Aries January 2018

Aries January 2018

Stoner Aries should expect to experience an intense beginning to the 2018 new year; intense, but enjoyable in the same breath. You are likely to discover new insights into the inner workings of those closest to you, but be assured the greatest lessons learned will be in the realm of self realization. Be warned, however, not all of your discoveries will be positive in nature. However, as the first sign of the stoner Zodiac, you need to remember you are in direct control when it comes to how you respond to these situations. Sometimes in life you may not get the best grade of smoke, but you can always upgrade your smoking device. The point is these are the times when it is more effective to change your approach, not the problem.

While the weather this time of year often motivates people to stay inside where it is warm and cozy, you can still make productive use of this time. You certainly want to avoid couchlock or becoming stagnant. This down time is the perfect opportunity to make plans for when the weather warms and spring brings back the sun. Stick to the sativas, Stoner Aries, they will help keep you moving, at least mentally. You have plenty of creative ideas that you need to get down on paper, the cerebral highs of sativas will magnify these tendencies, as well as help keep you motivated when chasing fervently after your goals.

Avoid unnecessary conflict in the workplace. Although this advice is good year round, January is likely to bring additional troubles. The good news is most problems you encounter can be easily cleared up by using your words. The worst thing to do is to waste energies or engage in arguments over simple misunderstandings that could have been avoided if all parties involved took the time to actually hear what the other were trying to say.

When it comes to loved ones or lovers, Stoner Aries, the best you can do is to be a good listener. It isn’t going to hurt to have the peace pipe ready with a freshly packed bowl, it can be a great equalizer. Undeniable is the truth that “sharing is caring.” You may even change someone’s day for the better without even knowing it. While others will certainly benefit from your kindness, there is a great deal you will gain by considering your friends’ and family’s perspectives when contemplating your life, the universe, and everything. As much as possible, do not rush to make decisions. Be sure to weigh potential outcomes before taking action, and when possible get a second opinion on the bigger choices that may result in more substantial transformations.

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