What a long strange trip it’s been stoner Aries. 2019 has been a year of tests, trials, and triumphs. You may feel like an exhaustive race is near the end with the finish line in sight. Breathe deep, inhale the perspective expanding magic of the sacred herb, and see with your third eye vision that the race is far from over. Perhaps December should be viewed as the beginning of a new race, and all that work and effort in the past was merely preparation. Ah yes, isn’t that just the way our cosmic simulation is set-up: A constant realization of catch 22 or circular logic.
Before you put your jogging shoes back on, know that the work sphere may be more calm than previous periods. Obstacles and obstructions will fall with ease. But instead of sitting back to recognize your accomplishments with generous self adulatory pats on the back, use these calm cosmic moments to work on your expertise within your field. Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate how you can grow in your position under your own momentum.
It is within the personal sphere where the hard work lies in December. And similar to the work sphere, tasks must be performed with self motivated impetus. Matters of love and smoke circle relationships have presented many challenges this year. No matter your relationship status, this truth for all stoner Aries must be analyzed and contemplated. This may be contrary to your happy-go-lucky direct in-the-moment tact, but progress requires internal growth stoner Aries. This change-up of ingrained traits will be most effective with a change-up of herbal assistance. Two stash jars will be required in December; one with a dank Indica strain, and the other with an airy Sativa. Find moments to steal away on a cold night with a blanket for warmth, and a bowl of Indica for deep contemplation. Seek internal truth and understanding on your personal actions, and your personal desires. Have those two things matched in your quest for companionship this year? Switch to the stoney stash of Sativa for public moments with the smoke circle. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to enact the plan stemming from the contemplated merger of want and desire.
It could be, all that was missing this year was contemplative thought with yourself to align your path with internal direction. Wow, imagine how much love you can share and receive with your traditional happy-go-lucky traits once you’ve found the correct course.