, Stoner Aries, working in collaboration with your peers will bring about the certainty of many successes. As long as your actions are deliberate, and given the proper foresight, all endeavors will produce the desired results. If the goals are clearly defined, then everyone involved in the project will be able put forth their best efforts. The most likely obstacle, the only one really, will be establishing the delicate equilibrium between much to do, and doing too much. While it is often thought that Sativas are more energizing, it may be advised to try finding a nice relaxing Indica variety. The logic is to grind hard when work needs to be done, and maximize recuperation times with good quality r&r.

When the day’s work is done or perhaps after more significant projects are completed, it will be wise to celebrate a job well done. Life on the home-front will be little to worry about. In fact, it will be a time of great prosperity. It will be important to share this positivity with your cannabis companion and bud-sharing buddies. Whether it is a brief day trip for an outdoor smoke session, or an extended adventure where the nights are filled with a sweet green aroma, get out and explore. Remember that your successes will be short lived if you do not take the proper time to reflect upon and enjoy them.

Aries August 2017

Aries August 2017


Stoner Aries, your ambitions this month will be noticeable to yourself and to those around you. You will be able to take full advantage of the good weather and long days that summer provides you. Perhaps you have new undertakings that you have been planning, and now is the time to implement them. Or, just as likely, you will see seeds that you planted earlier in the year begin to flourish and produce amazing results. This season of prosperity will only be improved by sharing your successes with friends and your peers. Others will look to you for advice and for guidance, so feel confident in your abilities to lead. When you are not making things happen, you should find your favorite piece, your favorite strain of that sacred herb, and head out to your favorite secluded smoke spot. If you bring along friends, keep your smoking circle limited to a few. It will be important that you make good use of your relaxation time. You will be busy with many projects, so you definitely want to rest and recharge when your schedule permits.

The workplace will provide you with the most opportunities to take charge and work with coworkers to pursue common goals. It is likely that you will have to utilize your creative thinking skills, but this is the kind of challenge that you excel at best. Your aura will be clearly visible to your peers at work. Your collaborations together are sure to create lasting results and will help to move the company into new territories and towards new accomplishments. While you are making good use of your energies, it is recommended to keep pipe time separate from productive times. A clear head will only better ensure that you are able to give full focus to the tasks before you and provide the best chances of success.

With those nearest to you, Stoner Aries, just do your best to be present and to be yourself. Your ability to help others should not limit your willingness to ask others for help when needed. Just like at work, working together with your partner will only advance your relationship for the better. With such a strong support system at work and at home, this month, the sky really will be the limit, so do not be afraid to dream big.

Aries July 2017

Aries July 2017


You are likely to encounter more than a few unexpected to-dos on your task list this month, Stoner Aries. Whereas some signs might shy or shrink away from such surprises, you rush toward these obstacles and are excited by the challenge. While there are those who would try to avoid such obstacles, you look at the problem as an opportunity to flex your creative muscles. Just be sure to move too fast towards an obstacle–let the smoke clear up before you proceed or you will not have steady footing.

For you, it is never an issue to worry about when you reach your final destination, you know that you will get to where you are going. For you, it is about the journey Stoner Aries, and finding the most exciting path to follow. So, roll up that marijuana cigarette (for when you get to where you’re going), and then roll up your sleeves and get down to business. If you are not moving forward, it is simply because you are not approaching the issue from the right angle, so try a different route.

Remember, that it is peak season to enjoy the beautiful summer sun, Stoner Aries. With so many hours of daylight at your dispense, you may find yourself with the trouble of how to fill your calendar. But, even more than you enjoy celebrating your personal accomplishments, one of your favorite pastimes is helping others celebrate their successes and fortune. As long as you say “Yes” when someone invites you to join in the festivities, you will have a busy and fulfilling summer month. Your only responsibility, Stoner Aries, will be to keep the peace. Anytime there is a large gathering of people, there is the risk of conflict arising. Keep the pipe clean and at the ready, and maybe have handy a bit of mellowing marijuana. It is not a sure thing that there will be problems, but if there are, you will be ready with that herbal remedy to help cure any heartaches.




Stoner Aries, the first month of summer is certain to be your time to shine. You will be able to overcome even the most unexpected problems that present themselves. Sativa strains will certainly be your best option when picking your favorite varieties of the sacred herb. This will only expand and enhance your already creative tendencies. A little help to boost your critical thinking skills will serve to provide that extra brain power, so that issues that do arise will prove to be of little concern.

Your most notable progress will definitely be in the workplace. You’ve planted and cultivated your efforts during the past months–now is the time you will see the maturation of your investments. Aries, you have the particular ability to identify the areas that most need improvement. As long as you avoid making these criticisms personal, you and your peers will experience noticeable improvements in job performance. Whether you’re on the clock, or on the couch, your mind can’t help but to think of the exciting new projects you’ll encounter at work. Your rest and relaxation time should be exactly that. Whether your favorite way to medicate is your water pipe, or you prefer a good old fashion, hand rolled herbal cigarette, make sure you are getting all that you can during your leisure time. By allowing your mind to wander while enjoying your free time, you will be able to focus your energy on tasks when it is required.

Regardless of whether or not your pipe is involved, you and your closest cannabis companions can expect a pleasant time of peace to begin your summer. The long days of sunshine will provide the perfect conditions to share your favorite smoke spots with those near to you. As long as you surround yourself with good bud, and good company, you are sure to create moments that are camera worthy. June will provide the perfect opportunity to pack your bag and hit the road. Although it’s only just begun, you should prepare yourself for a long season of discovery and good times.




Stoner Aries, be prepared to have a magnificent month this May. The longer the days become, the more adventure will be able to fit into your waking hours. You should use the spring season to its greatest potential–get out there and explore, your mission is to make new discoveries. With all the novel experiences you will have, remember to go with your gut. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. So, the best advice is to enjoy what you find, but remember to keep yourself grounded. You can roll one up, or keep your travel pipe ready, just avoid a hazy head. There will be no point in finding new things if you do not maintain the mental clarity needed to enjoy them.

Although you may have to increase your efforts at the workplace, don’t worry, your investments will pay off. Just like in your personal spheres, now is the time to pursue novel approaches to old tasks. Your creative ideas will only help to simplify processes at work and improve the efficiency of everyone on the team. During the month of May you will have an aura that others are sure to notice. Your good attitude and sense of humor will help to make work feel a lot less like work. While you will help to make work more fun, don’t lose sight of the tasks at hand. Equally important, however, will be to use your down time to recharge those batteries. While you will have great success in all the projects you take on, don’t forget to take it easy when time permits. To avoid becoming sluggish, stick to those uplifting Sativas. The worst thing that you could do this month is waste all of your potential by being stuck on the couch.

Aries, it will be important to stay steadfast. Don’t be afraid to stop and smell the flowers. It is even recommended that you take the time to smoke the flowers if the situation presents itself. But, don’t become so self-centered that you forget to share with those closest to you. You will reach your destination as long as you know where you’re headed before you begin your journey. And, never be afraid to ask for guidance or advice when you need it. Your friends and family will have your back, always. But, they may not offer a helping hand if they didn’t know that you needed assistance.




Last month was about becoming aware, stoner Aries. Now that you are more aware, April of 2017 will demand that you realize and accept all of yourself. The road of self actualization will fulfill your soul’s deepest longings. Keep an indica heavy strain around for all the self reflection that you’ll be doing this month.

Self actualization is a deeply intimate process. You will feel like you want to shut yourself up and learn as much as possible. Unfortunately, you’ll need to do just the opposite. The beauty of the cosmos is blessing you with inner knowledge, social excitement and working success. There ain’t no rest for the wicked…so get to work!

Stoner Aries, the working sphere will be quite the showcase of your talents in the April time period. Last month you paved the way for your success today. This month you will show everyone how to work it with a mastery that even you have not seen. You must remember to mind your p’s and q’s when it comes to how you deal with your co-workers or business partners. Selfish endeavours will do you no justice either; so when in doubt, take a break, hit the vape and meditate.

Love and harmony are within your grasp stoner Aries. Love is about respect for one another, not serving or being served. Is your current love journey about you as a couple, or just you, or just them? Look deep within yourself during your meditative smoke session. Make sure you are on the right track. If you are, then grab your lover and get moving! You need to do things and feel things and well…Live! Do not be excessive, but do enjoy yourself. If you’re single, all your inner work will pay off by the end of the April time period! Happy Spring Aries, 2017 is your year!

Aries March 2017

Aries March 2017


Awareness.  How aware are you stoner, Aries?  March 2017 is a month where you must be aware of yourself.  Do not allow yourself to follow every mood swing into the depths of the emotions that emit from it.  Do, however, use those mood swings to your advantage! You must use your heart and your logic to weigh out the situations that will occur this month.  You must also be mindful of the words that fall from your lips.  

It will be a blessing to have a nice grounding hybrid on hand all month Aries.  Use it during your meditation sessions specifically for its grounding abilities.  In your world of love and romance, the probability of it being wonderful is in your grasp.  Keep your feet on the ground and follow your heart.  Every word you whisper to your love will have a meaningful and lasting ripple effect.  This will also apply to family members.  Be aware of your influence at this time as it will run deep with all who listen.

Work will feel like one problem after another.  If you change your perspective you will change your feelings vibration instantly.  Each little nuance that gets your hair in a knot is really just the universe calling you to be aware that you must pay attention to all the tiny details.  When it gets frustrating, take a break with your sneak a toke and let the emotion vanish.  Remember there are great rewards in doing things right the first time and better ones when you truly learn how to do them properly.
All in all, my stoner Ram, be aware, stay strong and March will find you quite happy by month’s end!


Aries February 2017

2017 is looking up for you, my stoner Aries.  Prepare your most positive self to emerge this February.  From personal fulfillment to success at work your world will glow all month long.  This good news does not come without a cost, so I’ll do my best to prepare you.  Keep your favorite strain around for everything from meditation to pure enjoyment and celebrations.  

Let’s start off with the could be bad, could be good news first.  Know that your mental depiction of your love and personal life is absolutely what will fuel your pain or pleasure this month my fiery friend.  It is time to step away from all superficial relationships in both your house of love and friends.  Do not allow yourself to wallow in pain!  By making room in your heart you will find an almost instantaneous way to fill it.  This will be beautiful if you allow it.  It may be the lover you’ve truly longed for or the best friend you need.  Do not be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve you.  You are simply making room for new and better things to take their place.  What you do in this realm of personal relationships will flavor your entire year.  Choose wisely.

Work is tops all month long.  The waves of positivity will be crashing over you with tremendous force all month.  Stoner Ram, you must take initiative at this time to be the leader in all capacities of your working world.  Do not allow doubt to fill your head.  Do not question yourself on your direction.  You must lead.  If you do make all the final decisions you will find extreme pleasure in your work and open up doors you never knew existed.  Yes, stoner Aries, you will surprise even yourself this month

Aries January 2017

Take a break stoner Aries!  You have most certainly earned it after a rocky 2016.  You will be able to slowly work your way back into the daily grind and social scenes at the beginning of this New Year.  I am sure that is a relief for you after a busy holiday season.  Grab a well balanced hybrid strain to start this year off right and enjoy the mellow beginning!

January is in all ways a slow-to-go month.  Follow your intuition and do what needs to be done in the realm of work.  You may feel like a slacker, but if you look around no one is up for employee awards right now.  Everything will fall into place near the end of the month.  Play your cards right and you will be on top by February.  Share your herb with employees and get to know them a bit better.  These new bonds will help your first quarter of 2017 flow easier.

Ahhh the love life of the ever prominent Aries will not slow down as the rest of your world will in January.  Stoner Ram, you have much to do this month.  Your smoke sessions with friends and relatives will be valuable at this time.  Take heed to all advice given and utilize it to the fullest extent.  You will surprise them when you do – as you are not prone to taking advice even when it is apparently correct for you.  These smoke sessions will help you to not only fine tune your love life, but, may help you decide how to build Rome the proper way.  Good luck my cannabis companion and have fun with this bright shiny New Year!

Aries December 2016

To best utilize the sacred herb this joyous Holiday season you will need to turn in any loaded indica strains, stoner Aries.  Your wit and charm will only get you so far; it is high time to bring forth your best logical strategies by utilizing the beauty and clarity of a sativa.  You will thank me for it later.

Your working world is just that: WORK!  Now is not the time to play nice and follow the crowd.  You need to keep your feet on solid ground and allow the leader you are to come to the forefront.  Do not play petty games and do not back down from your beliefs of what is right.  With everyone doing their best this month to be on top; you will need to pay attention.  Do so by seeing what others are doing and if they are not doing it right forge your own path.  If you must utilize your herb during working hours – stick to the sativa.

Be grateful for your family this month as they will play the role of supporters in your personal life my cannabis companion.  Although, do not seek advice from them at this time.  Your role with them is to be amongst them and enjoy them.  They will help keep your mood elevated so share that herb with them.  

You will need this as it seems your lover will be a bit confusing on the emotional forefront.  Use your clarity of mind to deal with any yo-yo effects of their emotions.  Use your empath abilities to help you feel what is coming from day to day.  Then at the end of the day, use your logic to decide on which way you want to let this flow.  You have an important decision to make and it is time you make it. Single stoner Aries you will have a much less dramatic December, but not without a few bumps.  Take it all in stride and trust yourself.  It will make for a splendid New Year!

Aries November 2016

My dearest stoner, Aries, the month of November has arrived and with it a sense of relaxation.  You have been through so very much this year and it is time to breathe and let be.  Meditative sessions with a nice indica hybrid will help to keep you feeling empowered.  Self-empowerment is key this month.  Take it all in and give yourself room to realize your own personal power over your life.

Your personal relationships are where you have lacked personal empowerment in the past few months.  It is time to stop crying on your best buds shoulder and start doing.  Grab that waterpipe and take a long slow drag before you meditate – alone.  I believe you will see that you have been forcing an issue or relationship that is no longer serving who you are.  By mid-month, you will no longer hang on to this issue or relationship.  This awakening will leave you feeling free yet empty. Circle up your best buds and allow them to pull you up and out of any possible self-defeating attitude you may be nursing.  These friends are key in your mental health this month.

Slow and steady progress is the pace of November.  Take stock of your past successes and make sure that you do not become stagnant.  There is a huge difference between getting by and slowly making progress.  It may be best to lay the pipe down during working hours to insure that you are crossing all your t’s and dotting all your i’s.  It will behoove you to stay on point and keep busy as December 2016 will bring new challenges.  Take this slow time to empower every aspect of yourself – including your work self.

Aries October 2016

Your energies are all over the place this October stoner Aries!  Before you read any further I suggest you take a toke of a nice indica strain and calm down a bit.  You will need all the help you can muster up to find your center this first month of fall.  Yoga and meditation will be your best of friends.  So roll up and roll out for a month that will have a few surprises.

Last month has you feeling on top of the world.  This month the cosmos are asking you to pay attention and be grounded.  With your energy levels up you feel like you can take on the world.  Don’t even think about it.  You need to stay on task as best you can this month due to the many planetary positions that will be working against you if you do not.  Do what you must to stay focused as it may seem as at every turn you are being knocked back two steps.   Thankfully those who choose to meditate at home with the sacred herb will more easily combat any nuances that arise in their working worlds.

Work may have you feeling a bit stressed my stoner, Ram.  Do not allow that to get your goat.  Your goal this month in your realm of friends and lovers is to “keep calm and carry on”.  All your showing up last month has paid off in a big way.  This month you will find more residential escapes and closer unity of your friends.  You must however not be the center of attention at every turn.  If you played your cards well you have a newfound or newly refreshed lover to your left of the smoking circle.  Give most of your attention to them and your homelife should be smooth sailing.

Aries September 2016

Peaceful serenity is yours for the taking this September my stoner, Aries.  You should find yourself in a very nice place where things seem to go your way.  Pack up your sneak a toke and take advantage of the last few days of summer.  This does not mean you can blissfully close your eyes and drift along this month.  You will need to keep a watchful eye about you and take in all that you see with a distant observer point of view.  The coming months will be easier if you pay attention now.

Aries, although you will not be able to escape your responsibilities this September you will find that they are easier to handle.  New opportunities await you in your working world.  They may seem a bit advantageous but if your intuition is on point jump in!   It may be best to lie the pipe to the side during your working hours and use your sacred herb at home to meditate on your new beginnings. Especially since your decisions now will greatly affect you in the months to come!

It is never wise to only share your bud with one person.  Be kind with your sacred herb as well as your presence.  To most stoner, Aries serenity means time alone with coffee, art, reading, music and the list goes on.  This month you will need to show up and be seen when the occasion arises. Do not tie yourself down at this time.  Give yourself the freedom to wander and explore.  This is the month to not simply find yourself but to truly BE yourself.  Aries, I do believe you are starting anew.  Believe in you and your world will become right starting from within.

Aries August 2016

August 2016 will be a bit like a tightrope walker act for the stoner Aries.  It will also be a time of mindful & soulful ascension into a higher place of being if you so choose it to be.  Each step you take this month will require balance and foresight.  The cosmos are your net and balance bar; there when you need them yet unbinding so you can freely make your own moves.

You may want to utilize a sativa to help you find and maintain inertia at work, as it will seem a bit static.  However, you will see through this if you allow your intuition to take over.  It will behoove you to see things as they are, but also as they could be.  This inner awakening will help you to set yourself up to overcome all possible obstacles this month.  Feel free to implement that blindfolded back flip on the tightrope this month stoner Aries.  You will stick the landing like a good solid dab.  This victory alone will give you the esteem boost you need in the coming months.

You may have committed to a risky stunt in your working world, but my cannabis companion, your personal life is where the mask of your true self will be stripped away.  Your feelings will be rampant and overwhelming throughout the entirety of August.  Try each evening to make time for yourself with yoga and meditation utilizing the sacred herb.  Use an indica to better reach a state of calmness.  Be brave and face your feelings with an open heart. Share them with those closest to you and heed their wisdom.  By month’s end you will be ready to style and free fall into the net the cosmos have set up for you.  Bravo Aries, Bravo!  

Aries July 2016

On your mark, ready, set, go!  Just when you got used to the relay race it suddenly converts into a triathlon. There will be no warnings, no telltale signs – just flat out change coming at you from all angles this month my stoner Aries. How you choose to deal with these changes will greatly impinge the outcome of July 2016.

This July, the stoner Ram must pay exquisite attention to their words, actions and thoughts.  Think of your personal life like the ocean.  Each wave of thought you have will hold great gravity within your own soul; some pushing, some pulling some washing away unnecessary emotions.  Take heed that not everything that washes over you needs to be laid out for your loved ones.  Your words and actions will hit harder than a gravity bong to those around you.  As sweet as that may sound it can be impending doom for the future when your words fully set in with those you care about.  Take time to meditate properly with the sacred herb before swimming ahead with your new founded ideas.  Listening will be key for you and our earthly herb will help you see this.

With all the massive changes in your spiritual, emotional and physical self this month you will be feeling a bit like you’re biking uphill.  Weather it is a community project or a task for work, you need to be steadfast in your work ethic and maintain the pace.  Be plain in your words and mean what you say. Laying the pipe down during the first half of July (especially during business hours) is highly recommended. Aries, you have a lot to do this month. Take care of yourself so that you can come out on the winning side of July.

Aries June 2016

The first full month of Summer is upon us stoner Aries.  Get ready for a wild ride.  Keep a sativa hybrid near during your days and an indica hybrid for your evenings.  I recommend the hybrids because keeping your wits about you at all times this June is a must.  The healing and creative properties of the hybrids will help you both indulge in your work and in your pleasure.

Being kind this month will take you many places with your friends and loved ones.  Take time to listen to others so that they too will return the favor.  You will find that many in your circle are also having a traffic jam of a month this June.  Keep the peace pipe packed and share a bowl with any visitors you may encounter.  Heed their advice but, don’t be put out by their opinions.  In return do the same for them.  June is a month where you can really connect with those you hold dear if you simply stay kind and share the “kind”.

Your relationships will help you cope with the hustle and bustle you are going to encounter at work.  If you have the ability to work by yourself this month, stoner Aries, do so.  Keep the dugout close for those moments lacking creativity.  Although, do not overindulge during your work days.  If you don’t tie yourself to any specific outcome you will find the finish line is quite close at the end of the month.

Aries May 2016

The old saying “Luck favors the prepared” holds no value for the stoner Aries in the month of April 2016.  This does not mean that you will fall on hard times, quite the opposite.  Choose to see things from a positive perspective and you will thrive this month.  One thing you can prepare for is keeping your stash filled as you will want to lean on the sacred herb to help augment your intuition.

In both your career and your love life you will need a major overhaul of how you go about obtaining your visions and goals.  At work, you will find many snags trying to crimp your style.  You must choose to move through them or around them.  Whichever path you choose you must believe that it is the proper path.  It is the only way to see your visions of prosperity come to life.  Only if necessary utilize a nice sativa blend during your working hours.

That love life of yours stoner Aries has been a whirlwind of activity over the past twelve months.  It’s time to set your priorities in line.  What is working for you? What is not? If you are attached you will have to use your conversational abilities more than usual.  Don’t be overwhelming to anyone!  Use your intuition to help guide your topics of conversation.  If you are single don’t be surprised when you find someone who inspires this talkative side. Go ahead and indulge a bit with a nice indica strain in the evenings. You’ve earned the right to relax after your hard days of work!

Aries April 2016

April 2016 is a month of yin and yang for my fellow stoner Aries.  While you will be blessed with an adequate amount of positive energy you will need to keep one foot on the ground.  Stick to a high CBD hybrid for most of your daily tokes.  By keeping yourself grounded this month you will better enable yourself to deal with any core problems that pop up and more thoroughly enjoy the high times!

For the Ram that is attached:  You have attained many interpersonal goals in the past months, this is true.  Now what will you do with yourself when it comes to love?  Do you have a feeling deep down that something isn’t quite right within your lovership?  This is the month to contemplate this.  Lean on the sacred herb and do some meditating.  Include your close friends and family in this decision.  You may not like what they have to say but, you do need to hear it.  The single Aries will have a much more positive time in decision making this month!  You will still need time to contemplate before making any big moves in the arena of love, so don’t rush anything!

In your professional life, you have also accomplished many things over the past year.  The word ‘past’ is key here stoner Aries.  Although your past has set up a great foundation for you, it  is time to plunge ahead on your new goals.  Take your one-hitter to work with you and use it to fuel that creative mind of yours to take flight in your new direction.  Find your Zen and all will work out.  Make sure you leave your work at work this month and when you are at home, be at home.  This is key to your productivity levels this April.

Aries March 2016

If you thought that the month of March would bring relaxation to your world my stoner Aries, guess again.  March is brimming with endless possibilities and they all revolve around how much you put into them.  The positive possibilities are endless in all areas of your life if you choose the proper actions this month.

Your love life holds the most potential for upsets this March.  This is not a month to sit back and watch as it unfolds.  You will find yourself wanting to say a lot of things.  May I suggest that you smoke about it, then go about it carefully?  You may yen for immediate and cutthroat words to put an end to an unkind situation, but, you must still be kind or you’ll never win.  Whatever you do in regards to your love life do not take a back seat. There is fun to be had stoner Ram, but will have to make it!

One thing you’ve come to know over the years is that the universe owes you nothing but will bring you everything if you allow it.  Your working world needs a bit of an adjustment in order to reap the rewards you seek.  Stick with a sativa if you must medicate during working hours as you will need to stay as active as possible over the next three weeks.  If you feel the need for a break go out to lunch or make time to meditate with the sacred herb at home after your work is done.  You have a lot to accomplish in order to heed the success you’ve been working towards.  By the end of the month, I believe you will feel a great sense of accomplishment!  Now go get ’em Ram!

Aries February 2016

February is going to be laden with situations that are as heavy and thick as the wax you put in your vape this month, stoner Aries.   Alas, you will prevail in any debacle & soar through the best of times because you have a loving circle of supporters at your fingertips.  Lean on the sacred herb for support in your daily adventures.  A nice hybrid that leans on the indica side should suit you nicely during this cold month.

Your love life will be quite interesting this month, Aries.  Your number one job is to pay attention to others feelings and intentions.  Find the bliss between fiery carnal passion and solid heartfelt care this month and you will truly win in love.  Utilizing your vape pen will help ignite the passion, but be wary of the simple physical attraction. You are a complex person and need both physical and emotional stimulation to truly be at peace with your choice in lovers.  Whatever you choose you will have fun, that I do wholeheartedly see in your future.

Are you restless and flitting to and fro at work?  Don’t mind it much.  Yes, there will be bumps in the road.  Do your best to find where you can truly utilize your talents and then head off in that direction.  Do not waste time analyzing the naysayers reactions. Sneak a toke, smile and go on your own way.  This is a month where your actions in any realm will speak volumes.

Choose to look at your debacles as nothing more than a simple hurdle and they will be easily overcome and you can puff your way into a nice March.

Aries January 2016

Breathe in that crisp winter air my Stoner Aries.  It will awaken your senses and fill your soul with much needed fresh start!  You should find yourself positive and bursting with energy all month long.  From outings with your favorite buds to cuddle time in front of the fire blazing away a long work day.  January 2016 will be giving you a new outlook on your life.

Work will be work dearest cannabis companion.  Depending on your position will depend on how you feel about this  month.  It will be a month to play catch up on all loose ends and finish those piles of paperwork.  You should be good to go with a lil hybrid in your vape and some groovy tunes in your soul.  Be sure to cross all your t’s and dot those i’s as if you do not it will come back 10 fold in at tax time.

Your love life in 2015 was a bit shaky to say the least.  For those of you who ended a relationship recently be prepared to meet an influential person this January.  This new emotional connection may start up cool at the beginning of the month but will be blazing like a torch to your dab rig by the end of the month.  The only other side to this you will be facing your innermost fears.  You can and will burn each one down.

Aries December 2015

Stoner Aries, you’ve been looking for a break for months.  Get ready as December 2015 is your lucky month!  Beautiful developments will be flowing around you like clouds of vape.  Finally something is giving for you Ram!  Do not get too swept up in the excitement as you will need to pay attention in order to keep things positive.  For example:  Your working world will be all a buzz.  Keep the sativa handy as you will need your wits about you.  At this time you will need to be open minded my cannabis companion or you will create negativity.  Look at all your options before making a decision.  Then seize every opportunity that fits your long term goals and work like you’ve never worked before.  You will see great things happen and new platforms to jump off of.

Emotional satisfaction will come easily to you stoner Aries.  Ram Dass says it best: “Be Here Now”.  That is exactly what you will need to do everyday this month in regards to your personal relationships.  Focus on what it is you need and want.  Don’t be surprised if you have to make a decision that your family does not consider in your best interest.  You know what is best for you.  Stick to your guns.

As for your love life: Your partner will be very giving, be sure to give in return and things will be as blissful as an indica laden gravy.  For those unattached you will find great moments with potential lovers all month. (Be Here Now with an Open mind!!)

Aries November 2015

My dearest Stoner Ram, before we have this talk you need to grab your bat and dug out. Got it?  Good.  Now pack it and hit it a few times before we delve into the forecast for November.

Are you ready for the most intense tests of 2015? Breathe in positivity, breathe out anxieties.  Do it now.

The month of November is going to be difficult to say the very least.  You must decide now that these tests will only allow you to prevail into a sea of goodness.  Yes you will hurdle these circumstances, but you MUST go through them.  There is no other way.

In your world of work stoner Aries prepare for some minor upsets if you own your own business.  If you prepared and saved you will overcome the small inconveniences of malfunctioning office machines and employee upsets.  If you did not you will be at a loss.  If you are in the midst of working for someone else you need to mentally prepare for negativity from your boss.  Some of this is due to your past performance, the rest is due to the pressures on them.  Keep your head up, stick to your guns and keep the sticky stuff in your vape.  These tests will eventually pay off in the long run.  Do not heed the quick easy pay off this month you will lose.

The love life of the stoner Ram will be the most trying.  Hit that bat again my smoking companion.  Now inhale deeply:

The lessons you will learn about yourself and your love life will be earth shattering this month.  Borrow the spirit of the Phoenix and know you will rise from the ashes more alive and better off.  You need to take a stance.  Find time to meditate with a nice hybrid and make that decision that will ultimately put you in a better position.  It will be fiercely difficult, but you must stand your ground.  You must make this decision to better your life for you and those you love.  Your friends will be there for you. Although this is a journey they cannot join you in. Your mantra this month needs to be: I am stronger than they know.  Remember you can and will get through this Aries.  Things always get better and you will too.

Aries October 2015

You won’t need a highly psychoactive strain of sacred herb this month my stoner Aries.  Strap yourself in,  its going to be a vivid journey for you this fine fall month of October.  For starters your working world will become very clear to you.  Taking charge and getting the tasks done will be your main goal.  You will also be given a lot of leeway in how you choose to get these goals achieved.  Keep in mind to be kind, as you may see yourself faced with a decision to remove a team member.  This team member is a good man, but not up to the tasks at hand.  One of your tasks may be to put together the most productive team possible.  This time you must follow logic.

If the long hours of work have you longing for that dab of relaxation, October will prove to be a well balanced time in that aspect.  Stoner Aries, you will have more opportunities to bask in the glory of love than you may be able to dream up.  You will feel right in que with your partner or potential partner(s) this month. Be sure not to overwhelm them with this all at once. Spread out your love over the entire month.  Savor it like your favorite medible and enjoy the ride.

Aries September 2015

Are you ready for a fast paced high energy month Aries?  Yes Stoner Ram, you will be bristling with good vibes and a “in it to win it” attitude.  Keep stretching your abilities in your working world as September is the month for you to grow and bask in the sun.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges so stick with the motivating sativa and keep the new ideas rolling.  Your partners or managers are there and will help you with anything you want this month.  Communication will be the key to attaining your newly amassed goals.

My stoner Aries you will be swimming with a magnitude of energy that will need to be released.  Get the vape pen ready for a good long solo hike.  You will need daily exercise to help you expend some of this energy or you will overwhelm those you love most.  Remember, not everyone will be as high in the sky as you at the beginning of Autumn.  So get out there and cleanse your soul with some good old fashioned time with mother nature!  Now is the time to open  your mind to new spiritual and emotional experiences in love.  Sure date nights are great, but you can go to a movie anytime.  Try something different and watch your soul grow.  Hit the beach by day and watch the stars with a nice hybrid by night.  The closeness you can achieve with your lover this month is limitless.

Aries August 2015

My dearest stoner Aries, prepare yourself for a unsettling month in August 2015.  You will be whipped around by strong energy forces.  Some positively unnerving events will be hoisted upon you and you must do everything in your power to find balance.  Your job this month will be to find and maintain an inner calm.  Take part in the sacred herb during your quiet and meditative times.  Lean on it when all else seems to be raining on your parade.

Work will be your respite if you can manage to keep your wits about you.  Take on new tasks or projects to keep your mind focused.  If I may suggest; look into a mild sativa to keep your energy levels working for you during your working hours.  Your creative energies will be flowing and will not need any extra push from strains of indica.  Be sure to utilize your energy efficiently as you will need much on the home front.

Brace yourself Ram and do not charge.  It will be a difficult month in terms of your relationships.  Be sure to give yourself a lot of time to meditate in August.  Expect many upsets and most importantly do not allow yourself to become outraged or angry.  Do your best to see each situation as just that:  As they say in Jamaica “There are no problems, only situations”.  For you, Aries, this is true.  You have the ability to overcome everything that August throws at you.  Be calm and Dab on this month when you are away from work.  Be kind no matter how awful your friends, family or lovers may be and you will come out on top.

Aries July 2015

It seems that much of the life energy from June will flow over into July for you my stoner Aries.  Use this energy to guide you down the paths that mean the most to you.  Though you may have a lot to decide in the working world, your personal life will be an irrefutable cloud of vape!

Speaking of working, Ram, you will be doing a lot of it this month.  As I see it, you will be good to go on finishing your projects in a timely manner.  Thus bringing upon you more opportunities from those who are your partners or managers.  You need to look at all of these opportunities and choose only one.  Grab your bag of trees and find a mellow place to do some reflective thinking before making your decision.  Trust your intuition and give that one decision your all.

The word I believe you will use this month in regards to your personal life will be, to say the least, blissful.  This is the month you will feel as though everyone is on your page.  If you have the time and resources to take a nice long vacation, do so!  If that is not an option for you; surround yourself with your cannabis companions on the weekends at a nice peaceful place and relax.  The energies of your love life are calling for you to enjoy.  When is the last time you hiked that trail that leads to your favorite cave? It is time to update your social connections as well as your connections with our dear mother earth.

Aries June 2015

This is positively your month to shine my dear stoner Aries!  Be prepared to feel the unyielding life force pumping through your veins.  You will have many celebrations and many opportunities coming your way!  Your biggest challenge will be to reign in the energy you are receiving and put it to work for the better of your life this month.

Your love life is exceptional in June!  The enormity of events that will play out this month will change you forever my stoner Ram.  This is true for both the single and attached Aries.  Following your heart has never felt so good.  Ride those dab clouds and don’t look down! There may be a few minor disagreements but do not take them to heart as they will resolve themselves easily.  Play your cards right and the Summer Solstice will be more than just a celebration of the season; It will be a celebration of you!

Work, work, work!  Yes, you do have to work my cannabis companion.  Although, it in no way will be a downer this month.  You will have to focus all the energy within you into decisiveness and creativity as you will simply be bombarded with opportunities in June.  Do not try to take them all or you will simply be breaking your own back.  Take time to meditate with a nice sativa on the ones that appeal to you most.  Then pick the ones that will benefit you both soulfully and financially.  These decisions are laying down a nice platform for you, so why not enjoy the work you do!  If you own your own company pay attention to what your employees are doing.  Is your handbook up to date?  Make sure all policies are being upheld.  If you are working for the man it is the month to take initiative!  Start making headway for the trip up the ladder my friend!

Aries May 2015

For my smoking Aries the month of May will be quite amicable.  Do not become lackadaisical due to this break in chaos.  Yes you deserve an indica butter break!  Just hold off on that until you’ve made your decision on the direction you should be going this fine, fine month of May.

How are you feeling about your relationship this month Aries?  Are you allowing negative vibes to subside or are they germinating like the legendary Lowryder plant?  You can bet your bottom dollar that your relationship this month will shape up exactly the way you see it:  Whether that look is good or bad is up to you.  During the middle of the month be prepared to deal with a true test of fate.  Meditate on it and follow your intuition as some doors will close and others will open depending on your actions.  On the up side follow your feelings and  be attentive to you lover and all situations will seem blissful in the end.

You may feel stress in the form of negativity from co-workers this month.  You need to take some time to figure out how to overcome any obstacles with your working relationships.  Keep your cool and these and other problems will drift away just like you do on your vape session at the end of the work day.

May is the month to be proactive in your working world.  Do not sit around and wait for the opportunities as they will come to you when you are actually doing what you do best, taking action!  Do not rush into anything, stay positive and overcome obsticals are your best actions this month. You can do it Aries! Yes you can.

Aries April 2015

Stoner Aries, surround yourself with as much positivity as you can.  It is going to be a rough month for you.  You will need to put on the magic hat of logic and stash away the over emotional side of yourself.  Speaking of stashing, burn up your predisposed ideas concerning people, places and ideas this month as it will fervently hold you back.

If you are going to use up your energy this month focus it into your love life.  If you are attached you need to wade through this month with your partner no matter how sticky the black tar hash gets.  I strongly suggest a few hybrid enhanced meditative evenings this month so you both can get on the same vibe.  It will help to open up those locked doors and start an honest conversation on where you are and where you both want to go.  Do not become ashen with sadness.  Your relationship can flourish again if you simply choose to work it out during this very emotionally complex month.  Lean on your best friend and listen to them.  You will really have to just go with the flow this month in love my stoner Aries.  Do not by any means fall down the depths of despair:  In the next six weeks you will be able to follow your feelings as they will be more true than they are this month.

This is the month in business to focus your energies smartly.  You will need all your pistons firing so leave the pipe at home or consider some CBD or a lighter strain of sativa at work.  Make that to do list and prioritize it.  Do one thing at a time and do it well.  Steer clear of the smoke and mirrors that may make you consider a bad business deal.  It is best to keep things logical and in order this month.  Do not try to rock the boat and work will float by easily this month.

Aries March 2015

Break out the party pipe and share the sacred herb with everyone you know this month Aries!  On the whole of things, this month will be blessed with positive vibes and and lots of energy.  Keep the attitude you reign at the beginning of the month fluid throughout and you should not have too many problems during the last part of March.  Below we will only touch on the possible tangles you may face in work and love:

All aspects of your working world should be irrefutably good this month my smoking Aries.  If for some reason you find you do not have that spark at work, look around you.  Who is influencing you negatively?  If this is the case, it may be time to spark one up with that person and get down to the heart of what the problem is.  If you are looking to move up in the world of work this is not the month to make waves.  It is however a time to reflect on how you plan on getting there.  Remember it is better to burn one down with a fellow co-worker than to grind them down on your way up.

In love, my hard headed ram, be watchful.  The first three weeks of March will be tentative and a bit stressful if you are not paying attention.   Attached Aries stay calm and dab on with your partner this month as they may be feisty and temperamental. Try coaxing out the real issue.  You may have to wait until the end of the month for some of the stress to wear off before gaining headway with your significant other.  If you’re single now is not the time to try to look for love.  Rather concentrate on family and friends.  Watch that tongue as we all know the only thing sharper than your horns are your words.  Before dealing with judgmental family members maybe take a nice one hitter of sativa?

Aries February 2015

On the whole, Aries, 2015 will feel like a cosmic trip on a indica cloud laden magic carpet ride.  Do your best to keep this in mind as you work your way through the next few months.  February in itself will be a bit of a challenge.

Fiery Aries this month you will feel as though with every puff you take the ashes will cloud your vision in the work place.  It will be the small mishaps that seem inconsequential that you need to look out for.  There is a deeper meaning behind them.  Your boss will be looking for end results.  You will have to push past the mayhem and prove you can do it.  Keep calm & vape on with some mood enlightening sativa and keep that pep in your step.  You’ll need it with the boggish disruptions that keep popping up and holding you back.  Do not fret, you will prevail, it will just be a tougher road than usual.

Your personal relationships this month are concentrating on your circle of friends. They need you and not just because you’re the only one who remembers to bring the Hookah to the party.  Sometime in the middle of the month you will have a situation arise that forces you to make a decision.  The right answer may not be the easiest.  If you are attached, stoner Aries, beware of any misunderstandings with your lover.  Do not leave them in the cold just because you are investing more time in your circle with friends.


Aries January 2015

The month of January will be a tough month for you Aries.  Just because you’re fiery, don’t blaze away all month and think you’ll make good tracks.  Beware of the negative energies working through you this month as you will not want to spoil the kushy emotional highs it has in store for you.

It may seem you want a vacation after all the holiday fuss.  Don’t pack those bags for Jamaica just yet.  As the Bob Marley song “Rat Race” says:  “you’ll feel the working mans woes” this January.  If you own your own business the mice will play when the cat is away!  Stay focused, check and recheck all details of your work to avoid any mishaps.  For those literally in the rat race of working for the man: Keep your head down and stay busy. It is not the month for attracting attention from management. In other words leave that dug out at home.

On a brighter side, all those hard hours of work will be smoothed over in the realm of your personal life.  All Rams will be a bit more charming this month.  So pack up your favorite piece and enjoy a little Indica and get cozy. Your romance should be on fire towards the end of the month.  Single? You’ve got the power of influence and charm working for you this month.  It’s time to go after that burning relationship you have been wanting.