Aries October 2018

Aries October 2018

Stoner Aries October may feel as if you’ve finally exited the rat race only to be unceremoniously dropped into an episode of the Twilight Zone. There may be very strange days ahead for you in this period of finicky cosmic winds.

Despite strange days ahead, this will be an energetic period for you. You will find that for the tasks you take up, everything you need to accomplish them is within you. This energetic time isn’t just for your own benefit, but for those around you too. October is a time of service, to self to family, to your smoke circle, and to those you encounter in life who need it.

For this fickle month, even the best laid plans won’t help steer the course. And that’s alright, because you’ve got the skillz to pay the billz. Or shall I say the energy and instincts to react accordingly for changing situations, or spur of the moment opportunities. Embrace the chaos stoner Aries because positive action leads to positive results. On the flip side, turning a blind third eye to the opportunities or obstacles you encounter will surely lead to negative paths. React quickly and decisively, but do so with your cannabis companions in mind. You can help others in this time, but remember that path works both ways. Between you and yours and a packed bowl, there’s nothing you can’t achieve.

Your work sphere calls for action, decisiveness, and task mastery. Right now mulling over options could lead to unfavorable circumstances. Generally with decisions an herbal medicated mulling never hurts, but in the present you need decisive confident action. When in doubt, collaborate! Together, there’s nothing you and your crew can’t do.

The same theme applies to your personal sphere: action and decisiveness. Contemplate too deep and you could undo an opportunity, or enlarge an obstacle. For the single Aries, you’ll be entering a bright period of smoke circle expansion. Enjoy life, don’t worry about the significance of others, just enjoy them. For the partnered Aries, dive deep into family. Dependability can create unbreakable familial bonds. Strengthening those bonds will allow for expansion of influence in the future. With an earnest effort, all returns will be positive.

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