Leo Stoner Horoscope June

Leo Stoner Horoscope June

Stoner Leo the Summer season is here!  Are you ready to dunk dabs, burn bowls, and smoke spliffs?  Ready or not, the universal influence in June will be all smoke sessions GO!

And right away the celestial influence will favor the organizational skills of the stoner Leo.  Grab the calendar early in the month and plan your terrestrial adventures.  The leader of the pack will be at peak communicative powers around the 3rd of June.  

Gather the ganja gang.  They will be ready to receive your instructions!

But understand this stoner Leo:  Part of leadership is understanding not every stoner is grooving on the universal vibe as you.  Take your cannabis companionship out and about on the terrestrial plane; but don’t be dismayed by the numbers of your pack.  Sometimes the best moments are shared with only a few cannabis companions.

The power of the Sun may seem overwhelming with an impetus for action.  Chill my vibrant Lion.  It’s not always about the size of your pride, or the destination of the smoke circle.  Often, it is about the journey taken together.

So when the urge comes to blanket your cannabis companions with protection, or cajole them with personal desires, take a moment to chill stoner Leo.  Toke time for a quick solo smoke session.  Allow the perspective enhancing vapors of the sacred herb to give you clarity in these emotional moments.  It’s Summer.  There is too much to do to get bogged down in personal pressures.

Leo Stoner Horoscope May

Leo Stoner Horoscope May

Stoner Leo the final month of Spring enters into a period of conflict and turmoil.  But you don’t have to participate.

Usually the Lion leads the pack:  The first to break buds and pack bowls.  The universe is sending cosmic chaos to the stoner Zodiac.  Perhaps this month the stoner Leo will be a leader through absentia by example.

Fill the stash jars with pure Indica strains, and Indica dominant hybrids.  Calm, cool, and collected will be your mantra and impetus this month my leary Lion.

After the first decade of the month you will be able to witness your extended smoke circle enveloped by chaotic clouds of cosmic influence.  It is not your role to lead others to safety this month, but instead be the leader of example with your chill demeanor.

The reading I give as a general theme will be most felt surrounding the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th.  Toke time with the sacred herb in the days before the Full Moon to meditate and contemplate your action as a leader through inaction as a dramatic participant.

This time surrounding the Full Moon will be a great time for solo smoke sessions and solo projects around the house.  Use your third eye, stoner Leo, to avoid confrontation and conflict within the extended smoke circle.

Before you know it the final decade of the month will be present, and you will notice cosmic clouds start to lift from the stoner Zodiac.  This will be your sign to re-enter the terrestrial landscape as your usual outgoing self.  By the end of the month you will be breaking buds, and matching bowls with your stoner tribe once again.

Leo Stoner Horoscope April

Leo Stoner Horoscope April

Stoner Leo:  What’s that bright fiery object floating high up in the sky? No, it’s not a comet or a UFO, it’s the Sun! And this month my fiery Lion, you too will be a shining star.

In April it doesn’t matter if you’re a moonchild or not, all in the stoner Zodiac will get the opportunity for a fresh start. The New Moon happening at the dawn of the month means you can let all of the setbacks, and the false starts the year has brought so far, go up in smoke.

Some days were tinted with a glossy ganja glow, other times even the most enlightening cannabis couldn’t help you see through the fray. But now you will be able to light up, lift off, and rise above the haze.

Stoner Leo, set aside time early in the month for a deep dive into your subconscious. Breathe deep the perspective expanding vapors of the sacred herb, and allow the illusion of impossibility burn away with every puff.

With your third-eye open, you will have a new clarity of sight for the path ahead.  Your destination is wherever you want to go!

You no longer have to conform to the role of a cautious cat.  You can get back to your true form:  The loud-smoking, fierce and fiery Leader of the Pack.

We may not be officially in the season of Leo, but you are definitely in your element. Everything from the daily grind to the biggest sesh will be no match for you my stoner Lion. 

Just like the Spring causes the plants to bloom, and the greens to bud, you will help your cannabis companions flourish when they are in your presence. So roar loud and roast often stoner Leo, because once you ignite the fire inside of you, nothing will be able to put it out!

Leo Stoner Horoscope March

Leo Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Leo, what do you do when a plant gets too big for its current pot? You transfer it to a bigger pot of course. Those roots need space to grow!

So far in the year you have been making forward progress, but maybe not as far and as fast as it could be. This March you too will need to find your own bigger pot with fresh, nutrient rich soil to let your roots grow deeper, and to allow room for your branches to spread.

You will always be the loud-smoking, leader-of-the-pack Lion, but right now you need to break away from the pride. It’s time to take a break from focusing on the rest of the pack to pack a bowl for one. Spend the month of March resting and reflecting on what makes you roar my stoner Lion.

It’s not about the grass being greener on the other side, it’s about nurturing your own garden so you can flourish, and grow to your greatest potential. Sometimes this means you have to shed old leaves to make way for new buds.

Your strain selection should reflect your goal of maximizing both your spiritual and physical expansion. You can go for maximum diversity by picking a couple Indica and a few Sativa options. This way you can match your strains to whatever your mood and the moment calls for. Or you can gather a few Hybrids that can be cerebrally stimulating yet will still keep you grounded in the terrestrial world.

Although growth is the theme and focus this month, know that it doesn’t stop when the month ends. Build the groundwork now stoner Leo, and you will continue growin’ and tokin’ the whole year through.

Leo Stoner Horoscope February

Leo Stoner Horoscope February

Stoner Leo, you headed into the New Year with optimistic anticipation, excited to say goodbye to all the rough waters you navigated through 2021. But, like many of your cannabis cohorts, your eagerness may have clouded your vision leaving you unable to see the equally rough rapids January had in store.

The bad news: unfortunately, my stoner Leo, I cannot say that the cosmos are ready to clear the skies and calm the choppy waters quite yet.

This means that during this transitional period in February, you will need to toke it day by day. Use these last days of hazy uncertainty to grind up, light up, and allow the healing vapors of the sacred herb to make the much-needed repairs to your cosmic space suit.

The good news: there’s not much further to go before you will once again be flowing along peaceful cosmic currents.

Stoner Leo, since you are stuck in standby month, you might as well make the most of it! You should put off making any big decisions or taking long trips during this time. So, hit up your partners-in-chronic, gather up everyone’s favorite sativa or indica selections, and smoke until the path ahead becomes clearer. 

Don’t let yourself feel down if it doesn’t feel like you’re moving forward fast enough this month, stoner Leo. Sometimes we just need to sit with stillness. Allow the sacred sinsemilla to serve as the backdrop for these peaceful sessions of THC inspired tranquility. 

Stoner Leo, you will be back to your full fiery ferocity next month; space-cruising through terrestrial planes, reaching new highs and new destinations. But, at least for the moment, it is best to burn your bowls close to home and let your imagination do the wandering! 

Leo Stoner Horoscope January

Leo Stoner Horoscope January

Confidant. Compassionate. Charismatic. These are all words that are appropriate when it comes to describing the stoner Leo. And of course, I would never forget, ‘cannabis enthusiast’. But there will always be some who see your generosity as showing off; those who see your unwavering loyalty as domineering.

You can’t control how other people view you stoner Leo; so don’t waste time trying. Instead, pack yourself a bowl of the frostiest greens, breathe, and let it be. The only critic you should listen to this month is you! Even with all your confidence, or maybe because of it, you know when there is room for improvement. 

Spend time in the first days of the new year meditating, inhaling the perspective-expanding magic vapors of the sacred herb. The goal of this introspection isn’t just to find something wrong that you need to fix. This kind of medicated meditation will help you to discover and identify the things that you want to make even better.

Remember my stoner Lion:  January isn’t always about making grandiose resolutions.  Sometimes it is better to use this fresh start to plant the seeds for future growth in the areas of yourself you want to see flourish in the coming year.

Most of the month will be best spent puffing and planning. You may be eager to become the best version of yourself, but remember my lovely Leo, progress requires patience. However high you wish to rise, be confident that you will ultimately get there. But if you find that you become over eager to reach your final destination, know that your cannabis copilot is there to help you slow your roll. 

This month is the time to dream big. Just remember, that even the biggest dreams, even the tallest trees, began with the smallest seed.

Leo Stoner Horoscope December

Leo Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Leo the hazy days of 2021 are coming to a close.  As with many points during this chaotic year, December will ring true:  You need to find your inner chill my proud Lion.

Celestial influence in the first Winter month will bring cosmic winds of obsession and conflict.  But with the sacred herb you can find the chill to smooth the edges of obsession and resolve any conflict.

Of all the stoner star signs, you stoner Leo have a higher proclivity for aesthetics.  In December this proclivity could turn into obsession.  As with all things, we must strike balance within our terrestrial mission.

Seek out a balanced hybrid cannabis strain to bring the theme of balance into the sphere of aesthetics.  Don’t dwell.  Don’t knit pick.  Don’t obsess.  Instead, seek appreciation and love for self within the positive caring habits associated with your cosmic spacesuit.  A balanced cannabis copilot can assist with a broader perspective to see beyond the intensity of the moment.

Stoner Leo, if conflict is avoided before it happens, does conflict exist at all?  There is a bitter tinge to the planetary alignment this month that will create barriers to smooth communication.  However, with foreknowledge, and a little assistance from our green goddess of guidance, conflict from these barriers can easily become detours of solution.

Use the sacred herb to find empathy in communication with your cannabis companions.  Fly high above the terrestrial stage to see that points of disagreement do not need to become points of conflict.  Leave the debating for another time stoner Leo.  Find your stoney inner chill this month.

The next level to conflict resolution is conflict avoidance!

Take time early in the month to toke a moment to self with the sacred herb.  Find your headphones, your daily driver, and a little bit of bud.  Listen to “End of the Line” by The Traveling Wilburys.

Chill stoner Leo, choose the blessed path.

Leo Stoner Horoscope November

Leo Stoner Horoscope November


My kind, loving, loud-smoking Leo, you are the leader of the stoner Zodiac pride. Equally confident, and chronic loving; ready to light up, and light the way whenever your cannabis companions need guidance. But, this month, you will likely find that you are the one who needs someone to lean on. And just like when you find a few stems and seeds in your fresh bag of the good green, you may have to remind yourself: It’s okay to let go.

Stoner Leo, maybe you’ve been having a bad week. A bad month?  Those in your closest smoke circle may not have noticed the rough days that you’ve been pushing through. You do your best to project that all is well in your ganja jungle. But, if you expect others to think that everything is truly, ‘all good,’  you have to believe it yourself first.

My capable Lion, don’t ignore the underlying uncertainties you have been feeling about yourself. Ignoring the weeds in our spiritual gardens doesn’t make them go away; it just gives opportunity for them to pop up in other areas.

Don’t waste precious energy and resources watering withered crops. Instead, get your hands a bit dirty, and tend to the parts of yourself that need to be nurtured.

It is fair to say that being open and honest about your insecurities does not come natural to you stoner Leo. So you may need to toke alone during your earliest smoke sessions this month. Load a bowl of the sacred herb, light up, and let the endocannabinoids open your third-eye sight to help you look deep within.

Remember stoner Leo, the peace pipe isn’t only used for finding common ground between disgruntled cannabis companions. Sometimes it is needed to find our own inner peace and expand perspective.

As you traverse this particularly cloudy portion of your cosmic journey, take note of those around you. While the sacred herb might be your sole companion during the first part of the month, you will soon learn who you can truly call your partners-in-chronic.

Keep an eye out for those fair-weather friends who are quick to disappear as soon as the stash gets low. And remember those who are there when the smoke clouds clear. The cannabis companions who are still there at the end of a rough day, the ones who are there to load a bowl and just listen, these are the canna-fam ready to blaze into the future.

Leo Stoner Horoscope October

Leo Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Leo, the theme of October is to manage expectations. Others EXPECT you to be the roaring, reefer-loving Lion; ready to light one up, and lead your fellow stoner Zodiac up through the haze to higher planes. Right now, at this moment, what you need to focus on most are the expectations you have for yourself!

You see no one else staring back at you when you look in the mirror, so the thing that really matters is that YOU like what YOU see.

Some will see your confidence and passion, and may call you arrogant. Others will see your persistence and contemplative gaze, and think you are just being stubborn. It’s all about perspective stoner Leo. Don’t waste your energy on changing anyone’s mind, or trying to convince them to see things a certain way.

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Turn your focus and your efforts inward stoner Leo. Breathe deep, inhale the perspective expanding magic of the sacred herb, and work to awaken your own third-eye sight. If those around you want to allow the cosmic clouds to hinder their vision, sometimes all you can do is roast a bowl, rise above, and let them be.

Just like the concept you cannot always get people to see things a certain way, no one can make you do anything you don’t want to. Which means you will be in complete control of your social calendar and interactions during this season.

When you feel like you need to sneak away to your secluded smoky oasis to enjoy a few stress relieving tokes by yourself, go for it! You’re not alone stoner Leo.  We all have those times when we just need to get away from the daily grind; to retreat to the familiar comfort and solitude of our sensemilla sanctuary.

Once your Chakras are properly aligned, and YOU are content with the fierce Lion’s mane staring back at you from your reflection, you will know that you have achieved a state of inner peace.  And that state of mind will leave even the most talkative critics speechless.

Go ahead stoner Leo, schedule yourself that relaxing stoney spa day…or two…or three!  If that’s what is needed to rejuvenate your spirit, and recharge your cosmic space suit, then it must be accomplished. This month, when it comes to relaxing and recreating—go wild!

Leo Stoner Horoscope September

Leo Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Leo in many ways September will play out like a choose-your-own-adventure tale.  As you are the author of your own story, attention must be paid early in the month to manifest positivity so you don’t write a nightmarish chapter.

Seriously stoner Lion.  Toke time early in the month to meditate with the sacred herb.  Make sure this solo smoke session is comfortable and without distraction.  The cannabis strain does not matter as much as your solitude.  Take care of this task before the New Moon on the 6th.

You hold great power in this moment to cleanse your mental space, and manifest your future self.

Universal influence in September also provides an opportunity to clear your financial space stoner Leo.  It is easy in our modern time to clutter our mental and physical space with all the trappings of the digital simulation.  What is a crucial delight one month, turns into a forgotten burden the next.

Use the contemplative nature of the sacred herb to align your third eye gaze with the cosmic support for financial house cleaning.  This may mean different tasks for different Lions.

Perhaps a bowl and a budget is the best result of high minded contemplation.  Perhaps it’s time to cancel that habit, or that subscription that slowly drains your resources each month.

Perhaps you will consider your time as money, and toke a keen third eye toward that social media app clogging your pineal gland.  At least your stoner horoscope subscription is free.  Don’t cancel me during your mental house cleaning stoner Leo!

After the Full Moon on the 20th, the month may finish on a psychological note of introspection.  Allow yourself to take some me-time in the final decade of the month.  Physical exercise can always be an active conduit for solo self reflection.

September will start with manifesting dreams with the sacred herb.  It should end with appreciative healing with your cannabis copilot.

In the end this month is all about you stoner Leo, and that is one thing that no Lion will ever deny.

Leo Stoner Horoscope August

Leo Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Leo let’s get lit in August!  Universal influence will be beaming with sunny rays that accentuate the traits of the stoner Lion.  As long as you mind your self reflection, expansive progress and smokin good times are assured in the final Summer month.

The leader of the stoner Zodiac must be confident and certain.  However, the confident stoner Lion can come off as arrogant in their certainty. They can seem conceited in application of their knowledge.

Toke time with your sacred cannabis copilot throughout August. The cannabis strain does not matter this month.  The depth of your medicated meditations does not matter this month.  What matters most is the honesty and visibility you place within yourself.  Bob Marley once said famously, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”

As you travel through the August time period, fun loving conversations, interesting inquiry, and intelligent debate will be essential to the progress of the month.  But, honest self reflection will be key to harmony within the smoke circle.

Stoner Leo, it’s your birthday, let’s party!  This will truly be a blessed period for the rambunctious Lion.  Passing joints and matching bowls won’t be a problem at the smoke circle this month.

As your sign transits through your neighbor Virgo’s influence, you might pick up some helpful budgeting tips, and conservative money traits.  Nobody regrets responsible partying in future time periods stoner Leo.  The universe and your cannabis copilot should help you avoid running up debt to fund exciting endo-excursions.

Holy cow stoner Leo!  How do you lead the stoner Zodiac all over this terrestrial plane?  It must be exhausting!

In August there will be waves of intelligent design sent your way.  These cosmic waves could boost your ability to lighten the load of the canna-crew through delegation.  You have been contemplating ways to ease your burden stoner Leo.

Toke time to meditate throughout the month with our green goddess of inspiration.  Our friendly female sensimilla can help you manifest the creativity to develop new ways to lighten the load of leadership.

Careful though stoner Leo.  We spoke earlier about the ability to monitor one’s communication and hubris.  All of the blessings of August come with the need to monitor yourself in a mirror.  Puff the sacred herb, and remote view yourself with an empathetic eye.

Your internal drives, buoyant bubbly nature, and the sunny influence from the cosmos, will all combine to create a month to remember.  But it’s the kindness and compassionate self critique embedded in the daily cannabis affirmations that will push your success into progress.

Push positivity stoner Leo.

Leo Stoner Horoscope July

Leo Stoner Horoscope July


It’s good to be the stoner Lion of the Zodiac.  July will be a blessed period for the stoner Leo.  Communication skills will be accentuated by celestial influence.  The highest reaches of the stoner Leo will only be limited by their cosmic imagination.

Puff puff pass on the anxiety this month stoner Leo.  Your brilliant communication skills will be further enhanced by the position of celestial bodies.  In both the personal and work spheres, you will find maneuvering through life comfortable and joyous.

Try to find a Sativa dominant hybrid strain with moderate THC, and a healthy dose of CBD.  Couch lock and tongue tied heady highs will be to the detriment of your great abilities this month.  I’m thinking of a strain like Sweet Cheese or Jack the Ripper.

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However, when the time is right stoner Leo, perhaps you can sneak a deep Indica edible into your evening routine.  Many aspects of July will flow from your ability to create your own destiny.  Medicated meditative moments by yourself will help you think outside a narrow band of vision, and create untold options.

Why wouldn’t the leader of the pack be able to curate their terrestrial experience though self actualized manifestation!

Change is coming stoner Leo.  Why not contemplate how you can influence the change?  Without this creative thought, you might be floating the river rapids without an exit plan.  It’s a lot of responsibility, but the stoner Zodiac will be looking for you to find the calm waters and safe embankment.

Stoner Leo, you are the leader of the stoner Zodiac.  But this confident strut on the terrestrial plane isn’t always what you feel inside.  It is your natural inclination to surround yourself with positive tokers within the smoke circle.  This instinct must come to the surface in July.

Use the sacred herb as a catalyst for a keen third eye sight this month.  Seek the positivity of cannabis companions, and dismiss the negativity of ancillary canna-buddies.  

Universal influence will open the stoner Lion to more impactful and meaningful moments of heart and emotion in the second Summer month.  Make sure those moments are with trusted cannabis companions.

The assurances of cannabis companions will launch you toward progressive goals, and future endeavors.  The stoner Leo is only as strong as the pack they lead.  Use your keen third eye sight enhanced by the sacred herb, to toke positive puffs with good green with the ganja gang.

Leo Stoner Horoscope June

Leo Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Leo the first Summer month is finally here.  There are sure to be many smoke sessions to cloud your terrestrial travels this month.  But the driving nature of your connection to the cannabis crew will be changed during this time period.  Don’t worry my prideful Lion, I do not have deep internal meditations of introspection in my cannabis infused astrological guidance.  That struggle is for another time period.  Perhaps this month could be looked at as a break from the normal terrestrial grind.  Perhaps June will be a cannabis inspired vacation of sorts from your key characteristic drivers.

Let’s look at a bowl matching sessions as an analogy for the flip flopped nature of the June time period.  Typically you are the one loading the bowl, and sharing the pipe.  You have all the information, and convey that to your canna-buddies.  When the match comes back, you are more keen to experience the action and the fellowship more so than the information contained within the process.  The universe is sending waves of support to a passive stoner Lion in June.  One that truly hears and responds to the genuineness of information puff puff passed.

You are the leader of the stoner Zodiac.  Usually it is you who gives the review of the latest cannabis strain combusted in your pipe.  You are typically a giver of information, and less likely to receive opinions and anecdotes of others.  There are true benefits to flipping this script once in a while.  As you follow your own path, sometimes you may find the herd has wandered off in another direction.  Now look at this scenario from another perspective:  Has the herd wandered off, or have you?  The first Summer month will be a great time to sit back, listen, and watch your smoke circle.  Find new information through passive puff puff passing.  In the end, this market research may open your eyes to a new path of leadership in future periods.

Stoner Leo there is great progress that can come from feedback from your fellow terrestrial astronauts.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to chill in June stoner Leo.  Now is the time to stock the stash jar with deep Indica or Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strains.  As you practice being a passive participant in your terrestrial travels, there will be moments of epiphany that may be difficult.  Guard yourself from defensive reactions stoner Leo.  Find your inner chill with the assistance of the sacred herb.  You will be back leading the stoner tribe by the end of the month, and you will be armed with so much new information to guide your pride.

Leo Stoner Horoscope May

Leo Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Leo you are a social creature by nature, and recent times may have prohibited you from fulfilling your craving for meeting new four-twenty friendly faces. Don’t fret my fiery Lion! The days are heating up, and so too is the opportunity to substantially expand your smoke circle. Some interactions will be brief, lasting only as long as it takes to puff, puff and pass the bowl; others will come into your stoney sphere and become a permanent part of your orbit. Whether it’s with cannabis companions from years gone by, or recently acquainted terrestrial tokers, now is the season to live, laugh, and light up often. 

Stoner Leo in recent months you have been inconsistent in performance.  You have sprinted ahead of the pack at an unstoppable speed, while at other times you’ve fallen behind the rest of the pride. This May, you will establish a more consistent and sustainable pace as you move towards the next chapter of your career. Whether your goal is to move up the corporate ladder, or to excel in your current position, you will have the opportunity to really shine. But whatever your aspirations stoner Leo, be careful to avoid burning the blunt at both ends! While you are busy establishing new, and more efficient routines, don’t neglect your recreational hours. After a long day burning through the to-dos at work, there’s no better way to unwind than to burn through the sacred stash at home.

You are the king or queen of your jungle stoner Leo.  You make the rules, and you welcome everyone as long as they follow those rules. And right now, the number one rule in your home should be this:  Good vibes only!  You are always excited to meet new smoke buddies, but this month your greatest joy will come from connecting your fellow stoners with each other. Throughout the month, your dwelling will be filled with the smell of good ganja, and the voices of great people. Whether you supply the session from your own sacred stash, or the canna-fam brings the buds, there are sure to be hazy happenings in everyone’s future.

Leo Stoner Horoscope April

Leo Stoner Horoscope April


The natural habitat for the stoner Lion is out on the terrestrial plane leading the pack.  This month your charm and enthusiasm will be best focused internally.  Although this may seem like a negative premonition due to your natural state of being, it is very much in concert for the Zodiac leadership of the stoner Lion.

Think of it this way stoner Leo:  Smoke circle expansion is not in perpetual motion.  To be the hearty Lion you must take care of yourself.  There will always be periods of consolidation to strengthen the foundation of the canna-fam.  April is one of those periods.  

First, stoner Leo, are there any lingering problems or obstacles left over from the March period?  You will see universal support for solving these nagging issues in the second Spring month.  Toke time to self in the first decade of April.  A solo smoke session will be illuminating.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to confront the obstacle or problem.  Our sacred green goddess has a way of unveiling new pathways to success.  Perhaps you just needed to quiet down the noise, and seek all the answers from within.

Second, after the New Moon of the 11th, you may appreciate time to yourself to pursue learned endeavors.  The cosmos is sending a warm breeze of inspiration to sharpen your wise wit stoner Leo.  Our great ganja goddess has a way of showing us broad perspectives.  Perhaps you will see with an enhanced third eye vision that a personal mission to learn a new skill, or research an interesting topic, isn’t selfish, but necessary!  Use our cannabis spiritual guide to sink deep into that subject, topic, or activity, that will push you toward being a better you.  Do this for yourself, and in the end it will prove to be in the service to others.

Finally stoner Leo, the month ends on a sharp note.  Be weary of the Full Moon on the 26th.  All this internal attention during the month might cap resentment and anger toward a frenemy or smoke circle acquaintance.  Pressure will build behind the restrained damn.  Blow O’s instead of your top stoner Leo.  If you release the pressure in the wrong way it could dampen the results of a great month of internal work.

Leo Stoner Horoscope March

Leo Stoner Horoscope March


Be prepared for an interesting start to the Spring season stoner Leo.  The month of March will bring with it a sense of tranquility amongst your cannabis companions. The cold winter months are nearly over, and with the warmer weather comes even warmer relationships. Though be forewarned, stoner Lion, the entrance to Spring will begin with your mind on heavier topics such as debts, and material possessions. Fear not stoner Leo, with a perfectly packed bowl and stress relieving tokes, all will be well. 

The end of the winter season brings peace and harmony within your smoke circle my stoner Lion. The cosmos is blessing you with even more charisma and charm than usual. Your persuasive nature will be highlighted throughout March, and you’ll find yourself particularly diplomatic this month. Stoner Leo, use this energy, and a well stocked stash jar to communicate your more eccentric ideas to your closest cannabis companions. Gather your partners in chronic together for an endo-excursion. Go on a hike or plan a picnic. Just get outside and combust the sacred herb with your ganja gang. Share your favorite smoke spots, and puff puff pass the good vibes.  With positive cosmic waves, and a proactive approach to smoke circle expansion, this month will see your pride grow to an even higher level.

Stoner Leo March will likely have you focused on monetary matters. Now is the time to use your powers of intuition, and a few meditative solo smoke sessions, to address any issues related to debt, and material possessions. Perhaps your gut is telling you to focus on something in particular, go with it!  Sit down with your corporate canna-crew and bounce ideas off one another. Your success on this terrestrial plane is only limited by your own efforts and imagination.

So stoner Lion, grab your traveling piece, a fresh jar of your favorite cannabis strain, and a few of your closest partners in chronic, and get to wandering. Alone, you are determined and adventurous, but aligned with your best buds, you and your canna-crew prove to be an unstoppable force!

Leo Stoner Horoscope February

Leo Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Leo what a magical time to be alive.  Opportunity is only as far away as desire will take you.  February will be a progressive month for the stoner Lion in ways that match the stoner traits of the leader of the stoner Zodiac.

Universal influence will benefit the connected stoner Leo.  However, this support will not extend far from home.  Toke time to assess the partners in chronic that are close to the center of the smoke circle.  It is in these relationships where the most impact will be felt in the final Winter month.  This progressive impact will come in both the personal and work sphere.  The sacred herb can be used with a two pronged approach to create the most positive impact.  

First, toke time early in the month to use the sacred herb as a third eye enhancement.  Rise high above the terrestrial plane, see the broad landscape of life, and how you and your closest cannabis companions relate to each other.  Again, this should be applied both personally and professionally.  It is from this medicated meditative smoke session that you will gain the wisdom of direction, and inspiration of leadership.

Second, use the sacred herb as a catalyst to bring your cannabis companions onto your wavelength so they can see your vision.  This second action may be more difficult, but with positive cosmic influence, your own natural communication and leadership skills, and the connected help of the sacred herb, it should be well within your means.  Remember stoner Leo, you are sharing your vision and vibration, not imposing it.

I know you aren’t all about the woo, and the mystical underpinnings of our terrestrial existence stoner Leo.  But this month carries a subtle frequency from the universe that will open your eyes to supernatural aspects of our connected worlds that usually go unnoticed.  Feel the connection stoner Leo, with your closest partners in chronic, and the invisible hand of our infinite world.

Leo Stoner Horoscope January

Leo Stoner Horoscope January


I received a vision from the cosmos through my sacred meditations regarding the stoner Leo for the January time period.  It’s of a physically fit Lion pulling its hair out!  This made me think of my favorite cartoon from the 90’s:  Joe Normal .. “I’m normal!  I’m normal!”  The bottom line to January is that things could be worse, and everything is going to be ok.

The cannabis prescription for the second Winter month could be a little tricky.  Everything physical will be going great guns, but mental stress could derail your good vibes.  It could be all in your head; so smooth tokes of the marijuana smoke might slow you down enough to gain perspective, and ease through those stressful moments.  However, nothing is more terrifying for a stoner Leo than to be trapped inside their own head, which could compound the stressful feelings.  Therefore a CBD heavy hybrid strain will work great this month.  The CBD will help you lean into the satisfied physical state with a healthy cannabis regiment.  But the mild THC will give you that head change to rise above the stress of the day without trapping your head in consuming clouds.  If the head change becomes a bit much, or maybe not enough, just remember stoner Leo:  “I’m normal!  I’m normal!”

The great blessing from the universe during January will be in the sphere of personal relationships.  That hybrid cannabis prescription should keep you chill as you bounce from one smoke circle to another.  Enjoy and appreciate being in your element.  Close cannabis companions and even distant smoke circle acquaintances will all notice something different about your strut.  Pay attention during your sacred smoke outs to the subtle nuance of each individual.  The true blessing this month won’t be anything you receive, but instead the strengthened bonds you secure within the canna-fam.  Stoner Leo January will be an additive experience to the progress of your life.  With the sacred herb as your trusted chill side-kick, you will sure to be a networking superhero on the terrestrial plane.

Leo Stoner Horoscope December

Leo Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Leo the holiday season can be a time of great stress …. But not for you!  Wonderful calming cosmic winds of influence will blow into your house this month.  It’s not that life will become easy or obstacles will part as you approach; but the calming cosmic influence blowing in December may just help you deal with terrestrial tasks with grace and chill.

There is an important prescription to receive the full benefits of the coming calming cosmic storm.  First, load the stash jar with Sativa dominant cannabis strains.  Second, find a safe space free of distractions.  Third, get creative!  They are no rules stoner Leo.  The only prescription required to receive the sacred blessing from the universe is creative output.  And it’s all about you stoner Leo.  No matter the style, medium, or material, creativity is all that is required.  Once you are in your safe space, light up the energizing qualities of the sacred Sativa strain, and jam, paint, write, or tinker.  The ‘how’ and ‘what’ is up to you.  The ‘why’ is to relieve stress and receive blessings.

Stoner Leo this creative prescription will impact every aspect of life.  Burn time with the cannabis crew might seem a little more lit.  Communications with cannabis companions might seem a little more easy.  Work tasks might come and go with a little more ease.  Your creative outlets will provide balance to the machine world of the terrestrial terrain.  You might enjoy your time so much that you may daydream about getting back to your safe space, where a fresh bowl and creative passion awaits.

Just remember stoner Leo:  Don’t neglect your sacred prescription for cannabis infused creativity.  These imaginative smoke sessions will be the key to an easy roll through life in December.  If you neglect this prescription, then you might get stuck in the grind.  I’m already wondering what smoked out expressive fun fabrications you will be working on.  

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Leo Stoner Horoscope November

Leo Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Leo it’s time to breathe a satisfactory sigh of relief.  Universal influence dispatches the introspection of past periods, and invites a more buoyant cosmic vibe for November.  Wake up!  Pack your bowl with sticky Sativas.  Instead of looking within, now you can finally focus outward, and roam the terrestrial plane with a confident strut and stride.

Be forewarned stoner Leo:  Optimal success in this period directly relates to the internal sacred meditations of past periods.  If you haven’t put in the work on self, then outward progress on the terrestrial plane will be more difficult.  I know you are stubborn stoner Leo.  If you did not toke time with self as prescribed in past periods, I can give you a shortcut to advance in November.  No cheat codes are completely fulfilling, but they do exist.  Set aside 30 minutes early in the month my stoner Lion to meditate with the sacred herb.  Any strain or method of delivery will work.  Use this time to think about why you skipped the prescribed sacred herbal meditations of past periods.  Burn sage during this short meditative exercise to cleanse the after affects of stubborn malignance.

The introspective periods during 2020 will pay off stoner Leo, and maybe faster than you think.  There will be great opportunities for deep conversations with cannabis companions, loved ones, and distant family members.  Keep sharable cannabis supplies in your smoker’s box this month.  Important emotional progress may come from a shared joint with a loved one.  Or perhaps a nondescript vape pen might be the connecting cannabis tool between family members.  No matter the circumstance or method, you will do great, and feel the flow stoner Leo.

Ok, now that we are all on the same page, let’s get to the November blessings of our cosmic cannabis universe.  How long has it been since you have adventured with an edible?  The roller coaster of ups and downs associated with the cannabis effects can be exhilarating, confusing, and scary all at the same time.  Now throw in being in public as a stoner leader of the Zodiac.  The painting by Munch The Scream comes to mind.  All universal systems are go for a face melting edible adventure stoner Leo.  

Leo Stoner Horoscope October

Leo Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Leo October continues a similar thread of self awareness for 2020.  I know I know, give it a rest already right?  Self reflection isn’t your thing.  However, with the magical insight of the sacred herb, and an honest effort, these meditative practices will loosen gears that have been grinding you down.

Stoner Leo have you been stuck stationary with cannabis companions or smoke circle acquaintances due to stubborn fits and tiffs?  Early in the month toke time for a solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  Select a cannabis strain like ACDC that has a high amount of CBD and low THC.  This solo sesh should focus on forgiveness.  First, forgive yourself stoner Leo.  It is in your nature to have a steadfast stubbornness.  It’s one of the traits that make you the leader of the Zodiac pack.  Next, forgive your cannabis cohorts; they may have similar stoner star sign traits of stubborness.  Once this meditation with the sacred herb focused on forgiveness is complete, perhaps you will be better prepared to engage and solve the issues that have been jamming up your smoke circle vibe.

Do you feel it stoner Leo?  There is a cosmic wind of creativity in the air.  Perhaps you can feel or hear the vibrational hum from the universe … like a zing!  Let’s lean into this cosmic vibe!  Make sure your stash jar is packed with a high energy Sativa strains like Durban Poison throughout the month.  Think of your smoke sessions as a bowl for the soul my stoner Lion.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to draw out your passionate insights from deep within.  Blow creative clouds wherever you go in October.

Stoner Leo there are positive emanations of romance in the second Fall month.  However, be forewarned:  Positive cosmic winds of romance will be most felt by the stoner Lion who completed the self reflective meditation earlier in the month.  Once the progressive work on self is complete, your heart will be full, and open for meaningful communication.  Suddenly you will love to look in the mirror again, and your canna fam and cannabis crushes will surely notice.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Leo Stoner Horoscope September

Leo Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Leo September sets up to be a tale of two halves.  The first being all about internal reflection within the smoke circle.  The second all about your external ambitions on the terrestrial plain.  With the sacred herb packed and loaded, and an action plan ready, you will smoke all the challenges and obstacles in the first Fall month.

Flow like water within interpersonal relationships stoner Leo.  Flexibility and attention must be paid to your fellow cannabis cohorts.  The Sativa strain Harlequin is a perfect match for this period.  This strain of the sacred herb is known for its assistance to rhythm and flow.  To gain the most from the planetary alignment during the first half of September, you must toke time to reflect on your place within the greater smoke circle.  Support your cannabis community with genuine care and attention.  Leave self indulgent behavior for another time stoner Leo.  There are times to lead with ferocity, and times to join the pack.  This period demands you give yourself to the canna-crew fully.

Listening skills, care, and attention will be tested this month.  But in the sphere of love, great understanding and progress can come from this exercise.  This test from the cosmos could lead to a pass or fail situation surrounding a love interest.  Use the Harlequin strain of the sacred herb to feel the flow of your cannabis companion stoner Leo.  You got this.

The second half will be split by the New Moon on the 17th.  You will feel the direction of cosmic winds changing.  Now is the time to build and progress with your ambitious plans on the terrestrial plain.  Load your stash jar with a sacred herbal strain low in THC and high in CBD.  Situations could change quickly during this period, and you don’t want to be caught in a cloudy haze when the mission changes.  This period will be specifically highlighted with learned endeavors.  Confronting new skills, and diving into new passions will give this period long lasting impact in the future.

Stoner Leo there is always a back-up plan to a great adventure!  Keep some Chemdog cannabis strain in the stash jar in case of emergency.  There may be a time where creative juices are needed to mine solution oriented ideas.  This strain should do the short notice trick nicely.

Whoa, there is a lot of information there stoner Leo.  Especially for a stoner star sign more used to flying high by wire.  Let’s make it simple.  Be kind to others in the first half of the month, and learn new tricks of the trade in the second half.  Everything else is good green gravy.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Leo Stoner Horoscope August

Stoner Leo this month while everyone is roasting beneath the Summer sun, you will be a source of refreshing relief to your fellow tokin’ terrestrials. Like a cool, smoke-filled oasis in a hot and hazy land, others cannot help but to be drawn into your welcoming orbit. You keep people intrigued, and amazed, by your seemingly endless optimism; but the secret is simple:  You just want everyone around you to have the best time possible!  Whether it’s giving a few nugs to a friend whose stash is getting low, or sharing a bowl while a cannabis companion decompresses after a rough day at the office, everyone who crosses your path will leave with their spirit lifted.

Stoner Leo off the clock you are known as the wild Lion, always down to light one up, and ready to embark upon innumerable endo-excursions with the cannabis crew. But, when it comes to getting work done, you are often the first one to show up, and the last one to leave. Everyone knows you are serious when it comes to business matters. This sometimes means long hours at the office, but your persistent grind is certain to catch the attention of peers and higher-ups, and may result in an elevated position. New hires, and longtime coworkers are certain to notice the roaring pace at which you get the job done. While you aren’t the only one who is working hard, you can help to harness the team’s creativity, and channel the energy into tangible results. Under your leadership, when it comes to progress and achievement, the sky is truly the limit.

In your eagerness to help your fellow stoner space travelers, to lift their spirits, you sometimes put off addressing what it is that makes you a happy stoner Leo. But, others notice. Whether it is your closest cannabis cohorts, or your lifelong partner-in-chronic, remember that you are surrounded by others who want nothing but to see you smile. Summer is certain to be filled with good vibes and endless good times, as long as you keep your jars filled, and a bowl packed for two. Know that if sharing is caring stoner Leo, you possess a lion’s share of both!

Leo Stoner Horoscope July

Leo Stoner Horoscope July


This summer, the stoner Lion should always aspire to reach a higher plane.  Light one up and get lifted stoner Leo.  Leave behind the naysayers and critics.  The only person you have to please this July is you!  While you will begin the month feeling on fire, ready to take on the world, it will be important to find a steady maintainable pace.  Summer is just getting started, and you don’t want to burn through your stash, or your energy reserves, too early.  Top on your to-do list should be seeking out, and finding, the sweetest smoke spots.  Whether you bring a friend to share with the hazy days, or fly solo for your smoke sessions, outdoor adventures will be good for both the mind and the spirit.

Stoner Leo, while a win for you is a win for the entire team, don’t sell yourself short when it comes to taking credit where it is due.  Dividing up the project into smaller, more manageable tasks will lighten everyone’s workload, but it is okay to acknowledge your personal contributions to the bottom line. Similarly, you can lend a helping hand to colleagues if needed; but at the end of the day, you can’t do the work for them.  Sometimes your greatest contribution is simply to lead by example stoner Leo.  When your peers, smokers, and non-tokers alike, see you operating and achieving on a higher level, you will be uniquely positioned to elevate the whole team’s spirits.  

You will be feeling the heat in July stoner Leo.  Both from the summer sun, and prospective cannabis companions.  While increased intimacy with a bud-loving counterpart might be exciting and enticing, remember there’s no need to rush.  A good gardener will wait for the right moment, when cannabinoid content in the plant is at its highest, before they harvest.  It will be important to apply this patient approach to both romantic and platonic endeavors.  You may be tempted to aim high, and move to the next level in your relationships; especially when things are going well.  No one is saying you shouldn’t be passionate in your pursuit of your partner-in-chronic, just make sure you have given enough time for these connections to fully flower before making your next move.

Leo Stoner Horoscope June

Leo Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Leo June is an opportunity to party!  Comparatively speaking, you will be one of the few stoner star signs that are able to avoid cosmic clouds of confusion this month.  As long as you keep a cool head within the smoke circle, and juggle multiple projects at work, this month should be as pleasant as the weather.

Be the bright light in your smoke circle stoner Leo.  Lead like the happy lion you are.  Toke time to recognize that many members of the stoner pride will be battling messy cosmic influence this June.  Lead from the front, and leave a trail of buds behind so others may follow.  During dark times of cosmic storms, the stoner pride needs the lucky Leo to stay steadfast as a positive example.

Be forewarned stoner Leo:  The stars may be bright in your cosmic house, but the storm clouds in your cannabis companion’s house will be visible and impactful.  Keep your chill vibes stoner Leo.  Puff puff pass on needless sharp reactions to your frazzled cannabis cohorts.  Let the little things go, and move forward with a positive blank slate.  If you stop to battle petty little things, the cosmic storm clouds may transfer from your canna-crew, to you.  Subtle nuisances can nag, and eat away, at your shiny exterior if you don’t leave them behind like the trivial obstacles that they are.  Sometimes blissful ignorance is active leadership stoner Leo.

Multitasking is an essential trait in the workplace to find success in June.  Various projects will see halting moments of progress.  Without other bowls burning, you could be out of smoke this month.  Keep your to-do list organized so that when you hit one dead end, another productive road is sure to be found.

Enjoy the party stoner Leo.  Toke time with the sacred herb in many moments this month to appreciate your position, and center your Chakras with positivity.  Your fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts are sure to find those nugs you’ve left along the trail.  Welcome them with a happy heart and a warm flame when they catch up to you.

Leo Stoner Horoscope May

Leo Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Leo where are you, and where do you want to be?  May will be filled with these types of conundrums that at face value may seem easy to answer, but cosmic clouds of confusion will obscure reality.  Even a confident Lion can be perplexed by a complex puzzle.  This is not the month to charge straight ahead with a confident stride.  Toke time to stop once in a while.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to engage the third eye.  Where are you within your intended plan?  What direction are you headed?  These simple questions, coupled with assistance of the sacred herb should help you navigate through the cosmic clouds of confusion this month.  Just remember stoner Leo, there is nothing wrong with turning around, and taking a different path.  Stubborn Leos will have more obstacles in May than those that self assess, and adjust to changing conditions.

Stoner Leo there is a particular window within the business sphere that may glean more promise than any other time in the month.  After the New Moon on the 22nd is the best time for projects, pitches, and collaborative adventures.  Keep the pipe loaded with Indica strains in the first part of the month to better deal with the herky-jerky nature of cosmic winds in the workplace.  Then after the New Moon, be sure to load bowls full of energizing and inspiring Sativa strains to pack the biggest punch surrounding those important meetings.

May requires special words for single stoner Leos:  Perception of intent within personal communication should not be solidified as fact.  Chill stoner Leo, slow your roll, and toke time to enjoy experiences without expectation.  A dance, a phone number, or an invitation to hunt for a secret smoke spot, doesn’t always come with intent for romance.  But at the same time, if you wipe away romantic expectations, then the story is still left unwritten with boundless possibilities.

Leo Stoner Horoscope April

Leo Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Leo April poses an interesting problem counter to your nature.  With the magical properties of the sacred herb, and a solid plan of action, you will finish the month stronger than you started.  This interesting month is marked by a significant period: The Full Moon of the 7th through the New Moon of the 22nd marks a time where the stoner Leo may pull back from their social self, and seek progress from within.  Uh oh, yes, that means self reflection amid moments of smoked out solitude. You can do it stoner Leo, just make sure to set time aside for yourself. The New Moon marks that moment where the stoner Leo will break out of their shell once again, and strut with open confidence on the terrestrial plane.

Difficulties may surface in the personal sphere of love during April.  Get out of your own head stoner Leo! Comparisons of equality and fairness within the sphere of love can be problematic.  We all have our own perspectives and journey on our cosmic spaceship. Toke time to float high above the terrestrial plane with your cannabis rocket ship when there are moments of anger, envy, or discrimination with your cannabis companion.  From this higher perspective you may see the current feelings of inequity may simply be the natural rhythm of give-and-take that comes with a close relationship. But also stoner Leo, this is important, toke time to forgive yourself. We could all use more forgiveness, even towards ourselves.

Rest, repair, repeat stoner Leo.  Challenging moments during the month, whether they be cosmically inspired or self inflicted, will bear a toll on your cosmic spacesuit.  The solution to these potential physical aches can multitask with the solution to the trepidation of your emotional journey in April. Find a safe space, and a relaxing space, to meditate with the sacred herb.  Fly high above the terrestrial plane. Seek clarity and understanding from higher perspectives. Forget about two birds with one stone! You can solve two problems with one bowl stoner Leo. I recommend a stoney hot yoga session mid month to work through both physical and emotional issues.

Breathe deep, inhale the sacred herb, and keep in mind that after the New Moon you will be back on your blessed cosmic course with that Leo mojo we all love.

Leo Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Leo let’s look at March as a tale of two periods.  In the first half, the work sphere will take precedence as hard work and focus on communication will rule the period.  Eventually the economic grind will flow into a period of great personal importance.

First, let’s focus on the first half where you will be grinding more at work than chopping up the great green at home.  The great news about the cosmic influence during this period is that it flows right into your strengths stoner Leo. The key to unlocking great grinding success at work will be your strong communication skills.  But be forewarned: Important communications should be done in person versus over the Internet or telephone. When opportunities for toking do come about in the first half of March, keep the smoke sessions lite. Perhaps smooth smoking on a high CDB strain will maintain the connection with the sacred herb, while leaving you connected to the terrestrial plane. 

The second half of March will have a more personal focus from the universal influence.  Save the Spring cleaning for after the work is done stoner Leo. Don’t rush large home projects, there will be plenty of time this month.  More notable will be the breadth of sacred herbal strains available in the second half, and the learned opportunities that will come from your terrestrial adventures.  Expand the mind and feed the soul during this period. Use the sacred her as a catalyst to seek out information and answers to great internal questions.

Don’t ignore the unassuming tokers in the smoke circle this month.  They could be puffing on quiet wisdom. All you have to do is share a bowl, and perhaps this meek canna-buddy has the key to unlocking a breakthrough of understanding.

The full Moon of the 9th marks a great opportunity to begin physical preparations for summer.  Yes stoner Leo, this may mean curtailing the snacking, and getting on the bike once again. Have you lost the impetus to maintain a healthy spacesuit?  The full Moon comes with great cosmic energy to reinvigorate a healthy regiment. Puff puff pass on lazy attitudes!

Leo Stoner Horoscope February

Leo Stoner Horoscope February


Drab and dreary may describe the weather stoner Leo, but it will never describe you!  However, this month it will be necessary to take boring restful breaks to accommodate and accelerate exciting progress.  There is much to do, but the current planetary alignment only supports a rested and ready Lion.

Activities in February require a thoughtful sacred herbal prescription.  Furious energetic activities must be balanced by deep restful moments. Thus, the stash box must be loaded with opposing cannabis varieties.  Bowls to get up and get going must be paired with bowls to sit down and sink in. This Yin and Yang lifestyle, and cannabis balanced diet, will ensure success and progress during February.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to set you off on the appropriate mission at hand.

Busy busy crossing out the to-dos, don’t forget to keep your third eye on the grand plan.  Toke time to get lifted and rise high above the terrestrial plane. View the current list of to-dos within the broader scope of your life plan.  You have the energy to spin your wheels, but are they moving forward toward progress or just simply spinning? As you meditate with the sacred herb, make honest judgments about the efficiency and effectiveness of your time and tasks.

Frivolous change can bring excitement and a sense of newness to a dark winter month. Step out of your norm.  Change a repetitive pattern.  This change doesn’t have to be drastic, but it might give a little spark to keep that engine driving forward.

Be forewarned stoner Leo:  Other star signs might not be receiving the same energetic impact of their planetary position.  February won’t be the month of lit smoke circle bowls. Puff puff pass on the expectations of others.  This month you are more than capable of burning your own bowls without the support of cannabis companions.  Perhaps in between task mastery and contemplating the grand path of progress, you will find the opportunity to brighten a fellow toker’s bowl.  You are blessed stoner Leo; don’t forget to share your blessings with others.

Leo Stoner Horoscope January

Leo Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Leo January will be a foundation for 2020.  Perhaps even a road-map for the entire year can be written in the first month?  Ah, but to accomplish all of this terrestrial planning, you must go through the mental and spiritual exercise of self assessment.  Don’t worry my lovely Lion, I’m not talking about deep introspective dives; but rather simple mental and spiritual exercises combining intent with inventory and direction.

Whoa stay with me!  Take a few tokes of the marijuana smoke.  Relax. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to see through the complications of the economic grind and the emotions of relationships.  Clear the cluttered mind so that you only see yourself with no outside influence. The meditative exercise required this month is mainly about three things:  Intent, Inventory, and Direction.

Intent:  A brave stoner Leo may want to meditate on this first step with a powerful edible.  But any amount of the sacred herb will do, as long as you locate your mediation in a comfortable quiet place alone.  Once the mind has been cleared of all thoughts regarding the economic grind, smoke circle acquaintances, and even cannabis companions, you must ask and answer one simple question:  “Where do you want to go stoner Leo?” Or phrased another way, “Who do you want to be?”

Inventory:  Another word for the second step could be appreciation.  This inventory has nothing to do with accounting or reconciliation.  Now that you know your intent, use the sacred herb to enhance the clarity of your third eye.  See the truth in what you have accomplished, or where you have traveled, at this point in your spiritual quest.

Direction:  Now for the hardest part stoner Leo.  With a clear understanding of intent, and appreciation of where and how you arrived at this moment in your progressive story, you must calibrate those two with your desired direction.  This final sober task can be accomplished in various ways. Perhaps an email to yourself with instructions will be your road-map. Or a ritualistic magic creation box to tuck away desired goal posts.  A logical timeline with progress markers might do the trick.

The bottom line is not the method of the final task stoner Leo, it is the holistic approach of the complete exercise.  You are bound to find your own way by completing these three heady exercises. Happy toking, you’ll find yourself stoner Leo.  I believe in you.

Leo Stoner Horoscope December

Leo Stoner Horoscope December


Beaming from cosmos, the stoner Leo will be granted great third eye vision in December.   This enhanced third eye vision will not give you psychic clairvoyance, but cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances will be deciphered under a new light.  This keen cosmic blessing will assist the stoner Leo in assessing their place within the work sphere and the smoke circle.

Sour Diesel is the perfect strain of the sacred herb to enhance and connect with the new cosmic perspective placed on the Leo’s third eye vision.  The new optical perspective will require focus and clarity. Combust the sacred herb, fly high above the terrestrial plane, and seek clarity from this enhanced viewpoint.  Do not forget to view yourself, and your place among the smoke circle during these vision quests.

Warning stoner Leo:  Cosmic construction zone ahead.  This new third eye vision could cause a strain on relationships.  Perhaps issues or traits of cannabis companions, ignored or unseen, will now come into focus.  This new vision won’t be dramatic, but the world will be viewed with a new filter that could affect all spheres.  Toke time to contemplate with the sacred herb: This new perspective and vision must be tempered with kindness and understanding.  A thoughtful approach to new information should come before consequential reactions. This temperment of temper could save heartache with cannabis companions and guilty frustration in the workplace.

Stress is a consistent factor in life.  But the second half of December could see a release of pressure.  This pause in tense moments creates a wonderful opportunity for a medicated meditative smoke session to celebrate and commemorate the triumphs of 2019.  Near the end of the month, sink deep into this meditative exercise. The natural flow of herbally enhanced reflection will lead to inclinations of future forecasts.  Ending the year with clarity of third eye vision will be the perfect catalyst to launch into a new year with a fresh attitude and directive. Always one step ahead, the stoner Lion leads the pack!

Leo Stoner Horoscope November

Leo Stoner Horoscope November


When describing the comfortable leadership of a stoner Leo, I have said they operate with an unapologetic selfishness. Some stoner Leos nod with a clever smirk. But some stoner Leos become offended. This ability to be unapologetically selfish is what separates the stoner Leo from the rest of the Zodiac smoke circle. The leader of the pack can’t be weighed down by all the trivial nuances of perspective and feelings. With kindness at heart, they make decisions and behave in a way where their example is what is most important, not the perspective of their cannabis companions.

Load up the stash jar, pack a few bowls, and get ready for a smokin November stoner Leo. The current planetary alignment will give ultimate support to those brave leaders of the stoner Zodiac smoke circle that roam the terrestrial plane with an unapologetic selfishness. For those Leos that already walk with a pep in their step and approach daily life with confident direction, the blessings of this month may go unnoticed. Those Leos probably wouldn’t ever read a horoscope anyway. This horoscope is written more for the reluctant stoner Lion. There are many Lions that roam the terrestrial plane without a pack, or see themselves more as just another cosmic astronaut in the smoke circle of life. November could be the month these Leos come to understand and grasp their role as the leader of the stoner pride. Let’s get your mojo back stoner Leo. Yeah Baby!

Keep the couchlock deep Indica kush for another time. You are on a mission to find your mojo stoner Leo; sexy stoney Sativas only this month. Toke time early in November for a solo medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb. Contemplate all those wonderful Leo characteristics you want to exude: Cheerful, charming, caring, energetic, magnetic, resilient, motivated, and honest. With all those wonderful traits, it is no wonder that these successful leaders behave with an unapologetic selfishness. After all, the leader of the stoner pack always knows where the smoke circle is heading. With this early meditative dive, seek understanding within yourself as to why you have been a reluctant leader in the past. Use this sacred herbal smoke session as a cleansing to move forward into the month ready to take hold of your birthright. With kindness at heart and a fat nug in your pocket, the entire stoner Zodiac will follow the confident Leo to the next level.

Leo Stoner Horoscope October

Leo Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Leo you are capable of being many things including vibrant, open, and loving. These are the traits that will propel you forward in October.

Vibrant: Universal influences will target the little engine that could inside of you.
Open: New situations and people will come into your smoke circle you may not have predicted. An open mind, and an open heart will expand not only your social smoke circle, but increase your knowledge of fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts.
Loving: October should bring a cosmic kick to your heart. Feelings will be more intense for you, and those surrounding you will sense this loving nature emanating from your cosmic spacesuit.

In the workplace trust your third eye instincts. Even though networking will be supported from positive cosmic waves, there will be times to put your head down, and work through issues on your own. A light balanced hybrid during the work week will help tune in your third eye instincts, and be prepared for all situations.

The second half of the month will bring uncomfortable moments. Not among terrestrial astronauts, but within you. Toke time with the sacred herb after the Full Moon on October 13th. Find a comfortable space for a deep medicated meditative dive within yourself. There is a dark menace hiding in the deep recesses of your being that must be addressed. It may show itself in many forms for different Leo’s: Nagging insecurity, frustrating anger, despair, or perhaps even hints of depression. This deep medicated dive with the sacred herb could help address this deep underlying issue before it can bubble up to the surface, and expose you to harm. Furthermore, this exploration inside yourself could lead to breakthroughs of self discovery you will take forward for a lifetime. Deep contemplative internal dives are always tough for you my proud Lion. Perhaps take the trip in a float tank to give the experience structure and adventure.

As a stoner Leo you know that adventure is not exclusively a summer endeavor. October has a wonderful surprise waiting. A gift from the cosmos; all you have to do is grab it. Throughout the month you may be itching for something more, like a cannabis connoisseur at their favorite smoke shop with an unlimited budget! That special dank nug you won’t forget is waiting just around the corner stoner Leo. And you are the leader of the stoner pride. Don’t miss your opportunity to pounce on the next adventure in October.

Leo Stoner Horoscope September

Leo Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Leo even the fierce lion leader of the stoner zodiac sometimes needs to take a breather. Although your skin is thick, the busy summer season has left you feeling spread a little thin. As the calendar changes to September, you may find yourself wondering how you got here. Too many projects may require you to turn your attention in more directions than is reasonably possible. It’s okay, even for you, to take a break from the seemingly endless grind. Blow off some much needed steam by blowing out those smokey O’s. Toke time to prioritize your to-do list. Don’t abandon the goals and milestones you’ve been working towards; rather, relax and take a pause. Puff a few bowls of the grounding ganja, and rethink your plan of attack. Once the smoke clears, you will be refreshed and ready to charge ahead.

Be mindful of the fact that not everybody can be as happy-go-lucky as you stoner Leo. Take a step back, stoke a bowl, and seek understanding from a higher perspective. A few solo smoke sessions can give you the ten thousand foot view needed to better empathize with the struggles of your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts. Sometimes all they need is a little space and a sympathetic ear. While this may not seem like the most exciting prospect, realize it isn’t asking much. It might sound like a big ask to be passive, but the reality is this: You can be a great canna-buddy by the simple act of being an active listener. By being there when your buds need a listening ear, the bonds which bind you with your cannabis companions will only grow stronger.

Stoner Leo you may be accustomed to constantly socializing with the pride. But, in September there is immense potential for personal growth from deep dives of introspection with the sacred herb. These contemplative meditative moments can ease the pressure of the work grind, and help you meet the needs of your own stoner tribe. Digging deep within yourself may be exactly what is required to rise above the perplexities of the period.

Whether or not you take a breather from the economic grind is ultimately up to you stoner Leo. But know there may be consequences if you don’t. An explosive emotional moment could erupt if you do not take the time to care for yourself. This may manifest physically as a cold, or the general feeling like your cosmic spacesuit is in need of repair. Be mindful, it could also occur as conflict between you and your cannabis companions. And those wounds can take much longer to heal.

Smokin Js Anniversary

Leo Stoner Horoscope August

Leo Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Leo you are entering a month of abundance. The planets have aligned to bless you with all the energy required to thrive. At times though, there will be out-of-body experiences where your travels on the terrestrial plane will be on autopilot. Spark one up stoner Leo, your auto pilot can be trusted like a brand new Tesla. As long as you monitor your adventures with a moral third eye, you should avoid a fiery crash.

Take care stoner Leo. The beginning of the month will begin with a frenetic pace. Toke time for repairing meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Focus on healing whatever ails your cosmic spacesuit. Hot medicated yoga is a wonderful release for the body. With special attention to your soul suit, you should thrive in a chaotic and energetic climate.

August will be a tail of two halves, split down the middle by the full moon on the 15th. The first half will be marked by a heavy social influence. Work, tasks, and obstacles may seem mundane and tedious as your mind will be filled with social excursions. The second half of August will be more balanced as a logical focus returns, and social experimenting lies closer to home.

Your cosmic sacred herbal prescription for August is also a tale of two halves. The concern for the beginning of August is to fall into a zombie-like trance roaming the terrestrial plane without direction. There will be plenty of social adventures with the canna-crew, but work must also be done. Lean into the energy from the sun during this period with sacred Sativa strains. Avoid zombie-like couch lock mental trances. The Sativa strain of the sacred herb will assist in clarity and focus during cosmic rides on auto pilot. During the second half of the month, a more broad selection of the sacred herb may be partaken. This can be customized to suit your needs: A balanced hybrid during times of activity, and a deep Indica strain for secluded home projects.

With the right balance of self care and a keen third eye vision, the stoner Leo will ride the energetic wave of August like a canna-champion.

Leo Stoner Horoscope July 2019

Leo Stoner Horoscope July 2019


Settle down and smoke up stoner Leo! July will be a month of interesting conundrums. Many paths will stretch out in front of you. The road less traveled is always an enticing mysterious option, but sometimes the straight and narrow, or the tried-and-true provides for a smooth ride. Whatever route you choose, know that all the available options can lead to a positive destination. You are likely to encounter obstacles regardless of your choice. The sacred herb will help light the way. What first may seem outrageous could be a lucrative opportunity once viewed from a different vantage point.

While enjoying the sacred herb will be necessary to maintain balance, it will serve a more practical role during this period. Out of the norm challenges will call for out of the box solutions. Cannabis can be a fine way to recreate and relax, and it can also inspire far beyond instinctive reactions to find creative solutions. Specifically Sativa strains can be a catalyst to problem solving. However, be mindful stoner Leo to meditate on the final destination, not roadblocks along the path. No matter where your journey takes you, don’t forget to enjoy the ride.

Sacred smoke sessions with your cannabis crew are not merely recommended, but are mandatory this season. Puffing, passing, and laughing your with your smoke circle will be good for the body and great for the group. Advice from a different perspective could be the cosmic grease that keeps those karmic gears turning in a positive direction. Once solid momentum is achieved, it will be no thing to keep it moving. Grinding hard early in the month will also make way for more time with the pot-loving peeps later in the month. As long as you work hard to get the joint rolling in the first weeks, you and the canna crew can roast-up more herb as the summer days heat up.

The cosmic doctor offers a prescription of romance in July for partnered Leos. But the stoner Leo must fill the prescription to receive the remedies. Take your cannabis companion on an adventure, and enjoy life to its highest. Whether or not the stoner Leo has a special partner-in-chronic, a weekend getaway is a must. Blessings will come to those who actively seek them. So grab your bud-loving buddies, and find your bliss!

Leo Stoner Horoscope June 2019

Leo Stoner Horoscope June 2019


Stoner Leo can you feel it? The sun continues to shine down on the leader of the pack. As the cosmic breeze warms around you, know you too are heading into a hot streak. With positive solar winds at your back, you will move smoothly and steadily toward success in June. Do not be fooled however; while you have a prevailing force behind you, it is ultimately up to you to maintain forward momentum. It will be up to you to avoid couch lock. Seek timing on when you can chill out and pack a bowl, and when it is time to put down the pipe and get back to the grind.

Stick with those sweet, sticky Sativas during your journey through June. Often times the stoner Leo impacts the world through straightforward means. In contrast, this month creativity and perseverance will be necessary tools as you assume a supportive role with your cannabis companions. For the usually headstrong stoner Leo, this will be a difficult balance to achieve. You do not want to be a mooch and simply coast on your best buds’ successes, but it will also take effort not to push people out of the way and just do it yourself. The middle path will be the best. Be confident in your supporting role: As their partner-in-chronic you simply need to be there to help lift them up when they fall down, and spark up a fat one when it’s time chill out.

Be prepared stoner Leo, you will likely experience some hazy moments of moral conundrums this month. When the mind gets clouded, take time to clear the air before you move forward. Please remember dear stoner Lion: You cannot exact retribution and justice upon the pride. Trust that these karmic things will take care of themselves. Too much force is certain to create further chaos and confusion. So keep the peace pipe packed with the calming sacred herb to help follow a more gentle, ganja filled path.

Work and recreation must be kept separate this month. In your time on the clock, stay firm in your efforts. Then find time later to stoke the flames of passionate endeavors. As long as you remain resolute, you will achieve lion sized results every time. Which means when it is time to rest you will be able to do so worry free. This summer you will find a cosmic sweet spot for both romantic and platonic bonds. You may not be the leader of the pack this month, but love strong and smoke on, stoner Leo! Your pride is your team.

Leo Stoner Horoscope May2019

Leo Stoner Horoscope May2019


The stoner Leo will keep those fires blazing in the final Spring month, as positive energy and good fortune continue to rain down as cosmic blessings from the universe. While May is likely to bring a few last minute showers, your energy and perseverance will bring the heat needed to keep the inner light burning bright. Whether you prefer a well balanced blunt, or a freshly packed bowl, keep the greens fresh with an optimistic outlook. Equilibrium is always a noble goal. You are sure to find your inner zen as long as you keep your eyes on that peaceful prize, and you keep your aspirations high.

Take time early in the month to organize your tasks and prepare a plan of attack. Frequent meditative smoke sessions in the first few days of the month will result in a fruitful fortitude you will carry with you throughout the summer season. Just be mindful of where and how you direct your fiery gaze.

Be forewarned stoner Leo: Meandering around putting out fires as they pop up, could lead you off the positive path in May. A well established task list will assist in maximizing productive output. Smoke for satisfaction and sound mind; stretch the imagination for achievement. You may even surprise yourself with what you can get done by maintaining an organized platform.

The final spring month will produce a bountiful harvest of warm embraces. This will apply equally to bud-loving buddies, and your closest cannabis companion. Use the warming days to stoke the flames of friendship and goodwill among your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts. Use the warming nights to embrace your current, or potential, partner-in-chronic to fan the embers of cosmic companionship. Single and partnered stoner Leos will both benefit as long as their intentions remain stoney and steadfast.

The days are growing longer stoner Leo. Do not pass up that last minute smoke filled adventure; however trivial it may seem. May 18th is the flower full moon. The period around this full moon will be particularly dynamic. Remember, it is never too late to plant the seeds of prosperity. Just like the canvas of colorful flora that will bloom during this month, the efforts you put in today will result in the long lasting growth of tomorrow.

Leo Stoner Horoscope April 2019

Leo Stoner Horoscope April 2019


The sun will bring strong cosmic warmth and positivity to stoner Leos in April. But most importantly energy! The position of the sun this month will shed light on bountiful energy and opportunity. The increased energy from the sun will shine brightest in the work sphere. Whether you are a corporate warrior stuck in the economic grind or an entrepreneurial boss, this is the time to push ahead with increased vigor. Increased attention and output at work will lead to increased opportunity.

At work you may be like a Tasmanian Devil sweeping up work and opportunity with tornado-like power, but in the personal sphere you need to chill stoner Leo. Grind all day, puff puff pass on the stress at night. Toke time with the sacred herb to leave the work stress behind. Your cannabis companions can’t understand all the inner workings of your busy business life, but they still need you. And you need them. Keep your portable stash box loaded. A shared bowl between partners in chronic will be a healing elixir for the entire smoke circle.

You are the King of the Jungle stoner Leo. Socializing among your pride is necessary to keep everyone connected. While you are relaxing with the canna-crew after terrorizing the work sphere, lead those around you in conversation. This may seem simple, but the second Spring month will bring important insight that can only come from contemplative shared reflection.

While you are grinding it up with cannabis companions, be sure to remain true to your moral code. Be forewarned stoner Leo: There can be no double dealing. Act and speak with honesty and integrity. This is sure to be a dynamic period. Don’t muck it up with petty slights. After the full moon of the 19th, a positive cosmic rain will drench your personal sphere. But this wet heat wave will only occur if the stoner Leo stays true to their inner ideals. Cosmic support will come easy in that way stoner Leo. Upbeat energy with integrity is your thing!

Leo Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Leo Stoner Horoscope March 2019


Stoner Leo too much of a good thing can truly be a difficult proposition. March will shower you with options, choices, and opportunities. But this situation is not one where you can put a bucket out to collect the blessings for a future period. Instead the stoner Leo must step carefully and choose wisely during their travels. Avoid heavy smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Spending too much time in heady clouds could leave you stuck on the terrestrial plane. Think of cannabis in-line with the overabundance of choices you will face in March: Make strategic cannabis choices with solid information

This does not mean abstinence stoner Leo! Set aside solo time with the sacred herb. Possibly select an energetic and blissful Sativa strain to help you on your path. You will need your third eye wide open in the first spring month. With the abundance of opportunity, you must choose wisely. Assess each option, and seek understanding of the impact of the path laid out. Avoid stubbornness and confirmation bias stoner Leo. Assumptions of the past may need calibration based on new information. Keep an open mind and an open heart.

You have a great smoke circle stoner Leo. Be sure to keep the stash jar loaded. Help and consultation from your cannabis crew will assist you greatly in this frenetic period. Smoke them out, and allow them to help you out. The amazing power of a canna-crew will assist you greatly on various missions.

Take care of yourself during this busy time period. The dynamic month will require all of your energy and spirit. Perhaps a regiment of high CBD cannabis at night time will be the trick to unwind the busy mind, and assure a solid night sleep for the next day of busy task mastery. You got this stoner Leo. Up up and away you go!

Leo February 2019

Leo February 2019


Stoner Leo February may be the month of Valentine’s day, but this period is about more than romantic love. You may be feeling isolated lately with your head down focused on the task at hand. Keeping up with your resolutions and making sure you use the fresh start of the new year to its greatest potential can be overwhelming. Rest and breathe easy stoner Leo; an energetic month will turn into a calm period of satisfaction in the end. Remember, occasionally we just need to hit the reset button. Take time to meditate with a close cannabis companion. Sometimes the best way to clear the mind is to cloud up the room. A stoney toke session can be the perfect remedy for when you feel overwhelmed by the daily grind. Light one up, slow down, and you will feel the weight of the world go up in smoke.

Opportunity and manifestation will collide this month stoner Leo. Yes, the lion of the pride will find good fortune again, both in personal and the work realm. Your confident swagger will act like a magnet collecting cannabis co-workers and compatriots. Your confidence and above all, your competence will be the defining factors that helps you lead your smoke-loving squad to success. There will be a high correlation of the effort that you put in, and the quality of outcomes. This means stoner Leos should expect big payoffs in the workplace, as long as they stay strong in their grind. If you channel your energy efficiently, there is no reason you and work peers cannot do it all: Work hard, and play even harder! Stay focused on elevating the quality of your work and increasing productivity. When everyone clocks out for the day you can celebrate a job well done with a freshly ground bowl of spirit-lifting sensimilla.

Balance is the key attribute for the stoner Leo this month. Do your best to balance internal peace and maintain equilibrium with external surroundings. With that being said, it is recommended you find a sweet, sticky hybrid strain, and stick with it for the duration of February. This will help heal the body while keeping the mind invigorated and inspired. Once you have found your zen, stoner Leo, it will be important you invest in self-care to keep the good vibes flowing. As long as you keep your spirits high, you will continue to puff, puff, and pass positivity to all those you encounter.

Leo January 2019

Leo January 2019


Stoner Leo what do you want to grow this year? We’re not just talking about green buds, although this is certainly an acceptable higher aspiration. Know you are entering into a period when whatever you decide to put your efforts into will thrive. Use your tangible will power to build the solid psychological foundations for the rest of the year. However, be forewarned stoner Leo: Do not, under any circumstance, allow your temper or frustrations to flare. Force is not the way forward. Keep your preferred peace pipe handy, and stock up on all your favorite strains of sacred herb. You will have to work for it, stoner Leo, but you will find your zen zone. And once you do, use your Lion determination to not let it go.

You are used to being a fierce, independent creature stoner Leo. It may go against your primal instincts, but this month you will do well by embracing your pride. You will find welcomed emotional support and reprieve from the daily grind by recreating with your fellow stoner signs. Smoke certain, and smoke often stoner Leo! You and your closest cannabis companions have more in common than you originally thought. The 2018 year has been one of great trials, and even greater successes. Everyone will benefit from tokin’ time to reflect on the days gone by. Grabbin’ some of that freshly ground ganja and packing a party bowl can be the ideal way of offering a farewell to the fading year, while saying a high-hello to the next.

When it comes to the wallet, you should avoid welcoming unexpected burdens. You do not need to be stingy, but you should be deliberate and thoughtful in all of your financial decisions. Stoner Leo you grind too hard to let hard earned compensation go up in smoke! Simply avoiding needless spending should get you through this period of money traps. When you are faced with a particularly lucrative investment opportunity, simply take the necessary precautions before you proceed. During these times you need to meditate with the sacred herb. Clear the mind of all the hazy details and the right decision will rise above the smoke.

While you should be strategic with your spending, be generous with your time stoner Leo. The new year presents the unique opportunity for a fresh start and new perspective on old endeavors. Whether it is in person, or by digital means, share your refreshed optimism with your cannabis crew. You may be able to accomplish much through your own efforts, but together with your fellow terrestrial astronauts, the sky is truly the limit.

Leo December Horoscope

Leo December Horoscope


Stoner Leo it will be easier said than done for December, but you must do your best to stay calm and smoke on. Although the planets will not align perfectly, and the stars will not have an easy path to quick success, you can still make progress toward your ultimate goals. The path forward in December may be obscured by smoke clouds. However, no direct path you can follow will be a blessing in disguise. This means you will be free to blaze your own trails! So leave the maps at home, stoner Leo, you are heading into unexplored territory!

Proceed with caution. Just because fate does not have a clear plan, this does not mean you should wander aimlessly. Proceed with purpose. Grab the ganja stoner Leo and manifest a plan to bliss. In fact, you may not have to travel very far. You are likely to find the best remedy for a hectic period is no further than your own doorstep. A staycation may be in order stoner Leo. While you are often a social creature, sometimes you need a few restful days at home with your pride. Maybe it is time to plan a game night, or a munchie-fueled movie marathon with your closest partners-in-chronic. It may be frosty outside, so a stoney smoke session inside will keep everyone’s spirit high.

Stoner Leo it will be up to you to keep the peace in the workplace. You should avoid acting on your gut responses to issues that arise. Although you may feel passionately, or feel your idea is the best solution to the problem, take a pause before you proceed. It is not advised that you light one up at work, but when you can, toke time to think through the troubles. A meditative smoke session can help you expand your understanding, and see the problem from another perspective. It may not be easy, stoner Leo, but compromise will be more productive than conflict.

Compassion will be the key to success at home during the winter months. With everyone in such close quarters, kindness will kindle positivity among all your cannabis companions. Avoid any temptation to roar at those nearest to you. If you do need space, take it. Toke one up and settle down. Direct any negative emotions toward creative endeavors. Embrace the expansive powers of the sacred herb, and you will be able to transform any bad vibes into beautiful and lasting creations.

Leo November 2018

Leo November 2018


Stoner Leo your weather forecast for November is cosmic rain. But fear not; it’s not a dreary bitter fall rain being referred to, but rather it will be raining universal blessings on the stoner Leo! However you must maintain your groovy positive vibes or you might find those opportunities vanishing in smoke before your eyes. Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb should utilize an Indica or hybrid strain. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to ground yourself, recenter, and refocus to keep the good vibes rolling.

As the lioness lies in wait in the tall grass for the perfect moment to strike her prey, you too will find yourself in the perfect moment to strike your foes. But to attack would not be a positive action, nor would it maintain those good vibes. Maybe for you it’d be best to lounge in the grass and bat at butterflies as they flutter by.

In the work sphere it is of utter importance that you act on logic, reason, and information, rather than emotion and aggression. To assist forward movement circle back to offerings of help or collaboration you passed on in previous periods. November is the perfect month to readdress partnerships and collaborations with smoke circle allies. But be wary of trusting random buds, it isn’t the time to put trust in strangers.

In the personal sphere you should seek balance in your personal relationships. They do say all work and no play makes for a dirty bong at the end of the day. Team up with loved ones this month. Collaboration and a shared joint can open up lines of communication that heal even the deepest scars.

Remember to breathe stoner Leo. With so much bustle it might be easy for you to get lost in the hustle. So inhale, breathe, and let it be. Stay positive and ride the waves of opportunity this month brings!

Leo October 2018

Leo October 2018


Stoner Leo you can expect to make great progress towards achieving long standing and lofty goals this month. Although this is good news and should be an additional motivator for you to keep your grind strong, it comes with cautionary advice: Be steadfast, but do not be stubborn! Sometimes the stars have great plans for us, but this can mean destiny is not necessarily within our control. So, be flexible and remain confident. Do not be discouraged by the notion that the stars have bigger plans for you. As long as you put in the work and are ready for the adventure, you will be happy with the results.

Think of October like a well rolled joint. If done correctly, you’ll eventually achieve the desired effects at a steady and slow burning pace. Plant your seeds early in the month. If you do, you will watch seemingly tiny, unimpressive seeds transform into budding flowers. Just like you would attend to a garden, be sure to nurture your mind, body, and spirit so you can flourish and experience positive growth.

It is easy to enjoy the beauty of a flower in full bloom. But, it can be less exciting putting in the work during vegetative states. Don’t be afraid to get those hands dirty stoner Leo. It can be hard work to stay positive when the atmosphere feels stagnate. Progress comes in phases. Remain optimistic during the slower moments, and you will get to enjoy all of the positive fruits of your labor later in the month.

In the workplace, remember you do not have to take on every obstacle by yourself. This period is not the time to outshine or outperform coworkers. No one benefits from others looking bad. Collaboration will be the key to a successful work dynamic. Perhaps you could use a little help from the peace pipe packed with a bit of freshly ground sacred herb. Consult one another when big decisions need to be made. There is nothing wrong with the team taking time for a little herbal meditation when the stakes are especially high.

There are likely to be a few surprises on the homefront this month. They will be positive as long as you view them in a positive light. Just light one up and enjoy the ride stoner Leo. If you pay attention to your surroundings, the universe will reveal the path you are meant to follow; and rest assured it is positively enlightening.

Leo September 2018

Leo September 2018


Stoner Leo planetary influences are pushing you out of your comfort zone. You are the Lion of the stoner pride, and with this you can be described as unapologetically selfish. The first month of fall will require that quality to be diminished. No apologies will be necessary, but contemplative and controlled self awareness will be required. Toke time early in the month to meditate with the sacred herb. Avoid a deep dive that analyzes your inner nature, but instead seek expansive enlightenment from your cosmic guides. Steering your behavior away from your nature is a difficult proposition; medicated contemplative guidance will assist in opening yourself up to your cannabis companions.

Teamwork is the work-around! Cooperation and collaboration is the key. Yes you may think your rolling technique is the best my lovely lion, but sometimes allowing a cannabis companion to give you a lesson with your full attention will strengthen bonds beyond the immediate situation. This new direction will benefit you in problem solving. So often you put your head down and go at problems alone. A collaborative meditative smoke session with the sacred herb will guide your awkward cooperative travels. This month you will need the advice and effort of your smoke circle to solve problems that pop up like weeds along your path. Be forewarned stoner Leo: Cooperation and collaboration are great, but all this teamwork must come from a prioritized list of your creation. Perhaps we found a bit of selfish manipulation this month after all.

The theme of collaboration follows into the sphere of love for the stoner Leo. Single Leos should surround themselves with fellow cosmic astronauts. Adventure, fun, and new smoke circle acquaintances will come from group missions out onto the terrestrial plane. Leos with a partner in chronic should heed the guidance of the cosmos, and open themselves up for advice and direction. Remember stoner Leo, this time period is one of hundreds in your life, bending and experimenting now doesn’t create a rule or tradition for the future. Trust your partner in chronic, and enjoy the ride.

Leo August 2018

The last summer month is upon us stoner Leo. As the lion of the stoner signs, it is imperative for you to get out and survey the landscape. The terrestrial plane is your playground and domain. Your fellow cannabis companions will rely on your leadership and energy to make their adventure on our cosmic spaceship stony in August. And with these kush filled adventures in the summer sun, you will be sure to benefit through smoke circle expansion. Each time you fire a bowl, it will be like a ray of light for your fellow terrestrial astronauts.

It sounds easy, but it must be said: Avoid conflict and negativity stoner Leo. Even if others choose a negative light or perspective surrounding your personal sphere, you don’t have to follow suit. There are plenty of positive pools to swim in stoner Leo. Please be advised this is not advise to fight negativity, but to see it and let it be. Cosmic support will be found in avoidance more so than battle. Puff puff pass on the negativity for the next positive moment. With so many bees buzzing outside the hive, it won’t be hard to avoid the skunky weed to find a smoke circle with some dank kush.

I know you don’t like to analyze yourself stoner Leo, but the current cosmic alignment supports internal growth through self examination. Toke time this month for a solo mission with the sacred herb. Take a deep dive into yourself and examine the internal mechanisms that guide your cosmic journey. This exploration will help you understand the universal code driving your adventure with consciousness. By making time for this journey to the center of yourself, it will help you understand your place in the universe. This meditative exercise will strengthen the knowledge of yourself and the internal dynamic with your fellow cosmic astronauts.

Leo July 2018

Leo July 2018


The second summer month has potential to be a dynamic period for the stoner Leo. However, the dynamism will not come by traditional cosmic means. Toke a moment to think about an abstract concept of your universal position. Usually your interaction with the universe is very direct; force, change, luck is all very personal to you stoner Leo. This month you will strip away actions directed at your immediate sphere of influence. Yet, in the end, these selfless actions will directly impact the quality of your life. Direct cosmic support from indirect personal influence.

Altruism and service to others will be the theme of this month stoner Leo. Personal happiness and progress will be found in the familial and work sphere through your indirect actions.

First let’s take a look at the work sphere. Find a moment outside of your work space to meditate with the sacred herb. Float high above the terrestrial plane and see yourself within the hive. Refocus your direction on how you can assist your company or coworkers to achieve the goals contained within the mission statement. This stoney exercise will realign your personal directive with those around you. Affirmation of directive will not only help your coworkers and employer, but it will create an indirect path to personal satisfaction and progress with the work sphere.

The thematic cosmic support for July will be a bit more complicated in the personal sphere stoner Leo. As you seek to realign your frequency in the work sphere, this must also take place within your familial unit. First, do not blame yourself stoner Leo. Often your attention has been been placed on cannabis companions instead of the family closest to you. As the stresses of work and family become routine, we all seek outside influence to break away from the patterns of life. It is natural to seek moments with canabuddies to break the familial monotony. However, this month it will be crucial to listen and hear the issues with your family unit. Applying yourself fully to these problems will be rewarding beyond a night out with friends or slotting another monetary digit on the balance sheet. Before you seek realignment within your family structure, take time to meditate with the sacred herb. Focus on forgiving yourself stoner Leo. Leave familial skeletons behind. Turn the page in the book of your life. Go write new pages with love and positivity scribbled all over them!

Leo June 2018

Leo June 2018


Stoner Leo this June you can confidently expect the sun to be out, and positivity to be high. You should mentally prepare yourself early in the month to get ready for a period in which you will be on a serious grind. To maximize effectiveness in both your work and recreation, it will be important for you to complete all required tasks as quickly as possible. But, you still want to maintain a high standard in your work. Do not sacrifice quality simply for sake of saving time.

You will have the unique opportunity this month to make work fun. Relax and refresh your batteries at home by indulging in your favorite sticky green. A sweet sativa can help you unwind while at the same time getting you motivated to tackle the tasks of the day. Although you may be faced with an all-too-familiar itinerary of things to do, coming up with creative approaches to accomplishing these necessary tasks can make working hard feel like it’s hardly work at all.

Getting your to-dos done in a timely manner will pay off. Once your list of accomplishments is established, you will have more time to smoke and toke on the things you are passionate about. Perhaps you are secretly jealous of that one friend who is the designated blunt roller in your group of friends. Well, Stoner Leo, you will have plenty of time to improve your stoner skills, and become the pot-rolling professional you’ve always wished to be. Whatever your aspirations may be, it is important you stay active this month.

If you find yourself in a slump, it is only because you are being idle. The secret to happiness during this time of year is to challenge yourself with new endeavors and ever higher aspirations. It’s important for you to enlist the help of your closest partners-in-chronic when you embark on your summertime shenanigans. With so much positive energy flowing through you, it will be hard to ignore the urges to share your good fortune. Keep those good times coming by having the kind bud close at hand and the homies who are down-to-ride ready to roll. This summer promises to provide plenty of opportunities for your smoke circle to discover photo worthy smoke spots.

Leo May 2018

Leo May 2018


Stoner Leo the month of May will be a bright dynamic period for you. As with many things in life, what you put in will directly correlate to what you get out. The opportunity of May is not weighted heavily in the sphere of society, but within yourself stoner Leo. Springtime is a wonderful time of renewal, not just in nature, but in one’s self.

Meditative smoke sessions should be light and airy. I envision a sweet Sativa with low THC levels. Balance will be the theme of the month. Self improvement opportunities will be available within the work and personal spheres. It will be important to balance your mood and strength to transition easily between the two spheres. Moreover a balance of focus and ambition will assist in transitions between idea generation and execution.

Personal Improvement:
Is there a hobby collecting dust? Maybe a fitness class you’ve had your eye on trying? Perhaps there is a passion project or volunteer opportunity in your cannabis community.

Soulful Improvement:
Mind, body, and spirit. Balance cannot be maintained in the physical world without balance within stoner Leo. Investment in one’s self does not merely manifest in a physical way. Internal mood and spirit can be enhanced with a wilderness hike, or a yoga class. Perhaps a deep medicated meditative dive in a float tank will connect you to the cosmic singularity.

Work Improvement:
As you grab the cosmic opportunity of May, and work towards a better you, don’t forget about your astronautical career. Seize upon continued education classes. Take time out for intensive organizing. Open yourself to networking and idea development.

What a month stoner Leo! Good luck! When there is a nuisance, annoyance, or frustration sets in, you’ve simply been knocked off balance. Breathe, inhale, and let it be. Patience, trust, and insight will see you through.

Leo April 2018

Leo April 2018


Stoner Leo the sky’s the limit for you this April!  Better weather is headed your way, and the cosmos is sure to have your back.  Unlike recent months when it was better to conserve your energy and maintain a steady pace, the advice this month is to give it all you got!  You are certain to be successful in whatever you set out to accomplish. Your goal should be to do as much as you can, within reason. Your only failure will come from the lack of trying.  

It can be easy to get caught up in the grind, especially when you’re working at a fast pace.   Be forewarned, it will be important you do not neglect your health. When you need a little pick-me-up, a second wind, a timeout for a meditative session, you know the helpful healing powers of the sacred herb is just one puff away.  Although cannabis can help to heal the body and nourish the mind, you are ultimately responsible for how well you maintain your cosmic spacesuit. You might have the best plan to tackle a problem at work, or a great idea to make progress in a personal goal; but you will not get very far if you do not focus first on your well being.  Keep up your spirits! Your next accomplishment will take you even higher than the last.

Your family and friends will be aware of how busy you are when it comes to work and aspirations.  They will not ask much of you this month, Stoner Leo, other than for you to be honest with them. Keep the lines of communication open and moving in both directions.  You have a keen eye and great attention to detail, but you are known to overlook your own needs. You may get caught up in moments of intensity in your pursuit of greatness, so remember to reach out, not lash out.  Your bud-loving bosom buddies will gladly be there to support you with an open ear and a fresh packed bowl whenever you need. However, the ability to read minds is not one of the side effects of smoking cannabis. You will have to let others know when you need the companionship of good buds.  

Leo March 2018

Leo March 2018


Stoner Leo, this March, it will be beneficial to keep your pace at a slow yet persistent roll. And it won’t be a bad idea for you to roll one up often. Your to-do list is long, perhaps the winter months were a bit less productive than you originally thought. But, do not waste precious energies fretting over what didn’t get done. As we push through the final months of cold weather, you can remain optimistic you are heading into a hot streak! Whatever remains to be done or new endeavors you set out to accomplish, be confident you are more than ready to tackle any task you set your attentions to; and as you already know, there is much to do.

What you need now, Stoner Leo, is consistency. This is not the month to explore the vast universe of various strains and varieties of the sacred herb. Instead, the best advice is for you to find what works and stick with it. The overall recommendation is to find one or two sweet sativas which will help keep you motivated, mindful, and moving forward. If you do not already have one, it would be beneficial to keep a pen and notebook handy. You will have a plethora of creative ideas and solutions to problems and obstacles you are working on. However, it will be crucial to match each problem with an appropriate solution for success. Organization will be key to ensuring no effort is misplaced or wasted.

At home, it will be even more important for you to make sure every movement is deliberate and well calculated. Your interpersonal relationships will require some maintenance and your direct attention. Responding with your emotions should be avoided. You have a big heart Stoner Leo, but what will be required of you this month is your mindfulness. Your instinct will lead you to try to solve each problem head on. It will take a certain level of restraint, but sometimes the best approach is simply to have open ears and a freshly packed bowl. You may feel like those around you need a leader, but what will really help to get everyone through the daily grind is to be a kind bud.

Leo February 2018

Leo February 2018


Stoner Leo, you are likely to find yourself in a constant state of surprise this month. Not surprised by the chaos of unexpected events or obstacles, but by the lack of any substantial problems. This is not to say everything will come easily, or that you should expect all situations to go exactly how you want them to, but know you will not need to assert maximum effort in order to accomplish any particular task. This means you should expect to have a substantial amount of time to use how you wish. Whether you intend to finally master the art of rolling a marijuana cigarette, or you simply smoke a bowl and catch up on your favorite series on Netflix, you can be sure you will have the time to do it all. The important thing is that you keep moving, Stoner Leo, regardless of what direction. With little requiring your immediate attention, you could easily get lost in a daydream and before you know it February will have passed you by.

It will be important for you to remember Stoner Leo, a win is a win, no matter how big or small. With the winter weather heading toward maximum dreariness, it may be harder to notice the growth and progress you do make. Not every success will merit a celebratory bowl, or to treat yourself with a new addition to your pipe collection—although it definitely won’t hurt. But, it will help if you pick a reward to award yourself when you reach particular milestones toward your greater goals. You can expect your finances to go largely unchanged, which in your case will be beneficial. As long as you do not make any outlandish or sporadic purchases, you will be able to avoid unnecessary stresses due to monetary concerns.

This February, Stoner Leo, you will have the good fortune of finding your romantic and cosmic grooves. You are in the zone, mentally, emotionally, and for interpersonal relationships. Although you may not have a specific destination in mind, sometimes the reward is in the wandering. So grab your traveling piece, a fresh bag of that ever-so-fragrant mary jane, and a few of your closest partners in chronic and get to wandering. Alone, you are determined and adventurous Stoner Leo, but aligned with your best buds, you and your crew prove to be unstoppable!

Leo January 2018

Leo January 2018


Stoner Leo are you ready for all the wonders and opportunities that 2018 will provide? Well, slow your roll a bit. The January time period will be more about planning for the highs instead of feeling the highs of 2018. I recommend a cerebral Sativa strain of the sacred herb to assist in contemplative meditative smoke sessions in January. This month will be quite pleasant and regular for the stoner Lion, but there will be moments that require restraint versus action.

The work sphere and personal sphere are intertwined in January stoner Leo. Cosmic winds of action will be stagnant in this winter month. Early in the month, plan a mediative smoke session with the sacred herb. Direct your third eye toward contemplation over action. In the work sphere you will find plenty of opportunity to plan for 2018. Have you contemplated a change in career or turning that hobby into a business? There will be plenty of time to act in future time periods, but now is the period of planning and thought. In the personal sphere there will be plenty of opportunities to be the dank nugget of support for a cannabis companion. Your smoke circle does not need you to swoop in like a ferocious lion this month. Sometimes all people need is a purring gentle kitty.

Go at it alone! Critical decisions and projects will not aid in the help or assistance of others this month stoner Leo. No matter how well intended your cannabis companions are, obstacles are best overcome by your own accord. Group efforts to solve problems will lead to confusion that could exacerbate your situation. Universal forces will ensure your success. Be confident stoner Lion, you got this!

Take care with loved ones. Be gentle with strangers. In moments of pressure be kind. Inhale, breathe, and let it be stoner Leo.

Leo December 2017

Leo December 2017


Stoner Leo December will be like visiting an old friend. Cosmic influences will bring you back in tune with your true self. Maybe you haven’t felt quite like the lion ruling a broad pride. The December time period will bring you back to your social roots. No meditation required stoner Leo; all that you want is in front of you ready for action. All strains, species, and forms of the sacred herb are on the table. Be sure to get out with cannabis companions. The smoke circle won’t be the same without you. Whether you are looking for fun, network expansion, or meaningful conversations, you will feel comfortable and at ease in all social occasions.

Stoner Leo the party animal lion! Take time in December to worship your cosmic space suit. With all the socializing and partying, your body might feel neglected if you don’t focus your attention on health and fitness. Instead of work hard – play hard, you should adhere to play hard – live well, as your mantra for December. Allowing your terrestrial space suit get worn down will ruin any hopes of a bright New Years. Now is the time to try hot yoga or a toxin releasing steam sauna. Just be sure to be as diligent with your workout routine as you are your social engagements.

Be forewarned stoner Leo: Those close to you may not be feeling the same cosmic blessing. Two factors could lead to trouble with close cannabis companions and love ones. First, your self centered nature will be a detriment with those close to you. Perhaps a medicated hot yoga session with the sacred herb could double as a meditative session focused on the needs of those closest to you. Second, while you might be feeling great with social confidence reaching for the stars, those around you may be in a different planetary alignment. The more you force your social enthusiasm on you inner smoke circle, the more opportunity you will encounter for arguments and spats. You must manage your expectations on your cannabis companions and loved ones.

It’s hard being the life of the party stoner Leo, good luck you lucky lion.

Leo November 2017

Leo November 2017


Stoner Leo let’s think of you as a beautiful flowering cannabis plant this month. Every plant that is sure to produce the big buds requires care, attention, and love. The HIGHest quality leader and the cannabis plant need water and nutrients. Thus stoner Leo, the November time period is all about self reflection and watering your soul.

I know you aren’t big on self reflection, but cosmic influences will push you toward uncomfortable places in November. Ahh, but this uncomfortable support will help the Lion tend to his garden so that flowers of leadership continue to bloom in future time periods. Self reflection strengthens leadership by understanding yourself stoner Leo. As memories flood your senses this month, take time to appreciate your story and how you grew into the lion or lioness that your are today. This reflection and analysis will lead to new understanding of yourself and those close to you.

Self reflection will also inspire questions of family and cannabis companions. Your internal quest will create strengthened bonds at home and in your smoke circle. As uncomfortable as you may be with this self analysis, please understand stoner Leo that this is a blessing from the cosmos. Knowledge of yourself and your past will bring new light to your smoke circle.

Internal housekeeping must go beyond yourself stoner Leo. Take time with a strong sacred herb edible and dive into your physical space at home. As you work on yourself take time to freshen and create the space around you that nurtures love and passion at home. Your cannabis companions and family will support these efforts as everyone will benefit. The work at home will also give peaceful moments of contemplation and reflection. This will be a great month for you stoner Leo. Grow like the beautiful weed you are.

Leo October 2017

Leo October 2017


Stoner Leo the lion, the October time period promises a continued trend of harmony with your pride. Planetary alignment ensures that you will trot along the terrestrial plain gathering more cannabis companions to join your smoke circle. However, be forewarned you social butterfly, this is not the season for unabashed sharing among your cosmic travelers. It’s cold and flu season stoner Leo. Be sure to pack your own pipe as you skip and hop from each smoke circle on your busy social schedule. Sharing isn’t caring when it comes to a persistent cough. You will find your own polite way to break the lineage of the smoke circle when that sexy lioness with the drippy nose passes the pipe your way. You got this you clever stoner lion.

In matters of business and work, the stoner Leo should expect no major surprises or advancement. As with the September time period it will be key to see yourself as a part of the larger whole, and push back selfish instincts. Steady work as part of a team will see you through with success. On matters of your own finance and business, the stoner Leo must not leap on opportunity without analysis. The key to the October time period will be progress without action. Toke time to plan and organize the opportunity or idea presented to you this month. Particularly now versus any other period it will be best to meditate with the sacred herb on business opportunities and investments. If you leap into an idea or opportunity to soon, you may fail to see the angle of most danger.

Breathe and let it be stoner Leo. Conflicts and dramatic situations will arise with a cannabis companion. In keeping with the theme of October, the strong lion must stop and contemplate before leaping into a dangerous situation. Animalistic emotions will take you down the wrong path stoner Leo. Perhaps a medicated nap and deep thought with your inner self will provide a diplomatic resolution. Sometimes a lion must rule its pride with a gentle paw versus the glean of a sharp tooth.

Leo September 2017

Leo September 2017


Stoner Leo, the September time period will be joyous and productive. Only one planetary position could trip you up on your way to ruling your pride with grace and efficiency. More about that later. The cosmic key to unlocking the blessings of the universe will be to submerge yourself within your pride. Proactive social work and play will position the stoner Leo for success and happiness. Progress in both spheres, work and love, will require the stoner Leo to sprout wings and zip around like a social butterfly instead of a ruling lion. Break out the travel pipe stoner Leo, it’s time to take this smoke show on the road!

Stoner Leo, have you been contemplating starting your own business or taking on an advanced project at work? September will prove to be a productive month to this end. Inspiration, help, and assistance can be found out among your fellow cosmic astronauts. This also can be said of love and companionship. Getting out and putting yourself in position is half the battle toward increasing the size of your smoke circle. A bright and energetic meditative smoke session with the Sativa species of the sacred herb will help understand the commingling of your work and love sphere during the September time period. Spark one up, crank up the tunes, and get your house in order before you strike out into the world. You see stoner Leo, a networking event or a concert event both could have equal impact in opposition or correlation with their intended purpose. In other words, whether it be a networking business event or fun festival, each could impact the spheres of love and work even if the intention is not present.

There is one aspect that could derail your success. It is said that stoner Leo’s are unapologetically selfish lions. This characteristic could hamper your productivity and progress during the September time period. Specific meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb should allow you to see through this blessed protective veil. The Indica species of the sacred herb in particular can aid insight into coworker’s and loved one’s plight in life. Empathy and perspective toward your fellow cosmic travelers will aid your missions in the September time period stoner Leo. And in the end, this would actually serve your self interests you clever lion.

Leo August 2017

Leo August 2017


Stoner Leo, your time has come. The August time period will be an opportunity to solidify and build upon all the work you have put in up to this point. Yes, that is a pretty heavy statement, but all the opportunities of August build from everything you are good at and that comes naturally to you.

Stoner Leo the lion, picture yourself with a shining golden mane standing on top of the mountain. A positive self image is key to fulfilling your destiny. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on internal strength and self belief. There are no insecure lions leading the pride. And yes, stoner Leo, leading your cannabis companions is what you must do. Energy and confidence can be channelled with the sativa species of the sacred herb. Avoid any nervy or lethargic strains of the indica species for the month of August. The cosmos requires a bright eyed and bushy tailed Leo the lion to lead the masses to greener pastures.

Leadership through positivity and happiness will be how you impact your pride. Cannabis companions and fellow cosmic travelers will look to you for inspiration and guidance in their own path. This leadership and positive influence is your calling stoner Leo. The August time period will bring clear moments of enjoyment and fulfillment as you realize the strength within yourself. Now is not the time to get bogged down with simple or silly obstacles. Avoid arguing about minutiae; after all, you have a higher calling you are working towards this month.

True companionship can be found in August stoner Leo. Are you willing to give yourself fully? So often you hide your inner self for the greater good, but there are worthwhile cannabis companions capable of holding your giant heart. There will be moments of opportunity for you to open yourself up to the right person. True spiritual awareness requires a shared perspective with fellow humans.

Leo July 2017

Leo July 2017


Stoner Leo, cosmic rays of July will rain down on you with a wonderful ease. Obstacles, road blocks, and drama will run off you like that hot summer splash of mountain lake water. With attention and desire all obstacles will fall away at work offering an opportunity for expansion of influence and monetary success. The Sun’s dominant position predicts movement and action for the stoner Leo. With planetary support this action will undoubtedly be positive. This cosmic fortune will not be luck stoner Leo. Adaptability, awareness, and confidence will guide you as road markers and signposts along the journey.

There is a word that comes to me for the stoner Virgo for July: Bubbly. Do you own a bubbler? With a positive mantra and confidence at your core, there is no guidance or recommendation for a strain or species of the sacred herb in July. The sacred herb will prove to be a significant participant along your second summer month adventure. Open yourself up stoner Leo; remember that you are the sign of the lion. With logic, solid decision making, and reasonable expectations, you should flow through smoke circles with ease. July is the time to collect fellow cannabis companions. There are many creative journeys to come on this cosmic roller coaster, and it is better road with fellow cosmonauts. Whether at campfires, festivals, or smoke spots, you are sure to encounter like minded cannabis companions.

A word of warning for the second summer month. You cannot allow yourself to fall into couch lock and miss the world around you. Be alert and ready for opportunities. Quick changes in direction will be required to take advantage of opportunities. Only an attentive and diligent stoner Leo will be able to seize the full potential of the July moment. Remember, adaptability, awareness, and confidence will guide you to your glory stoner Leo.




Stoner Leo let your roar be heard in the first month of the summer time period. June will be a month of action. Your ears must be perked. It will be important to pounce on any problems that arise. Do not leave tasks for others. An attentive lion always eats their prey, but a neglectful lion will go hungry in the night. In matters of business and work, the stoner Leo must avoid multi tasking and knock tasks down one at a time. A cluttered desk and mind will allow negative action to creep in from the sun’s powerful rays.

The sun will burn bright for the stoner Leo in June regarding cannabis companions. Action is imminent! Could it be time to leave an established smoke circle and set off on an adventure to find new cosmic cannabis travelers? Perhaps the opposite is true and the stoner Leo will blaze fresh bowls with old cannabuddies. The sun’s position implies there will be action one way or another in the month of June stoner Leo. It will be best to pack a bowl for two.

Single or married, the exposure of the sun will bring bright action to the stoner Leo in matters of love. Relax and maintain that confident composure. Puff puff breathe and let anxiety wash away. The bright action will most likely be positive and enhance your life position as long as you stay true to who you are internally and be honest with those closest to you. After all, you are a lion. King of the zodiac jungle.

LEO MAY 2017

LEO MAY 2017


Stoner Leo, the yellow brick road will disappear in May. Though you will lose sight f the path in front of you, this does not mean you will lose direction of forward progress. Resolve and resilience must outweigh reluctance and reticence in the May time period stoner Leo. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on a deep dive into your inner self. Personal understanding and confidence will be the key to unlocking the cosmic blessing of May.

Things will not go your way in the May time period stoner Leo; at least not at first, or even second attempts. Your cannabis companions, family, and coworkers will be relying on you to get up and try try again. Inhale the magic wonder of the sacred herb. Meditative smoke breaks will allow new ideas and a new direction to form around the obstacle blocking your path. Perseverance isn’t banging your head repeatedly against a wall. It is the confidence to try again with renewed energy and effort.

The most important aspect of the May time period is confidence you will find the path once again through the cosmic fog. Be warned stoner Leo, there will be repercussions if you fall into the trap of depression and/or self pity. Know yourself and your kind selections. It may be best to stay away from deep Indica strains if you are susceptible to coping and self pity. An energetic Sativa or hybrid may be your prescription to problem solving in May.

Reluctance to form a new plan or reassess your surroundings will leave you stuck in cosmic limbo. You aren’t just fighting for yourself stoner Leo, your perseverance will impact cannabis companions, family, and coworkers. These sage words apply to both your work sphere and personal life. With confidence, attentiveness, and determination you will be able to solve any problem and leap any obstacle in your way in the final Spring month.




Stoner Leo, laziness is the enemy in the April time period. The second spring month is quite unusual for the stoner Leo. Obstacles will be easily dismissed and problems will be easily solved, but no major developments will come from this stage of life. The most important aspect of the April time period will be your attentiveness and production towards normal tasks that come your way. Sounds boring doesn’t it stoner Leo, but there is real magic behind the grind of April.

As long as you stay moving and stay task oriented, you should find no resistance stoner Leo. Allow yourself to sink deeper into a meditative smoke session early in the month. The deeper you go within yourself the more helpful the sacred herb can be. Before a house can be built you need a foundation. Before a foundation can be poured you need a design. The April time period will be a great time to work on those designs that can impact your life into the future. Be sure to grab your journal, spiral notebook, or laptop stoner Leo; because the ideas and designs of today could become the business and buildings of the future.

For matters of love and companionship Stoner Leo, use the sacred herb as a catalyst to dive deep inside yourself. Introspection is the key to seeing how loved ones and cannabis companions perceive you. This insight will serve you well in matters of love and companionship this month. Communication isn’t just using words stoner Leo, it’s understanding how others perceive these words. Taking your communication skills to this next level will be a great tool in connecting with those most important to you in the April time frame.

Leo March 2017

Leo March 2017


Stoner Leo, the March time period will be like putting a puzzle together on a Sunday afternoon.  You will find yourself in a complex situation, but you will see the pieces and where they fit with clear vision.  For the most part the universe has blessed you once again with positive planetary protectors.  However, these blessings are not gifts.  Action and effort will be required to take advantage of your cosmic position.

Take time for yourself stoner Leo.  Pull away the veil from your third eye.  Meditate with the sacred herb.  See into the future.  As we approach spring, the stoner Leo will expect an advancement in activity after the march time period.  This increase in activity can be overwhelming in the workplace.  Therefore, you must take time in March to plan for the future and lay the organizational groundwork to support your efforts in future time periods.

Multitasking is a requirement for the March time period stoner Leo.  As you plan for future time periods you must also solve the puzzle placed in front of you in March.  Stay calm, and dab on.  With the planetary positions giving you positive sight and clarity, you will be able to solve all the puzzle pieces that come your way.  But in your rush to conquer all in front of you, do not neglect the planning also required in March.

In terms of romance and companionship, the March time period will be equally complex for the stoner Leo.  However, there is a twist in this cosmic wind.  Stoner Leo’s may find themselves in situations where everything seems clear and simple to them, but complex and overwhelming to their cannabis companions.  Puff puff pass the spliff, your empathy and understanding may be the only thing required to help your cannabis companions get through their struggle, and thus alleviating the storm in your life as well.


Leo February 2017

Stoner Leo, the February time period will be filled with mirrors and mirages.  Steady footing and self-confidence will be key to fighting off negativity in February.  The most difficult task will be to discern between the nuisance of negative clutter and the reality of a true problem.  Let’s be honest stoner Leo, you are used to things going your way.  February will be like a fractal jigsaw puzzle of negative clutter that you are not used to.  Part of the problem will be to solve what is real and what is a creation of your mind.

Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb throughout the month can help you solve these unusual problems.  The sacred herb can help you see through the fractal mirrors and mirages negatively placed by the universe in the February time period.  These meditative smoke sessions should be spent alone.  Contemplation with cannabis companions cannot help you solve these problems.

Despite my warnings against group problem solving with cannabis companions, you will need your friends to ultimately help once the real problems are found.  You are naturally a self-reliant being stoner Leo, but once in awhile, you must lean on a friend.  Even if you think help is not necessary, please understand that allowing others to help you can solidify your relationship and even help them.  Again, another cosmic puzzle for you to solve in February.

Mirrors will cause misdirection.  Mirages are not real.  They hold no power over your cosmic spirit stoner Leo.  In the end, try to enjoy the cosmic puzzle the universe has placed in front of you.

Leo January 2017

Stoner Leo the universe has a welcome present for you in the January time period.  The present is a reprieve from the hectic hustle and bustle of the previous time periods.  Yes, stoner Leo, you can relax and take stock in the hard work that got you to this point.

The January time period will offer an opportunity to see a new perspective in matters of work and business.  Stoner Leos are coming out of a period of stressful all-consuming work.  Add the familial stress of the holidays, and you can clearly see that you have been through a lot.  Spark one up early in the January time period.  Business and work will not wash away.  However, constant building and growth cannot be maintained.  Instead, in the January time period, you must breathe and let it be.  Relaxation at work can bring new perspectives.  You must switch into a mode of caretaker instead of the conqueror.  The sacred herb will help show the stoner Leo the path to this change of gear, and a new pace.  If you cannot take advantage of this universal blessing stoner Leo, you will waste an important opportunity.  The end of the January time period will already start to transition away from relaxation maintenance and back to the hectic nature of your work.

With the more relaxed pace at work, the stoner Leo can assert a renewed focus on love and family.  The past few time periods have been stressful.  As humans, we often shut down emotionally when hectic and stressful work consume our brain.  January is the time period to give yourself to your cannabis companions, family, and loved ones.  If you are married stoner, Leo, now is the time to spice up your relationship with an unpredictable romantic gesture.  Those stoner Leos without a permanent relationship should treat themselves to new adventures and new emotional opportunities.

Leo December 2016

Stoner Leo the December time period will lack a strong cosmic influence.  The absence of an influence can be an influence in itself as this can lead to complacency.  Picture yourself on open water in a sailboat.  The seas are calm, currents are minimal, and there is no wind.  You can see your destination off in the distance.  If you relax and float, you will get nowhere.  This is the time in life where you must grab an oar and row to your destination.

Keep the Indica in the bag stoner Leo.  You must find strains of the sacred herb that keep you on that grind rowing towards your destination.  Falling into couch lock is a deadly trap in December.

Regarding business and work for the December time period stoner Leo, I have these words:  Discipline finds its benefit when a measurement is absent.  You are entering a time period where normal universal influences have left your blessed life.  You are alone in your sailboat, and only your internal drive will row you to your destination.  Stay focused, be disciplined, and keep rowing.

Stoner Leo, I have some great news from the universe.  As ominous as it is to be alone in a sailboat with no wind and no current, you have a mighty ship in your personal life that will take you where you need to go.  Relax and release stoner Leo.  Follow instructions and directions from your cosmic cannabis companions.  You must be direct with your action in work, and you must be passive & intuitive with loved ones.  This balance will lead to a successful December time period.

Leo November 2016

Stoner Leo, be forewarned there are obstacles in November you must overcome.  You should consider the month of November as a month of life training.  The lessons you learn from overcoming the obstacles will aid your future cosmic development.  Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb should have a mantra for the month of November:  Breathe and let it be.

The obstacles in November that present the most challenge will be of a human nature.  In the sphere of work and business; humans will present roadblocks to your progress, Leo.  You must navigate these human roadblocks with creative detours.  This is where the meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb can be of the most benefit.  Creativity will be the key to your success in November.  Accomplishment is still achievable despite the human roadblocks.  Be mindful during these difficult situations because the lessons from these experiences will give you new tools in your arsenal for future obstacles.

Stoner Leo the time period of November will bring personal challenges for you in the sphere or love and happiness.  Remember your meditative mantra:  Breathe and let it be.  You cannot force yourself and your will on your loved ones in November.  We are all flying through space on Earth together.  Try to understand that your loved ones and cannabis companions have cosmic influences just like you.  Your compassion and patience will pay dividends in your relationships in the short and long term.

Leo October 2016

Stoner Leo, you’ve been on a solar hot streak.  You have become accustomed to a cosmic wind at your back with limited obstacles in your way.  The October time period will bring new challenges to the stoner Leo.  That warm wind at your back will become a bitter cold in your face.

Stoner Leo, please understand that you have more of a potential in damaging yourself than the cosmic dice you have been dealt.  You have been spoiled this year with positive cosmic influences.  This change in direction is the challenge you must overcome.  Your reaction to negative influences will be more important than any steps you must take to overcome them.  Meditative sessions with the sacred herb should be well thought out and crisply executed.  Avoid any strains that could put you away from the world.  Replace any Indica with Sativa for the month of October.

Stoner Leo, the trap in October is self-pity and an attitude of avoidance.  You must be present and accounted for in the office and at home.  Entrepreneurs and company leaders must show that they are willing to work just as hard as their workers.  Many times you have been able to skirt away from work for something more pleasurable.  These decisions could have drastic consequences during the October time period.

Stoner Leo, discipline is the key to the month.  You should avoid any instinct toward individual personal pleasure.  Family and work must take priority.  You will have moments where self-pity demands of you to shut yourself off to the world.  This is the most dangerous situation.  Your presence and accountability are vital for loved ones, cannabis companions, and your work relationships.  Relax and enjoy the renewed focus.  The Sativa species of cannabis will be your friend in October.  Energy, empathy, discipline, and accountability will be your key words for the month.

Leo September 2016

Stoner Leo, this blissful period you have been enjoying is destined to continue into the month of September.  However, all cosmic road signs may not be giving you the correct directional information.  In the first half of September, the cosmic signs will be confusing and may not point in the direction you think they should go.  Trust in yourself and the universe stoner Leo.  Your energy and desire will keep you on the correct path that ultimately lead to smoother roads.

Productivity in the workplace has the potential to be amazing in September.  The stars are aligned for this to be true, but once again stoner Leo, you may not see the path clearly ahead of you.  Meditation with the sacred herb in the beginning of the month will help you carve your productive path.  Find an old faithful strain that inspires creativity.  Make sure you are in a space that can be a conduit for creativity when you sesh with cannabis companions.  There may be no immediate impact of these sessions, but there are actions and currents of repercussions flowing under the surface.  If you work for the man, be sure to engage with your coworkers.  They will be key to your success.  A team working towards a common goal is a powerful thing.  Lead them.

The period of calm blissful waters will continue for the stoner Leo in September.  Give yourself up to the universe and your loved ones.  Swimming in these waters is easy without a floatation device.  All you need to achieve happiness and adventure is inside of you.  Focus on trust and compassion to achieve the love you desire.

Leo August 2016

Stoner Leo, what a long strange trip it’s been!  Life is one big great adventure, and sometimes it is how we experience the awkward moments that define our state of mind.  Relax, I have no terrible news for you in the month of August, but that doesn’t mean your month will be a smooth toke.  You might want to break out the water pipe and cool things down a bit, but life is about to get weird.

Up is down and down is up.  All the normal astrological traits of the stoner Leo will be thrown into the grinder and mixed up & broken down.  But like the sacred herb, you will have the opportunity to keep your integrity and potency even after going through the grinder.  Roles at work and with Cannabis Companions will be flip-flopped at times during the month.  At work, it will be important to follow instructions and complete tasks as they have been assigned.  If you own your business then August will not be the time to take on large broad picture tasks.  August will be the time of routine maintenance tasks for the Stoner Leo.  Everyone in your world will be ok if you don’t take the lead with your normal energy and enthusiasm.  Don’t fret if this scares you.  You will be back to your normal self in the next time period.

Don’t be a hero!  I realize that people have become dependent on your decision-making process and or energy.  In August, Stoner Leo, step outside of your normal comfort zone with the sacred herb.  Maybe try an edible or a thick indica strain.  Listen to your partner at home and or cannabis companions.  You can follow their lead for once, and trust that everything will be alright.  Everything’s gonna be alright.



Leo July 2016

The fabric of one’s life is not one solid sheet of cloth, but, rather an intricately woven tapestry.  My stoner, Leo, you are well known for your fierceness and ability to act on your own to attain your goals.  July of 2016 is not the month for that.  You must evaluate your life to rid yourself of the strands that are fraying.  Find solace in the strands that have proven solid and long lasting.  Then integrate these strands into a new pattern.  Thus allowing yourself to teach and be taught at the same time.  Take time to meditate with the sacred herb this month so you may visualize the final mosaic you wish to weave into your tapestry.

The tapestry pattern of your working world may seem a bit vivid. This can be good or bad. As we said earlier, rid yourself of the frayed strands as to avoid your accomplishments unraveling.  Just like a tapestry cannot be woven with just a single thread, tasks in the workplace will require more than just your efforts alone.  By combining your thought with those of your peers you will create stronger and longer lasting results.  The real beauty in a job well done is the diversity of ideas and friendly collaborations.  And the best part is that after conquering the tasks required at work you can strengthen the bonds with coworkers by passing around a wonderful bouquet of cannabis.

July brings the potential to further strengthen your ties with your partner.  But make sure you do not waste the insights you gain during your meditation time.  Only if you are of clear mind will you be able to make deeper the connections with those closest to you.  Sometimes doing nothing will be the best option.  If you sense that pulling too hard could cause unwanted tears in your fabric then proceed with caution.  Take a timeout and consult with our lady mary jane.  This will be the best approach and will allow you and yours to proceed in all of your joint efforts.

Leo June 2016

Stoner Leo June is the first month of the year where I have some questionable news to report.  The cosmic waves you have been surfing so proudly are going to become choppy this month.  The first period of summer has brought cosmic interference to the normal, easy going universal influences.  This interference will allow negative cosmic vibes to rain down on your emotional state in June.

The new negative rains should not effect your place of work stoner, Leo.  June has the potential to bring new opportunities and triumphs.  Organized stoner Leo’s can take full advantage of these opportunities, but only with vision and a plan.  Early in the month take time to analyze your current situation and target specific opportunities.  With planning and execution, you should be able to find success by the end of the period.

The possibilities of negative clouds come in the form of emotional instability in June stoner Leo.  You must protect yourself from the heavy cosmic vibes.  The sacred herb should not be used as a coping tool in June.  Instead, be proactive and create meditative sessions with the sacred herb to reinforce positivity and appreciation for your life and yourself.  Do not let depression or poor moods swallow you up in June stoner Leo.  Stuart Smalley said it best, “I’m good enough.  I’m smart enough.  And gosh darn it, people like me.”

Leo May 2016

Stoner Leo, you have been on quite a run of positive blessings from the cosmos! The month of May will not break this trend.  The warm solar wind is at your back, and the waters are calm in front of you.  However, you cannot simply tie off the wheel and check out of your travels.  The journey through the sea of life requires attention even as the universe unfolds such positive pathways for you.

The workplace for the stoner Leo will be fruitful in May.  At the beginning of the month, meditate with a sacred edible.  Visualize your work as a garden.  Spring is planting season.  If you own your business then you must be vigilant to sow your fields with new seeds of energy.  If you are a cog in a corporate machine, you must til your environment and plant positivity throughout the office or workplace.  In both situations, this attention to your garden will bear fruit in the future and show results.

Relationships for the stoner Leo can be more problematic in May if attention is lost.  You may not consider yourself manipulative, but you certainly have skills to arrange and influence the loved ones around you.  You will need all of these skills in May to avoid minor conflicts turning into large problems.  Heed these words, sometimes the best course is to take a break from cannabis companions and let them find their way back to you for advice or problem solving.

Leo April 2016

Stoner Leo, did you enjoy and fully actualize the cosmic opportunity in March?  April brings the same theme of positivity, but you will be required to participate and work a little harder for the cosmic benefits this month.  Work is usually associated with an outward action, but the work required of you this month stoner Leo is inward and self-contained.  To receive the positive benefits of the universe you must relax and enjoy the flow of your life within your surroundings.  Find a quality hybrid cannabis strain to float you through April.  Just remember, relaxing introspection is not the same thing as couch lock:)

Within the sphere of work, I am worried you have become complacent and lazy after the universal blessings of March.  Ignoring little tasks and avoiding simple communication can lead to a break in your positive cosmic streak.  As you float through April, don’t neglect the little things.  When little and simple things are ignored they can become big problems down the road.

The power of April will be manifested in your personal life stoner Leo.  Do you have a big event planned?  Success is assured with relaxed confidence.  The hybrid sacred herb should guide you through the month with the calming sensations required to feel yourself deeply, and yet the attention required to act and make the correct decisions at the right times.

What a run you are on stoner Leo!  The magic of March will melt into the vistas of April.  You are in control of your Earthly space, so it is up to you to mine the stars for the cosmic gold.

Leo March 2016

Stoner Leo, can I call you Neo?  Regardless of your gender, in March, you will feel like the chosen one.  Flex, and you will feel the world around you bend at your mercy.  Two strong cosmic winds have greatly enhanced the stoner Leo in March.  The first wind has swept out all negative cosmic influences.  The second wind is at the stoner Leo’s back giving you a warm push in a positive direction.
Stoner Leo, when the universe grants you a period of time where your powers are at their absolute peak ability, what is the obstacle?  Imagination.  The sacred herb can be your guide in this powerful time.  Creativity and imagination can open doors in the matrix you didn’t know existed before.  Not all of these doors will be fruitful, but you have the strength and perseverance to keep finding and opening more doors in March.  Opportunities are boundless for you stoner Leo, it will be up to your imagination and creativity to open the right doors.
Leadership is important during this period of strength.  Remember that this powerful period is yours and yours alone.  You can help your cannabis companions, lover, and family by stepping up as a strong leader and make the tough decisions.  Work and creative opportunities will fall to your desires in March, but your loved ones are emotional beings.  You must execute your leadership with tact and empathy.

Leo February 2016

Stoner Leo, February will be an unbalanced month.  Successes, triumphs, and wins will burn bright in your life; whereas failures, demotions and losses will be dull and muted.  Even though the peaks will deviate from the mean higher than the valleys, you must be aware and prepare for the swings because they will be wild and sudden.

Ready, set, go!  Stoner Leo, the month of February starts out with a bang.  Bring your energy to the first part of the month and accomplish what you can right away.  Avoid the Indica, and seek the Sativa during this energetic time period.  The goal of your meditative smoke sessions in February will be to achieve balance, and gain understanding of the fluctuations of life.  Part of seeking this balance is recognizing overindulgence.  The sacred herb is a magical plant, but overindulgence can take away some of its best properties.  You are a powerful being, keep your sword sharp.  Dull edges are less efficient.

February is the month of love for the stoner Leo.  Some of those high peaks in your monthly chart center around intimacy.  Don’t put too much pressure on Valentine’s Day, but make sure you are open and available to your lover.  All you have to be is yourself for those that love you.  The fireworks will out shine the squabbles.
Single stoner Leos need to be in the moment with prospective partners.  Don’t let my words or Valentine’s Day force you into anything that doesn’t come naturally, but you must lower your guard and be available for magic.

Leo January 2016

Stoner Leo, January is your time to shine as the cosmos lights you up with attention.  When I visualize you in January, I think of Neo in the Matrix after he actualizes his power in the simulation.  Flex Leo, you are strong and powerful.  

I did not say January would be easy.  Stay away from the sacred herb that touches your laid back easy going personality.  Productivity is the key to your power in January.  Go to the store and grab the most creative and powerfully stimulating sacred herb.  Light up the herb and flex your power on the universe.  Execution of ideas and accomplishment of tasks are the key to fulfilling your potential.  The universe has blessed you with an amazing opportunity in January, but it is up to you to receive this gift.

Things will be a little different for stoner Leo’s love life in January.  You can expect explosive results, but your ability to influence and impact these shining moments will be out of your control.  Lay back and go with the flow in your personal life, but pay attention and don’t miss any memorable events.

If every month could be like January, stoner Leos would rule the world.

Leo December 2015

Stoner Leo, December is an interesting time for you.  You may feel like the universe is ignoring you.  Cosmic currents will be flowing under the surface, and their direction or pull may be hidden from you.  Meditative smoke sessions will help you see beyond the thin veil that obscures your vision.  Try to focus on the perspective of others and see how you navigate your way through the human anthill.

The work and business life of the stoner Leo is where most of the hidden obstacles and objects lie in December.  Think of work as a game of hide and seek.  You don’t want to be discovered rocking the boat, but you also need to seek out obstacles in your way.  Check your side mirrors:  Objects may be closer than they appear.  Remember, hide and seek is not an aggressive game.  You only need to find the objects in your way in December.  If you make too much noise, you will be found by the negativity seeking you.

The holidays can be a stressful time for some, but not this year for you stoner Leo.  You will be able to handle all important decisions and social obstacles that come your way.  The ease of your social life will allow you to expand your horizons and take more chances.  You must be bold and confident with your decisions regarding love and friendship.  Social experiences will provide you with the most fulfilling opportunities this month.  Be kind.  Be generous.  Be yourself.

Leo November 2015

With Yin comes Yang my stoner Leo.  November will have its light & dark moments for the ever dominating Lions.  Not to fret as your light will prove to be brighter and more resilient than any negative force you come up against.  In all honesty your personal perception will play a very large role in how the outcome of November’s events.  You must, above all else remain positive about yourself.  Positivity does not equal egomania.  At this time your ego can be harmful to your growth so let go of it this month.  Stay high with positive vibes and utilize a sativa to be your ally for creativity.  Which certainly will help you out of some sticky situations.

The working world will be your biggest challenge my cannabis companion.  You have the ability to utilize all your strengths right now and I suggest you tap into them.  Meditate with the sacred herb often in November as you may not succeed at every turn but you should not put your head in the sand either.  The healing properties of the sativa strain will help keep you motivated and lifted. You must at all costs keep moving this month!

On a more personal level the stoner Leo needs to be paying attention to those they love.  Reach out to close relatives that are not near your home.  It may cause a bit of an upset but you are the rock that can ground the situation on the whole.  Your family relies on you for this.  In matters of the heart you must pay attention, give affection and be supportive.  You will not like the outcome if you choose to ignore the needs of your lover.  Most of this can be fended off with a nice relaxing vape session at the end of both your working days.  (Ahem, that does mean you have to make time my little lions!)  

All in all you are strong Leo, this month is nothing more than a growing pain.  Enjoy each beautiful moment and work through the rest.

Leo October 2015

Stoner Leo October brings a unique opportunity. There is a cosmic wind that rarely flows through your spiritual dimension. This new wind brings an expansive period of time that will raise the ceiling of possibilities and opportunities for you. These opportunities and possibilities will not smack you in the face or come by luck. You must get your creative juices flowing early in October. Meditation sessions with the sacred herb should help expand your consciousness to match the expanded life platform you will find yourself in. This would be a great month to make mushrooms a part of your diet.

Opportunity is different than luck stoner Leo. You are used to normal patterns of living with normal outcomes and expectations. The universe has expanded what be considered normal for you in October. It will be up to you to take advantage of this opportunity. You must live life with a keen eye for an opportunity outside of your normal sphere of thinking. It will be as if a new wavelength of thinking will be available to you. Fear not stoner Leo, October will not require magic or a new religion. Two important character traits will be the only requirement, self confidence and self belief.

Stoner Leo, you must be proactive and attentive with your loved ones in October. Do not shy away from controversy or drama. Thoughtfulness and your bright personality will get you through any difficult situations with your loved ones. It probably wouldn’t hurt to share some herb with them too!

Leo September 2015

Stoner Leo, are you a fan of the Brady Bunch?  Nothing ever got that family down, and it seemed they always came out on top just when problems looked their worst.  I think you will have a very Brady September.  Spark one up and throw “Sunshine Day” on the radio.  It may seem cheesy, but life is sunny and swell for the stoner Leo in September.
Relax, work will work itself out in September.  All major work place obstacles and dilemmas can be solved with a smile and a positive attitude.  Imagine floating on the warm seas of the cosmos with the stars leading the way.  A poor attitude or self sabotage are the only factors that can hold you back at work in September.
So you think September sounds boring and fruity so far?  Your love life will be more like a shooting star!  The cosmos has blessed Leo stoners with excitement in matters of love.  Stay chill stoner Leo.  There isn’t much you can do to screw up this month.  Enjoy the peace pipe and see life from a new perspective.  Major positive events are in store for you in September.  Lay back and enjoy the warm ride in the day, and put on those fancy shoes for dancing at night.

Leo August 2015

Stoner Leo, August is smokin hot!  Are you ready for the positive expectations and opportunities that are coming in August?  You will inhale the beauty of life instead of getting baked if you focus on the right aspects of your life.  Meditation with the sacred herb is crucial in the early stages of August.  Find a relaxed place where you can focus on yourself.  The planets have aligned and the cosmos has presented a gift for you to achieve those physical and spiritual goals that have always lingered in the subconscious.

Put your favorite workout music on the playlist because August is the time to concentrate on your physical health.  The universe has opened a window for you to take advantage of time and seize motivation to build yourself into what you want to be.  Don’t get your joint twisted, it’s not about what pop culture wants you to be.  August is a great month to act on all those ideas and plans that linger in the subconscious for self improvement, but rarely see a physical manifestation of effort.

Work for the stoner Leo in August should go swimmingly well.  Take advantage of the resources that you have built in the past to be creative in August.  This month will be about burning trees with potential partners instead of bridges.  Have confidence stoner Leo, but act with intelligence.

Sometimes we all burn one down a little longer than expected … The dab hits us like a cartoon … That fresh bowl sends you under water looking up at the surface.  You are an experienced stoner Leo; your calm tools in these situations are exactly what you should apply to your personal life in August.  Act natural and don’t force it, everything is gonna be alright.

Leo July 2015

Stoner Leo, July brings a complicated time of the year.  The cosmos has presented a strong head wind of negativity in July, but thoughtfulness and care should provide you with the necessary weapons to shield you from these blistering winds.

The July cosmic headwind will not be as strong in matters of business and work.  Meditative smoke sessions early in the month should be used to target opportunities and contemplate new alliances.  You will have the energy to take on new tasks and increase your work-load.  Pay attention to the details because creating your own efficiency with your time will be critical to accomplishing important projects in July.  Inspiration coupled with organization will be the winning formula.

Leo stoners will find the strongest negative headwind in their personal life in July.  Any issues that have built over time with cannabis companions, a lover, or friends will come spilling out.  Unfortunately there is not much that can be done to fully shield you from the cosmic negativity.  Patience and understanding will be the key to minimize your losses.  The sacred herb will help you make it through.  Sometimes you need to smoke about it, and forget about it.  You should not seek resolution or justice from your perspective in July.  Just breathe and let it be … positive solar emanations will return in the future.

Leo June 2015

Stoner Leo, you must find your navigational bearings in June.  Without a road map through June, you could be in for a roller coaster of emotional swings in your life.  The good news is that if you have a plan, and stick to it, the celestial bodies will provide a warm solar wind at your back.  You can accomplish anything in June with organization and planning.  If you lose attention and float through the month, that same solar wind could burn you.

Seek the guidance of the sacred herb early in the month.  The sativa species can help with creativity and imagination when it comes to life and goal planning.  The universe has provided an excellent opportunity to excel and thrive in June, but it all starts with an honest assessment of where you want to be.

I have presented the positive light of looking at your potential for June.  Please be warned that if you float and daydream your way through the month, you could be rocked in negative directions from both your personal life and work.  Knowledge and understanding of what you want to accomplish with a lover, friends, and your workplace is the key to your success and happiness in June.  Puff puff pass with a plan 😉

Leo May 2015

Stoner Leo, May will bring a month of challenges, but isn’t that just the way life is?  Cosmic universal forces aren’t out to get you in May, but they aren’t on your side either.  May could bring a state of lethargy to your life.  This is the main enemy of the month.

You must decide for yourself:  Are you a creative stoner that is propelled to action and creation with the sacred herb?  Are you apt to laziness and procrastination when you enjoy the sacred herb?  This question must be answered because the obstacles you will face in May will require precision decision making and creative action.  You must decide for yourself if this is a month to let the pipe lay or spark up your favorite Sativa strain.

You must see through the clouds that will obstruct your view in May to see what is really important.  You may not be able to solve all of your problems and projects, but you can achieve progress in May with precise decision making.  The clouds of May could trick you into procrastination and putting off key decisions.  See through the clouds because they obstruct the dangers that lie in wait.  Your problems will increase and your projects will see further delays if you do not make the key decisions in May.

Be active!  Participate in your life, don’t let the clouds of May get you down.

Leo April 2015

Stoner Leo, the sun will not shine down upon you in April.  There are times when you need to hold your head up high with pride and direct life; and then there are times when you need to keep your head down and perform the groundwork necessary to keep life moving.  April will be a period of difficult work for the Leo stoner, but hard difficult work is not beyond you.

Moderation, coping, diligence, and attention are the words that come to mind when I try to guide you through the difficulties that April will bring.  Moderation with the sacred herb to keep your head squarely on task.  April will be a grind of a month, and the sacred herb will help you cope with the mundane.  Diligence must be paid to the details in your daily life.  Attention must be given to your loved ones, especially your lover.

Whether you are the boss or a line worker, April will bring a long slog of work.  You must pay attention to details to hold your position.  Rash or expensive decisions should be held for the future.  Work will allow you to get through this strange inactive time.

The sacred herb can inspire creativity and create a wave of influence.  This is the stoner Leo’s normal mindset with smoke sessions.  However, stoner Leo, you will need to lean on the coping and soothing properties of the sacred herb in April.  It may be time to try that Indica strain you have avoided in the past.

The most important guidance I can provide to you for April is this:  Pay attention to your loved ones in April.  This month could bring a nasty transition if you neglect your lover.  Palling around with friends or drinks with the ladies is always fun, but staying at home to spend quality time with your lover and family should take the priority in April.

Leo March 2015

Stoner Leo, March is a month of transition for you.  As moods and seasons try to break away from winter and find the renewed energy of spring, the stoner Leo is stuck in a state of flux in March.  Boring can be celebrated!  There is no push and pull between positive and negative energy in March for the stoner Leo.  You have an open path to pave your way and create your own possibilities in March.

With your work and personal life on cruise control, March might be the perfect time to seek answers and adventure from within.  This is the time to take that mental trip you have always desired, or sink into the couch with your favorite video game guilt free.  An edible concoction of the sacred herb can make a nice catalyst for the mental adventure you desire.  Even though March is humdrum without action and conflict from the stars, you cannot pass up the opportunity to work on yourself as protection from future negative forces or build the plan for future positive emanations.

Don’t let a lack of a catalyst from the stars encourage complacency in March. Choose your own adventure stoner Leo!

Leo February 2015

Stoner Leo, the sun will come out in February for you!  Smoke a fatty, burn a bowl, vaporize the grind, or consume the sacred herb however you like; because the stars have aligned for you in February, and no celestial bodies stand in your way of accomplishing what your heart desires.  Positive energy will flow through you in matters of heart and finances.  Don’t get couch lock and waste the month away inside your cave.

The only warning comes within your current personal relationships.  The energy and good vibes you feel in February shouldn’t be mistaken for a time to make aggressive action and seek conflict in personal relationships.  Sit back and enjoy the ride.  You will know when it is time to make a decision or lend a helping hand after analysis and thoughtful contemplation.

Entrepreneurial stoner Leos will need to apply the positive energy February brings to a new way of thinking about your business situation.  Embrace the creativity of the sacred herb. Someone might be able to help you that falls outside of the standard way you think about things.  Take equal time measuring risk and reward as you would when purchasing that green sack of goodness.  The decisions you make in February can make a large impact on your bottom line.

For the stoner Leo working the grind 5 days a week, the stars are hiding your true opportunities.  Promotional opportunity and increased responsibility may come your way in February, but you may not see the monetary advantage of taking on more work.  It’s a trap!  Don’t be the stereotypical movie stoner, and pass on more responsibility.  The financial reward will be hidden at first, but you will be rewarded for your action.

Leo January 2015

Stoner Leo, this is the month for you!  You must be prepared.  January is the beginning of major changes for you.  Your third eye will guide you in this transition.  Positive feelings will pour from your being as all negativity is blocked out in January.
Don’t be complacent in January Leo.  Smoking sessions could lead to new ideas and directions you have never contemplated before.  Be sure to keep a pad and pen with you at all times in January because the ideas and inspirations could lead you through the first half of 2015.

January will not bring a gold rush of money.  The positive feelings will impact your life more than your pocket book.  
The puff puff positive vibes coming in January will help you gain the confidence to make important decisions about work and relationships.  Are you happy at your job?  Does your current occupation fulfill your stonerific lifestyle?  You have the power in January to make changes or seek advancement with your career.  Have you been passing the joint with too many significant others?  The second half of January will bring to light the true smoking partner you desire.  Listening and understanding will be the key to keeping your highs rolling.