Aries Stoner Horoscope January

Aries Stoner Horoscope January

Stoner Aries I told you about the new race beginning in December, January will be a continuation of this track and field excursion.  Or perhaps for you it may be more of gunny-sack hop. Just like that comedic summer family reunion or summer camp farce, there will be tons of events for you to participate in.  But instead of the egg toss and three legged race, maybe your personal track and field events will be bowl matching and smoke spot hunting.

Others might be catching up stoner Aries.  You got a fresh start in a new cycle last month.  Now, other stoner star signs will start to acknowledge a new phase of their own.  This gives you an upper hand with any conflicts. You are already warmed up and ready for battle.  If there are any long standing grievances held within the smoke circle, be sure to smoke them out early in the month.  One caveat being if your grievance is with a fellow tokin’ Aries: Watch out! They might be just as ready to throw bows as well as bowls.

Within the work sphere it might be best to save the fighting for internal battles.  There will be a natural inclination to lash out at perceived slights and injustices within the work environment.  Puff puff pass on the retribution at work stoner Aries. Seek the calm wisdom of the sacred herb to analyze your place within the workplace dynamic.  There may be a well founded grievance with a coworker or employer, but are you doing all that you can do to make yourself an invaluable asset to the company or team?  Remember stoner Aries, the goal is to be indispensable, not dramatic. As you seek out and fight the characteristics you wish to change, do not avoid the positives that are plain to see.  Medicate with the sacred herb and remember to give yourself praise and love mixed in with the honest criticism.

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