Gemini Stoner Horoscope June

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June

Feel yourself stoner Gemini.  Strength within will be buoyed by universal support in June.  Let’s go!  You are a multifaceted soul traveling the terrestrial plane.  This month will be a dance within this multifaceted nature.  

Stock your stash jars with pure Sativa cannabis strains and Sativa hybrids to start the month.  The celestial influence of the first half of June will be in support of creative Twin.

This influence will support both thinking and physical manifestation.  Whoa bud, what if you manifest creative thought while producing creative art?  Stoner mind blown.

After the first decade of June, cosmic support will shift to matters of an internal nature.  Ease into more balanced hybrids at this stage to open up internal dialogue and seek fresh discoveries within.

June 14th marks a Super Full Moon.  Stoner Gemini, the period after this Lunar event will be a time to pull back and heal.  Pack your bowl with cannabis strains high in CBD for a few days to encourage this rest and recuperation.

After the 18th you will be ready to pack, light, rip, and exhale any desired strain you prefer.  All of the prescriptions and efforts put into the beginning of the month will result in an outburst of social exhibition.

Feel yourself stoner Gemini.  Nurtured internal work will turn into positive outward manifestations.  What a wonderful world!

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Gemini Stoner Horoscope May

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May

This month, many of the stoner Zodiac will find themselves faced with that age old question: Should I work, or should I play?  But you are not one of them stoner Gemini. You won’t have to waste any time worrying about which one to choose, May will be filled by plenty of both!

While grinding hard and keeping your groove going are both written in the stars, it will be up to you to maintain balance between both worlds. And in order to sustain this peaceful equilibrium throughout the month, the best advice I can offer my toking Twin is this:  Keep the pipe at home.

The only way to ensure an upward trajectory in the workplace, and to enjoy lighthearted stoney time off the clock, is to keep them separate.

Stoner Gemini, when you’re on the job, remember it’s business time. Keep your mind haze-free, and your focus clearly on the tasks in front of you. And once you’re done with work for the day, light one up, and let any thoughts of business fade away with the smoke.

Whether you lean more toward the sweet stimulating Sativa, or usually indulge in the sticky calm-inducing Indica, you should keep your stash jars stocked with both throughout the month.

Whenever you feel like you’re running out of steam, seek out the inspirational vapors of an uplifting Sativa for a little pick-me-up. And when the weekend hits:  Relax, rest, and rediscover your center with more grounding buds.

Stoner Gemini, it might sound strange to some that a person could smoke their way to success. But, as long as you make sure you match your sinsemilla selection with the appropriate situation, you will see gains in your career, and still get to spend plenty of time roasting great ganja with your best buds.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April

Stoner Gemini, up to this point, it may feel like not much has happened for you this year. So far, you may not have seen the seeds planted at the New Year grow as much as you had hoped. But I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath, take a few stress relieving tokes of the marijuana smoke, and relax my terrestrial Twin.

It’s officially the first full month of Spring! You can expect to see your spiritual and financial gardens experience noticeable growth. Remember stoner Gemini, that when it comes to our plants and our plans, time spent in a vegetative state is just as important as when they start to bloom.

Sure, this period of slow growth may not be the most exciting, but it is crucial in creating a strong, healthy foundation. This incubation time is the groundwork for everything that follows; after all, the tallest trees only reach great heights if their roots run deep.

Stoner Gemini, the most substantial growth will be in the realm of work. As long as you maintain your ambitious momentum, your peers and the higher ups will notice your contributions to the team. At least for the first couple weeks it will be best to stay off the pipe when you’re on the clock.

This month, you want to keep your work-grind and your herbal-grind separate. So, save those sweet, sticky bowls to celebrate a good day’s work, instead of slowing down your brain at work.

My stoner Twin, April isn’t going to be all work and no play. Your time outside of the office will be as hazy as ever. You’re not the only sign of the stoner Zodiac who had a slow start to the year. Your cannabis companions are coming out of Winter hibernation, and ready to blaze up with you under the bright Spring sun.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Gemini I warned that better days of the year were around the corner.  The slow start to 2022 is over!  Get ready to rip and roll your way into a stoney cosmic adventure.

The action influence from the universe comes hot and heavy like a glob slab slammed on a glowing nail.  The New Moon on the 2nd will send cosmic waves of a shifting tide.  Pack a celebratory bowl for one on this date to welcome the change with your personal cannabis guide.

These action items will manifest in the work sphere.  Any passion projects or work tasks will get a boost from cosmic encouragement.  The wonderful nature of this influence implies that kind feedback will occur as a direct result of your actions.

Yes stoner Gemini; the only risk you run of missing out is the danger of couchlock.  Keep the stash jar loaded with energetic Sativa species to bring inspiration AND action to the forefront.

Ah my stoner Twin.  It just wouldn’t be a month worth remembering if you didn’t have some sort of battle with the dual nature of life, and within yourself.  As the month progresses there will be moments of trepidation and insecurity.

Toke a moment with the sacred herb to contemplate these situations before they get the best of you.  Perhaps, all that is needed is a positive outlook to see any obstacle or dilemma as an opportunity or learning lesson.  

These are the situations where a shared bowl with your close cannabis compadre might be the ear or sounding board needed to find the positive path.  

Good luck stoner Gemini.  There should be enough to do this month to keep you both busy!

Gemini Stoner Horoscope February

Gemini Stoner Horoscope February

Stoner Gemini, how did you make it through the dual retrograde cycle last month?  Did the magic of the sacred herb engage your super Twin power?  Well here you are, ready to shred, pack, and light up another exciting month.

Be prepared stoner Gemini, entering February will be like hitting that wall of sweet smells from the sacred herb.  You are in for a quick change of pace as the planets move on, and throw you into a different phase.

Keep smoke sessions light and airy.  Don’t dive in too deep at the beginning of the month.  Feel the change of pace with your raw psyche.  The cannabis strain does not matter, just make sure to consume just enough to get you where you want to go.

Once the beginning phase of the month is over, and you have caught your bud-loving bearings, you should feel like yourself again.  Your sense of humor will return.; your ability to adapt and thrive within a social setting will come to the forefront.  You may not have realized they were gone, but you will definitely feel them come back.  I’ll smoke to that!

Although the planetary motion will free stuck stash jars and ground joints, the new phase will bring a cooler to the work sphere and finances.  

February will be the month to take it easy on the toking.  Responsibility, accountability, and agility will be key.  Pinchie bowls go with pinching pennies.  Furthermore, a clear head may help you address some debt that is weighing you down.

The good news is that this potential tolerance break after the first six days of the month will be a breeze.  With the adaptive and communicative gears grinding once again, you may hardly notice the absence of your cannabis copilot.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope January

Gemini Stoner Horoscope January

My spiritually flexible stoner Gemini, the January time period will test all of your skills of adaptability!  An easy task for the marijuana morphing Twin!

Puff puff pass on complex conundrums within smoke circle communications this month.  Recognize that everything is changing within the dynamics of your canna-crew.  

We’ve entered a new period of progress.  Shared stories and smoke sessions of the past will not relate to current cannabis communion.

Toke time early in the month to stock the stash jar with various cannabis strains.  Focus on flexibility with your sacred herbal medicine cabinet.  The power of the sacred herb can support you in so many ways.  Most importantly, the perspective enhancement of your third eye vision, as it relates to your cannabis companions, will be needed in the second Winter month.

Stoner Gemini, as you ride the energetic flow of the universe this month, use your cannabis copilot to see smoke squad dynamics with new eyes.  Terrestrial communications will be changing, but you will be changing as well.  Keep your third eye open to see the landscape from a higher perspective.

In the end, you are a flexible shape shifter stoner Gemini.  With the guidance of the sacred herb, this period will be a fun lesson in communication and companionship within the smoke circle.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope December

Gemini Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Gemini patience and understanding will be required to receive the celestial benefits of the first Winter month.  Our sacred herb can be a wonderful tool to help us see hidden mechanisms that might be holding us back from progress.

Perspective must be sought in December stoner Gemini.  We may all be trapped within our own perspective of life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see and understand more grand perspectives beyond ourselves.

Planetary alignment will bring negative waves of envy to the stoner Twin this month.  It is a vicious thing to focus on what you don’t have, or what others do.

Toke time with cannabis this month as a tool to expand your perspective stoner Gemini.  Your cannabis copilot can take you deep within, and high above.

The sacred strain and the consumption method does not matter in December.  The important aspect of the month will be your use of cannabis as a tuning fork for broader perspective.  Throughout the month, use the sacred herb to enhance your third eye vision of yourself and the world around you.

In the great words of Stewart Smalley, “You are good enough, you are smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you.”

The Full Moon of December 18th marks a change in tone for the month.  Grab your favorite Sativa strains from the stash jar for this final push to end the year.  Communication with your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts will slide into a free and easy state.  Projects, both short and long term, will gain momentum.

Stoner Gemini, the energizing nature of the Sativa cannabis species will assist in drawing out the positive potential of communal smoke sessions.  As it will also provide a sacred wind in your sail moving forward with passionate projects.

In the end the December period will be like so many others:  A blessing in potential progress with potential personal pitfalls of hubris.  Your cannabis copilot will be there to help you extract the good, and protect against the bad.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope November

Gemini Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Gemini …. Ready!  Set!  Go!  November promises to be a bustling period of frenetic energy and diligent work.  Time, effort, and labor will all blur together like no other period felt in the recent past or near future.

Let’s go stoner Gemini!  Put on your hard hat, grab your favorite piece, and embrace the grind.

Fill your stash jar early in the month with pure Sativa and or Sativa dominant hybrid cannabis strains.  There will be special exceptions, but the light energetic tones of the Sativa species of the sacred herb will assist with the enthusiastic commitment required in the final Fall month.

Think of your cannabis prescription as matching bowls with the celestial influence.  Your cannabis copilot might be the sacred connection required to withstand and benefit from the intense cosmic winds pushing you forward.

Now the exception my curious Twin.  In a perfect world you will be feeling yourself and the frenetic energy of the universe.  Knocking down tasks, and leaping over obstacles in a single bound.  But all this hard labor comes at a cost to your cosmic spacesuit.

Tuck away some Indica species of the sacred herb for special rest and recuperative smoke sessions during the month.  Be forewarned:  These smoke sessions may not seem possible or needed as you exert your magical hard working powers on the terrestrial plane.  You will need to toke time for self.  It will be up to you to set aside time for these recuperative smoke sessions.

The Moon phases 4th, 11th, 19th, and 27th offer great windows of time to slow down and meditate with a sacred bowl of Indica.  There will be no depth of thought required during these smoke sessions.  Just focus on rest and recuperation to recharge and repair your cosmic spacesuit for the next push forward toward progress.

I know stoner Gemini:  Intense right?  You got this.  Embrace the exhilaration of the constant grind.  Toke time for medicated meditative moments to repair mentally and physically.  Everything will work out with great progress at heart.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope October

Gemini Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Gemini, for some in the stoner Zodiac autumn is a time to slow down, bundle up, and allow themselves a little more time being comfortably stoned on the couch. But, this month, the stoner Twin will not be caught lounging or wasting any of the limited hours of daylight the Fall season offers.

While many around you will be content slowing their role, tokin the easy route or blaming the weather for ignoring their to-do list, you will be steady on your grind; blazing hot trails through the cold, rainy days of the second Fall month.

For the stoner Gemini, this period can be a time of grand ideas and great accomplishment. Embrace the sacred sensemilla early and often this month; inhale the stimulating nature of cannabis, and elevate yourself to ever-higher levels of creativity.

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Do not be offended, or take it personally, if you initially face skepticism from your peers at work, or your canna-buddies. It’s not that they doubt your abilities or vision, stoner Gemini, but they know historically you can be sudden to switch your focus, and quick to find the next great passion project to pour your energy into.

Your best collaborators will be those cannabis comrades who can act as a counterbalance to your endless eagerness to start your next exciting endeavor; before you’ve completed the current undertaking.

Seek out the partners-in-chronic who are not looking to be entertained by lofty declarations; but instead, those who are genuinely intrigued by your bigger-picture vision. The ideal cannabis companion will be equally excited to put in the work needed to manifest your marijuana musings into tangible results; and only then, take a break to binge watch your favorite stoner comedy series, and pack bowl after frosty bowl.

Stoner Gemini, regardless of whether you are a part of team Indica, or stick strictly to Sativa dominant strains, consistency in your cannabis selection will be key to maintaining momentum and motivation this month.

The Tokin’ Twin represents a duality, and this month it is up to you to decide whether to be the high-minded daydreamer, or the down-to-earth doer. One thing that is certain:  Indecisiveness will leave you looking back, wondering how you let all the infinite potential of the month go up in smoke.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope September

Gemini Stoner Horoscope September


Dare to dream stoner Gemini.  The September time period is a powerful month for the stoner Twin.  Confidence, diligence, and a positive mental attitude will be the keys to unlocking the cosmic magic manifesting in the first Fall month.

Early in the month toke time with the sacred herb.  Dare to dream stoner Gemini!  Use communions with cannabis to fly high above the terrestrial plane.  See the gears grinding in the economic machine.  What is your place within this structure?

There is universal support for advancement in September.  But this support is not a gift my Twin.  Once you have meditated with the sacred herb to see yourself within the system, action must be taken to increase your position.  Use your cannabis copilot to see through the barriers placed in front of you; then puff puff plan on how to remove these barriers.

You have always been valuable stoner Gemini.  Now it is time to leverage that value, and turn it into influence.

The New Moon rises on the 6th of September.  This Moon phase brings a sense of organization to your physical space.  If you are the type of Twin that struggles to settle the mind for a medicated meditative dive with the sacred herb, then perhaps this early New Moon can be used as an opportunity.

I called for an early medicated meditative dream session with the sacred herb this month.  Perhaps this deep dive can come in concert with the New Moon house cleansing.  Busy hands and a dreaming mind.  There are no rules to meditation or contemplation my creative Twin.

Don’t let fear, uncertainty, and doubt trip up your third eye vision.  Again, this period is filled with support, not gifts.  All action and manifestation must come from within you.

Keep a high CBD, low THC, cannabis strain at the ready this month.  There could be times where fear, uncertainty, and doubt creep into your mental space.  Could you be overthinking it stoner Gemini?

Use the subdued psychoactive CBD cannabis strain to calm the nerves and quiet the sabotaging mind.  You got this stoner Gemini, it was always within you.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope August

Gemini Stoner Horoscope August


Are you ready stoner Gemini?  I know you are.  And the stoner Zodiac is waiting with anticipation.  August will be the time of the Twin, and the world will be a more exciting, and colorful place because of it.

The universe will be shining a big bright light on you stoner Gemini.  Don’t get stage fright.  We all need you to perform.  Thankfully, this big bright beam will also come with a welcome, calming, creative influence to assist in your mission.  Stock the stash jar early in August with Sativa cannabis strains and Sativa dominant hybrids.

On your quest for adventure in August on the terrestrial stage of life, the entire stoner Zodiac will look to the Twin for guidance and entertainment.  Avoid the couch lock, and potential heady paranoia of the Indica species in August.  Lean into your quest with bright, airy, energetic Sativas.

Sounds like a lot of pressure right?  Don’t sweat it stoner Gemini.  Cosmic chaos will be replaced by an organized influence of destiny in August.  You always have a lot to say; now this time the entire smoke circle will listen.

But wait, there’s more!  Perhaps this month is tailor made for the bifurcated stoner Twin.  Because one side will enjoy the attention, and the other side will find freedom in creativity.

The sacred Sativa prescription for August is perfect for this cosmic influence as well.

Breathe stoner Gemini.  Inhale.  There are plenty of time periods where you may feel split, as the dual nature of your soul battles against each other.  This month, the Twin will be as one, working together in harmony.

When I say ‘creative’, I mean it in a broad sense of the word.  It shouldn’t be applied strictly to artistic endeavors.  This month the trail of adventure is calling.  The bright beam of energetic influence and cosmic creativity will broaden the smoke circle, and manifest a choose-your-own-adventure situation with the canna-crew.

Speak up stoner Gemini!  You know where the action is this month.  Bring as many canna-buddies along with you as you can.

Make sure to keep a ‘go bag’ with you at all times:  Plenty of bud, a versatile travel piece to combust it with, and a light.  As you feel the creative flow in August, there is no telling where you might end up, and who you might be smoking with.  Stay hydrated yo!

Gemini Stoner Horoscope July

Gemini Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Gemini, the second Summer month is sure to be lit.  Your terrestrial travels will be bountiful and blessed; as the sweet Summer Sun sends cosmic kisses of warm energy to the creative Twin.

Feel the flow stoner Gemini.  This month your enigmatic personality will attract fellow cannabis connoisseurs as if a positive spell has been cast across the terrestrial plane.

You do not need the energy from the Sativa species of the sacred herb.  Nor do you want the chill vibe of the Indica species this month.  Seek out the tastiest 50-50 hybrid cannabis strains for your stash jars in July.  Bubble Gum or LA Confidential would be great choices!

Trust yourself stoner Gemini.  Get out and about with the canna-crew.  Allow the creative juices from your internal drives to guide your external activities.

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Again, there is a universal blessing in the planetary alignment this month that should attract congruous cannabis companions and ward off negative nerdowells.  Use your cannabis copilot as a catalyst to connect you with positive cosmic waves, and ride them with confidence.

Be careful stoner Gemini.  As you feel the flow of the universe, surely there will be adventure on your path.  Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate the dangers that may come with the excitement of any particular adventure.  Use the medicated smoke sessions as a moment for pause, to ignite level headed decision making.

Creativity is an active stimulent to this positive cosmic wave of influence stoner Gemini.  Stay active.  Each day will not be a blessed adventure to the next secret smoke spot.  Toke time to fill the in-between moments with creative crafts and stellar stoner outlets.  Perhaps this month is the perfect time to take up a new hobby, or work on those strain reviews you’ve been contemplating.

Feel the flow stoner Gemini.  Both Twins can, and will, work as one this month to receive the cosmic blessings of the universal influence.

And …. Don’t forget to bring a towel.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June


It’s the season of the Twin!  Stoner Gemini I am sure you are geared up and ready to toke all you can this month.  But watch out!  There are hidden cosmic elements that should pull the reins on highly ambitious expectations.

Chill stoner Gemini, this month is going to be fantastic.  With the right attitude, realistic expectations, and a measured cannabis copilot, you will have all the tools to smoke the month in style.

The right attitude is all about positivity.  This is your season, and you should own it!  Inhale the perspective expanding nature of the sacred herb.  Now is the perfect time to think deep about where you are, how you got here, and where you are going.  Your journey is all about you.  It’s ok to toke time to manifest positivity into your terrestrial adventure.

Stoner Gemini make sure to maintain realistic expectations in June.  Mercury is in retrograde during this blessed season.  This could mean if you over-extend yourself, and fly too close to the Sun, you will sure get burnt.  The progressive opportunities this month have more to do with internal contemplation rather than external celebration.

The cannabis prescription for June plays a large part in attitude and expectations for the month.  First, don’t over indulge stoner Gemini.  Mercury retrograde will always be lingering like a stale smoke cloud ready to punish reckless decisions.  Perhaps this is the time to try that Indica strain with high CBD percentages.  Use your cannabis copilot to help you navigate to introspective meditations.  There are opportunities this month for personal and emotional breakthroughs with deep medicated contemplation.  Progress within your long-term journey, and the current perspective within your life’s timeline.  These medicated meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will act as a cannabis inspired internal diagnostic checkup of sorts.

Don’t get it twisted like the end of a perfectly rolled joint stoner Gemini.  This will be a great month!  As long as you toke time for self, and maintain responsible behavior and expectations, your cannabis copilot will guide you in the right direction.  Seek more meditative smoke sessions rather than celebratory bowls.  Not only should things work out just fine in June, the important things in life should be enhanced and grow like our favorite weed.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May


You are on a roll stoner Gemini!  The month of May will continue the upward celestial trend for the Twin of the stoner Zodiac.  Often the stoner Gemini is unaware of the unique bifurcated nature of their stellar stoner traits.  How many times have you balked at a comment by a member of the canna-fam about your dual nature?  It’s as if the consistency of your stoner ways is only known to you.  The universal influence of May will bring a light of awareness and understanding about yourself that is usually missing from the reflection in the mirror.

You are in luck stoner Gemini!  This month could be interpreted as a rebirth as you see yourself in a new light.  Make sure the stash jar is packed with your favorite cannabis strains because the more meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb, the more opportunity for growth and progress.  As Bob Marley famously said, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”  There will be plenty of revelations this month stoner Gemini.

Keep those books you always intended to read close to the stash jar this month.  The universe will be sending blessings of knowledge within the celestial alignment.  Perhaps the best meditative smoke session will be you, your favorite piece, some dank nugs, and a book on self improvement.

Keep in mind stoner Gemini:  There are dangers to this period of self reflection.  During this cleansing, or rebirth, make sure to ward off negative energy.  Use the sacred herb as an illuminating tool during this stage.  As you see yourself more clearly you will also see the pains of mistakes and past relationships.  Don’t dwell stoner Gemini.  Use this period to release resentment, to forgive your frenemies, and to cleanse any toxicity with your smoke circle.  Also be forewarned:  As you open the pathways of awareness, opportunities for new additions to the cannabis crew will arise.  As blessed as this is as a prediction, smoke circle expansion is not the progressional goal of May.  This month is about self repair, self awareness, healing, and eliminating toxicity within relationships.  There will be plenty of time to build the canna-fam in future periods.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April


Get out among the broader smoke circle stoner Gemini!  Universal influence in April supports a social Twin.  That’s right, guard your eyes and step out of your home and comfort zone.  That’s the Sun that is blinding you, and it comes with energy and adventure.

But there is a danger in this expansive motive for April.  Adventure on the terrestrial plane is not an all-you-can-smoke buffet.  At times during the month, you may want to do it all, and do it now!  However, the bountiful opportunities must be sifted with a keen third eye.  That do-it-all mentality will certainly burn more than just bowls if it is not tempered with common sense and thoughtful planning.

Sometimes the cosmic influence beamed in from our ruling celestial bodies counterbalances stumbling blocks built into our nature.  And sometimes we need a little guidance to make the best of our cosmic opportunities.  This month could be a little tricky for the stoner Gemini at home.  Make sure the sacred stash jar is loaded with the two opposing cannabis species.  Energy, fun, excitement, and adventure out and about on the terrestrial plane will certainly be complimented by the Sativa species.  However, in those in-between moments, you must find your chill and calm with the Indica species.  Those within your canna-fam may not appreciate you bouncing off the walls as you anticipate the next stoney adventure around the corner.  Find your inner chill in those stagnant moments waiting for the next trip, and unleash your bright energy when you finally get to those anticipated moments.

Finally stoner Gemini, I have a helpful tool that will assist you in all facets of the second Spring month.  It’s time to take up journaling!  Not only will you be able to document the grand adventures of April, hunting secret smoke spots with your best buds, but it will also give you something to submerge yourself into during those chill idle moments at home.  Perhaps this new habit of journaling will lead to progressive breakthroughs for yourself, and perhaps it will help you recount your stoney adventures to future smoke circles.  No matter the result, I’m sure you will have plenty to fill those pages!

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March


Stoner Gemini you can expect March to be a double header: Grinding hard in the early days then slowing your roll to focus on peace and relaxation. It is recommended during the ‘work hard’ phase that you put down the pipe, or at least keep it at home. No one is saying that you have to give up the ganja completely stoner Gemini. But, the best advice to offer is this: Know when to hold’em, and know when to smoke ‘em. Keeping cannabis consumption and work separate will ensure you make notable growth in both your career and personal realms. 

At work, a clear head will not only increase efficiency, it will help you to avoid confusion when communicating with your coworkers. Attention to detail will be especially crucial to maintaining forward and upward momentum. This keen observation also means keeping an eye on how your peers are feeling. It’s not babysitting stoner Gemini, but during this period you will be called upon to lead the team through the more complicated projects; and at times, to simply be an encouraging voice. Your charm and creative brain will help reassure those you work with that together, you can, and will, get the job done. But, don’t worry stoner Gemini! Smoke-free only applies to the nine-to-five grind, or on-the-clock hours. Free time and weekends are, and always will be, four-twenty friendly. 

Stoner Gemini, by the middle of the month, it will be time to pivot to the play hard and puff hard portion of March. Instead of focusing your efforts outward to creating a better cosmos, turn your third eye sight inward, and invest your contemplative energy in yourself. This doesn’t mean something is wrong, or you need to start reading self-help books, stoner Gemini. Rather think of this time as a season for self-discovery. Whether you are tokin’ solo, or a part of a hazy smoke circle, light up and dive deep. My stoner Twin, you may already know your passions; what makes you curious, and what inspires you. But, what are you doing to pursue, or manifest, those dreams? It only takes one step to begin your journey.  Just one spark to fire up a sweet smoky bowl. So, light one up stoner Gemini, and blaze ahead to where you really want to be.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope February

Gemini Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Gemini the last period was all about a self disciplined Positive Mental Attitude.  The February time period will assist this internal work with positive outward celestial influence.  If January was all about hard work internally, then February could be considered the period of pay-off.

Now don’t misinterpret stoner Gemini, action will still be required to receive the blessing of cosmic influence in the final Winter month.  But this action is your jam!  All cannabis strains are open this month.  The action required to find the flow of positive cosmic waves will be to lean into your creative passions.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to sink deep into your desired creative outlet.  Whether this passion is a learned project, or an adventure out on the terrestrial plane, seek opportunity to quench this passionate thirst.

Be forewarned stoner Gemini:  The blessings of February will drain the energy of your cosmic spacesuit.  This is not an ominous premonition.  Energy levels will have peaks and troughs like a wave form.  Your primary missions this month will require your focus and energy.  Therefore you must prepare yourself for the inevitable depressions in the wave of cosmic energy.  Although the cannabis recommendation is open for the month, be sure to have Sativa strains of the sacred herb on standby for the troughs of cosmic energy.  Lean into the helping hand of the sacred herb to rise high above any cosmic malaise.  After all, you have exciting things to do this month!

This is a progressive period for the stoner Twin.  The cannabis prescription may be open, but be sure to toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate what progress means to you.  Don’t just submerge yourself in a passion project in February.  Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate how this activity will lead you to the next station of life on our cosmic spaceship.  A happy person seizes the day.  A wise person creates more opportunities for days to seize in the future.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope January

Gemini Stoner Horoscope January


2021 kicks off in proper fashion for the stoner Gemini!  With the right attitude, and a sense of adventure, the Twin will be burning nugs with many smoke circles in far-flung locations.  The natural flighty flow of the celestial influence will only require a couple things.

First, stoner Gemini, you must find positivity and optimism within your terrestrial travels in January.  This PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) will serve you well as obstacles or tasks could transform into opportunities or adventures with the right third eye gaze.  The Lamb’s Bread cannabis strain is perfect for stoners seeking PMA.  But beyond the attitude enhancements with the power of the sacred herb, make sure to enlist an internal positive mantra throughout the month.  If you tell yourself to look on the bright side, it is far more likely to become your terrestrial truth.

Second, my gregarious Gemini, you must engage the broader smoke circle with active terrestrial travels.  Put the Indica strains of the sacred herb away for the month.  Active engagement is the key to unlock positive adventure, and connected memorable moments.  Lamb’s Bread works well for this second task as well; but if you want another strain for the stash jar, seek out the cannabis hybrid Light of Jah.  This Sativa dominant hybrid will keep the momentum going from one smoke circle to the next, but also provide a chill mood to keep you vibing with your cannabis cohorts.

January is sure to be a canna-blessed month stoner Gemini.  Keep your head lifted with a positive mental attitude, and seek the companionship of your canna-fam.  It should be easy to look on the bright side once you are burning bowls with your best buds.  All of this positivity and activity will surely lead to smoked-out adventures on the terrestrial plane.  Be sure to bring a camera!

Gemini Stoner Horoscope December

Gemini Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Gemini the holiday season will be more about personal relationships than the broader smoke circle.  Universal influence will push social frequencies to extremes.  So personal feelings within close connections will be at heightened metrics.  This of course could mean expansive deepening of relationships with close cannabis companions, but it also foretells heightened anxiety with poor relationships within close proximity.  Chill out stoner Gemini, I have the prescription to navigate through this high flying holiday season.

First, let the good times roll.  Embrace the positive intimacy of the cosmic course.  Keep your stash jar packed with a variety of cannabis strains.  Pick the right strains for the right moments.  Cosmic influence will push wonderful adventures within close cannabis companionships.  Within these moments, embrace the blessings.

Second, chill out and smooth the peak turbulence of frenemies within the inner smoke circle.  Once again stoner Gemini, make sure the stash jar is loaded with a variety of cannabis strains.  There will be testy unavoidable moments this month that will require a cooler canna-head.  You won’t need to cope or attack, but instead chill, and float through these moments.  After all, there will be another bright smoke spot ahead within good time.

In the end, this month may play out with a day-to-day chop instead of a weekly flow.  Now is the time to understand the landscape, and more importantly understand yourself.  Use the sacred herb to see the terrestrial landscape from a higher perspective.  There may be days to relax and chill.  There may be days to step out and enjoy companionship.  With the sacred herb as your third eye enhancement, try to see the day ahead before it unfolds.  But most importantly, take your own position within the terrestrial plane into account when formulating short term plans.  Don’t fight your mood, instead use it as a guide for sound decision making and planning.  You are in control stoner Gemini, choose love and light over hate and fight this holiday season.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Gemini Stoner Horoscope November

Gemini Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Gemini the transition from Fall to Winter is upon us.  Days are getting shorter, and perhaps so too should your smoke sessions.  Positive cosmic waves of progress will blow through your house this month, but balance will be required to ride them to success.

Your voice will be requested in the work sphere.  These opportunities may come with short notice.  Don’t let circumstance affect your ability to perform.  You are in this position for a reason.  Use your strongest stoner traits to excel.  Your adaptability and intelligence will come through in these moments.  All of this push for confidence at work comes at an opportune time.  Universal influence will accentuate all progressive efforts in the work sphere in November.  

Stoner Gemini this is where the presence and assistance of the sacred herb can really help you in your endeavors.  This new deserved pressure in the work sphere is an important moment in your broader timeline; but it could cause imbalance within your cosmic spacesuit.  Late nights, or over cooked smoke sessions, could leave you open for fits and stutters in crucial moments.  Make sure your stash jar is filled with a CBD heavy hybrid cannabis strain.  Seek balance within smoke sessions, not escape.  Perhaps this is the perfect time to try those CBD gummies you have heard so much about for night time sleep assistance.  This sacred prescription should assist in keeping your mind, body, and spirit in balance for important serious moments.

Balance stoner Gemini.  The key word to the month also applies to your terrestrial mission in the personal sphere.  To avoid burnout from work pressure, you must find time for self.  Not through deep meditative dives this month, but instead through energetic experiments with passion projects.  You are in work mode stoner Gemini; no sense in wasting it all on the company.  By taking time with the sacred herb and a passion project, you will keep your attention and energy levels high, while creating balance within the spheres of life.  With balance achieved, all other aspects of our worldly endeavor will also be supported.

Work work work!  I know stoner Gemini, productivity matters little to the heart.  Perhaps a meditative smoke session can be applied early in the month to contemplate and manifest positivity with the realm of the heart.  Genuine loving moments occur when we least expect them.  There is nothing in my sacred vision for November that says that while you grind at work, and play with passion projects, opportunity for love won’t present itself.  It is in those moments when you are tuned into the universal wave that magic can occur.  Balance stoner Gemini, ride the wave.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope October

Gemini Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Gemini put on your thinking cap, and engage your third eye vision.  October is full of positive contemplation and meaningful moments of progress.  But it will take a slow burn of thoughtful analysis to stay on the right path.

Know yourself, and your surroundings stoner Gemini.  It would be best to avoid any deep Indica strains of the sacred herb this month.  You must avoid floating through life in a cloudy haze.  However, pure Sativa strains could also throw off your game of progress.  Frizzle fried energy could hasten decisions unnecessarily.  The best cannabis match for the month is a sweet heady balanced hybrid.  Or even a CBD heavy hybrid so that your feet stay on the ground, and your head stays in the game.

Stoner Gemini cosmic winds of chaotic influence will blow through your house in October.  Not chaos in a dangerous or fate-filled sense.  This chaotic influence will bring loads of decisions and options to bear.  There will be lots of opportunity for transitional moments and actions, but you must be engaged and aware of the process.  Use the sacred herb to enhance your third eye vision in October.  Create a fun game of weighing the options with each turning point moment on the terrestrial plain.  Toke time for small smoke sessions to seek insight and depth within decision points.  Drawing out your list of pros and cons will help you better assess which way to go, or which canna-bud to smoke with.  It may seem monotonous stoner Gemini, but there is power in October from thoughtful analysis of each contemplative step.

My energetic Twin, remember balance this month.  Toke time for smoke sessions focused on centering yourself when you feel decision points slipping away, or moving too fast.  You’ve got the guts.  You’ve got the green.  You’ve got the energy.  All you need to make October a month to remember is a little contemplation with cannabis to make all the right moves.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope September

Gemini Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Gemini the month of September brings a cosmic opportunity for a fresh perspective.  The planetary alignment will not whisk you away into another terrestrial existence, but instead you must be the champion of your own change.

The magic of the sacred herb is awe inspiring.  One of the gifts of cannabis is the power to transport your mind from a solitary existence to different plains of perspective.  Take a trip early in the month stoner Gemini, and transport your mind high above your solitary existence.  See yourself among the smoke circle, and work crew, from a 50,000 foot perspective.  Perhaps you’ve become fixated on a person, a project, or an obstacle.  Take a step back through the magic of your bowl.  Lift the soul high above, and see the situation from a new higher perspective.  This meditative exercise could be the breakthrough you didn’t know you needed.  And your cannabis companion, coworkers, and canna-buddies will thank you.

Stoner Gemini along with the cathartic herbally enhanced exercise in perspective, you will have an excellent opportunity for passionate progress in September.  No, not passions of the heart, but more like passions of interest.  Toke time to ask your inner self what interests you?  The meditative smoke session doesn’t need to be elaborate.  Use the magic of the sacred herb simply to contemplate the question.  Cosmic waves of positivity will support new interests and passions in September.  Whether it is exploring the terrestrial plain for that secret smoke spot, or that artistic 420 hobby you have been thinking about, now is the time to make your smoke session wonderments a terrestrial reality.

Stoner Gemini, in many ways the September time period is all about you.  Ah, but you have to put the work in to take advantage of this cosmic blessing.  Smoke a bowl to gain perspective, and puff puff contemplate the next passionate endeavor.  The cosmic ingredients are all prepared, you simply have to meet the challenge.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Gemini Stoner Horoscope August

Gemini Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Gemini this could be the Summer of happy Twins.  The sun is out, the bowls are lit, and the Twins are content.  The current planetary alignment ensures mutual admiration within relationships with low resistance toward progress.  Now that’s a Summer forecast I can smoke to.

First, this is great news within the work sphere.  There will be numerous opportunities in August to participate, and share, within a team dynamic.  Relax my lovely Twin.  Personal progress can come from the collective achievement of the team.  Flow this month without restriction like a natty perc that operates with open diffusion.  Bask in the glow of success without the worry of credit or accolades.

Second, there is a great opportunity for collective magic within the smoke circle this month.  Treat your broad smoke circle with trust and compassion stoner Gemini.  It will be like a mutual admiration toker’s society in August.  Let interpersonal relationships flow with ease, but make sure to reflect back the admiration and respect you receive.  Matching bowls leads to matching inspirations.

Toke notes with the cannabis smoke this month:  A sharp tongue can wound close cannabis companions.  We all know you are funny stoner Gemini, but sometimes there is a fine line between funny, and hurtful, with your daring adventures in comedy.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to seek clarity, caution, and wisdom with internal dialogues before they become external painful pranks.  Sometimes the sharpest witt, can cut.  Using a higher perspective will save face, and leave room for stoney Summer stories another time.

Don’t get jumpy at the end of the month stoner Gemini.  Stagnant cosmic air should be used for planning and task execution.  Just because the universe leaves room for adventure, does not mean it comes without risk.  Avoid whimsical leaps of chance at sudden opportunity.  An expected fat celebratory bowl could likely turn into a bunk bag of schwag.  Stoner Gemini stick to what is known and proven in the final trimester of August.  Quickly developed decisions with risk will not be rewarded.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope July

Gemini Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Gemini July marks a period of freedom and rebirth, and it comes quick!  The themes of June carry forward into July as the universe is not finished with your internal closet cleaning, and smoke circle purging.

The 4th of July marks a clear line of progress where the internal analysis of June turns into action in July.  Toke time to puff puff pass on hesitation and insecurity.  Prepare yourself before the 4th with a solo smoke session to clear the air, and prepare the mind.  Last month we discussed how your tendency to morph into what you perceive others want you to be is toxic and unnecessary.  Did this ring true?  Did you toke time to notice who in the smoke circle truly knows you, and accepts the real you?  Final analysis must be completed before the fourth.

The American Independence Day does not mark just the birth of a nation this year, but also your own birth of freedom.  After the 4th, all this analysis and contemplation will turn into action.  It’s time to put away the masks you wear because of your own perception of how you are viewed by the canna-crew.  Breathe stoner Gemini, inhale the sacred herb, and allow yourself to be free.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst of confidence to find your own independence from the mirage of internal expectations.  You be you, and don’t let anyone, including yourself, stop you.

All of this self actualization of positive internal progress will spill over into the workplace in July.  And why not?  Be sure to check the mirror often stoner Gemini.  You will like what you see, and this boost of self esteem will have you winning at work.  July will be a great month to multitask smoke sessions with wellness initiatives.  Whether it be yoga or a brisk hike, take time for health during toke time in July.  

Look in the mirror stoner Gemini.  Smile.  Love who you see looking back at you.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Gemini June is a powerful month with a triad of cosmic conditions.  First, there is a lunar eclipse on the 5th.  Second, after June 18th your ruling planet Mercury plummets into retrograde.   And third, there is a solar eclipse on the 21st.  Wow, these all set up to create a hallucinogenic trip of cosmic ascendancy.

Chill stoner Gemini.  Keep your stash jar loaded, and your daily driver close at hand.  The swirling cosmic condition will create unbalanced footing on the terrestrial plain.  This means moments of exhilaration, and moments of insecure withdrawal.  As long as you stay calm, and puff on, you should be able to relish the triumphant times, and rise above all obstacles that blow you off course.

Do you feel like you aren’t really a part of the smoke circle stoner Gemini?  This lack of connection to your canna crew is not unusual for the stoner Twin.  The problem, and the answer might lie within you.  Do you mask who you truly are?  Are there times perhaps you hold back from your internal instincts?  These habits may be rewarded by the canna-crew, and thus become a habit.  100% stoner Gemini, any smoke circle that doesn’t accept you for who you truly are, isn’t worth puff puff passing with.  I realize this is much easier to type, than to implement.  Unfortunately this difficult internal conundrum will be highlighted within the planetary alignment of June.  There is no easy fix, but once you enact sacred meditations with this problem, the more likely you will be to overcome it.  You be you, and let the buds fall where they may.

Stoner Gemini your strengths and skills hide deep within.  June is an opportunity to search for these hidden talents that could become catalysts for progressive growth in future periods.  Toke time around the powerful cosmic events of June for solo smoke sessions with the sacred herb.  These meditative exercises will help balance your footing, and communicate with your internal drives.  In the end, what may seem like a challenging month, could very well be the moment that launches you toward future progress.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Gemini growth can occur whether we’re ready for it or not.  As you proceed through the final days of Spring, you can expect to undergo a transcendental transformation.  Seeds you planted long ago, lying dormant for longer than expected, will begin sprouting in May.  The cosmos definitely has your back during this season of exceptional growth. With this planetary support, it will be all the more important you stay diligent when it comes to your own self-care.  Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty stoner Gemini.  A healthy crop does not happen by accident.  You will need to prune diligently and precisely.  While you might feel bare at first, cutting away so many branches, know what will regrow will be healthier, and heartier than ever before.

Those who are partnered with stoner Geminis are sure to notice the chronic-loving Twin emerge from their old shell, and are certain to like what they see.  Your aura will be undeniable this month, and particularly hard to resist stoner Gemini.  As long as you don’t let the attention go to your head, you will be a help and inspiration to those who cross your path.  Be a true friend indeed. And of course a friend with weed, to lovers and longtime partners-in-chronic alike.  Don’t discriminate, and be generous when it comes to sharing your recreational time.  Someday you might need someone to repay the favor, so remember to pay it forward now. 

Stoner Gemini you have been steady on the grind; giving your all to every undertaking in the workplace.  Trust that your persistence will pay off this month.  You are not usually one to seek approval or recognition when it comes to your work; however, the higher ups will take note of your accomplishments and your continuous efforts.  Whether it comes with a raise or a new title, you will have the opportunity to showcase all of your capabilities.  Because of this, it will be important to maintain a manageable balance between working hard, and taking time to unwind.  A balanced hybrid strain of the sacred herb will be the go-to herbal prescription for this month.  Something with enough Sativa to rejuvenate the senses, and an equal amount of Indica to keep the body grounded and relaxed.  As long as you keep to a consistent regimen of recreational healing time, you will always be ready for the next endeavor while on the clock.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Gemini as we spring forward and race towards summer, you need to remember one thing:  Sometimes the best way to help others is by first helping yourself. Before you turn your focus outward, you must turn your third eye gaze inward.  Grab your favorite piece, light one up, and find your inner peace. Whether it is work or personal relationships, you cannot lead others to higher aspirations if you yourself don’t know where you are headed.  There may be setbacks and slow downs early in the month as you learn this lesson. However with proper preparations you will be able to build momentum, and achieve monumental progress.  

Don’t blink stoner Gemini.  Work life in April will be quite the ride!  We’re not talking about a leisurely, weekend space cruise, but a mile-a-minute, getting stuff done kind of pace.  Just remember, it is not always true that you only get one shot at success. You should not rely upon second chances, but rather, be ready if they do occur.  If you get a do-over, you will have the wisdom from prior attempts, and be better prepared to achieve the win. It all comes down to perseverance stoner Gemini. On the job, you will have those who look to you for a helping hand.  Whether it is a reassuring word, a pep talk, or a kind bowl shared between cannabis cohorts, you will be the pick-me-up that keeps the canna-crew on task at work.

You can help construct and contribute to the greater well being of your canna-fam, but know not everything will be within your control. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will find your cosmic groove. Be the friend with kind buds and kind words!  Stoner Gemini use this time for positive influence, and avoid being indignant when things don’t go exactly as planned. Your favorite Indica dominant strain will help you to remain grounded, even when the daily grind threatens to shake free your roots.  

As long as you stick with it stoner Gemini, you will help create long lasting growth. This could mean deepened connections with recent cannabis comrades. It could mean a recent attraction becomes a longtime partner-in-chronic. There is no secret to these interpersonal successes. Keeping communication lines open means everyone knows that when they need a friend, or a friend with weed, they will have a friend in you, indeed.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Gemini sometimes in periods of calm universal influence, the main culprit of negativity can be ourselves.  The month of March will assuredly bring a still universal impact. This will create unrestricted freedom of movement on the terrestrial plane; but without care and concern this stagnant cosmic atmosphere can leave the Twin unfettered regarding self harm.

Ok stoner Gemini, maybe self harm is a hyperbolic turn of phrase.  Be sure to toke time for a solo medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb to focus on personal responsibility.  There will be numerous bear traps of drama and pitfalls of negativity plain to see as you travel the terrestrial plane in March.  So if these dangers are known and obvious, who’s fault is it if the trap is sprung or the pit is visited?

Creating your own negative downward spiral of despair is the risk of March, but there are benefits to a stagnant cosmic influence as well.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to engage your third eye to clearly see the obvious traps and pitfalls in your path. At the same time, you must use the inspiration and creative effects of the sacred herb to forge a path of least resistance to positive outcomes.  That’s a mouthful, but the stoner Twin will be traveling the terrestrial plane under their own cosmic power in March. Where you go is up to you, both physically and emotionally.

Toke time for the details stoner Gemini.  Relax, breathe deep, inhale the sacred herb.  So many details in life can pass us by when we are focused on the hustle and bustle of the economic grind.  A slower pace will reward the stoner vision of the Twin in March, especially before the New Moon on the 24th.  Toke time to contemplate what physical needs you have, that maybe you have neglected. Perhaps this is a few afternoon naps, or getting out to walk the dog consistently.  As you are powering your movement unencumbered from cosmic influence, be sure to toke time for self stoner Gemini.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope February

Gemini Stoner Horoscope February


Alright stoner Gemini, the three horsemen of negativity have road on to influence other stoner star signs this month.  How did you do combating the waves of negative cosmic influence in January? Great, now forget about it! Battling stress and anxiety can be a mighty challenge.  Coming out the other side, there will be a tendency to relax, and fall into a spell of lethargy. But the February period is a time of great opportunity. Instead of battling cosmic demons, now your effort can be placed toward progress with cosmic support.

Get up and get moving stoner Gemini!  Allow yourself time early in the month to sink deep into a medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb.  Use this meditation as a cleansing of the battles waged in January. Perhaps even burn some sage during this medicated exercise to cleanse your physical space as well.  But once the deep thought and recognition of the January struggles has been completed, it is time to move into the new phase February represents.

February is marked by opportunity, positivity, and creativity.  Keep your stash jar loaded with your favorite Sativa strain. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to get up and get moving.  Universal support will favor action and creativity. Avoid couchlock and sedation as much as possible this month. If there are moments of malaise or flat spots of creative thinking, take your favorite bowl and hunt down a new smoke spot out in nature.  Bring a canna-buddy along for the quest. Surely this mission will inspire action and loosen the gears of creativity.

An important note about your canna-crew:  Your cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances will have their own unique cosmic influence.  Your newfound go-go mentality may leave them puzzled. There is no time to slow down for explanations stoner Gemini.  True canna-fam won’t hold you back, but instead will light one up to support you on your terrestrial adventure.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope January

Gemini Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Gemini the dreaded three horsemen of negative cosmic influence will ride into your Zodiac house in January:  Anxiety, Stress, and Self Doubt. There you go, quick words like ripping off a bandaid. There are actions and remedies to help you navigate this dark path ahead.

First, there is a specific sacred herbal strain that can help with mood and positivity:  ACDC CBD Sativa Dominant Hybrid. This terpene saturated strain calms the nerves as it energizes the spirit.  Relaxing and soothing without a heavy head high. With the three horsemen of negativity surrounding you this month, it will be wise to stay out of your own head.  Instead, use the sacred herb’s medicinal qualities to settle the pangs of negativity, and energize you to move forward with positive progress. Certainly avoid heavy Indica strains that could leave you with couchlock, hold-up inside your head battling with the three horsemen all by yourself.

Another way to combat the depressive influence from your celestial position will be to get out among your fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts, and seek exciting adventures.  Light one up and visualize this stoner Gemini:  

When encountering a stiff wind, you can turn your back to it, and let it’s force propel you in the direction it wants to take you.  However, you can also plant a stiff foot, and face the gale head on. Make yourself small and cut through the wind, fighting against its force.  

Lean into the negative forces this month stoner Gemini, you can do it.

Enough of the doom and gloom right!  There are numerous opportunities for positivity in January stoner Gemini.  With that strong foot planted against the negative influence of the three horsemen, there will be moments of fun and excitement.  Especially for single stoner Twins. You have to put yourself out there stoner Gemini. Seek excitement. Seek companionship. Seek the things you are passionate about.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope December

Gemini Stoner Horoscope December

As the old saying goes, “We get by with a little help from our friends.”  This month stoner Gemini, you are going to be that friend. Whether you are the friend with the kind bud, or kind words, you will be the helping hand of the cannabis crew this December.  Look back to where you started the year to where you are now. Your growth and progress is undeniable, and it is no wonder others will want to know your secret.  

While you will not have a magic wand to wave away their problems, you will be able to help many see through the smoke and mirrors.  Your advice will be sought, and in most cases set into motion. But, the truth is your big secret to success has been your unstoppable persistence.  You have not turned away from challenges, but have faced each obstacle full on. This determination is how you’ve been able to rise above, and will be the driving force in helping others do the same.  And of course, there will be plenty of opportunity to pass the pipe, and match bowls, while sharing in the trials and triumphs of your partners in chronic. 

Although you will be playing the role of ganja guru this holiday season, don’t think you have to do everything by yourself stoner Gemini.  This is especially relevant in the workplace where you should prepare for substantial challenges in the first weeks of the month. Don’t be discouraged.  While you may be facing an uphill climb, please know, you will not have to go at it alone. Your peers are willing, and more than capable, in assisting with the tough stuff; but only if you speak up.  Not every task will necessarily be a group project, but frequent brainstorming sessions will help establish game plans, and get everyone grooving to the same beat. There is one cautionary word stoner Gemini:  Whether or not you are employed in the cannabis industry, it is advised you keep work a smoke free zone. There will be plenty of time to light one up when off the clock. The demands of the job will best be met with a clear and focused mind.  And, if you’re skeptical, you can rest easy knowing the reward of roasting a fresh green bowl will be made all the sweeter after a long day’s work. 

Stoner Gemini you definitely don’t need others in order to smoke a bowl, but sharing is caring.  Be mindful of this as you say goodbye to 2019 and welcome in the new year, and the next chapter of your stoney adventure.  Remember you are in a unique position to help, so keep a keen third eye gaze for that cannabis companion, or a family member, who looks like they might be feeling a little low.  You may be just the friend with weed that they need, indeed.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope November

Gemini Stoner Horoscope November


Buckle up stoner Gemini because old conflicts of the past, pushed out of sight and out of mind, will pop up again in November. And this time, the conflict must find a resolution. With keen herbally enhanced third eye clarity, and responsible impetus, the stoner Gemini should escape the final Fall month unharmed. Don’t run away from past conflicts as they crop up. With a decisive confidence in self, and diligent attention to new information, all problems have a solution.

Sacred herbal prescription for November: Sativa dominant hybrid. The sacred herb will act as an herbal assistant as you clean your closets. The clarity and energy of the Sativa strain will give great benefit in taking on difficult issues. And yet the Indica component of the hybrid will provide coping kindness to maintain grounded relentlessness while under constant issue assault.

After the full moon of November 12th, the relentless conflict resolution problem solving will be hot and heavy. Toke time to prepare yourself for the storm stoner Gemini. If you were to smoke the Indica species of the sacred herb, before the 12th would be the time. A deep medicated dive with the sacred herb in a quiet comfy place is necessary before the full moon of the 12th. This sacred herbal break from terrestrial stress could be the platform for mental preparation required for the storm of decision making ahead.

This storm of decision making will affect all spheres of life. At work, toke time with the sacred herb to think deeper than the next day of grinding. Soar high above the terrestrial plane, and view yourself, and your occupation from a higher perspective. A large decision will be required, but it will be up to you to ensure it is a well thought out decision. The current planetary alignment will also force action within the sphere of love. Stoner Gemini there is something you have been putting off for quite some time. Perhaps you were waiting for a clear road sign on the path of love. Not even the most connected third eye gaze will be able to decipher any signs directing you stoner Gemini. Perhaps with this issue, it may be time to put the pipe down, and come up with a sober solid plan of action. In most situations like this, the terrestrial astronaut already knows the decision, they’ve simply become used to delaying the launch countdown.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope October

Gemini Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Gemini sometimes life happens to you, and sometimes you happen to life. There will always be those moments when you feel stuck in the grind: Like everything is out of your control, and you are helpless but to endure whatever the universe decides to dump on you. You can resign yourself to the couch smoking bowls until the clouds clear, and the storms pass. Or, you can light one up, and inspire the fire needed to burn through any obstacles in your way! It is up to you to decide which role you want to play stoner Gemini. You can be a passive observer, a silent member of the audience who is always left wondering what will happen next. Or, choose to be the star of the show, directly influencing outcomes, and impacting how your story unfolds.

The opportunity to show the power the stoner Gemini can exert onto the universe will present itself in October. That external prowess begins first from within. Creativity is key to molding and manifesting the positivity you want to see. Unlock this karmic potential with meditative smoke sessions early in the month. The sooner you find your center, and decide to be active in your pursuits, the greater control you will have over the final outcomes.

Stoner Gemini creativity doesn’t necessarily mean an art project. Instead, it could simply mean seeing life from a different perspective. The 30K foot high view will not only help you identify and avoid obstacles ahead, but you may discover new pathways unlocking opportunities and adventures.

Seek guidance within yourself through the sacred herb my lovely stoner twin. Embracing the sacred herb to invoke your third eye will widen perspective, and help peel away layers of confusion and conflict. This expansive sight will help you better empathize with those around you, and will contribute to a more productive work performance. Sitting back and sharing a bowl of sweet sinsemilla after punching out for the day can foster familiarity and ultimately a better understanding of your coworkers and cannabis companions. Seeing each other in more relaxed settings will help everyone to more fully understand their role within the larger team dynamic. A successful smoke circle can mean the difference between needless misunderstandings or enjoying the new fall season drama free.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope September

Gemini Stoner Horoscope September


Where did the time go stoner Gemini? Work sometimes acts as a time travel device that catapults you into the future. Seasons change and you are left wondering, “Where did the time go?” Toke time early in the month to use the sacred herb as a catalyst for understanding this time machine conundrum. A well placed medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb will connect you with your inner self. Deep internal contemplation with the sacred herb will reveal what is important within your cosmic mission on this terrestrial plane.

Block out negative or guilty thoughts stoner Gemini. Seeking clarity, and taking action are not selfish. There are plenty of times to match bowls with cannabis companions. There are also times to close the shades and spark up a solo session. As long as you are engaging your internal guide, these choices are yours to make without frivolous external concerns.

There is a light at the end of the bong stoner Gemini. You have been working so hard that time has drifted away unnoticed. September will mark a transition away from the economic grind, and into more personal concerns. Work will still be present, as we all must find our way in the gears of our economic system; but your head will escape being buried under the to-do list. Sacred smoke sessions will also transition during the month from coping tokes of relaxation, to inspirational adventures in the clouds.

Overall you might find this period coincides with the outdoor cycle of the sacred herb. You have put in a lot of hard work nurturing your plants. Losing track of time is natural as you complete all the tasks to help your ladies grow. Now that Fall is here, the time has come to harvest the rewards of your hard work. Pick, trim, and ignite the benefits of hard work stoner Gemini.

Smokin Js Anniversary

Gemini Stoner Horoscope August

Gemini Stoner Horoscope August


First, stoner Gemini, the good news: The final summer month will be full of sunny days and memorable smoke sessions. Unfortunately, these uplifting moments will be contrasted by conflict avoidance and resolution. Toke time to remind yourself you can’t solve every problem all at once. Seek guidance from the sacred herb in moments of frustration. For every challenge there will be a fun distraction to keep your spirits high and mood chipper. This herbal respite will be a welcome defense against the terrestrial grind.

For sacred herbal remedies, there are two paths to pursue. Find a balanced hybrid you can enjoy the whole month through. Or, start your month with a sweet, sticky Sativa, and switch to a nice stoney Indica during the second half. August 15th brings the full moon. This is an important lunar phase for the stoner Gemini, as it will mark a succinct turning point. The full moon will transition phases between storming chaotic clouds, and sun-spattered green pastures. Going with the second option for herbal remedies means you will have the Sativa strains promoting high spirits while you navigate the hazy days of chaos. And, as the clouds part for clear skies, Indicas will help you regain your grounded good vibe.

After the full moon, a welcome pace of normalcy will come, but your energy will still be at full rev. Especially when the smoke clears, toke time to cool the jets and settle into your new-found peace. Meditative smoke sessions will be crucial for spiritual maintenance. They will sharpen your third eye clarity, and help you see where surgical attacks can ease unnecessary pressure. Honing the mind’s eye will help you identify what obstacles need your full effort, and others which should be quickly dismissed as frivolous, not worth the worry.

In the workplace: Allies will disappear and problems must be faced alone. But, you will have the energy to get the job done. In the personal realm: Problems could pop up like an annoying game of whack-a-mole. But with your chakras freshly aligned through herbal meditation, these issues will seem less daunting. Whether you meander aimlessly with your cannabis cohorts, or you medicate with purpose, rest and relaxation will be required in August. Get back to home projects, and where the heart is. This is where you will find healing for the soul stoner Gemini.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope July 2019

Gemini Stoner Horoscope July 2019


Of all the monthly periods of 2019, July may be the one that comes the most natural to the stoner Gemini. Some of your most notable characteristics will be crucial in navigating the sporadic scenarios of summer. The best advice is to just be your standard, stony self: Adaptive, thoughtful and at times impulsive. Let’s add flexibility to the fine list of characteristics. Even some of the best sun-soaked plans could need remodeling at any moment. Whether it be a camping trip, or a getaway to your favorite secluded smoke spot, know your itinerary can change without prior notice. When this happens, remember to stay calm and smoke on stoner Gemini. You got this. Dramatic changes are likely in July, but there is no need to fear the unknown. Instead, roll up a fatty and run towards it! All requirements for coping, or dealing with the obstacles of change, will be within your stoner star sign’s repertoire.

The most dynamic actions will manifest within the personal sphere this month. You are surrounded by a plethora of pot-friendly peeps, each with their own story and inner workings. So many stars crossing can at first seem chaotic. But once the smoke clears, you will find you are all cannabis cosmonauts flying on the same terrestrial cruiser with more in common than conflicting.

If tensions do arise, do not shrink away from responsibility. Be active and participate in conflict resolution. The peace pipe should be clean and on standby. The stash jar should be well stocked. Sharing a bowl can mean so much more than simply ‘getting stoned.’ The sacred herb can be a catalyst for conversation, and a way to rise above the fray while keeping everyone grounded. An herbal assistant to help meet each other on the same level. Your natural individual characteristics will be your best asset in turning dynamic change and challenges into positive progress for the whole ganja loving group.

Stoner Gemini, with all that being said, you must travel through July with confidence in self. A medicated meditation with the sacred herb early in the month will bring about the positive shift in perspective. And be certain, there will be plenty to smile about. Your ability to zig and zag as the month twists and turns, will convert a wild ride into memorable cosmic road trip. Remember to take time to stop and smoke the flowers. It may be a long trek to the top of the mountain, but rest assured the view from ten thousand feet high will be breathtaking.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June 2019

Gemini Stoner Horoscope June 2019


Stoner Gemini the lazy, hazy days of spring are slipping away. The summer days ahead welcome you with the promise of strange energetic times. This period will be dynamic in all aspects of your life. Unique opportunities and summer adventure await; some of which may be outside of your typical routine. Don’t fret my lovely twin, broadening your comfort zone will be vital in the days ahead.

Start the month off with a clear, sharp mind. Ground yourself, and find your center balance early in June. Locate a sacred strain with high CBD and low THC to keep the mind clear, and reinvigorate the body and spirit.

Cosmic influence this month is not negative or positive in nature, but dangerous. Situations, decisions, and actions will be impactful for the stoner Gemini. Toke a moment often this month to contemplate where the chain of dominoes lead before you knock down the first one. The mindful stoner Gemini has the tools needed to properly navigate the trials ahead.

Regarding the personal sphere, it’s essential you address issues immediately. Squash the beef now so you don’t run into the bull later. Do not meet anger with anger; instead honestly assess the situation to see if you fuel the flames that now threaten to burn. As quickly as an ember can spread across a bowl, a humble moment of reflection can help snuff it out.

The work sphere will be swirling between calm and turbulent machinations throughout the month. Sometimes all we need is a little weed to release the pressure of the economic grind. So ensure your flight box is prepped for launch, and mentally steel yourself for critical deadlines.

Believe in yourself stoner Gemini. Find confidence boosting exercises to add to the daily routine in June. Remember that self criticism is self harm. It’s natural to have empathy and an open heart for others, but it’s important to give yourself the same benefit.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May 2019

Gemini Stoner Horoscope May 2019


Stoner Gemini the final Spring month may feel like running in sand toward goals in the distant future. But fear not my stoner yin yang twin, there are plenty of tools and options to lead you down a progressive path in May. With the right sacred greens, and canna-buddies to share bowls with, you will have more than enough support on your terrestrial travels.

This slow and methodical cosmic support may seem like a period of great calm and contentment. Although this feeling will be quite welcome, and a pleasant experience, it comes with dangers. It will be very easy to float through May staring at the stars and enjoying the spring flowers. An indifferent attitude and relaxed nature will be easy to slip into, like a trance. However, this pleasant trance could lead to a future trap. Problems and obstacles pleasantly ignored today will become monstrous mountains of stress tomorrow.

All forward progress will come under power of your own engines stoner Gemini. Progressive action and advantage must be created and taken by you. The first inspired tool to swim through this stagnant cosmic malaise will be a strict diet of Sativa greens. The energetic species of the sacred herb could give you the extra boost to get the tasks of the day done. Avoid Indica for fear of time and dangers slipping past with ease. Answer the cosmic questions. Put out the small fires as they appear. Diligence to solve the issues that arise will assure the enjoyment of this serendipitous period.

Seek out activities with canna-buddies. These smoke circle activities may seem frivolous in your quest for a progressive path, but the mere act of joining your cannabis crew for fun festivities will illuminate solutions on your journey. Get out, or stay in! No matter the time or place, make sure your life in May is filled with cannabis companions and family alike.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April 2019

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April 2019


Spring is upon us stoner Gemini. This means we are entering into a period where you will have plenty of time to roll one up, burn one down, and just chill out! April cosmic influences will usher in an era of contentment for the stoner Gemini. Investment early in the month to align the chakras and awaken the third eye will have immeasurable benefits lasting through the rest of the month. So find your zen, and you will have positive momentum as we move towards the long days of summer.

For your herbal inspiration this month, you should seek out a sweet and succulent hybrid strain of the sacred herb. The Sativa influences will keep you motivated and moving in a positive direction, while the mellowing properties of the Indicas will keep you grounded and focused on keeping your spirits lifted. Finding the right cannabis strain can mean the difference between chaotic thought and cerebral clarity. Targeted selection of the right strain helps you reach your highest potential.

With regards to both work and personal relationships, you will have two crucial directives:
1. Do not be forced into action by others.
2. Keep your cool. Avoid angry or reactive outbursts.
You can’t control what others do, stoner Gemini, only how you respond to their actions. If someone is intent on sending bad karma your way, do not react in kind. Remember it is better to respond with kindness. In other words, don’t let others’ bad vibes crush your groove!

Early in the month toke time to awaken your third eye. You will have better sight to notice more subtle changes. Pay attention to those closest to you. It is likely someone in your inner circle will be in need of your assistance around the time of the full moon. Whether you offer a willing ear to listen to their troubles, or simply share a bowl, your efforts will be appreciated.

Buckle up! Relationships will move to the next level in April. Don’t worry single Geminis, this doesn’t mean you will trip into marriage. All relationships can come under this positive cosmic influence. Longer days means you will have many opportunities for socializing and stoner-friendly smoke sessions. As a result, an acquaintance may become a better bud, or you strengthen a bond with a family member. And yes, you may even discover you are ready to turn a cannabis companion into your romantic partner in chronic.

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Gemini Stoner Horoscope March 2019


March may be one of the best periods of the year for the stoner Gemini. Mercury will take a smoke break from wrecking your flow. So light one up and get ready for the show.

This newfound cosmic support will directly affect your intuition and global perspective. Another way of saying it is your third eye will be wide open, and hopped up on celestial steroids. Toke time with the sacred herb. Medicated meditative smoke sessions in March will take you high above the terrestrial plane to see things from a broad perspective. This HIGHER perspective will help you achieve deeper understanding of the world, and fellow cosmic astronauts around you. All obstacles in March can be overcome with this deeper and broader understanding.

However, there is a caveat to this cosmic blessing: Don’t concentrate on the future! This period is about tackling one problem one step at a time. Stoner Gemini your amplified third eye will help you with current projects and challenges, not future achievements and obstacles. Stay grounded and present. If your third eye gaze wanders too far down the timeline of destiny, puff puff pass on the wonderment, and save yourself the anxiety.

Focus stoner Gemini. I already see you gazing into the future with a happy skip in your step. Even though the period is bright, work remains. Focus on self, now is the time to put the work in on self improvement missions. Before the full moon of the 20th, take a deep solo dive with the sacred herb. What do you want now! Perhaps this is the exact moment for new job prospects, or even the beginning of an entrepreneurial adventure. The universe has support for you stoner Gemini, but make sure to study your subject well. The best opportunity for success comes from a well informed terrestrial astronaut.

Gemini February 2019

Gemini February 2019


The month of February will have a natural abundance of energy flowing into the stoner Gemini. This cosmic support will harden strength and resolve. It will also be a naturally social month for the twins; a perfect period to add to your smoke circle. Be forewarned stoner Gemini: Don’t go counting your joints until they’re rolled. Just as past bowls are but ash in the wind, and future smoky delights have yet to grace your grinder, you must focus on the present to get the most out of this period.

Not working toward the promise of the future delights may be difficult for the stoner Gemini. However, there is solitude and peace that can be gained from focusing on the tasks at hand. Allow future periods to stay in the distance by concentrating on the objectives and obstacles that directly impact the here and now. Don’t get caught shooting for the stars when you still have your terrestrial chores to do! Meditative smoke sessions should seek patience from within. The current cosmic alignment supports project completion in February. So have faith that your grinding efforts will be worth it, and that the universe has your back!

Brace yourself at the beginning of the month stoner Gemini. February starts off with swirling energetic gusts that could topple the unaware. While energy will be high during this boisterous phase, confidence will be up to you. Seek the balance of a blended hybrid strain of the sacred herb to start the month. Repeat positive mantras during meditative smoke sessions. Obstacles cannot be put off due to fear or insecurities. Challenges left for another time could end up sabotaging the energy and progress available in February.

This is a great month to be with cannabis companions! Trust those closest to you. Their good vibes could be the pep you needed to knock those terrestrial chores out with a skip in your step and a smile on your face! With confidence at heart and patience in application, obstacles will fall and projects will be completed. Every once in a while be sure to stop yourself, inhale the blessings, and appreciate the fun and wonder of this world.

Gemini January 2019

Gemini January 2019


Stoner Gemini you are very aware of the constant challenge of balancing the logical and the emotional. As you begin writing the next smokey chapters in the coming New Year, it is advisable you allow logic to lead the way. Regardless of how busy 2018 felt, the important thing is to not rush. Take it slow. Not all of your accomplishments of 2019 will be achieved in the first month alone. You should embrace wholeheartedly the opportunity of starting with a blank page. Of course there will be lingering projects you need to finish, but you will be able to pour the bulk of your energy into planting the seeds for future growth. Most importantly, do not be afraid to get your hands dirty! Remember a healthy, hearty garden all starts by nurturing the tiniest seeds.

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, whether in the workplace or on the home front, make sure you take the time needed to have a good understanding of the bigger picture. Jumping to conclusions will only result in additional chaos, so be deliberate in your actions. Patience will be more than just a virtue this month, it can mean the difference between failure and victory when interacting with our fellow cosmic travelers. The highlight of this approach is that there will be plenty of opportunities to pack the peace pipe, and toke time to share a bowl with your fellow cannabis enthusiasts. This is not meant to scare you, stoner Gemini. You and your stony friends can expect a positive season this January, as long everyone remembers to keep the pace at a slow roll and even burn.

Just like the seeds you will plant early in the month, it will be important you let your roots grow deep stoner Gemini. As long as you are planted firmly in the ground, you will not be easily swayed when the cosmic winds blow. Do not waste precious energy fighting battles you will not win. Avoid conflict when it is possible. You need to focus on your own well being, before you try to fulfill others’ needs.

Don’t rush! Take time for yourself stoner Gemini. Relax and recoup with your favorite strain of the sacred herb. Reflect on all you’ve accomplished during 2018, and get ready for all the smokey adventures this New Year will bring.

Gemini December Horoscope

Gemini December Horoscope


Stoner Gemini the skies are clear for your sign in December. This is a great period to toke a look at yourself from high above our cosmic spacecraft. See yourself from a broader perspective. The current planetary alignment will give you a boost of insight and place a warm cosmic wind at your back. With direct movement towards your goals, you will find that everything is achievable in December.

Early in the month, take a deep medicated meditative dive into yourself. Combust the sacred herb knowing that the cosmos has blessed you. See what you need to make your life blossom like a fine bud. What is it that you really desire? What is it that would not only make you happy, but make you thrive! Once you have manifested your internal desire, create a plan of action to make it happen. As long as the actions you take are toward that goal, nothing will hold you back.

Temper your emotions stoner Gemini. Do not let the stress and distress of fellow terrestrial astronauts lead you off your flight path. Reactionary or poorly chosen words could derail your personal cosmic mission. Remember that the actions and progress for your desired path should be your primary focus. Also stoner Gemini, be forewarned: Do not rely on others to make your vision a reality. This is YOUR path to greatness. Reliance on others, and falling victim to needless emotional outbursts, will only create unnecessary stumbling blocks along your travel.

Regardless of where your journey takes you, always be a good friend to others. Do not allow negativity to creep in from outside your sphere. December is a solo mission, a mission to the stars. So buckle up, you’re at the helm of the spacecraft Destiny! The only other things you’ll need to consider are which tunes, and which bud for the journey.

Gemini November 2018

Gemini November 2018


There is good news and bad news this November, stoner Gemini. Just like the winter weather, you can expect stormy skies and some rain clouds in your immediate future. The good news is that there is not much you can do to change the cosmic weather. So grab your umbrella, put on your rain boots, and don’t be afraid to get a little muddy. There won’t be much time to fret; the greatest storm will come early in the month. This means you and your partners-in-chronic will have plenty of time to smoke your favorite strains of the sacred herb, and make big plans for after the cosmic rain stops.

Stoner Gemini you can’t let the weather or unexpected woes get you down. Regardless of what is happening outside, remember you are the master of your own domain. Set the mood! Whether it’s burning your favorite incense or baking a batch of your favorite stoner snacks, you can make the most of this cloudy time if you keep moving and stay positive.

November will be all about the grind in the work sphere. The level of success will be in direct relation to your level of determination. However, do not expect instant results. In fact, some of your most noticeable achievements will be the result of many smaller wins. These small wins can add up quickly. Sometimes the seeds we plant take longer than expected to bear fruit. Be patient; as long as you provide the care needed, even the smallest patch of grass will grow into the greenest of pastures.

Stoner Gemini it’s time to finish some of those projects you didn’t complete during those fun-filled, smoky summer months. November can be a time of great spiritual growth, as long as you stay optimistic and keep your focus on the future. Just be sure to do so on your own terms. It is okay to take advice, but only from your closest cannabis companions. Avoid expanding your smoking circle too quickly, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. The best advice, stoner Gemini, is to puff puff pass on the troubles. Keep the peace pipe handy and everyone one will find themselves on the same level … a higher level.

Gemini October 2018

Gemini October 2018


Stoner Gemini the highlights and excitement of October will be contrasted with serious work and decisions. Like a smoke circle with two bowls rotating opposite directions, your attention will be needed in many areas at the same time. The tricky nature of the cosmic support for this fall month will require some canna-creative thinking on your part. Do not try to solve all problems or jump all obstacles at the same time this month. This cosmic trap will lead backward fixing issues instead of forward building positive momentum.

Seek guidance from the sacred herb to ignite your creativity. It will be up to the stoner Gemini to initiate a newfound spark into the work engine to keep positive momentum. This does not necessarily mean you need to take action with productivity or ambition. Sometimes a simple, yet creative, addition to the workplace can transform the mundane into a passionate endeavor. This positive change could be as simple as a new morning yoga routine, team building lunch, or a brainstorming smoke session with teammates. Perhaps an herbal inspired idea will be the catalyst for positive momentum at work.

On a personal level, October may prove to be emotionally challenging for the stoner Gemini. It is best to take the high road when presented with any conflict. Seek no war and avoid drama with cannabis companions. Let the issues of others puff, puff, pass you by. Not all conflicts within the smoke circle need you to “throw down” your input.

October may require the attention of both twins for the stoner Gemini. At times you may feel like you are being pulled in many different directions. Breathe, inhale, and let it be. You can only take one hit at a time. Find herbal inspiration when dealing with overwhelming situations. Again, creative solutions could save your grass this month. Toke time to yourself, and look to your best buds for any needed stress relief.

Gemini September 2018

Gemini September 2018


Stoner Gemini while other stoner zodiac signs are winding down after a long summer season, you are just getting started. The stars have few plans for you during the first month of harvest, which means you can pursue your goals without fear of external interference. This doesn’t mean September is slack-off season, rather you should expect full returns on all efforts you invest into turning those dreams into tangible results.

Cannabis can, and definitely should be a crucial component in expanding your creative capacities stoner Gemini. Who would have thought a bong rip could lead to a break through? Or, that smoking on sticky sativa would result in next level insights? As a ganja-loving Gemini, it is safe to say, “You did!” By embracing an alternative approach to commonplace problems, you set yourself apart and ahead of the pack. From this particular position, you will have a unique perspective to help tackle even the most unexpected obstacles with confidence and ease.

Although you are hustling hard to make the most of the remaining sunny days stoner Gemini, be sure you do not work away your last chance to chill out with all your partners in chronic. It will be crucial you maintain a good balance between work and home life. Although you may feel energetic and excited at the prospect of summer smoke sessions with the peeps, remember to pay attention to your personal needs. While it is always good to toke one with the crew, you will find it equally refreshing to pack a bowl and fly solo from time to time.

Take care of those nearest you this month stoner Gemini. Those who call you family know they can rely on you if they need. However, don’t forget to pay attention for opportunities for personal betterment. This includes the prospect of meeting that extra special someone who might just become your closest canna-companion. Not only single stoner Geminis, but this holds true for stoner Geminis who already have a partner-in-chronic. As long as you give equal effort to work and personal life, you can have the best of both worlds. Take care of business while on the clock, and make marijuana scented memories with the peeps at home.

Gemini August 2018

This August, Stoner Gemini, you should set your pace to a steady roll and a slow burn. This doesn’t mean you should embrace couch-lock and avoid getting things done. In fact, the opposite is true. You will accomplish even more if you pay attention to the details and remain task oriented. This focus on fine tuning will be paramount when it comes to work.

Keep your inner circle tight. Avoid inviting unknown characters into your smoke circle. Don’t worry about attracting new faces. Rather, focus on growing the connections you have with those whom you already consider your partners-in-chronic. This way, you will always be in good company. You won’t have to worry about filtering yourself or figuring out the intentions of others. However, you don’t have to be suspicious of all those you meet, Stoner Gemini. Most of those around you will be genuine in their kindness, it just never hurts to take things slow.

You will experience the greatest satisfaction and growth in the professional realm. You will have nearly unlimited opportunities for advancement. Whether this is advancement into management or refinement of your job skills, progress will be the key in August. Just remember it will be up to you to act when the moment is right.

There will be many opportunities for collaborative and creative smoke sessions during August. Although these times will be helpful in brainstorming for the company’s next steps, be mindful that the overall pace will be fast. It will be important the whole team is on the same page and knows the end goal and the bigger picture. An energetic Sativa strain will help keep the collaboration on point.

Maybe it is the summer sun that has everyone on the homefront in such high spirits. August will be a time of great peace between cannabis companions and family. Although there are good vibes emanating all around, it never hurts to keep the peace pipe packed and ready to go. Even the best intended advice sometimes needs a little translation. A shared bowl and experience will help to keep everyone on the same level, which in this case is sure to be a much higher level.

Gemini July 2018

Gemini July 2018


Stoner Gemini, the main theme this month will be teamwork in both the personal sphere and the workplace. If you pool your resources with your closest cannabis companions, everyone will have the tools to make something beautiful grow. July will be an amazingly busy period. It will be a time of historical progress, but it is your responsibility to take full advantage of these opportunities when they come.

While you will accomplish most of your projects as part of a team, it will be important to set aside time to toke alone. It can be easy to overlook your spiritual needs when you are in a state of constant motion. Make sure you stock up on good greens early in the month. Although you will be constantly grinding, their will be plenty of opportunities to take much needed time to meditate or unwind with a bowl of the sacred herb.

Maybe you have been eyeing a more advanced position or one of leadership at work. Stop waiting! Now is the ideal season to venture into new realms of responsibility. You have a keen eye for identifying a person’s strengths; this includes your own, Stoner Gemini. With everyone focused on their particular area of expertise, there will be no obstacles you and the crew cannot overcome. Sometimes it is not force that is required to get the job done, but simply a creative approach you haven’t tried before. Sharing a bowl of herbal inspiration with your coworkers can help everyone to take a step back and avoid over analyzing.

In the area of relationships, now will be the time to make some potentially tough decisions. Stoner Geminis who are coupled may be faced with the difficult task of whether or not to end their current relationship. This choice, although substantial, is fairly simple: Do you see potential for future growth? If not, then it is better to change course and avoid wasting efforts trying to nurture a garden that has little promise of bearing fruit. Both parties should be in a position to help each other accomplish their individual goals. Remember, it is a more efficient use of energy to grow together, instead of competing for limited resources.

Gemini June 2018

Gemini June 2018


The theme of this month, Stoner Gemini, will be balance. You may struggle early in the month to balance your social calendar with time to focus on your inner peace. But, remember Stoner Gemini, you know yourself best. No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to. You may feel the need to sneak off by yourself to your favorite smoke spot to meditate and medicate with the sacred herb. There will also be opportunities to be a part of a massive smoke circle, which will be the sustenance the soul needs. Don’t worry though, you will quickly find your groove and the rest of summer will be good times and good vibes for you and all your cannabis crew.

With regards to work, it will be imperative you keep your attention on the big picture, Stoner Gemini. Don’t worry about the little things. Enlist the help of coworkers in tackling the tedious tasks. Your efforts will be better used in a creative capacity. Freeing up mental bandwidth will allow you the opportunity to overcome greater obstacles and improve the business’s bottom line. When your not grinding at the nine-to-five, spend down time resting and recuperating. Expand your mind with an inspiring and uplifting sativa. Or, unwind after a long day’s work by puffing on a relaxing indica-dominant strain.

By taking a holistic approach, addressing the needs of the mind and the body, you will show skeptics you can do both: work hard and smoke tough. Paying a little more attention to one’s health never hurt anyone, Stoner Gemini. This investment will have noticeable returns that are sure to materialize quickly. In addition to having more energy to get work done, you will have plenty in the reserve tank to pursue your own adventures outside of the work sphere.

Some might call you a lazy stoner; but how wrong some people can be? This June you will be miles away from the couch. While others are busy making assumptions, you will be out blazing your own path: Discovering new places for your midnight toking, and meeting new people to invite to the next smoke session.

Gemini May 2018

Gemini May 2018


Stoner Gemini your evil twin may pop their head up more than usual in May. Swirling cosmic winds will lead to dynamic emotional swings. Breathe, inhale, and let it be stoner Gemini. Acknowledgement of difficult situations or problems and striving for a balance in body and spirit, will keep you upright and moving forward. Take time to create a cannabis toolkit for May. Sometimes you will need to chill out with a deep Indica strain. Other times an energetic Sativa will be the key to unlock a positive adventure. It will be important to mentally adjust to a changing environment versus becoming overwhelmed by it.

Last month was all about planning and seizing opportunities for self improvement. Continuation of this theme is important in May. You may lack the inspiration of idea creation this month, but the lists and ideas from last month should be front and center now. There is a danger of time slipping away stoner Gemini. Use the ideas and to-dos from last month to drive your motivation this month. Allow your former energetic self to guide your current self. Don’t let them down!

A partner in chronic may piss you off or hurt your feelings. This can be an explosive situation, but only if you let it stoner Gemini. Often, time and contemplation will lead to understanding and a more thoughtful perspective. You are in charge of your emotional reaction, not the circumstance.

Working with cannabis companions toward a common goal will bring happiness and success. Cosmic winds favor a team effort. It’s time to put that smoke circle to work! Nothing bands terrestrial astronauts like a common goal and a clear mission. We live in a wonderful world where there are collaborative opportunities in a variety of communities. Whether your smoke circle resides in your neighborhood or your social network, bonding with your cannabis companions will be rewarding for you and the collective.

Gemini April 2018

Gemini April 2018


Stoner Gemini, this month is not about how fast you go, but how far.  Do not be disappointed by the fact you are not likely to embark on any grand journey across the universe.  It is more likely you will travel along more familiar roads, but you will get to see them in completely new and unexpected ways.  April is the time to delve deeper down the rabbit hole and explore what you thought was familiar. Perhaps you have an interest you have never invested time in, or a hobby you’ve wanted to turn into a craft.   But you were held back because others thought it was “alternative.” Pursue your passions! Whether it’s practicing your painting, getting creative with clay, participating in cannabis activism, or chopping it up in the kitchen, your journey will be in self exploration.  

With regards to the sphere of work, the important thing is to keep your “eyes on the prize.”  It is easy to become sidetracked by the promise of the next prospect. Especially when your current project becomes tedious or littered with obstacles.  But, under no circumstances should you rush a project to completion simply to see it done. You, and all of your teammates will benefit when the job is done right, not quickly.  As long as you stay focused on the task at hand, there will be plenty of time to relax and celebrate your accomplishments. If you pace yourself and prioritize your to do list, you can do it all Stoner Gemini.

Although you may not find yourself going a hundred miles a minute, you will cover a lot of ground this month.  It is recommended you use the buddy system when possible, because you are surrounded by amazing people who offer fresh perspectives and much to learn.  The key is to keep it to a slow burn. Celebrate the “little wins” and share in the success of the group. Remember even the greatest bud begins as a tiny seed.  Pay close attention to the tasks that require your nurturing; you and your partners in chronic are sure to produce lasting accomplishments.

Gemini March 2018

Gemini March 2018


Stoner Gemini, as we progress toward the coming spring months and all the warmth and new growth they promise, it will be important to focus on the transformations happening within you. The best investment you can make of your energies is to strive towards striking a balance between your inner workings and your outer surroundings. Maintaining this delicate equilibrium is important as leaning too far in any particular direction may result in unnecessary setbacks in others. This does not mean every facet should be given equal attention, but rather each area should be allotted what is required for desired growth. Whatever can be done to help to align your chakras will be efforts well spent. This might mean meditating with just you, yourself, and mary jane. It could be gathering with the ganja and your closest buds to talk about life, the universe, and everything. You know best Stoner Gem, what is needed to bring you peace.

While March ushers in the Spring season and everything around you will be rapidly changing, it is crucial for you to maintain a steady and sustainable pace. You will certainly be grinding hard to achieve your goals, but don’t forget to make time to grind a fresh green bowl and reflect upon your successes. But, in the same vein, do not allow your accelerated pace to be the reason you experience accidents that were necessarily avoidable. This is to say, Stoner Gemini, you are skilled and capable of achieving your current goals, just don’t let your hubris be the very reason for your hardships. Whether you are your own boss, or are working your way up the ladder of success, you will have opportunities this month to invoke and implement new and creative approaches to the obstacle you encounter. Be sure to use these tasks to their greatest potential and show critics and supporters alike all you are more than capable of.

With regards to the romantic front, all will be peaceful if you allow it to be. This means it will be important to not create problems where there are none. At first this sounds obvious, but sometimes you are prone to overanalyzing the situation, Stoner Gemini. What is sometimes needed is a step back or a second glance. What initially seems daunting may appear less detrimental when you allow yourself the time to see the situation from a different angle. Do not be afraid to share these concerns with your canna-companion or those dearest to you. Remember that there is little that cannot be overcome by sharing a peace pipe filled with cannabis and the willingness to have an open and honest conversation.

Gemini February 2018

Gemini February 2018


During the month of February, Stoner Geminis should expect the unexpected. Although we are not yet to Spring and all the new growth it brings, this month can be a time of radical rebirth. It could be as simple as getting new threads and rethinking your wardrobe, or perhaps you have your sights on more drastic transformations. You may have had an idea for a new adventure or endeavor planned for a long time, but fear of what others would think of your decisions has held you back. Know you have much more important things to worry about than what others’ opinions of you might be. Critics will always have something to say, Stoner Gemini, so don’t waste precious energy stressing over things you can’t control. Instead, invest in yourself! You will find endless opportunities to express your more creative side, take advantage of as many as possible. Spend time meditating on the tasks you want to accomplish and the changes you want to create. With a little help from the sacred herb you will reach new insights that are certain to take you to new heights and inspire a sense of well being you’ve not felt in a long while.

When it comes to your professional life it is advised you proceed with caution. Unlike the wild and exciting change you can expect to experience in your personal life, it will be important to be more deliberate and focused in your work sphere. What you want to achieve at work is progress. Remember, not all change is for the better, the decisions you make may have long lasting consequences, so you want to ensure your efforts help to move you towards your goals. The important thing is to remain optimistic, do not get discouraged when projects do not go exactly according to plan. Sometimes failure is simply there to better prepare us for when future opportunities present themselves. If you do find your spirits diminishing, take a break. A couple stress relieving tokes in the evening hours might just be the perfect remedy to a hard day’s work. While a little herbal pick-me-up can prove refreshing and revitalizing, take everything in moderation. It will serve you well to relax when time permits, as long as it is with the intention of recouping for your return to the grind.

Do not be surprised if tensions on the homefront run a little high, Stoner Gemini, this is to be expected. It will take time for your friends and family to adjust to the new you, but know they will come around. Be sure to keep the peace pipe handy to help ease any of these times of potential strain. Remember, those who smoke together, stay together. There is nothing quite like sharing a little kind bud with the best buds to help to forget your worries and focus on what’s important–your friends.

Gemini January 2018

Gemini January 2018


Get out the Smokin Js papers stoner Gemini, the start to 2018 will be a slow burn. Of course life is what you make it, and there will be opportunities for adventure. However, cosmic alignments favor the contemplative twin versus the bold. Meditative smoke sessions during the month should focus on comfort and warmth. A nice deep Indica strain will suit you nicely for January.

Both the work and personal spheres are tied together this month stoner Gemini. You can accomplish a lot within a period of inaction. Now is the time to plan the moves of 2018! Important decisions and actions related to work and your personal life should be put off until a more optimal planetary position supports your endeavors. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t place great effort into the discovery of what those future actions will look like.

Michelle Sandlin said, “There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you.” Stoner Gemini now is the time to dive deep within yourself. As the universe provides protection within a warm comfortable place of solitude, meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb should be used to discover more about yourself. Often there are many facts beyond our perspective. Understanding, and more importantly acknowledging, the perspective of others is key to cosmic contentment. Often you may be guided by your emotions. Acting too quickly on emotion can cause embarrassment or pain. Understanding yourself, and trusting your position in relation to others will sooth sharp points of anxiety and emotion.

Stoner Gemini, mining for golden insight within your soul can be exhausting. Take time this month to turn your cozy confines into a creative safe space. Spark one up and let your passion come to the forefront. Creating something that is original and personal will help you with the winding road of personal growth. In the future you will look back at January as a month you created a basis for success.

Gemini December 2017

Gemini December 2017


Stoner Gemini the December time period will be a beautiful transformation for you. As you shed the skin of past experiences and emotions, you will emerge a more beautiful and developed human. As with all transformations, there will be some work to shed the old skin.

Be prepared stoner Gemini, the month of December starts out with a critical phase. Your cleansing opportunity will come with the full moon on December 3rd. Smoke about it before the big day. A meditative smoke session with the sacred herb will help you reach clarity on past experiences that you wish to shed to move forward. This can be an emotional experience, but leaning into this exercise with a deep Indica strain will help draw out the hidden feelings you may have pushed away. This preparation will be key to deep and healing conversations you will have during the full moon cleansing. The most important aspect of this stage is to come out with the toxins of the past firmly cleansed. Moving forward with a blank slate and love in your heart will allow you to become a better version of yourself.

Inhale, breathe, and let it be stoner Gemini. This emotional dump may be difficult at the time, but it will leave you energized and excited about relationships moving forward. And boy will there be opportunities in December! Fresh, rejuvenated, and with a warm cosmic breeze at your back look to expand your smoke circle. Puff puff pass the positivity joint down the line to your fellow cosmic astronauts. It will be sure to come back around with love and companionship.

Fortunately the universe has blessed you with less drama and tasks in the work sphere. Work efficiency will be high in December. Toke time to organize your mental and office work space to take advantage of this positive cosmic blessing. The less cluttered you are with your tasks and projects, the more you will be free to dance December away.

Gemini November 2017

Gemini November 2017


Stoner Gemini the November time period will bring great joy to your creative soul. That is, if you allow it. Cosmic influences will bring a warm tailwind in the direction of passion and creativity for the stoner Gemini. This will require you to take time for yourself in the final fall month. What is your passion stoner Gemini? We terrestrial cosmonauts have so many creative outlets, but so often it is difficult to pour the sands of time into our passion. Whether it be writing, growing your favorite sacred herb, painting, graphic design, or even throwing clay, November is the time to feed your passion.

Do you know how important you are stoner Gemini? So often you may not get credit from your inner smoke circle, but you are the glue that bonds your cannabis companions together. Your services will be required once again in November. You will be the Clark Kent of your smoke circle stoner Gemini. Solving problems, organizing events, supplying the green at a dry party, yes stoner Gemini you will be there to save the day. But like Clark Kent, you must remain the mind mannered link between your cannabis companions without seeking credit or requiring acknowledgment..

Tis the season for holiday spending stoner Gemini. Be forewarned that overindulgence can cause hardships later in the holidays. It’s time to take account of your spending and budget for this gift giving season. Yes, stoner Gemini, this budget must include your spending on the sweet green. In order to spend the green on Black Friday you have to monitor how much you spend on the kind green. On the 25th there will be a cleansing full moon. This moon will offer an opportunity to start fresh for the coming month. This is one day after Black Friday. You must be prepared and budgeted for spending before the cleansing moon or else you will risk carrying negativity into the next time period.

Gemini October 2017

Gemini October 2017


Stoner Gemini October has many treats in store for you. Cosmic winds of change will fill your sails in the second fall month. These cosmic influences will not be a head wind, but the necessary energy to get you into the correct alignment with the universe. Please understand stoner Gemini, with full sails you will travel great distances. You will end up nowhere near where you start the month of October.

You may start the month with an unsettled feeling stoner Gemini. The moon will be bright early in the month. Much like the werewolf, the stoner Gemini will go through an amazing transformation near the full moon. But this isn’t an evil spirit, it may be your wild twin coming out to play. Embrace the energetic power and seek a smoke circle under the stars. Let loose and howl among your cannabis companions. You are sure to meet new kind cosmic astronauts and celebrate with true joy in your heart.

After the excitement of the full moon and the energy of the beginning of the month, it will be time to slow down and become more contemplative. ‘Transition’ should be the focus of a meditative smoke session with the sacred herb at the mid month point. Your sign will be traveling from support within the sphere of personal relationships to support within the sphere of work and responsibility. Don’t fret stoner Gemini, this is all within your universal plan.

Bob Marley said, “When you smoke the herb it reveals you to yourself.” The mid month meditative smoke session should be quite revealing for the stoner Gemini. Listen to your inner voice. There is no better source of information than your internal spirit. As you come under the influence of a new planetary alignment, focusing on yourself and your inner needs will be key to success on your transitionary journey. Perhaps all this howling at the moon has left your body strained and a renewed effort to heal and strengthen your cosmic space suit will be revealed.

Gemini September 2017

Gemini September 2017


Stoner Gemini the first month of fall will be an exciting time for you. Blessings from the cosmos will be quite supportive on all levels. You will only be bound by your own vision and limitations. Creativity and action will be rewarded with assured success and impact.

Be bold stoner Gemini! Meditative smoke sessions should focus on self belief and internal confidence. Are you familiar with The Secret stoner Gemini? To an extreme this philosophy is a complete farce, but the base elements are key to your success in the September time period. What do you visualize for yourself? Your life path is yours alone to walk, but it is also yours alone to curate. Celestial support is on your side in September. All possibilities that you can imagine are possible for you to manifest stoner Gemini. All grand visions require work and attention, but creativity and self belief are the foundation of a great adventure. Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will help draw these internal ambitions and aspirations out, but action and resolve will be required to fully manifest your dreams.

Action! Yes, you have the celestial support to achieve your dreams, but this manifestation will not become actualization without hard work and consistent effort. Stoner Gemini, you must take the resolution of self belief and internal confidence and apply it to the physical world. Your mantra in the September time period should be #CantStopWontStop.

You will find that positive action will have positive impact in all spheres of life. The work and creative sphere will garner the most attention, but you will find this renewed self belief and internal confidence will impact your cannabis companions and loved ones as well. Do not shrink from a challenge or pivotal decision. With creativity, integrity, honesty, and hard work you will be able to mold your life into the form you desire.

Gemini August 2017

Gemini August 2017


Stoner Gemini the final summer month could bring moments and decisions that will affect your life path. You can say yeah duh like every day or month brings these opportunities. However stoner Gemini, there is a weight and gravity to August that is out of the norm.

All celestial signs point to a pivot near the middle of August. You should think of the beginning of August as preparation for a big event. Seek clarity and balance with the wavelength you are currently riding. Meditate with the sacred herb. The species or strain will not hold a significant impact stoner Gemini. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on internal strength and confidence. Only your third eye can guide you in the right direction, but you must listen to your spiritual guidance to place yourself in a position of success for the large event. A specific area of concern that comes to me is your diet stoner Gemini. Self improvement and true health comes from three pillars: Body, Mind, and Spirit.

I know, I can hear you now: “What is this big event!?!?” The truth is stoner Gemini that the big event could be more than one actual pivot point. In your workplace, are you truly happy and fulfilled? Has there been a side project or an idea that you have been desirous to begin or propose? August presents the right time to take a leap with your creative adventure. Fortune favors the bold stoner Gemini.

Perhaps even more significant than any creative adventure you may unleash upon the terrestrial plane is the opportunity for love and companionship. Yes, single Gemini’s there is someone riding that same wavelength, and the opportunity to meet them in August is high. Gemini’s that are not single, please understand that love and companionship are still possibilities for you as well. Great friends and cannabis companions can enhance life as much as a soul mate or life partner. All Gemini’s will be attractive to your fellow cosmic astronauts, especially if you believe it to be so.

Gemini July 2017

Gemini July 2017


Stoner Gemini the month of July offers a soothing break from the intense rapid fire nature of life. But can you guide a ship with no wind? As nature and senses come to a calm equilibrium, are you ready to curate your own kinetic energy? The Indica Species of the sacred herb should be avoided in July. Sinking into the place down below during a calm in the storm will be sure to drown you stoner Gemini. The Sativa species will add a spark of inspiration and energy that will enhance meditative smoke sessions.

Take advantage of calm and cool waters in July stoner Gemini. A beautiful mosaic can be found often when nature is very still. Your life can be thought of in the same regard. Moments of calm can provide moments of clarity and definition. These moments can also pass you by stoner Gemini. The still waters hide a dangerous truth. There is no momentum pushing you in any direction. You are on your own stoner Gemini to create and generate the energy necessary to move forward.

Early in the month work might slap you on the face like a cold hand from a true friend. Your reaction and understanding of this unique situation will guide you through July. Breathe and let it be stoner Gemini. You will find your executive self within moments of action, and surely you will find the positive action.

Puff puff pass the conversation to your cannabis companion in the second summer month stoner Gemini. Hiding your heart and honest feelings only speaks to the insecurity behind your curtains. Sometimes we place internal insecurities on those around us. You don’t dislike that trait in them, you dislike it in you. True friendship and companionship has a foundation in honesty and availability.




Stoner Gemini can you feel the metamorphosis happening? The first month of the summer time period will mark a significant step in your internal growth from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Take a journey with the sacred herb early in June. Travel far outside of yourself and then look back. This major life stage growth should be visible to see with your third eye. Your life cycle is laid out before you, and you are on the verge of a transition. Push your meditative smoke sessions to higher levels stoner Gemini, and see yourself for who you are and who you will become.

The universe is providing support for the stoner Gemini in June. This support cannot be taken for granted. It will be critical to be attentive and confident in tackling problems that arise. Ignoring or leaving problems for later will be punished by harsh cosmic winds. Don’t be a lazy stoner. Attentive decision making will be supported greatly by universal blessings.

The transitional month of June is also a time for second chances. Now is the time to get your resume in the right hand or start that small business you have been day dreaming about. Old failures or missed opportunities can be puff puff passed into yesterday. Now is the time to look at tomorrow.

Strike down fear and insecurity stoner Gemini. Emotional growth is built upon introspection and confidence. Do not equivocate. Move forward with strength and resolve. Transformation and growth will impact your cannabis companions, loved ones, and your family.




Stoner Gemini, your quest for higher highs will be attainable in the final Spring time period. Cosmic influences have aligned to provide your largest desires an opportunity of fulfillment. It doesn’t matter which side of your personality you choose unveil in May, there will only be one antagonist capable of keeping you from great highs. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on self confidence stoner Gemini. The largest limitation to achievement in the May time period will be the restrictions you place on yourself.

You can achieve great results in the workplace stoner Gemini. Most profits will come from plans and action you have already laid the groundwork for. Now is the time for decisive bold actions to achieve your goals. Both Gemini stoners stuck in the corporate grind, and stoner Gemini business owners can benefit from cosmic blessings in May. Self confidence and definitive action will lead you down a golden path. However, be forewarned stoner Gemini, self confidence is very different from self serving. Do not discard the thoughts or emotions of your fellow cosmic travelers or the universal blessing could flip in a negative direction.

Positive treatment of loved ones and cannabis companions will be tantamount to success in the sphere of emotion and love for the stoner Gemini in the final Spring time period. Breathe, inhale, and let it be stoner Gemini. Understanding the perspective of others will help you navigate emotional land mines that may pop up like spring flowers. As long as you feed your head with positive mantras you will keep your head with others. Empathy and sympathy will bring you closer to cosmic travelers that may not have the same universal blessings as you do in May. Take time to share a bowl with a friend and listen to their troubles, then you can share with them all of your plans to conquer the world.




Stoner Gemini, Spring is finally here! You may have noticed the longer days, and the greater intake of the sun’s rays leaves you feeling energized like you can take on the world. The good thing is that the universe will demand little to nothing from you. This doesn’t mean that you should slack off to just scrape by. Instead, use this unique opportunity to pursue your own wish list. Since your calendar is open, you are free to fill it with whatever you desire. Take a hike, find that secluded waterfall and claim it as your newest smoke spot accomplishment! Whatever it is you do, stay busy. It would be a terrible waste of your great potential if you expend those energies sitting on the couch. As long as you plan for these adventures, you will add many memorable moments to your life this April.

At work stoner Gemini, you will be a source of light, guidance, and inspiration. Whether you are the business owner, part of the management team, or the newest addition to the team, your peers and coworkers will come to you for advice. And, for good reason. Be sure to keep your hard work separate from your meditative smoking sessions. Your noticeable successes will be one reason people value your input. By separating your times for grinding hard at work and grinding up your favorite cannabis strain, you will maintain a clear mind which will keep you in high regard with your peers.

What is best stoner Gemini, is no one, especially on the homefront, will hold you back in this April time period. Cannabis companions will not be demanding or needy this month. Instead of draining you of your good vibes, they will be sure only to amplify this positivity. Remember that if you want company on your journey, you only need to ask anyone of your many cannabis companions. They will be more than willing to join you in your smokin shenanigans. And while it is always recommended that you stop to smell the flowers, don’t overindulge. Too much of a good thing or too much time spent over analyzing your decisions can ruin even the most magical moments.

Gemini March 2017

Gemini March 2017


Stoner Gemini, the time period of March begins with positivity and promise for you!  You will find success in defeating adversity, and be gifted throughout the month with energetic enthusiasm.  However, take care in the second half of the month, as risks and uncertainty are bound to appear.  March brings with it not only the long-awaited spring season, but also the potential to achieve your goals in an accelerated timeframe.  The catalyst for this success will be your amount of effort you exert.  Stay focused and positive stoner Gemini.  Approach difficulties with caution and thoughtfulness, and don’t rush to your conclusions.  Introspection and self-growth are important.  Make time for a peaceful evenings spent with the sacred herb and artwork to help you unwind and plan your route.

The work front will prove favorable for self-employed and regularly employed Stoner Gemini alike.  When implementing new ideas, a slow, well thought out approach is required to avoid destabilizing your circumstance.  Masters of their own domain can expect to be profitable early in the month, but will need to stay attentive and avoid complacency throughout the remaining weeks of March.  Stoner Gemini stuck in the gears of the machine can expect an increase in their responsibilities, but this extra workload can coincide with extra pay.  Be adaptive to change, stay in charge of your emotions, and remember to be prudent in your conclusions and actions.  The sacred herb is beneficial and comforting in times of stress and confusion.  Meditative sessions with the sacred herb will aid the transition from a warm cosmic wind in the beginning of March to a brisk head wind to finish the time period.

Stoner Gemini, your personal life this March will invoke varying emotions.  Avoid giving these feelings more significance than they deserve.  At this stage “strutting” holds strong potential to extinguish early relationships.  Stay humble and avoid attempts to impress, especially new cannabis companions.  Remember that sincerity is one of the best ways to overcome obstacles.  A luscious bowl filled with the sacred herb and some munchies nearby is a wonderful way to nourish friendships, both old and new.


Gemini February 2017

Stoner Gemini you are approaching an important stage in your life, and February will reveal itself to be a fateful month for you.  Throughout this month make time to maintain and cultivate your relationships with your loved ones.  Enjoy an afternoon smoke sesh with your cannabis companions, and create some new memories to hold dear.  It is important to take time for yourself as well.  Focus on your inner development and keep your goals at the forefront of your mind.  The celestial bodies are harmonious in their combined support of you this month.  Take advantage of this time, and press forward to attain your higher ideals.  An extroverted stoner Gemini will definitely have high results this month.  However, an introverted individual will require more effort.  Enjoy an energizing citrus sativa and allow yourself to expand and succeed.

Stoner Gemini, your work life this month is one of positivity and promise.  Your limitations will be whatever you create.  Seize this cosmic opportunity to hold strong to confidence and to reach for the great things available to you.  Again, the extroverted stoner Gemini has the upper hand this month.  You will likely face some confrontation in your work life.  If handled correctly, this situation will move you further up the chain of command.  Initiative and motivation are paramount to success at work this month.  Stoner Gemini, allow the sacred herb to focus your introspection and align your focus and energy toward positive goals.

Romantically, the stoner Gemini will be pleasantly surprised with sudden reversals of fate.  You will bask in happy memories past, and rekindle the depth of your affection for your significant other.  Be wary of passion clouding your judgment.  Inevitably stress will create a blockage among friends and family.  A nice batch of homemade brownies with the sacred herb can bring cannabis companions back together again.

Gemini January 2017

Stoner Gemini be prepared for a dynamic year!  The cosmic winds will fill your sails in 2017.  The January time period is an important catalyst in this process.  Think of yourself on a calm sea in your boat.  If you know a strong wind is coming to take you to a destination of growth, you should raise the sails in advance of the wind.  The majority of January will feel mundane, but this time will be vital to prepare yourself for the forward movement to come.

Dig deep within the Earth and your soul stoner Gemini.  The sacred herb, a wonderful fruit from Earth will help you see yourself and the necessary steps you must take to reach your goals and positive destination.  Meditative smoke sessions should focus on what destination you would like to arrive at in 2017.  There are no teleportation devices yet stoner Gemini, but knowing your destination will help you see all the steps you must take to complete your arrival.

First, the end of January will be when the sails start to fill with wind and thrust you towards your destination.  But life is not a waiting game.  You must set your sails to take advantage of the warm cosmic winds.  Stoner Gemini you must build your foundation for growth, and then when the time is right you can seize upon the opportunity.  Meditation with the sacred herb will help you see the path, but it must be walked.

The universe will impact your life in so many ways late in January stoner Gemini.  The main warning I have for you is this:  You must have self control.  Aggressive outbursts will not benefit you in preparing for the warm cosmic winds.  See the negative influences around you, and understand that confidence and self-value comes from within.

Gemini December 2016

Stoner Gemini, I have a heavy cliche for you:  You reap what you sow.  Whether you relate this to bible scripture or universal karma, this cliche holds weight in any room.  And in the month of December, the cosmic winds have retribution and reward in mind for the stoner Gemini.

The cliche is not ominous or negative.  Often people use this phrase in terms of retribution, but in actuality, it could mean very positive things as well.  At the beginning of the December time period, take the time to yourself with the sacred herb.  Use a meditative smoke session to contemplate the last couple months of your life.  I cannot speak generally about all Geminis for this December time period.  Each individual will feel the effects of their efforts in the past quarter.  

You will know which way the cosmic winds will blow.  There is no hiding from yourself, and your past actions in December.  If your work, attitude, and effort has been on point then the universe will be inclined to offer blessings with no strings attached.  If you have moved through life with avoidance, procrastination, and negativity then the universe will make sure the issues of the past will take center stage in the December time period.

Most of us do not live or act in an “all good” or “all bad” state of life.  The December time period may not have exciting new experiences for you, but it will offer plenty of opportunities to appreciate your cannabis companions, family, and loved ones.  Lay down the pipe when life feels demanding.  Combust the sacred herb when life presents calm waters and rewards.  Take responsibility and rejoice stoner Gemini, the universe is a beautiful thing.

Gemini November 2016

Stoner Gemini you can relax in the calm waters of the cosmos in the month of November.  Negative influences will be at bay, and you will be able to concentrate on internal desires and positive manifestation.  With negative universal influences dulled, a variety of strains of the sacred herb can be used in meditative experiments.  The focal point of all meditative smoke sessions should be creation and manifestation.  The world is what we want to make it.  Our desires and fears clash in a constant beam communicating out to the cosmos.  Take time to focus your communication stream to the universe this month on pinpointing what you really what out of this life.  The universe is always listening; be sure that you are communicating what you want it to hear.

Work and business will continue at a normal flow in November.  Much of the importance of your communication with the universe, you must be clear with your communication in the workplace.  Obstacles will pop up in the form of human conflict.  Concentrate on your tasks and responsibilities.  It would be best to avoid heated conflict.  As long as you take care of your sphere of responsibility everything will work itself out.

Stoner Gemini, your relationships will require more action in November.  Be honest with yourself about your internal desires.  The month of November will be a pivotal time for addressing your goals regarding personal relationships.  If your desires are defined, then they are obtainable with communication and direct action.

Gemini October 2016

Stoner Gemini, brace yourself for bad news.  The month of October is a dramatically dire situation for you.  When I was a child I spent time near a nuclear power plant.  My entire community was littered with sirens.  When they were tested it would send a shiver down my spine.  Stoner Gemini, the sirens are sounding for you, take heed.

Unfortunately, you can’t simply lock yourself away in your room with cannabis, a pipe, and a tissue.  Inaction could be the exact trigger that unloads the cosmic pain down on you.  I do not enjoy being the bearer of bad news stoner Gemini.  With these warnings, you have a chance to settle your soul and prepare yourself for a difficult time period.  The heavenly leader for the sign of Gemini has completely abandoned you for the month of October.  Try to imagine as if the sun were to go away for an entire month, and you had to live in darkness for the duration of the period.

The sacred herb has coping and enlightening properties.  Meditative sessions should take place in moderation with specific direction.  Have you heard of a tolerance break?  This may be the month that you should put down the vape pen and give yourself the gift of sobriety for the month of October.

Unfortunately your cannabis companions, family, and loved ones cannot help you in your predicament this month.  As a matter of fact, you may want to avoid trips and outings with your loved ones as the dark cloud over your head may be detrimental to the long-term health of your relationships.

I’m sorry stoner Gemini, I have no jokes or quips to end this sad horoscope.  You are now prepared with information.  It is up to you to battle the dark cosmic forces.  You will see the blessings of the light again.

Gemini September 2016

The month of September 2016 can be a relatively calm month for the stoner Gemini.  There are no ominous warnings to report.  This does not mean that you will be off the hook completely.  It is a month where you will be tested.  Find your breath and allow the sacred herb to enlighten you on positivity to carry you through until October.

With all your personal relationships you need to apply an analytical approach.  Look at these relationships with no emotion and take stock of what they truly consist of.  Once you’ve made your evaluations choose the one friendship that is always there for you and helps enlighten your path.  Take some time to share a bowl with them.  It is time to divulge some of your burdens with someone who will  help you get to the bottom of the situations.   These issues may be matters of the heart.  Do your best to try new communication strategies with when it comes to your lover.  Do not be afraid to let them in.  It may seem difficult but, once you start talking you will find sharing is much more comfortable than you thought.

Being a strong and self-reliant sign of the zodiac you will want something that keeps you motivated.  A high sativa strain will be perfect for you during your work days.  Business will be very successful for you during September of 2016, but not without a few challenges.  I strongly suggest to do all your own bidding at this time.  Your co-workers may have a wonderful strategy in theory, but will fizzle like the last ember of your pipe.  Keep your eye on the prize and be relentless.  I have no doubt that you will overcome all obstacles this month stoner Gemini.

Gemini August 2016

Stoner Gemini, the month of August will surely be a time of high production and creativity.  The planets are heavily influencing your working sphere right now, leaving you feeling restless and in need of a change for your own sake.  Change can be a scary thing, and fear, frustration, and anxiety can come into play if you don’t stay in that positive, don’t-worry-be-happy mindset.  The challenges you face this month (mostly in the way of your career) will drastically shape your near future and the years to come.  It may be hard to see through the plumes of smoke at times, and you may find yourself wanting to fall into a pit of self-pity and despair.  Do not fall into that trap.  Instead, try to embrace it. Use your overall sense of dissatisfaction as a motivator to achieve the greatness and pride that you have been seeking for so long.  Follow your heart, and everything else will fall into place.  All in good time of course.  Do not expect immediate results overnight.
The most important thing this month will happen internally.  This restlessness you are experiencing has a lot to do with the changes happening to your perception of the world and life.  This could potentially lead to some unpredictable decisions and changes, but remember, it’s all in your best interest.  Do not let the opinions of others change what you know to be true.  The best thing that you can do is to be attentive to yourself, and the company you keep around you.  Find the harmony and balance between the worlds expectations and your own aspirations.  A nice Sativa hybrid will help boost that creative thinking, while still maintaining that calm body euphoria.  Try to use the sacred herb and meditation whenever you start to feel overwhelmed or unsure of your decisions.

Gemini July 2016

Stoner Gemini, July will bring many challenging situations.  Fear not.  You will tackle one, and then puff, puff, pass on to the next, each one barely slowing you down before you overcome it.  This is not to say that this month’s occurrences will be a walk in the park, but you are determined now.  Your energy levels will drastically increase although they may not be focused on what they “should” be.  Use meditation and exercise to clear any of that head fog that may be lingering, and you should be able to see things from a new perspective, allowing you to come to new solutions you may not have thought of before.

You will likely experience a shift in energies that will drastically increase your livelihood.  While most people associate the summer with rest and relaxation, it seems that you will only want to go go go.  But remember, there can be no play without at least a little bit of work.

The working sphere for Geminis will prove to be the most difficult aspect of July.  Whether it’s the pull back from you, or others plotting against you, you will have some work “enemies” to watch out for.  Be up front with coworkers and colleagues, and address anything that feels off before it has the chance to evolve into anything larger.  Compromise and understanding from both parties will be essential.  Unfortunately, that is not always possible, however, it will still be very important for some kind of plan of action to be put into effect, even if it is only temporary.

Be rational, not emotional.  It is nearly impossible to think clearly when emotions are running high. Keep that sneak-a-toke on standby and take a quick smoke break to calm your nerves when needed.  This applies to work and personal relationships, although a blow out with your friends is much less likely to happen.  

Gemini June 2016

You will be riding on a “higher” vibration in June, Stoner Gemini!  Overall, the month will be bright and upbeat, and you will be able to greet the first month of Summer with a fresh bowl.  Lately, it seems your thoughts have been consumed by finding your purpose, and every decision has seemed life-changing.  That is not the case at the moment.  While you are still growing and making personal upgrades, you should use this time to kick back, relax and let life do it’s thing: To simply live.  You need to trust that all things will work the course just as they are supposed without any interference.

When it comes to your career, slow and steady will win the race.  You must stay focused, working in one set forward direction.  Whether the advice was sought out or not, others will try to impose their opinions upon you, and it is more than likely that they will be the complete opposite of your own.  Do not let that “snuff your spliff”, or prevent you from making progress.  You know where you’re going, and you’re doing your best trying to figure out how to get there.  All good things take time, and your life is no different.  Slow down the pace, and you will be able to see more clearly.  Remember, life’s a garden; dig it.  Often times the journey is more valuable than the destination, so try to take every situation as a positive learning experience and make the best of it as you go.

June will be an especially memorable time for you and your significant other.  Be the stoner that you are, and treat your partner in a calm and cool manner.  Chiiiillllll, (Wo)man.  Stresses have been high for you the past few months, and maybe you haven’t been giving your partner the attention they deserve?  Be sure to show them just how much the mean to you.  The possibility of confrontation is not non-existent, so you must keep your emotions in check and avoid any possible outbursts.  When tensions do arise, it’s better to smoke about it, forget about it, and move on.  If you are able to do so, the outcome will be well worth the efforts, and your relationship will be stronger than ever.

Gemini May 2016

Stoner Gemini, May is looking bright and sunny for you, and I’m not just talking about the weather.  The Universe has your back and is creating quite a positive and pleasant atmosphere for you this month.  You have the ability to be in complete control at this current time.  It’s time to step up to the plate and take charge.  Your optimism and go-get-it attitude will be contagious to those around you, allowing you to impact the lives of close friends and family in a positive way.

No matter what position you hold at your job, your productivity levels will be higher than a hippie in a hot air balloon.  Now is the time to get a handle on your finances and work obligations.  Focus on the basic steps, taking each necessary action one at a time.  There may be someone at work who you feel has been extra needy.  Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Give them the attention that they need, but avoid being overbearing towards them.  Be patient and direct, and TEACH them what needs to be done or changed to improve their efforts.  Do not simply do the work for them just because you feel that you can get the job done quicker or done better.  Give a man a joint and you get him stoned for the day; teach a man to roll his own and get him stoned for life.

In usual Gemini fashion, laziness will be your biggest enemy this month.  Do not get stuck in a couch-lock mindset.  Skip the Netflix and chill, and try something a little more adventurous.  The boring and mundane activities in your leisure time have been the reason for any low vibrations you have been feeling lately.  Keep your time preoccupied with interesting activities, and take any opportunity you can to connect with nature.

Gemini April 2016

This April, you will feel some negative emanations from a few of the planets, but it will not be without some positive reinforcement to balance out the overall feel of the month.  Brace yourself for the ups and downs of April’s roller coaster, Stoner Gemini.  It is important that you are aware of your surroundings and the company you keep at this time.  You may be let down by some, and surprised by others when given the chance. Some things (and people) are not always as they seem. Lean on the sacred herb to help guide your intuition this month.

To progress in your current work situation, it will be necessary for you to try a new approach to get ahead and resolve any pressing issues that you’ve been struggling with.  Even if this is not your permanent career choice, take advantage of the opportunities set before you, and use it as a way to transform yourself.  Start with something small, and all other things should slowly start to follow and fall into place.  You may find yourself shockingly surprised at the open-ended possibilities available to you.

While you work on yourself, it will also be important to be in sync in your relationships with those around you.  Unnecessary negativity will only distract you from the mental clarity you have been seeking.  Try not to get overwhelmed with the flood of thoughts and ideas flowing through your head, and don’t be too quick to act on any one thing.  Take your time and give each thought the appropriate time needed before making any decisions.  Life is not a race.

Use the sacred herb to help you gain some peace of mind this month.  Stay calm and collected with a nice Indica strain.

Gemini March 2016

Along with the change of the season, March will mark a time of new beginnings for you, stoner Gemini.  You will find your primary focus on your life status, how you feel about yourself, and how you are viewed by others.  You will experience a wave of positive energy that will allow you to make the necessary changes to spring yourself into action.  The past few months have been a little rough, but consider March as your clean slate.  Like I said, new beginnings:  Your future starts today.

This month, don’t talk about it, be about it.  Now is the time to start being the person you’re always saying you want to be and start doing the things you always say you’re going to do.  The only person holding you back is you.  Maybe you’ve been dreaming about getting involved in your local government to finally get your opinions heard.  Or, perhaps you’ve been wanting to start daily meditations to get that intrapersonal reflection time you crave, but can never seem to find the time.  It could even be something as small as finally cleaning your dab rig every week like you say you will, but instead let your lungs suffer for weeks on end.  You will find great satisfaction out of helping yourself and others, and your confidence levels will soar with each accomplishment and small step made towards a better you.  Just like Michael told us: “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.”

Toke lightly this month.  Now is not the time to get stuck in a couch-lock.  Save the dabs for the weekends, and puff on a light Sativa during the day.  A little shazzy reggae dub during the work day is sure to keep the energy levels bumping.  Your creative juices are flowing this month, and you will find great satisfaction if you are able to find an outlet for it.  Take risks and dare to go where no Gemini has ever gone before.  😉

Gemini January 2016

Well, Stoner Gemini, you made it!  For you, January 2016 is about tying up loose ends and completing old tasks, so that you can continue forward to more personal and professional successes.  Now is the time to analyze your past to make way for a better future; review your present objectives and set new targets.

Your career has suffered a bit the last few months as you have blindly wondered about, searching for some motivation and self discipline, or a whole new career direction in an attempt to make money doing something you love.  While the beginning of January may bring the same kind of feelings, know that the stars will soon align for you, and your future will be clearer than ever.  Lay the bong to rest this month.  Stick to an uplifting sativa in a hand pipe when you do choose to smoke, but you’ll want to keep yourself in tip top shape this month.

Your primary focus during January will remain with matters of the heart.  Whether you are dealing with an existing relationship, or the blossoming of a new one, the relationship will continue to gain strength.  Work together to find harmony as a couple.  This will be a major source of your happiness during January, but be careful:  Unjustified doubts of intentions or feelings of insecurity could be your downfall if you let it.  If you feel negative thoughts rolling in, take a walk, smoke a bowl, and think before you speak.

Gemini February 2016

Stoner Gemini, February will be an overall calm and harmonious time for you as the negative vibes of January will be neutralized by the planets.  The relationship that you’ve been nurturing for the past couple of months will continue to be at the top of your priorities, and family will be of extreme importance to you this month as well.  It is likely that towards the end of the month, there will be a family matter that requires your attention.

February is filling you with passion, and if you’re not careful, that passion could come out in areas where it’s not wanted.  The intensity of your relationship will be on the rise during February, but be mindful of the words you choose and how you choose to say them.  Your boldness could come off as offensive to your partner, and it could cause some unnecessary hiccups in your relationship.  If a situation does arise, it won’t be anything that can’t be quickly smoothed over with a make up smoke sesh.  Smoke about it, forget about it, right?

During the first half of February, you will feel enlightened and motivated.  Take advantage of this in all aspects of your life.  Use it to finally make a dent on that long overdue to do list at work, spend time each day meditating and balancing oneself, and find time for a mini getaway if you can.  Try to spend your time with family and close friends, and avoid large social gatherings if at all possible.  Stick with a nice Sativa, you don’t want to let any Indica induced couch-lock highs to get in the way of accomplishing your goals this month.

Gemini December 2015

Stoner Gemini, December will be happy toking.  The stars are definitely favoring your romantic relationships and leisurely activities this month, but your professional life won’t be a total bag of dirt weed either.  You are starting to recover from the backlash the last couple of months have put on your career, and you’re finally able to grab the reins and take back control.  

Stay task oriented in the workplace, and pay attention to detail.  A small oversight could cause bigger problems than you may have anticipated.  Avoid the head fog and stick to your vaporizer until after work when you can finally let loose.  While you may feel like you’re “back in the groove” again, you have a lot of lost time to make up for and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

The stars are (still) heavily influencing your love life. Continue to enjoy it while it lasts!  You might be surprised at the level of romantic encounters you have this month, or the intense spark that an already existing relationship may receive.  Your mind may be craving fun or adventurous activities.  As long as you aren’t skipping out on any responsibilities, give in to this desire every chance you get.  If you can, grab some buds and get out of town for the weekend, check out a concert, or maybe you’ll want to plan a date night at a place you’ve never been to before.  Make the most of this positive life stage you are experiencing and know that each day is the stepping stone to a better tomorrow.

Gemini November 2015

Stoner Gemini, I can’t say that November will be an easy month for you; so you must be able to take the good in with the bad, and have faith that things will work themselves out.  Since the planets have shifted against you, you will be subject to an abnormal amount of negative energies, but only you can ultimately control how they affect you.

Stay focused on the present, trying to improve what you currently have rather than starting anew.  Your career might not be continually progressing at the rapid rate you had hoped, or maybe you feel that what you are doing today doesn’t seem to be helping you reach future goals, or maybe you feel like you just can’t get anything right:  This is only temporary and the only way to get through it is to keep puffin’ along.  Like I said, here and now.  Don’t try to overcompensate by biting off more than you can chew.  Stay professional, take any criticisms with grace, and know that in good time, everything will fall into place.  Work will be the main source of stress this month, so consider some office yoga or mid-day meditation to help keep yourself centered.  I would also recommend keeping a sneak a toke handy for emergencies.

Continue to focus on yourself this month.  Your overall health will become very important to you during November, and understandably so.  When other parts of your life become chaotic, it’s only natural that you would look for control within yourself.  Whether you are changing your diet, exercising more, or meditating with help of the sacred herb; let the positive changes flow and manifest from the inside out.  

Libra October 2015

Stoner Gemini, like the seasons, your life is in a transition period.  September’s awkwardness will be followed by October’s feelings of instability.  During this time you’ll be feeling a little aloof.  The cosmos will be draining most of your energy, leaving you in mental couch-lock.  Keep fighting the good fight, and you will be rewarded with enough sporadic bursts of energetic life forces to be able to cut through the haze and accomplish what needs to be done.  Now before you start to panic about things that haven’t even happened yet, stop, take a hit and relax.  Remember that life is what you make of it.  A positive outlook and humor will go a long way, so try not to take yourself too seriously.

Take this month to reflect on your current life situation, the things you’re grateful for and the things you wish to change.  Like I said, you are entering a transition period.  Your goals, views, and desires will begin to shift as well, and you might start feeling complacency towards your life’s current status.  Try not to get too hung up on any one thought; just explore them.  As the month progresses, everything will become clearer.

For your own sake, I would highly recommend that you steer clear of any and all medibles, and toke lightly during the “work” day.  You don’t need any added brain fog.  However, feel free to let loose in your personal time.  Not only will it help relieve any stress you might be feeling, but with all that extra mind wandering you’ll be doing this month, I can’t think of any better way to help expand the conscious mind.

Gemini September 2015

Stoner Gemini, brace yourself this month.  September brings on an awkward period for you.   Neither your professional career, nor your personal life will be flying high.  The planets positive and negative emanations will be blocked out by each other, neutralizing most of their support or bad influences.  You’re not winning,  you’re not losing, you’re really just staying afloat.  But hey, don’t you worry!  As Bob says:  “Every little thing is going to be alright”.  Normally a Sativa strain is your best bet, but a nice Indica hybrid might help you mellow and find some inner peace.  

Try not to overcompensate for your lack of “achievements” by over exerting yourself.  I know this may be a hard concept for your attention-driven, go-getter attitude to grasp; but, excelling should not be a top priority for you.  After so many consistent months of kicking ass at your job, I think you’ve earned a break from your T-break.  Now I am not suggesting that you sit in a foggy haze of stale smoke for the next month.  I’m just saying it wouldn’t kill you to “smoke two joints before you smoke two joints”, if you are picking up what I’m laying down.

The one thing that you are probably aware of by this point, is that your non-existent love life has finally received a little planetary support these last few months.  It’s exciting, and you will finally be sure of what direction you want things to go.  However, your words and actions are not coming across as clear as you think.  Be mindful to the way you portray your feelings or you might be as deceitful as that huge wake and dab you’re never sure why you thought was a good idea.  Every success you have remains entirely in your hands this month. Only you can light that bowl, but don’t get carried away, or you’ll roast the whole thing.

Gemini August 2015

Stoner Gemini, the month of August will prove to be quite an interesting time for you.  The general sphere of things is looking bright and favorable for you.  Although the potential for negative influences is always present, you will receive an undeniable amount of support.  This support may come from rather unusual sources, who in most circumstances would be the source of your demise.  It’s like a world where medibles give you super strength instead of force you to become one with the couch.  Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

You have continued to put forth your best efforts into your career, and it shows.  The never ending workload will continue (surprise, right?).  Have no fear, you have more than enough life energy to accomplish the tasks ahead of you.  You’re only flaw is trying to do too much as once.  This might be a time for you to reevaluate the actual importance of all of the projects you have scattered about like ashes in the wind.  Put your goals in focus and knock them down, one hit at a time.  I recommend a sativa hybrid to keep motivation going without letting your ideas wander too far away.

Gemini, get excited!  For the first month in, oh I don’t know… EVER…  The goddess of love is looking out for you.  Don’t be surprised if you meet a few potential love interests.  It’s okay to play the field and have a good time, but you also need to know when to admit that some of them might just be new smoking buddies rather than your one and only.  Honesty is the best policy.  Don’t avoid the truth for fear that you might hurt someone else.  The longer you allow it to continue, the more damage you will do not only to them, but yourself.

Gemini July 2015

Stoner Gemini, July will bring you many successes, positive energies, and a heightened sense of creativity will surge through you.  The only potential drawback for you this month will come from your personal relationships, although, with your natural wit and charm it is nothing you can’t handle.  Just remember you can’t appreciate the good without the negative.  A good Sativa strain will be your trusty ally this month.  The sacred Sativa strain will keep your motivation and creative juices flowing!  It will also act as a mood booster to deflect any negative energies trying to bring you down.

You are a force to be reckoned with in the workplace,Gemini!  Your creativity and ambition will guide you to many new projects and opportunities.  Your successes will seem to come effortlessly.  You’ll be “feeling good, feeling alright” about yourself and the direction of your life, which will result in optimal productivity.

It will be difficult to deal with any negative outside influences that may arise, whether it be from your lover, family, or friends.  This is especially difficult when you feel like you’re on Cloud 9.  You might feel as though they are trying to rain on your parade, resulting in anger and defensiveness.  My advice?  Smoke about it, forget about it.  That does not mean to be disrespectful and ignore the situation all together.  Rather, realize that at this time it would be best to revisit this issue at a later date, instead of feeding into it.  Don’t let petty arguments distract you from your goals

Gemini June 2015

May is your month to shine, Stoner Gemini.  The Universe is on your side, and is providing you with an incredibly positive time in your life.  You will experience a great energy shift, and you will be able to apply this to all aspects of your life, remaining unburdened by any serious issues or obstacles.

Your career will definitely benefit from the surge of energy coursing through you.  Your positivity and go-get-it attitude will be the direct source of your increased productivity.  There will be many new and exciting opportunities that are presenting themselves to you, but don’t think that they will effortlessly come to fruition.  You cannot expect results without putting in the work.  If you are in a “higher” up position, pay special attention to your colleagues.  Someone may have a secret agenda that you should know about.  Still working hard to get to the top?  Put all this energy to good use.  Put you work in overdrive.  Your hard efforts will be noticed and rewarded by the end of the month, which could potentially land you a promotion of sorts.  Remember, the level of your success is entirely up to you.  You have the herb and the papers, but nobody is going to roll that joint for you.

On the love front, May will bring you some interesting news (FINALLY!!).  While at the time it may seem irrelevant to you but, have no doubt, it will directly influence your life down the road.  If you are in a relationship, be extra attentive to your lover and display your feelings towards them more vividly.  With your friends, assume a neutral position.  Right now is not the time for silly feuds.  This month you have the ability to resolve any issues that may arise.  Your positive energies will be contagious.  Use your influencing powers to help spread love and happiness to all those who come into contact with you.  Bond with old and new friends with the help of the sacred herb whenever possible.  Just do more sharing than smoking.  Now is not the time to get in a couch-lock, you have important work to do!

Gemini May 2015

May will be a trying time for you, Stoner Gemini.  You are likely to have some difficult times ahead in all aspects of your life.  There will be many curve balls coming your way, but it’s nothing you can’t handle with grace.

It is likely that you will experience a moderately negative event in the workplace that throws your chakras slightly out of balance during the beginning of the month.  Do not worry about this too much, the outcome is not as monumentally life-altering as you think.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  Smoke about it, forget about it; just like everyone else already has.  Have the confidence to keep moving forward.  Be sure to pay close attention to details, especially when handling important tasks.  Life may seem a little gloomy for you,  but you actually stand to gain much more than you think right now.  Have a good grasp for where you stand, as well as the desires and intentions of your co-workers.

Your relationship with your partner may become one of irritability and disagreements.  Be open and flexible.  Do not try to force them to see things your way or you will find yourself in many useless arguments this month.  Sometimes things are out of your control and life can a rollercoaster, but you will always thrive in your group of friends.  Let yourself escape in good conversation and fun times.  You need to take it upon yourself to plan events for you and your friends to come together.  Even if it’s just a quick smoking session.  Don’t let your friendships get stagnant.  This will be your saving grace during May.

Gemini April 2015

Stoner Gemini, April will have it’s testing times, but the good will outweigh the bad in the end.  You win some, you lose some.   As usual, your career will continue to be your strongest suit, while your personal relations could suffer if you’re not careful.

Although you will continue to shine as the bright shining star you are, there is someone that you’ve suspected has been trying to bring you down for quite some time now.  You can’t keep ignoring the problem, and you may realize that there are too many “noncontributing” heads on this blunt.  Don’t let your natural instinct to not upset the heard conflict with what you know you have to do.  If you are confident and fair in your decision, you will not have any regrets.  If things take the path they are supposed to, a potentially life changing event could be in store for you at the end of the month.  For the entrepreneurial Gemini, it’s time to think about re-organizing, updating, and upgrading your environment.

It’s easy to get caught up in the smoky haze, but you need to be extra attentive to your partner this month.  When things are rocky, the lightest hit can make the whole thing come crashing down and the outcome could be quite devastating to certain parties.  Be calm, yet ready for anything.  If a problem arises, you will need to weigh out the pros and cons of any decisions that come about. Do not act impulsively,but, you don’t have much time to mull it over either.  I would recommend keeping a chillum in your car and take a puff or two before going home.  That way you will be relaxed and less likely to take out aggression and annoyances from work out on your partner.

Gemini March 2015

Stoner Gemini, the month of March will be an overall positive and productive time for you.  Despite the continuous hard work load, your energy levels will reach all new highs, allowing you to really put forth your best efforts.

All twins will continue to shine in the status of their careers.  You will feel an overwhelming amount of support, giving you the confidence to show your true colors and letting your work excel to new levels.  You may be asked to take important responsibilities, or maybe even a raise is in your near future.  If you own your own business, you may have a partner shed light on a new idea that could open the door for many great opportunities.  Do not be afraid to step out of the box, for there is no great reward without great risk.  If you can manage to stay organized and be mindful of your schedule, you will be able to drastically increase your productivity.  With all the hours you’ll be putting in this month, keep your favorite chillum on stand by for the occasional stress relieving toke.

For those of you that are single, your personal relationships might feel like they are at a standstill.  If you are currently seeing someone, you might feel slight tension between you and your partner, especially during the beginning of the month.  Recognize these tensions and excuse yourself from the situation to avoid getting sucked into pointless arguments.  Anything said or done in the heat of the moment should not be taken to heart.  Smoke about it, forget about it.  The Gemini might also feel a little “off” with friends, but don’t start writing anyone off.  Patience is key.  Although it may feel nice to be in control, sometimes you just have to take a back seat and let things play out the way they should.  Shake off the little things, and put your effort into the things that are working in your favor.

Gemini February 2015

February will yield two very different paths for you, Stoner Gemini.  Venus and Jupiter will team up, and their negative influences will be quite apparent in your personal relationships.  Luckily, Mercury will have your back, providing assistance in your career successes.

With Jupiter and Venus working against you, you are likely to face a significant amount of problems, especially in the first ten day period.  If you’re still looking for that special someone, don’t expect to be struck with the love bug this month.  If you are currently in a relationship, you and your significant other may not be seeing eye to eye.  Now is NOT the time to push for resolution on pressing issues.  Sometimes you just have to breathe and let it be.  Meditating may prove to be an incredibly helpful tool for you during hard times.  If you are able to withstand the inevitable while maintaining your composure, you should be able to make it out of February barely scathed.  When you feel your emotions running high, do not act or make hasty decisions.  Keep calm, dab on, and remember that this too shall pass.

Keep your head up, Gemini.  Mercury will be able to bring some light to the darkness that is February.  Your planet ruler may be your only ally this month, bringing you a couple of positive opportunities.  Be ready to jump on them like a spider-monkey. You would be extremely foolish not to embrace these opportunities as they present themselves to you.   Although your opponents will be in full swing at this time, pay no mind to them.  Their efforts will be shattered faster than a cheap import pipe. Concentrate on yourself.  Your career can thrive if you are able to channel your energies into your work.

Gemini January 2015

Stoner Gemini, January will be a positive and productive month for you.  You will carry over the trend of 2014, and continue to keep your career as your main focus.  At times, it may feel like daily tasks and responsibilities hinder your efforts at success.  Just keep the positive vibes flowing, and keep at it.  Try to abstain from medicating until you’ve finished all of your tasks for the day.  Using it as a reward will keep you motivated.  By achieving your professional goals, you will notice things just start to fall into place.

However, you may experience a few surprising and potentially unpleasant situations.  Don’t be quick to place blame or make rash decisions.  Be empathetic and try to see the issue from all perspectives.  It may shed a whole new light on the problem at hand.  If resolutions can’t be made, you’ll just have to take the HIGHer road and cut ties.

In January you will rise to new levels of self-worth and self-respect.  Take a look at your life and think of ways you want to improve your overall happiness:  Start a new hobby, take a college course for your own enjoyment, start eating a healthier diet.  Be sure to keep a list of your goals and ideas to help yourself stay on the right path, because let’s face it, your short term memory isn’t all that great.

Whatever you do, don’t let yourself be a complete hermit all month. You are a social butterfly at heart, and by mid January, when your stresses start to lessen, you’ll start to feel that familiar itch for excitement and adventure start to creep in, so roll a couple J’s and check out a local band or take a hike.