Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June

Stoner Capricorn, as the temperature heats up and Summer finally gets into full swing, your cannabis companions are going to need you to keep your cool. The month ahead promises to bring you and your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts on one wild ride. But, amidst the epic highs and unavoidable lows, you will be called upon to be a grounding, peaceful presence.

Throughout the month, new acquaintances and age-old canna-buddies alike will be drawn to your kindness and dank buds. Stoner Capricorn, whether they are in need of a few encouraging words of wisdom to help them get through a tough time, or they simply want to share a celebratory bowl when they are on the come up; your partners-in-chronic know that they can count on your door to be open and your stash jars to be full of the frostiest nugs.

But, my stoner Sea-Goat, while your place might be a pitstop for the other signs in the stoner Zodiac to take a break and a bong rip, don’t forget that you have your own adventuring to do. You have your own trails to blaze!

In order to maintain momentum throughout all of June, it will be a good idea to stick to Hybrid strains for the month. You want to be flying high enough to soak up the Sun’s stimulating rays, but still grounded enough to channel the energy into forward, positive progress.

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a smokey summer vacation, pack your bags stoner Capricorn!  Grab the ganja and hit the open road. As long as you are smoking good green and are traveling with good people, where you go doesn’t matter.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May

Stoner Capricorn, you can expect your May to be filled with peaceful days of puffing your favorite buds with your favorite people. While the cosmos does not have any cataclysmic events in store for you this month, it is the overflow from the dramatics of the smoke circle that you will have to watch out for.

Other star signs in the stoner Zodiac may find themselves a little more on edge as some planets cast shadows of illusion, and create tensions where normally there wouldn’t be. Stoner Capricorn, while you may not be able to avoid encountering those who are having a rougher month than you, you can control how much you are affected by their negative vibrations.

My stoner Sea-Goat, while shying away, and avoiding all social interactions is one way to protect your own spritely spirits from being brought down, it is not the most advisable.

The best way to keep your own mood elevated, and your optimistic attitude flying high is by sticking to a consistent, smoke-filled regiment of selfcare. Afterall, a little medicated meditation can work wonders. 

Don’t be afraid to dip out to sneak-a-toke if you are feeling a little overwhelmed by the stuff happening to your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts. Afterall, with everything going on in their own orbit, they may not even notice you left.

Stoner Capricorn, I am not saying you have to pass on all the social smoke sessions. But it may be a good idea to keep your smoke circle limited to invite only. 

There are few situations when tensions flare between best buds that the peace pipe can’t help calm. But a bunch of stoney strangers is a different story. So my indulgent Sea-Goat, as long as you know the people you’re sharing your pipe with, you will spend the month of May in good company:  Making great memories smoking the finest greens.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April

Stoner Capricorn of all the stoner Zodiac, you’ve had one of the most clouded and challenging beginnings to your year. I say ‘beginning’, but you are well aware that it’s been three rough and wild months of doing your best to navigate your way through the cosmic chaos.

Well, there is finally some good news my ambitious stoner Sea-Goat. Regardless of whether or not it’s written in the stars, you will be surrounded by more than just the sweet scent of sinsemilla.  This month, change is in the air!

And even better, the form this change takes will be manifested by you.  You are in control!

Be sure to toke before you take action stoner Capricorn. Spend the first days of April in deep thought with some healing, yet heady herbs. But be mindful that these earliest smoke sessions should be all about meaningful meditation. 

The goal of this time spent with cannabis is about cultivating clarity of third-eye sight, and clearing the mind of distraction. You don’t want to spend hours spaced out, lost in thought, only to find yourself more clouded than when you started.

Don’t worry stoner Capricorn, you won’t have to face this transition from chaos to tranquility all by yourself. With the New Moon happening on the dawn of the month, you will have a tangible turning point to mark the end of the tumultuous months.  There is a clear celestial line to begin your new journey along a more positive path.

Stoner Capricorn this hard-earned peace is something to commemorate. By the end of the month your smoke sessions will turn away from contemplation, and take on a more celebratory tone. Invite your partners-in-chronic to share in your good fortune and good ganja; because from here on out stoner Capricorn, life is only going to be top shelf for you!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March

It’s over stoner Capricorn!  All the swag analogies and bunk bud predictions of continued struggles are done!  March represents a rebirth for the stoner Sea-Goat.  Now, you can truly start to climb the cliffs of progress.

Early in the month around the time of the New Moon on the 2nd, toke time with your sacred herbal guide.  Sink deep into a medicated meditative state.  Use this solo adventure with cannabis as a sort of internal house cleaning.  Flush out the struggles of the past, and open the pathways for progress in the future.

Use this solo deep dive with the sacred herb as a way to set the stage for positivity in March.  The cosmic influence is changing.  Prepare yourself for brighter days so that when the transition occurs, you will be eager to seize the day instead of confused by the circumstances.

With the deep cleansing solo dive out of the way, stock the stash jars with light and airy Sativa cannabis strains.  The cannabis experience for the remainder of the month should invoke creativity and flexibility more so than a contemplative medicated state.  The flexibility found within a light regiment with the sacred herb will allow balance within this positive transition.

Cleanse the spirit.  Heal the body.  Reset the mind.  Everything that follows will be connected to your true internal drives.  Everything will be possible once again stoner Capricorn.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope February

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope February

Stoner Capricorn, if 2021 was a bag of buds, it would have been shwag at best. And while you may have thought that the New Year was going to be more like top shelf, grade-A green, you seem to still find yourself picking through the stems and seeds of life.

But what do you do when you aren’t able to get ahold of better-quality buds? You upgrade your smoking utensils, of course! And if you want to make the most of the bag you’re dealt this month, then this is exactly the approach you will need to take. 

Unfortunately, stoner Capricorn, I can’t say that February will be any more predictable or promising. But I can say that how you approach the highs and lows during this period, and the tools you employ to rise above the uncertain times ahead, IS, within your control. And, although you can’t always change the situation you’re in, you can work to change your perspective.

The good news is my chronic-loving Capricorn, you do not have to undertake these mind-expanding exercises on your own. Fortunately, the sacred herb is more than just a magical plant that makes you giggle or gives you the munchies. Its healing vapors will also help you to introspect, reflect, and recalibrate how you respond to the challenges you face.

Stoner Capricorn, when the roads ahead are hazy and it’s hard to see, sometimes you just need to get to an elevated vantage point. So, this month, allow the sacred herb to lift your spirits and line of sight above and out of the fray.

Just remember to keep your expectations realistic stoner Capricorn. Expecting that the sky will be the limit may not be the most practical during this time, but it’s always a good idea to aim a little higher!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope January

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope January

For most signs in the stoner Zodiac, New Year’s festivities mark the end of the celebratory holiday season. But for the stoner Capricorn, the party is just getting started! This month, it’s time to light up, breathe in the soothing vapors of the sacred herb, and let go of your inhibitions with every exhalation. 

You are still the same hardworking, ambitious, and persistent ganja-loving Sea-Goat, but January will be a season when you have full license to embrace and explore your more lighthearted side. 

Doing your job well, and advancing in your career, is still an important investment; but you will see the most notable growth in the spiritual and social spheres of life.

Take full advantage this month of any opportunity that arises for you to puff and philosophize with your partners-in-chronic.  Don’t pass on the chance to spend time talking and toking with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Afterall, what better way to let loose at the end of a busy day than to relax and match bowls with your best buds.

Stoner Capricorn, you shouldn’t be surprised when you see your smoke circle expand in the second Winter month. In fact, your fun-loving, free spirit approach to life right now will be hard to resist!  The only thing you have to worry about is that your pieces are clean, and your stash jars are kept full. 

When you can, plan ahead and put some thought into your social smoke sessions. Perhaps a POT-luck is in order?  Everyone can bring their favorite stoney snack and sacred strain.  By the end of the ganja-gathering, everything should be consumed. Or, you can make a day of it by indulging in some extra strength edibles, and embarking on a 420 movie marathon.

Regardless of what weather Winter might bring, you can breathe easy with the knowledge that the cosmos has nothing but positive vibes and good times in store for you. But it will be up to you to keep the ganja burning and party grooving stoner Capricorn.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope December

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Capricorn, what is your mission on this terrestrial plane?  In this existence hurtling through space on our spaceship Earth.  It’s a heavy question, but one worth considering once in a while.

I have a friend and mentor who contemplates ‘service to self’ and ‘service to others’ as modes of personal action.  This month, the universe will be sending cosmic vibes of ‘service to self’ your way in support of personal endeavors.

It’s ok my trusted Sea-Goat.  It’s great to get a little helping hand from universal support once in a while.  But it is equally important to keep a cool head when the spotlight is on you.

Stoner Capricorn ‘Service to self’ should not be interpreted as selfish.  But it does mean you might get caught up in your own head with possibilities of grandiose internalization.  Projects could become passionate endeavors as the rest of the world slips away from your concern.

The key to December will be to harness the cosmic support without losing your head.  Embrace it, but don’t get lost in the process.

Think of your cannabis consumption prescription the same way this month.  Embrace your own personal desire and interest in the sacred herb.  Smoke when you want, and how you want stoner Capricorn.

However, there is one task you must set aside to keep yourself in check from losing attachment to your smoke circle and the terrestrial world around you.

The final Full Moon of the year is on the 18th.  Toke time to self around this date with a deep meditative solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  Just you, a bowl of the good green, in a comfortable place of solitude.

Use this deep dive with your cannabis copilot to fly high above the terrestrial plane.  See yourself, and your surroundings from a 50,000 foot view.  Sometimes the best way to stay grounded is to fly high above to gain perspective.  Our sacred herbal assistant is the perfect tool to bring clarity to life.

As the year comes to a close, this month of personal commitment will help strengthen internal bonds, and send you into 2022 ready for new challenges and perhaps continued ‘service to others’.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope November

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Capricorn you are in the middle of a confluence of celestial events this November.  The word of the month is satellitium:  A group of several planets in a sign.  The Sun, Mars, and Mercury will all be visiting the Capricorn sign this month.

This triumvirate of celestial bodies will bring with them a deep connection to your fellow terrestrial astronauts.  Community, fellowship, and family will be the focus of the final Fall month.

Toke time early in the month to make sure your stoner tool kit is up-to-date with shareable instruments of cannabis consumption.

I do not have a particular cannabis prescription for November my Sea-Goat.  No matter the species or strain of our sacred herb, seek the connecting magic through shared experiences with the canna-fam and cannabis companions alike.

Through the celestial influence, and the connected nature of the sacred herb, November promises to be a period of emotional bonding.

All of this communal fellowship with your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts will flow naturally into the cosmic influence in the final decade of November.  After the Full Moon of the 19th, we will all transition into a new celestial cycle.

This cycle will bring with it depth of understanding within your own personal mission here on Earth.  The cannabis connected bonding during the month will draw out experience, healing, and perception from your canna-fam.

This month is a great time to be a stoner Capricorn!  Remember to be flexible with your methods of cannabis consumption, and caring within your smoke circle.

Perhaps an at-home baking session with the canna-crew, trying the latest technique in herbal infusion, will draw out your unique bonding experience.

With the kind healing influence of celestial bodies, and the connected magic of the sacred herb, November will build a foundation for progress moving into future periods.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope October

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope October


My diligent stoner Capricorn, October promises to be a wonderful time period.  Even if cosmic support goes against your usual stoner directives, there will be opportunity for growth and progress.  With the connected nature of cannabis, it will be easy to float high out of your comfort zone.

The studious stoner Capricorn is one of the hard working members of the stoner Zodiac.  The to-do list, and career contemplation, often creep into meditative smoke sessions.  You can’t help it, and that’s ok.  Interpersonal relationships, and the touchy-feely side of our terrestrial existence, is sometimes lost on you.

This month universal support brings balance to the sturdy stoner Sea-Goat.  Warm cosmic winds could provide new feelings closer to the heart than the pocketbook.

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Early in the month, toke time to prepare for unexpected smoke sessions with the extended stoner fam.  Make sure your smoke kit, and stash jar, are ready to travel.

You are a creature of habit stoner Capricorn.  Break free from the tried and true cannabis regiment.  Prepare for company during your smoke sessions in October.  Bring some variety to your cannabis offerings.  Not just new strains of the sacred herb, but ways to consume it also.

After the New Moon of the 6th, the stoner Capricorn might become the magnet of the smoke circle.  Old friends forgotten, and new members of the canna-crew, will pop into your terrestrial travels unexpectedly.

Toke time for your heart and your soul this month stoner Capricorn.  The to-do list will still be there when the combustion clouds lift.  There is much needed magic in sharing a joint with an old friend.  There is invigorating energy in discovering that new bud-loving buddy you didn’t know worked next door.

Inhale the calming nature of the sacred herb.  These chance encounters won’t take away from the daily grind.  Your diligence within the daily grind makes these moments possible, and all-the-more worthwhile.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope September

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Capricorn the month of September sets up to be as complex as your inner machinations.  As it is tough to pin down your stoner traits on any given day, so too will it be difficult to predict universal influence in the first Fall month.

Make sure your treasure chest of cannabis strains is loaded early in the month my mercurial Sea-Goat.  Flexibility within your practice of self medicating will be the key.  You will need versatility, and a breadth of cannabis varieties in your medicine cabinet.

Even if it is just a bud or two, make sure to have species dominant strains, hybrids, and even CBD cannabis on hand for thoughtful selection.

The situation and dosage of your sacred treasure chest selection will be up to you this month.  So long as you apply reasonable thought to each circumstance, your cannabis copilot won’t let you down.

Much of the work required by universal support this month will be internal.  Consistent meditative marijuana moments will help guide you through the maze of terrestrial adventures.

Members of the canna-fam will be going through their own trials and tribulations.  Communication within the broader smoke circle will be hampered by cosmic interference.

Toke time with the sacred herb to look internally stoner Capricorn.  What are you in control of on this terrestrial plane?  Often frustration or anger is an outward expression of internal negativity.

Don’t dwell on others.  Instead, contemplate with cannabis from a higher perspective to see how YOU can positively impact your sphere of influence.  Worry not about that which is out of your control.

Stoner Capricorn, this month of internal assessment will have great benefits in the sphere of economics.  Toke time to burn a bowl and budget.  As you shake free the internal complexities of your stoner traits, you should also gaze with your third eye toward the clutter of your financial management.

Before you know it, you will be ripped and ready for October.  Perhaps with a better understanding of yourself, the canna-crew, and your position within the economic grind.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August


What a wonderful time to be a stoner Capricorn!  The final Summer month will bring blessings of opportunity and understanding to the plotting Sea-Goat.

Stoner Capricorn, I understand that your primary modes are logic based, and it certainly has suited you well on our terrestrial plane.  But early in the month you will have the opportunity to dive deep into cosmic modes of thinking that you may have forced into the closet in

the past.

The sacred herb has helped you touch on esoteric concepts of spirituality, but in August your cannabis copilot will be a wonderful guide to the magic of the universe outside your terrestrial logic.  Take the plunge into yourself early in the month with a deep Indica cannabis strain.  Find a secluded smoke spot for the medicated meditative smoke session.

Allow the sacred herb to guide you on an adventure into yourself, and explore the magic of the cosmos contained within all of us.  For the brave Sea-Goat among you, perhaps an edible and a float tank would be the perfect combination for this exploratory mission.

Stoner Capricorn, the final Summer month will be blessed with positive universal influence toward exploration on the terrestrial plane as well.  This broad positive cosmic guidance will come with ease:  No instructions required!

Exploration does not necessarily mean travel, but it can.  The celestial influence will support all methods of discovery, from travel to education.  But it’s the new people you might meet along the way that will make this period last a lifetime.

Keep the deep Indica cannabis strains for the beginning of the month to enhance your solo deep dive into contemplation within.  The remainder of the month needs to find balance within your cannabis consumption.

Be sure to stock the stash box with airy Sativa cannabis strains, and even a high CBD strain like Harlequin.  The outward exploration of August will be diverse in the places you travel, and the people you meet.

Your cannabis copilot may be the rocket fuel to the internal exploration in the beginning of the month, but it should be just along for the ride for the remainder of the month.  As with all of the great explorers in history, I am sure you will make your mark in August stoner Capricorn.  I can’t help but wonder what you’ll get up to.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope July

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Capricorn there is so much of your wonderful nature that is steeped in tradition and consistency.  But sometimes major steps of growth can come from breaking free from dependable routines.

July will test the stoner Sea-Goat.  But this is a worthwhile exam.  Use the perspective expanding nature of the sacred herb to break out of your traditional box.  In the second Summer month, your cannabis copilot will guide you in alternative directions to arrive at new wonderful locations.

Stoner Capricorn be on the look-out for opportunities in July to get out and enjoy the Summer sun.  Often the sturdy Sea-Goat may be the voice of calm and rational responsibility.  Free swinging cosmic winds will open opportunities for the stoner Capricorn to take advantage of impulsive adventures.

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Keep your stoner go-bag packed with various cannabis strains, and all the tools for combustion away from your home base.  In past periods your canna-crew may have had to drag you out of your comfort zone to enjoy that secret stellar smoke spot.  Not this month!  Keep the gas tank full, buds loaded, and your cannabis companions on speed-dial.  This is your month to curate the cannabis adventure for the smoke circle.

Breaking free of traditional habits isn’t easy stoner Capricorn.  There are two keys to matching bowls with the universe, and toke advantage of the cosmic influence in July.

First, avoid deep medicated meditative smoke sessions this month.  Seek more numerous lighter smoke sessions.  The guidance of the sacred herb will be more pronounced with frequent airy smoke sessions that keep you connected to this unusual cosmic breeze.  No couch lock, or deep introspection stoner Capricorn.

Second, reach out and stay connected to the smoke circle.  The more you connect with the canna-crew, the more this universal influence will gain in confidence.

You got this stoner Capricorn.  What an amazing mid Summer story you are about to write.  Be sure to take photos of your canna-buddies, and the smoke spots you combust bowls at.  The Summer sun won’t be the only thing blazin this month!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Capricorn Summer is finally here. You might be tempted to light up and leave all your worries behind; especially as you see your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts appear to be living the carefree life. Unfortunately, June will not provide you the same opportunity for a go-with-the-flow attitude, at least if you want to avoid the rough rapids ahead. Flexibility and willingness to change direction will be crucial in safely navigating the uncertain cosmic currents of June. While it may not feel like it when you’re in the muck of it, there is an upside to the challenging times ahead. You will have endless opportunities to flex your creative muscles stoner Capricorn. Classics cannabis strains like Jack Herer or AK-47 will provide the catalyst for uplifting and inspiring problem-solving smoke sessions. 

Stoner Capricorn, with all the highs and lows, and constant flux expected this month, you can at least count on work to be a safe and peaceful haven, free from setbacks and surprises. However, this doesn’t mean you can turn on autopilot and coast through the month. Now is the time to stay on your grind, and to grow your rainy-day funds. If there is opportunity for overtime, take it stoner Capricorn; if you’re busy making it, you won’t be busy spending it. And with a little extra green in your wallet, you won’t have to feel guilty paying a little more to treat yourself to some of those top-shelf sticky strains.

Stoner Capricorn, you are often the canna-buddy with kind herb and sage advice. This month you might be the one who needs encouraging words, or for a cannabis companion to offer you the first hit off a freshly packed bowl. Whatever the stars have in store for you, remember you don’t have to face it alone. Plus, it’s a lot harder to feel lost when you have a friend to puff puff pass the time with. By the middle of the month the cloudy haze will lift, and the path ahead will become more clear.  My sure-footed Sea-Goat, with renewed clarity, and a refreshed spirit, a weekend adventure is required in the second half of June. Celebrate getting your groove back with a trip to your favorite smoke spot, or hit up your most adventurous partners-in-chronic and set out to discover new ones.  You got this stoner Capricorn.  Puff the creativity, exhale the negativity.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Capricorn many blessings will come your way from the current celestial alignment.  With positivity in your heart, and the sweet sensimilla in your lungs, you are more than capable of creating a magic adventure.  The universe will strengthen the natural traits of the sturdy Sea-Goat in May.  Warm cosmic waves will feel like subtle momentum at your back, pushing you forward with positivity and progress.  Stoner Capricorn, the rest of the stoner Zodiac are truly blessed to have you in their celestial smoke circle.  This month, you will have to trust them as they have always trusted you.

There is one particular note to the cosmic push at your back that must be spoken.  Not a warning per say, but a guide post along the road of May.  There will be times that the warm waves pushing you forward in the final Spring month will feel like an unstoppable tidal force.  Prepare yourself for overwhelming moments of emotion.  Inhale the calming nature of the sacred herb, and exhale the fleeting pressure of the moment.  Pack the stash jar this month with Sativa dominant hybrid strains of the sacred herb.  Cannabis can bring us to levels of understanding and feeling, but during a universal push like what is coming, a heavy Indica species could sink the unprepared under the weight of this tidal mass.  Thus, keep a bright and airy Sativa dominant strain at the ready to keep your spiritual boat afloat in times of heavy cosmic seas.

Trust stoner Capricorn.  So often you have been the safety net of security for the canna-crew.  This month there will be moments you seek refuge from the weight of the world, and solace within the canna-fam.  Unfamiliar urges to communicate your circumstance should not be guarded.  Instead, seek out your close cannabis companions to share your fears and struggles.  As you have always been there for them, they will be there for you.

In the end, the progressive universal push of May will be more about understanding the perspective of the helped instead of the helper.  The bonds of companionship within the canna-crew will strengthen like a kief dusted finely rolled joint.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Capricorn this April is all about letting go of negativity, toking time with the cannafam, and embarking on your next great journey. As an instinctual go-getter who appreciates predictability, these strange times are not likely jiving well with your natural energy. I know it has been difficult for you, but load the bowl, breathe deep, and relax. Complaining about your problems doesn’t make them go away, it only clouds your focus on the solution. Instead, load the stash jar, grab your favorite travel piece, and get going! 

My stoner Sea-Goat, the first full month of Spring begs you to spend time with your closest cannabis companions. With the help of some sweet sensimilla, and the encouragement of your canna-fam, you will be reminded of your worth on the terrestrial plane. The cosmos is offering you the opportunity to take your finger off the self-sabotage button, and make some serious decisions in your life. Toke some time early in the month for a solo meditative smoke session with the sacred herb.  Execute this contemplative smoke session before making any harsh judgement calls.  Look deep within yourself for the motivation to make these changes my stubborn Sea-Goat. Are they coming from a place of self-love or are they fear based? It’s time to blow the negativity out like you would the perfect hit from your favorite piece. It has served its purpose and no longer belongs to you. Let it go.

Stoner Capricorn your work sphere requires flexibility this month. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to rise high above the playing field to see all the pieces in play.  This cannabis infused third eyesight will help you adjust to objects and problems in motion.  Without subtle adjustments, you are doomed to repeat the same result.  Things will get better, but you have to be ready and willing to put in the effort. Own your power of manifestation stoner Capricorn. Let the cosmos, and the sacred herb guide you towards great things.  

The Universe is working behind the scenes, and fully supports you in all your endeavors. Make sure your stash jar is loaded with a variety of cannabis strains this month, and be prepared for a metamorphosis of body, mind, and spirit.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March


Stoner Capricorn, spring is finally here!  After a long winter spent tokin’ tough from the cozy comfort of your couch, the prospect of traveling somewhere further than the kitchen to cure your most recent case of the munchies seems exhilarating. The days are getting longer, the weather is heating up, but growing also is a serious case of wanderlust. Don’t feel bad stoner Capricorn, not everyone will be down to brave the crisp days of March, but some of your more adventurous cannabis companions will be ready to join you for all of your endo-excursions. Whether you head to your favorite smoke spots, or set out to discover the most undisturbed vistas, when you are with your best buds with plenty of good greens, the journey will be just as serene and smokey as reaching the final destination.

Stoner Capricorn, your persistence in the workplace will result in big payoffs this month. Of course nothing is guaranteed, but you are definitely on an upward trajectory, and the sky’s the limit. Your enthusiasm and optimism will be contagious amongst your peers. But, with everyone’s energy levels elevated, it will be important to work to maintain clear and open lines of communication. Excitement can turn into tension if somebody’s intentions are misunderstood.  Even the most competent team can swing from a successful streak to suffering setbacks if everyone isn’t on the same page. Stoner Capricorn, if you are allowed to work in a 420 friendly environment, you and your coworkers should set aside time to take tokes and share notes. These cannabis infused work sessions can be a catalyst for inspiration, and a higher level of creative thought.

My smoky Sea-Goat, March will remind you that home really is where the heart is. Whether you’re racking up miles on one of your many stoney adventures, or just hanging out hotboxing the living room with the canna fam, you will spread smiles to all those you encounter. While the 20th marks the official start of the new season, you don’t have to wait until then to begin your Spring cleaning. It can be something as small as a new tapestry, or a complete overhaul of your wardrobe, but you should curate your surroundings to reflect your inner workings. And for this month stoner Capricorn, you are strictly good vibes only!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope February

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Capricorn this month you should pay extra close attention to your greens, both your herbal supplies and your bank account. You may be feeling confident and content with your current resources, but unexpected expenses can burn through your stash; so make sure you are actively adding to your reserves. If you aren’t sure how to up your savings game, consult a cannabis companion whose own financial finesse you admire, and whose advice you know you can trust. 

It will be crucial for a successful February that you get organized in the first week of the month stoner Capricorn. Your calendar is going to fill up quickly; and once you get moving, there’s no slowing down. Schedule some alone time during the early days of the month for a solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  Even though the bud my be loud, seek quiet and calm in this medicated meditative moment.  Just you and the sweet sensimilla will help you gather your inner thoughts before you turn them into outward action.  Once you are ready to get down to the grind, seek out only those stoner sidekicks who you know can keep up with your busy pace. It will be best if you avoid those canna buddies that just want to light one up and lounge about, or who you know are prone to couchlock.

Stoner Capricorn you don’t have to slow your roll, but you will need to be patient with your peers at work this month. You may be feeling extra energetic, ready to finish one project and race ahead to the next. But, not everyone will always be able to match your light speed momentum. Remember that everyone is working towards the same goals. Instead of criticizing, communicate with positivity stoner Capricorn. If someone on the team is falling behind, find out how you can help get them back on track, and ready to move up to the next level.

Don’t let the whole month be all work and no play my ambitious Sea-Goat. While you should always strive for success and higher achievement, remember it’s okay to take a break. Not only does down time allow you the chance to light up a bowl of cannabis, it can be an opportunity to reflect on how far you’ve journeyed, and all the people you’ve encountered along the way. Stoner Capricorn, as long as you keep the kind buds close, and your cannabis companions even closer, every day will be another memorable page to add to your ever-stoney adventure.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope January

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Capricorn 2021 starts with an amazing combination of cosmic kismet.  With the guiding hand of celestial influence, and the guiding spirit of the sacred herb, January will be a month of love and progress.

There is a warm glow surrounding the cosmic influence in January for the stoner Capricorn.  With the right balance of recreation and diligent work, confidence will be high.  Not only will other stoner star signs see this confident soft glow within your aura, more importantly you will feel a newfound openness to deep connections with cannabis companions.  Be prepared for long meaningful conversations while sharing bowls and passing joints.

Overall the second Winter month could be seen as a tale of two halves split by the New Moon of the 12th.  The first half of the month will be dominated by cosmic winds of creativity.  Whatever your passion or hobby, this will be the best time to light one up, and bring the sacred spark of cannabis to your endeavor.  After the New Moon, universal influence will shift more toward terrestrial goals and ambitions.  Perhaps the creative endeavors of the first 12 days will bleed into an ambitious push at converting passion into occupation?  Look out!  A toasted Sea-Goat is on a mission.  Nothing can stop you.

Stoner Capricorn, relax.  Don’t burn your entire stash in one session.  Don’t push too hard on any one task.  It is in your nature to be relentlessly progressive through action, but rest and recreation must balance these creative and ambitious efforts.  Seek balance through the sacred herb stoner Capricorn.  It’s time to stock your sacred herbal stash box.  With so much to do and so much to say, lean on Sativa dominant hybrid strains.  When the creative juices are spent, and the work day is done, break into the sticky relaxing properties of Indica strains.  Be your own cannabis curator this month stoner Capricorn.  Use the right sacred tool for the right moment.  Feel the flow.  Bask in the confidence and love shining through the universal influence.  You never know what else you might be feeling this month!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope December

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Capricorn the month of December might seem like an example of the old argument between destiny and will to power.  I’m not here to solve age old philosophical conundrums, and you shouldn’t spend any time dwelling on it either.  The bottom line to December will be effort.  No matter the answer to grand questions of destiny and manifestation, the journey is personal, and actions are inevitable.

Stoner Capricorn swirling winds of terrestrial turmoil can impact the mental state.  Worldly turbulence can create unease, anxiety, and internal conflict.  Be careful my adaptive Sea-Goat in the first decade of December.  Adaptability can mask a stubborn wandering state.  It is imperative to take a break from the terrestrial condition, and seek solace from within.  Toke time for a solo meditative smoke session with the sacred herb early in the month.  It may not come naturally, but it must be performed.  This meditative cannabis exercise will give the mind a moment of pause to break free from the uncontrollable turbulence of the terrestrial world.  The result will settle the mind, and connect the spirit.  

The early medicated meditation will assist you in many ways moving through the holiday season.  It’s likely drama within the canna-fam, and outer smoke circle, will find you stoner Capricorn.  But with your mind and spirit centered and aligned, you can stay lifted, high above the fray.  You know your direction, and you have confidence in your decisions.  The dramatics of others is simply background noise to a stoner Capricorn on a mission.

Sometimes universal influence brings winds of positivity, filling our sails as we cruise through the seas of life.  When these universe winds are stagnant, it is up to us to muster the good vibes.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst in December to conjure and cajole a positive mental attitude.  Girl Scout Cookies is a great balanced hybrid that can be used as a tool to settle the mind, and rejuvenate the spirit.  You aren’t alone stoner Capricorn, but you are the only captain of your terrestrial vessel.  Good luck on your voyage to the land of positivity.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope November

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Capricorn the last period was spent improving internal dialogue.  As Fall transitions into Winter, contemplative focus will now turn outward.  But even with cosmic streams of influence pushing outward progress, it all stems from within you my studious Sea-Goat.  November will require a keen third eye for learning and advancement.

Stoner Capricorn, use the sacred herb to enhance your third eye throughout the month.  Often we may fall into a trance, learning through titles and headlines, without depth of content.  The universe is sending cosmic waves of learning opportunities.  November could be a period of great understanding, and even awakening my smart Sea-Goat.  But to receive these universal blessings of learned advancement, you must see beyond the surface.  Toke time to contemplate information beyond a cursory glance.  Use the sacred herb to see the terrestrial landscape from a higher perspective.  Consume the full view stoner Capricorn.  The results could bring progress, understanding, and wisdom.

Take this cannabis prescription for higher learning into your social circles.  There is much you can learn from your smoke circle stoner Capricorn.  Pack bowls, burn joints, and let the conversation fly with your cannabis companions and smoke buddies.  Burning bud, contemplating life, the universe, and everything, could be the spark to progress in November.  We all have something to learn, and something to share.

The New Moon on the 14th of November marks an important personal point of reflection for the stoner Capricorn.  Step away from the hustle and bustle of your busy world.  Set the scene for a quiet solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  The strain and intensity does not matter.  The focus of this reflective meditation is your cosmic spacesuit and mental health.  We must not live for others, but we do need to satisfy ourselves.  Have you met your own internal expectations regarding physical and mental health stoner Capricorn?  These two are often interwoven.  A healthy spacesuit boosts the opportunity for a content mental state.  Now is the time to address your progress, and perhaps reassign goals and habits.  Use the sacred herb to inspire honest self reflection while maintaining healthy love for self.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope October

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Capricorn get ready for a bong-rip-roaring month of October.  Progress and bliss are only a few steps away.  But there will be no cosmic gift of energetic waves this month; instead, you will need to puff toward progress under your own power and impetus.  With the sacred herb as your guide, you can forge a path to progress on the terrestrial plain in the second Fall month.

Get out of your head stoner Capricorn.  Incessant internal questions can lead to insecurity, which can lead to social avoidance.  And all of this can become a downward spiral of emotional despair.  Take it easy my sturdy Sea-Goat:  This is only a warning, and certainly not a prediction.  The Fall season can bring on the doldrums of solitude as the Sun goes down sooner and sooner each day.  Spark one up to rev your internal engine.  Becoming a shut-in is not an option for this month stoner Capricorn.  Avoid Indica strains of the sacred herb.  Select Sativa strains as a strict canna-diet in October.  The uplifting nature of the sacred Sativa strain will assist in good cheer, and give an energy boost to tackle those terrestrial tasks that may seem so cumbersome at first glance.  It’s unusual to hear from me, but you must avoid deep solo medicated smoke sessions this month.  Save the internal analysis for another period.

Progress and positivity await on your missions out and about with the canna-crew.  You have to take the first steps.  Once you do, find creative activities that will fill your soul, and take your mind off the clutter that may be bogging you down.  Take the step stoner Capricorn.  Find that hike to the most epic secret smoke spot.  Create a smoke circle painting party.  Or grab the instruments, and create a smoke filled jam session.  Whatever the activities you choose, find joy in creative participation with the ganja gang.  Perhaps these terrestrial distractions will give your cumbersome internal dialogue the time needed to find resolution.  Maybe, there was nothing to worry about all along.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope September

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Capricorn September brings cosmic waves of self confidence and advocacy.  Awesome positivity for advancement on the terrestrial plain is packed in your celestial bowl this month.  However, this cosmic wave is heavy, and will require honest work, and effort, to ride it to success and progress.  But you are the sturdy Sea-Goat, ready and willing to ride any cosmic wave that comes your way.  Surfs up dude.

Toke time after the Full Moon on the 1st for a deep introspective meditative dive with the sacred herb.  A private smoke session with a deep Indica cannabis strain will do the trick nicely.  Float deep into yourself.  Connect with your inner voice.  To ride this large cosmic wave of positivity in September, you will need balance and direction.  Use this deep medicated meditative dive into self to find your desired direction.  Much like a fully loaded session with an Indica strain, a deep dive into self can be a scary proposition, but this solo sacred smoke session will come with universal benefits.  Once you find your desired internal direction, your travels on the terrestrial plain will be filled with confidence and determination.  Stoner Capricorn, this meditative exercise will benefit you in all spheres of life.

You can’t smoke a bowl before loading it stoner Capricorn.  In September, you can’t get a promotion in the workplace before asking for it.  You are your own best advocate at work.  Don’t neglect an active management style toward your promotion.  Yeah, I’ll smoke a bowl to that.  Good luck!

Stoner Capricorn my favorite Bob Marley quote will come in handy this month:  “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”  Again, the cosmic wave of positivity in September is a blessing, but it requires hard to work to ride it.  This is certainly true within the sphere of personal relationships.  Toke time for meditative smoke sessions in September that focus on self.  What can you do to be a better cannabis companion?  Emotional and mental work can be heavy, but results will come immediately from an honest effort.

And thus hard work feeds the balance and confidence, which feeds positive action on the terrestrial plain, which feeds a circular loop of positivity in all spheres.  Ride that wave stoner Capricorn.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Capricorn August promises to be as refreshing as a cool Summer breeze.  Life is good.  Perhaps some adventurous classic rock should blast from your speakers this month during the day, and some celebratory Jimmy Buffet calypso music at night.  All strain options are open for your cannabis prescription during the second Summer month my smokey Sea-Goat.

I have a specific vision surrounding the New Moon of the 18th:  Avoid large smoke-outs stoner Capricorn.  In the few days after the New Moon there will be an opportunity to gather with a large smoke circle.  Unfortunately the planetary alignment will not support you in this endeavor.  Instead, keep your social smoke sessions to close cannabis companions in the days after the New Moon.

Things are going good.  There is a natural confidence that has developed from this blessed period.  Obstacles pop up, and you deliberately knock them down like an expert at whack-a-mole.  Be forewarned stoner Capricorn:  A confident and relaxed stride can leave you vulnerable to a complex and unexpected obstacle.  This exact situation will arise during your Summer August strole toward progress.  Use the sacred herb to enhance your third eye vision.  Since you are so good right now at solving problems, perhaps you can create more than one solution when a pesky obstacle pops up.  Toke time for a contemplative meditative smoke session with the sacred herb.  Instead of a quick whack at that mole of an obstacle, toke time to analyze and see beyond your quick solution.  With your herbally enhanced proactive problem solving in place, even the most complex hidden obstacles won’t take away from your confident stride toward progress.

Stoner Capricorn, speaking of progress:  There will be a warm cosmic wind of advancement within the personal sphere this month.  Whether you are single or in a partnership, this wind will fill your sails, and stoke the sacred bowl of life.  You do not need any predictive instructions to take advantage.  As long as you maintain communication with your inner voice through sacred herbal meditations, everything will work out with splendor.  You be you stoner Capricorn.  Funny, witty, direct, patient, and strong are the traits that set you apart.  Let them shine within the canna-crew, among smoke circle acquaintances, and with cannabis companions.  Trust and love thyself stoner Capricorn.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope July

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Capricorn cosmic influence in July promises delight, intrigue, and progress.  And these wonderful words will manifest singularly within the three trimesters of the month.  So pack the bowl and sit back; I’ve got the perfect cannabis inspired recipe for success in July.

First Trimester:  Delight

The battle hardened Sea-Goat can breathe easy as July begins.  Inhale the positivity of the sacred herb, and seek a happy-go-lucky internal nature.  You are protected from the hard work you have endured so far this year.  Avoid deep Indica cannabis strains in the first trimester.  This period will be filled with active adventures.  A balanced hybrid or Sativa strain will assist this cosmic blessing instead of sabotaging it.

Second Trimester:  Intrigue

A whimsical and happy-go-lucky influence in the first trimester turns to pointed motivation in the second.  This cosmic influence will help you find your groove.  The second ten day period would be a good time to put the pipe down, or switch to a high CBD strain of the sacred herb.  There will be more mystery and unpredictable situations in the second trimester.  Keep your head clear, so you don’t lose track of what is important.  Motivation and production will be paramount mid month.  Don’t get sidetracked trying to solve intricate puzzles.

Third Trimester:  Progress

The month of July ends with magic for the stoner Capricorn.  Now is the time to open up the stash box to any cannabis variety you choose, but strains shared with friends will be the best kind of bud!  The final trimester of the month is all about bonding with the smoke circle, and your cannabis community.  All work and revelations from previous periods will manifest in sticky icky bonds of good tiding.  

What a wonderful month stoner Capricorn.  Each trimester has its own unique theme and benefit.  A month to remember.  Smoke it up!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Capricorn it’s time to pull out your compass and high water waders!  June is going to be a squirrelly mix of storming cosmic influence.  There you go, I ripped that line off like a band-aid.  Now let’s work on smoothing out this rough patch prediction.  After all, who else is built for storming weather besides the stoner Sea-Goat?

One of the spheres that will be affected most by the storming planetary alignment is the personal sphere; in particular, it will affect those cannabis companions closest to you stoner Capricorn.  When lines of communication break down, you have two immediate tools to help with the drama.  First of which is time.  Avoid immediate reactions.  The amount of time is up to you, and the circumstance; but breaking away from immediate reaction gives you time to contemplate and cool down.  Second, the soothing third eye vision of the sacred herb can help with deeply personal dilemmas.  Take a break from the immediacy of the moment, and toke time to see the issue from a higher perspective.  With time, and meditation with the sacred herb, these communicative dramatics may lose the heat of the moment.  In the end, perhaps you can chill the drama with a cannabis companion over a shared bowl.  

With the right sacred prescription of patience and a higher perspective, you should make it through June unscathed, maybe just bumped and bruised.  In fact, stoner Capricorn, if you stay grounded and avoid the heat of the moment, the bonds with cannabis companions might become stronger from the challenging assessments of June’s cosmic dilemmas.  

Your natural traits of conservatism, intellect, and persistence should guide you through any other obstacles presented this month.  The sturdy Sea-Goat can make it through any storming weather!  Don’t dismiss how important sheltering in place with a meditative smoke session can be to analyze and take reprieve from a dramatic situation.  Toke time this month to steal away by yourself to contemplate your situation with the sacred herb, and your favorite pipe.  It’s amazing how a nug, and your favorite piece, can bring a little welcomed peace to your life in moments of stress.  Puff on stoner Capricorn.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Capricorn it’s time to get connected with the smoke circle once again.  The month of May will prove to be a personal period of experimentation, testing bonds, and triumph.  Perhaps Smoke Two Joints by Sublime should be forefront on the personal playlist for May.  A positive healthy mantra rooted in the sacred herb will help connect the challenging moments with moments of ascendancy.

The business sphere won’t take a back seat to the personal sphere, but you should keep it on the down low.  Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will help accentuate creative problem solving.  Plus these contemplative smoke outs will promote a chill attitude that will assist with an uneven workflow.  Good thing it is in your nature to grind hard when it is appropriate, and shut it down when play time begins.  Be forewarned stoner Capricorn:  When success comes in the workplace, don’t announce it to the crowd.  A stealthy Sea-Goat does not need extra attention when they are building something grand.  The incremental success of projects will be a foundation of momentum moving forward.  But this is a solo expedition.

The most promising excitement to prepare for in May will be within the personal sphere.  Both single and partnered stoner Capricorns will reap benefits from a warm cosmic breeze.  “Smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at night.  I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright.”  This meditative mantra from my favorite 90’s band will help assist you in your adventure stoner Capricorn.  Like those two joints, you should keep your mood chill, and your grinder full of dank nugs.  Your chill presence within the smoke circle will be appreciated.  Communication will be the key.  You set the tone among new cannabis cohorts.  As long as you convey your intentions and mood, the smoke circle is sure to support your vibe.  

May is a month of budding construction.  Grind hard on those personal projects at work, and joint adventures within the smoke circle.  “But then one day I met a man who came to me and said:  Hard work good, and hard work fine, but first take care of health.”

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Capricorn sometimes universal influence sends you a bag of bunk weed.  It’s how we react to a cosmically inspired bunk situation that leaves us open to a universal gift of a big bag of majestic sacred herb.  April may start off with a few stems, but if you keep it positive there will be big frosty buds the remainder of the month. Keep calm and puff on stoner Capricorn.

Much like the theme of the month, resiliency takes precedent in the workplace.  Squabbles and setbacks are sure to cloud the room in the early portion of April.  Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb after the work day is done. The perspective changing effects of the sacred herb will help approach the next day with a resolute attitude and solution oriented vibe.  The same people or factors that may cause a sticky situation early in the month might be the very same who grease the joints later in the month.

All stoner Capricorns will have revelatory bursts of information come to the surface as the month begins.  Partners, lovers, or potential love interests might discover secrets hidden under the thick skin of the Sea-Goat.  Once again, puff puff pass on the stress stoner Capricorn. Toke time to see the closet dwelling information from a higher perspective.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to fly high above the terrestrial noise to see your life’s timeline from a broad third eye vantage point.  In a relationship more information and communication usually leads to stronger bonds, and it could also provide the spark to start something special and new.

Most problems and dilemmas in April cannot be avoided.  It’s your reaction to them that will shape the future. Use smoke sessions with the sacred herb to step outside of yourself, and the situation, to see your house isn’t falling down.  You’ve built a solid foundation stoner Capricorn. You got this!

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Capricorn March sets up to be a month of managed frustration and great personal growth.  Cosmic influences will align with your stoner star sign traits. As you well know, this can be good and bad.  This synergistic convergence will create a month of great opportunity for the diligent and practical Sea Goat.  But you must traverse the terrestrial cliffs with great care and a keen third eye for loose stones.

Of all the stoner star signs, you stoner Capricorn require a stash jar of varied cannabis strains.  Terrestrial travels through March will demonstrate this requirement more so than any other month in 2020.  Puff the Maui Strawberry Sativa strain for moments requiring diligence and discipline. Pack the bowl with Blue Dream Sativa dominant hybrid for studious moments of ambition.  Keep the deep Indica species for those moments chillin’ with the canna-crew and family. 

There are great moments of frustration and enlightenment in March stoner Capricorn.  First, the workplace will be the source of frustration. The majority of obstacles and speed bumps will come from the economic sphere.  However, your natural persistence, diligence, and discipline will see you through any curve balls from the cosmos. That low THC Maui Strawberry will come in handy for the focused grind ahead.  Second, you should open yourself up to packing your bowl, and head, full of learned inspiration this month. The Blue Dream strain will do just fine to assist in energetic and ambitious moments of building knowledge.  Personal growth will come from opportunities of learning. Seek them out and smoke up the wisdom. Third, be prepared to assist members of your canna-family and cann-crew. Older sage smokers can be a great source of knowledge, but they also need love and attention.  Toke time to roll one up, and be present as a listener and companion, to a member of your smoke circle. Enrichment and fulfillment will come from this noble exercise.

Good luck stoner Capricorn.  Just remember, your strengths are your weapons in this cosmic battle of progress.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope February

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Capricorn as we travel down the river of life there are sections of dangerous rapids, terrifying cliff falls, monotonous meanderings, and swift peaceful stretches.  Sit back, relax, take puffs of cannabis smoke, February will be a swift peaceful stretch of time in the cosmic current of 2020.

Cosmic influence will not throw you into dangerous negative positions, but this life stream is always moving and should be respected.  So heed my words, I am not recommending toking it up to the point your cosmic spacesuit reaches autopilot. Travel through February with your third eye engaged.  As with any river, there are points of decision to navigate safely. Select your sacred cannabis strains according to the mellow mixed bag of cosmic influence this month.  Go hybrids or go home stoner Capricorn. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, with a keen third eye gaze on the path ahead.

There is an important period of February where universal influence will favor the ambitious stoner Capricorn.  Between the Full Moon of the 8th and the New Moon of the 23rd, productive ambition will be rewarded. No, not monetary rewards, but productive efforts during this time will receive added rays of positivity from the cosmos.  Around the Full Moon, toke time for a solo medicated meditative smoke session focused on your terrestrial travels, and how you want to move forward. For some this might be tackling tasks to make that side hustle a reality. Maybe for other stoner Capricorns this will provide the impetus to volunteer.  No matter the mission, between the 8th and 23rd is the time to execute.

While you are flowing through life in a safe space of the river bend, it is important to take stock in those around you.  February will be a powerful time to strengthen bonds with cannabis companions, and also make logical assessments of smoke circle acquaintances.  We are all on this cosmic spaceship together stoner Capricorn, make sure you appreciate others, and make sure you are appreciated.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope January

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Capricorn there are great blessings from the cosmos to kick off 2020.  The current planetary alignment is like a magnifying glass of positivity shining down on you.  And around the 10th of the month, this positive magnification reaches its focal point. Your future’s so bright, you better wear shades … even in January.

You are more than capable of receiving this blast of cosmic energy my sturdy Sea-goat, but are you ready?  Toke time early in the month for a solo meditative smoke session to align your chakras before the great planetary alignment.  The strain and quantity of the sacred herb does not matter, but the solo sesh is a must. Allow the sacred herb to be your guide on a journey to wash away the clutter in your emotional closet.  This beam of cosmic positivity will be most beneficial with an empty vessel ready to receive the energy. Prepare yourself stoner Capricorn to bathe in, and soak up the positive energy from this rare planetary alignment.  Emotional preparations with the sacred herb could help receive and store the positivity moving forward into 2020.

Stoner Capricorn, you must also prepare yourself for extreme radiation!  Yes, this positive cosmic event will create a bright nuclear aura surrounding your spacesuit.  Not only will it be noticeable to fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts, but it will be irresistible.  This event could greatly expand your smoke circle. Smoke circle acquaintances, and even stoner strangers will be mesmerized by the powerful positivity emanating from your being.

Don’t let all this glowing positivity go to your head stoner Capricorn.  Wise decision making still applies, especially in matters of money. However, fellow canna-buddies may be working through issues with empty pockets and empty pipes.  You must maintain your frugal nature to protect yourself, but sharing a bowl or a meal with a friend in need has no limit to karmatic rewards.

Use this cosmic blessing to your advantage stoner Capricorn.  Keep your portable puffin package at the ready for cannabis communions.  Through kindness, connected experiences, and positivity, you will convert this focused planetary alignment into long lasting friendships and progressive emotional momentum.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope December

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Capricorn December will be a challenging period.  But during this phase, you will be the one performing the exacting actions.  Stand tall my sturdy Sea Goat, this month you will bring the fight to those that oppose you.

Whether you are standing against injustice, confronting a nemesis, or breaking imposing societal restraints, there will be numerous loaded bowls of opportunity to smoke your foes.  But before you get your hyper confrontational stoner hard hat fitted for battle, toke a moment to contemplate the essence of the battles you wage. There will be cosmic support in December for confronting unjust obstacles and foes that have wronged your progressive path to a higher plane.  This universal sword and shield however, could disappear in moments of wrong-headed hypocritical tactics. Meditate with the sacred herb to gain clarity on the issue at hand. Seek a higher perspective to analyze and confirm the karmatic justice of the situation. This moment of pause for herbal discernment will protect you from further harm, and strengthen your position.

This impetus to confront wrongs could be most necessary and yet dangerous within the personal sphere.  Let’s back off the sword and shield analogy to understand confrontation can also be a bridge built with kindness.  As you meditate with the sacred herb to reach a higher perspective, view with your third eye how a hug can impact a struggle just as effectively as a sword.  The word confrontation can easily be replaced by the word communication. Airing grievances with a shared bowl will have longer positive impacts than dousing the situation in flames.  There will be times a flame thrower will only be needed to light a bowl for two. 

Remember stoner Capricorn, not every obstacle or confrontation should be approached in the same manner.  There are numerous ways to consume the sacred herb. There are equally numerous ways to confront a perceived oppressor or situation.  Always operate with kindness at heart.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope November 2019

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope November 2019


There is a cosmic weight placed on the stoner Capricorn’s shoulders in November. Do not fret my sturdy Sea-Goat, you have more than enough power, strength, and stamina to carry this planetary burden. The rest of the stoner Zodiac needs you in the final Fall month. Who is always the stoner holding the good green? You. When cannabis companions are down in the dumps, who has a fresh bowl and a warm smile? You stoner Capricorn. The weight of November will be your leadership skills within the smoke circle. Many cannabis companions will need your sturdy strength, and keen third eye navigation, to clear the numerous obstacles placed in their path.

This leadership of the smoke circle extends to all spheres of your stoner life. But again, this psychic forecast is not daunting because it burns right at the heart of your strength. Toke time early in the month for a medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb. Focus on confidence and self appreciation of your natural skills. Positive internal talk, and herbally inspired connectivity with your inner voice, will fire the bowl in your soul to lead and assist your fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts in their time of need.

Whether needy circumstances are created in the work or personal sphere, all the necessary information is contained within yourself stoner Capricorn. It is this connection to your past, and inner self, that will be so critical to your weighty mission. Seek out CBD dominant cannabis strains for your daily herbal regiment this month. You will need keen cognitive clarity to assist your cannabis cohorts. Perhaps that might even be the exact thing a smoke circle acquaintance needs to hurdle an obstacle: A freshly packed bowl of high CBD sacred herb.

This month may seem like a selfless mission, but the personal value you may extract will be meaningful. Personal progress comes in many forms stoner Capricorn. This smoke circle weight lifting may be just the thing that gives you those cosmic progressional gains.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope October

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Capricorn the month of October will be one of dualities: Yin and yang, darkness and light, great heights and sullen lows, and of course Indica and Sativa. You can expect sunny skies and smooth rides as you begin your autumnal adventures; but this ease of movement will turn to difficult travels. Like when that picturesque, paved country road suddenly turns to an uneven gravel path, you will have to proceed with caution. If you have plans for any space-cruises or endo-excursions, they should be attempted in the first two weeks of the month while your bearings are sound, and your paths are clear. The latter weeks hold no promise of blessed bountiful bong rips.

The full moon rises on the 13th, and will mark a distinct shift for the stoner Capricorn. A calm, confident period will be followed by uneasy feelings of trepidation. While you cannot avoid the inevitable troublesome times ahead, you can at least prepare. A consistent healthy pattern of exercise or self care will be the balancing connection between the two dueling halves. Establishing a consistent regiment of meditation with the sacred herb will aid in addressing the rough roads ahead.

Is the universe to blame? Recognize your mood stoner Capricorn. Before you look to blame confrontation on the cosmos, seek understanding with changing internal weather patterns. Cannabis prescriptions and daily expectations should change like the weather. You wouldn’t wear a tank top on a rainy October day. Mentally dress for each individual weather pattern. Similarly, herbal remedies should be selected to meet individual occasions. Seek out strains that will help attain a much needed equilibrium: A calming kush when feeling manic or anxious, and a sweet, sticky Sativa to fight lethargic tendencies.

Smoke sessions this month will be both social and solo events. Smoke circle shenanigans should be scheduled before the full moon. After the 13th, solitary toking will be more beneficial. The beginning days of the fall season will be great for fellowship and smoke breaks with terrestrial tokers, but following the full moon you should be more selective with who you choose to match bowls. While sharing is caring, you should toke time for self care. Chaotic circumstances will have no problem crossing your path, but you must actively seek calming and coping smoke sessions with yourself, or with your closest cannabis companions.

Nobody Glass Pipes

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope September

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Capricorn settle in and enjoy the ride. September will be like a gentle drive on cruise control. No sacred herbal prescription is required this month. All strains of the sacred herb are open for your toking interpretation. Put on your favorite smokin playlist, sing along, and seek the rhythm of the first Fall month.

One word of caution as you stroll into the period with confidence and safety at heart: Other stoner star signs may experience more of a roller coaster affect from the planetary alignment of September. Toke time for a mindful medicated meditative smoke session on empathy and understanding of other’s perspective and experience. Stoner Capricorn the more you understand the ups and downs of your fellow terrestrial astronauts, the better you may hitch rides on the highs, and step away from the lows. Avoid being the designated driver for bad trips. You have your own cosmic mission in progress.

Don’t let this melodic period slide by. With work and social spheres on cruise control, time may pass without consequence. Toke time for self stoner Capricorn. Whether it be rest and recuperation, a vigorous workout, or dedicated time with that passionate art project, you will have to toke the time to make it happen. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to dive deep into yourself and discover what your internal guide needs to fuel your terrestrial mission. Make it happen! It’s up to you! Even though the cruise control is set, you must be the captain of your cosmic vessel.

September will be a comfortable road to travel. Don’t veer off course to indulge the petty dramatics of other stoner star signs. Internal progress will be found within, but only if you seek it. Focusing on self isn’t a selfish motive, but sometimes a necessary step to accomplish important steps on the road of sacred progress.

Smokin Js Anniversary

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope August


In August the stoner Capricorn will be faster than a bong rip, more powerful than a fatty blunt, and able to pass the bowl in a single motion. You are amazing stoner Capricorn! With the right herbal prescription and planetary assistance, there is nothing you can’t accomplish in the final summer month. Maybe even some times, all things at once. Lean into this cosmic support. Select Sativa strains of the sacred herb to be your herbal copilot on this productive mission. Lean into this energetic cosmic kick with the focus and clarity of the Sativa strain. This prescription will be your herbal assistant encouraging determination within the hard work ahead.

Seek balance stoner Capricorn. You can’t push your mind and body into the red without recuperative smoke stops. Keep a keen third eye on the health of your cosmic spacesuit. Exercise, stretching, and even a nap will help keep your progressive engine roaring.

Toke time to self on secluded evenings with a deep Indica strain. Balance the frenetic pace with a restful recuperative medicated solo smoke session. The tasks, projects, and progressive work will all be there the next day. A medicated evening with the sacred herb and your internal self will help the frayed nerves repair for the continued adventure of August. If you are feeling frayed and fried from energetic mental endeavors, toke time with the sacred herb and your chosen form of exercise. A nice jog through a wooded shady trail sounds wonderful.

There is one hidden challenge that the final summer month will bring. Energy and cosmic empowerment will create a feeling that you can do it all by yourself, and you can. However, all progress and achievement is more sustainable and rewarding with participation from your canna-crew. While you are smoking up all the tasks of the day, find ways to bring your coworkers and or canna-buddies into the progression process. Stoner Capricorn success is sweeter when it is shared, just like that perfectly rolled joint.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope July 2019

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope July 2019


While other star signs might be running frenetically in the summer sun, the stoner Capricorn will be lounging; soaking up the solar rays for future energetic adventures. This month is all about recharging the batteries in your terrestrial spacesuit. Your sacred herbal prescription for this month of R&R is wide open, but Indica strains and Indica-heavy hybrids will be most suited for July.

July is all about you stoner Capricorn. Rest and Recuperation is the main requirement. How you accomplish this task is up to each individual. Perhaps a deep solo medicated smoke session with the sacred herb in a comfortable spot sealed off from the world, will be on the agenda. Maybe a medicated nap under the summer sun will do the trick. Everything is available to the stoner Capricorn in the second summer month. So do it all! Just don’t forget to turn the cell phone off, and apply adequate amounts of sun screen during your medicated meditative restful respites.

Be forewarned stoner Capricorn: In order to take advantage of easy moments escaping the hustle and bustle of the terrestrial world, you must be decisive when obstacles or tasks are placed in front of you. Taking care of timely tasks will increase the amount, and quality, of restful meditative moments. The universal influence of this period of recuperation does not imply escaping reality and responsibility. The planets have simply aligned to support these zen summer excursions.

Sadly stoner Capricorn, I have no wishful predictions of budding love in July. However, this period will be great for acquiring smoke circle canna-buddies and strengthening bonds with cannabis companions. Be sure to include your partners-in-chronic on your stress free summer excursions. July might be all about your rest and recuperation, but that doesn’t mean your fellow cannabis connoisseurs can’t tag along.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June 2019

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June 2019


Stoner Capricorn the sun is out, and your camera should be too! Ahead of you are many long, hazy days you must fill with lasting happy memories. Your adventures will know no limit, other than what you are able to imagine and execute. Think big and dig in. The world is your garden this month. Sow kindness and positivity early in the season. What grows will nurture and sustain you, and your cannabis companions, far through the summer months. Whether you like to plan your endo-excursions in advance, or light one up and let the mystery unfold as you go, stay active and stay outdoors. The summer should be spent sharing bowls of good greens with your best buds trekking through the great unknown discovering new smoke spots.

Be forewarned stoner Capricorn: This month gets off to a rocky start in the business sphere, and familial relations may encounter similar strife. Do not hold back or put off resolving these issues in real time. This may mean you put in extra effort to keep the emails and the to-dos from piling up. The work realm in June will likely bring new business endeavors, and possibly new business partners. Set specific times to meet early with your economic cohorts to make sure everyone is on the same level. While visions of how best to pursue passion projects will be different, all efforts will likely lead to a positive culmination. Differing opinions may seem annoying and problematic at first, but diversity will be beneficial in the long run. In the end you will have more tools in the chest to tackle a greater variety of problems.

Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate this truism: Communication is a two way street. While there will be tensions early on, how long they last will be up to you. Listening and hearing is just as important as speaking and explaining. A good way to establish a give-and-take balance is by invoking the puff, puff, pass approach. Communing with cannabis creates a situation where all parties will have specific time to toke, and also time to talk.

Single and coupled stoner Capricorns are all but guaranteed passionate moments in the first summer month. Just don’t let the blissful haze of a hot heart obscure responsible decision making. Empathy and sincere emotion are wonderful attributes, but you want to be certain of your feelings before making any substantial commitments. Whether by yourself, or with your future cannabis companion, take time to meditate with the sacred herb before you take the leap. Think on it and toke on it, stoner Capricorn, and then you can trust wherever your heart may take you.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May 2019

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope May 2019


Stoner Capricorn get up and get moving! In the last Spring month you must provide the momentum toward progress, the planets won’t help. But all is not lost. With the right ingredients of the sacred herb and a positive plan, the month of May will be a delight for all the senses.

In some ways May will be a choose-your-own-adventure story, waiting for you to write it. Take a trip with the sacred herb if you need inspiration on the chapters ahead of you. The number one rule for May: Stay active! To assist in your active endeavors, limit your cannabis diet to Sativa strains only. This herbal assistant will help keep the energy high and motivation strong.

This active lifestyle comes with tremendously rewarding byproducts. Toke time to look inward during your travels with Mary Jane. Your destined path is right in front of you. The most important byproduct of increased activity is the health benefits, both mental and physical. The current planetary alignment will not nudge stoner Capricorns toward an active and energetic lifestyle. However, Capricorns will see universal support once they become active. If you sit back and chill, you will lose opportunity.

Create your own momentum stoner Capricorn! Are you stuck in the gears of the economic grind? May is the perfect month to take a chance on change. Only you know your circumstance, but it may be time to come to grips with your fear and desire. Toke time for a solo smoke session with a piece of paper and a pen. What do you want? What bothers you about your current situation? A simple writing exercise could lead to that breakthrough that starts you down that passionate path to freedom. In the end, it very well could be a new direction or effort in your current field that could make all the difference. You can’t find out until you consult with the sacred herb and your inner self.

The full moon of the 18th marks an important transition for the stoner Capricorn. If you were able to motivate yourself in the first half of the month, then a peaceful positive period will ensue. Now a hybrid strain, or even dabbling with Indica will be possible in the final stage of May. Crucial family issues will come to bare during this phase. As long as you keep your cool, all issues will be solved without harm. Chill buds between cannabis companions is always a decent way to freeze out a tense mood.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April 2019

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope April 2019


Breathe easy stoner Capricorn, the second month of spring is sure to bring positive waves of cosmic support. In other words, you can do what you will, toke what you want, and accomplish all you set out to as long as you keep your herb to the grind. While spring flowers unfurl and the days grow longer, it will be up to you to choose your own adventures. It doesn’t matter if you are tokin’ by the lake, smokin’ by the ocean, or puffin’ your way on a mountain hike, get out there and explore the terrestrial plane! The planets have given you their blessings, so do not waste those precious hours being idle.

Be forewarned stoner Capricorn: Your travels in April will bring you to many crossroads. Choices will flood both the business and personal spheres. And choices must be made! Complacency or turning a blind eye to developments and dilemmas could potentially transform bright positivity into darker negative circumstances. Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb can help you avoid such setbacks. It will be beneficial for you to take a break with the bong or make a ganja-filled getaway. Not to run away from problems. They will still be there upon your return. The cannabis inspired adventures will give the mind the time and space needed to view issues from a ten thousand foot vantage point.

Remember, these decisions are yours, and yours to make alone. Other stoner star signs surrounding you may be experiencing different phases of their life. Be confident in your choices. Those around you may not have the means, or time to invest, into seeking out solutions at the moment. You will. So get your own gardening done early in the month, as those around you are likely to turn to you for assistance tilling their own fields. You cannot make their decisions for them, but you can always be a friend with weed, indeed.

Whether at home or in the workplace, listen carefully and pay attention to details. Stoner Capricorn open your third eye to all information presented to you. Vigilance in your information gathering will assist you in your quest for positive and progressive decisions. But, remain mindful: All the positive influences from the cosmos do not safeguard you from the outcomes of risky behavior. Just because you want something to be so, doesn’t mean it will manifest exactly how you imagine. Stay on the grind, and keep your mind focused on higher aspirations. As long as your intentions are always high minded, the results you achieve shall be also.

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Capricorn Stoner Horoscope March 2019


The planetary alignment will be in good favor for the stoner Capricorn this March. You can expect the cosmos to be supportive in most situations, but not necessarily impactful. The stars can light your path, but not have a particular path laid out; you are ultimately responsible for all final decisions. Thus, everything in the end is up to you, not fate. Because of this, confidence will be crucial for a smooth and successful month. To ensure proper Chakra alignment, weekly meditative smoke sessions are highly recommended. Toking time to breathe in the sacred herb will provide a safe setting to help overcome fears and insecurities, which can cause self doubt. Working out the negative vibrations on the front end, will pave the way for greater positive decision making throughout the month.

Stay steadfast stoner Capricorn; you have everything it takes to progress already inside of you. Execution will rely upon your ability to stay steady on the grind. Do you have a side hustle? Perhaps there is a business idea you’ve been hesitant to pursue? With the changing season upon you, now is the time to spring into action. Whether it is revisiting past endeavors, or time to turn a passion into a lucrative business prospect, March is a great period for a potential small business start-up. Even If you feel like your confidence is lacking, it is a good time to take a chance on what makes you tick, and what makes you toke.

Whether you are a single stoner Capricorn, or one of two peas in a stoney pod, romantic decisions and desires should be solidly contemplated. You can avoid unnecessary entanglements and confrontations by fully examining the threads which tie you and others together. Every connection is a seed planted that can potentially blossom into a budding relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic. Avoid getting entangled in needless conflicts by giving the appropriate care and nutrients needed to nurture healthy growth. Invest your efforts into pulling up the weeds stoner Capricorn, and you will have more energy to invest into a greener garden.

Capricorn February 2019

Capricorn February 2019


Stoner Capricorns can expect February to be an amazingly expansive period; a time of monumental metamorphosis! Many meditative smoke sessions are recommended in the first days of the new month. Make a serious effort to ensure you have solitude during these marijuana musings. Cannabis companions, coworkers, and your best buds can be welcomed sounding boards when you need to think out loud, but they cannot help you with the esoteric challenges of the period. Ideas, solutions and your internal direction should be contemplated, and ultimately implemented by you, and you alone stoner Capricorn.

Look around you. If you do not like your surroundings, look back and examine the path you took to get where you are. You can never go back in time, but by understanding the past, you can better prepare for the future. A contemplative staycation with the sacred herb should be fit into your schedule this month. You do not need to travel far in order to let your mind wander. Consuming your favorite kind of cannabis from the safety of your own couch can help to lift the spirits and elevate the mind. From this elevated perspective, you will have a better vantage point to see further down the smokey path ahead. New visions and clear goals will start to appear on the horizon. How far and how high your journey takes you can only be hindered by the limits you put on your own imagination.

This month work should be approached like a well rolled joint: A slow and steady burn, one puff at a time. Take your time with each individual project and watch tasks on your to-do list get steadily crossed off. Your biggest responsibility at work will be to show up. This doesn’t mean you should slack or put off tasks until later, just stay focused and be present for every endeavor. Your higher-ups will definitely take notice of your grind. It is advised to keep your pipe time and productivity time separate. You can expect a relatively easy time at work; however a hazy brain will cause unnecessary setbacks. Save yourself time and effort repairing projects by doing them right the first time.

Capricorn January 2019

Capricorn January 2019


Stoner Capricorn do you feel the excitement in the air as the strong cosmic winds start to gust? These winds of change will fill your sails and send you flying ahead to your goals this January! Be forewarned, you must balance yourself to attain these dreams. Both confidence and emotional stability are required to make the seeds of dreams become flowers of reality.

Though your comfort zone might be scaling the peaks of life, this month calls for the stoner Capricorn to take a deep, personal, meditative dive. Explore the depths of yourself with the assistance of the sacred herb. You are in search of your true direction. Progress cannot be made without direction; therefore, this must happen before you can step in full stride towards progress.

Stoner Capricorn the universe works in mysterious ways, as you’re likely all too familiar with. As such, you may receive an unexpected financial bonus this month. The ‘why’ doesn’t matter quite as much as the ‘how’; and the ‘how’ is your spirit in the matter. Your outlook and attitude matters in moments of triumph equally to moments of complication. Victories big or small should be celebrated, just as losses should be contemplated. If you find yourself capable, there’s an entire smoke circle that would be eternally grateful for your generosity of spirit. And don’t forget, everything always comes around full circle!

In the stoner Capricorn’s personal sphere, the theme of the month most definitely applies. The progress you seek doesn’t stop at business or finance alone! This is a wonderful time to heal old wounds, or tear down old walls. These obstacles you have created now hinder rather than help, obscuring your true form from the world. The universe gives us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. All you have to do is accept it, and put in the leg work. Ah, but remember the meditative smoke session. Personal balance and true internal intentions must be known before the stoner Capricorn can ride that cosmic current toward progress.

Capricorn December Horoscope

Capricorn December Horoscope


Stoner Capricorn the choice is yours in December: Rise with the sun in the morning or sleep in ‘til noon. The sun will crest the mountain’s peak either way, just as it has and just as it will. Some things in life are outside of our control and sphere of influence. December will bring obstacles that are just that. It is paramount that you contemplate these dilemmas, but do not try to solve them. Instead, the stoner Capricorn should focus on solving problems they can take on directly. Keep it simple this month. Act when you see an obstacle you can directly conquer; such as cleaning that dingy bong before your smoke circle assembles for a session!

Task mastery and communication will be the keys to your success this December. Achievement will be directly correlated to the accomplishment of tasks, and there will be plenty. Assistance can be found with coworkers and canna-buddies alike, but only if they receive clear communication. After lining up tasks and knocking them down, don’t forget to toke a moment for a celebratory smoke in appreciation. Celebrate the achievement and those that helped make it happen.

Stoner Capricorn you may find yourself with the seasonal itch to spend money. Generosity of spirit is a wonderful thing, but be mindful of your budget. Now isn’t the time to deplete your assets, but rather the time to save for the future! You’ll find that many aspects of December are building for future periods. Don’t give in to societal pressures, instead find resolution in your future plans.

While getting frosty with your loved ones this month, your internal feelings will guide you through any emotional obstacles you encounter. It is vital that you listen to your heart stoner Capricorn; especially in moments of love. If you get in close enough, you may even be able to listen to their heart. Be gentle and kind. If you’re ever in doubt, just be the best friend or partner you can be, unequivocally.

Capricorn November 2018

Capricorn November 2018


Stoner Capricorn this November the cosmos may offer an abundance of opportunity. But going to the cosmic all-you-can-eat buffet will leave you fat and lethargic. Trust your gut instincts, don’t fill your stomach. Leaning on your emotional third eye will suit you well sorting through the cosmic opportunities of November. A firm bond with your inner guide will suit you well. Early in the month toke time for a medicated meditative smoke session with the sacred herb focused on internal drive and direction. A well tuned stoner Capricorn will reap the most rewards from this period.

Stoner Capricorns on the free agent roller coaster may get a little bored with the usual twists and turns. Just make sure your seat belt is fastened before you look to switch rides. The current planetary alignment will not bless moving on to new projects until all the t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted; or maybe until all the plants are watered and the herb is ground.

Those stoner Rams stuck on the corporate hill of our economic mountain will find increased energy from this cosmos. Be forewarned stoner Capricorn, you can’t eat every dish at the buffet, no matter how stoned you get. You will have to pick from the menu of options presented to you. Take time for a meditative smoke session focused on your third eye. What does your internal guide want to do with this energy and opportunity? Self improvement, continued education, skill training will all be options, but trying them all will zap your energy and opportunity.

Stoner Capricorn let’s think of your smoke circle as a cannabis plant. You’ve grown your circle into a strong plant with many leaves, but only love can make it flower. A cannabis companion may need you this month. Not in physical presence, but in emotional support. Giving your whole self to your thriving plant will create the love necessary for full flowering. From seed to flower, you have what it takes to cultivate a budding companion.

Capricorn October 2018

Capricorn October 2018


Stoner Capricorn ….. You got this! While others are hunkering down for the cold weather of the fall season, you are still pushing to make the most of the shrinking days of sunlight. Trust in yourself stoner Capricorn. Trust you will have the juju to make it through even the most hazy weather. Enjoy the sacred herb when you can, there should be plenty of opportunity to do so. But be ready to grind hard when the smoke clouds clear.

Trust your instincts! You’re in the zone, and your positivity is sure to be passed around in your smoke circle. Your chakras are aligned and the stars have your back. Be confident in your assessments of what each situation requires of you. As long as you are willing to put in the work, you will continue to see positive returns on your investment. Just be sure to make time for those much needed meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Although you may feel like you are on cloud nine, it will take a little bit of herbal inspiration to keep those spirits high.

When it comes to the work sphere, stick to the plan stoner Capricorn. You have spent the summer months preparing for the down times, but in reality there is nothing slower about the fall season. All energy should be spent on solving anticipated problems, not dwelling on them. As long as you implement your efforts into creating solutions, you will be able to make it back to the intended path of prosperity.

While the best advice is to trust your gut response, be sure you give each situation thorough consideration. Confidence is key, stoner Capricorn, but arrogance could be your downfall when it comes to cannabis companions. Remember to stay humble, but keep that sticky green at the ready. It will help you stay grounded. It’s okay to keep our head in the clouds; it’s how we keep our dreams alive. But you will go further if you remain steadfast and focused on the journey ahead.

Capricorn September 2018

Capricorn September 2018


Stoner Capricorn this first month of fall is similar to clay, shape it as you see fit! However, be forewarned, cosmic support will come and go like waves crashing against a shoreline. To counter this cosmic conundrum, remember to trust your instincts. Use your head, but always listen to your gut. Be confident and trust yourself stoner Capricorn!

Confidence is key to positive outcomes this month. The world turns, the sun rises & falls, and tides ebb & flow. These things are given in our terrestrial reality. However, only you have the knowledge and power to bring the best of yourself forward. Meditative smoke sessions focused on trust and faith in yourself will aid you on this journey. Cannabis companions can help you see the best in you, but only you can manifest this perspective in your reality.

In the work sphere it is vital that you stay active. Keep pressing, but do not rush any aspect this month. A steady, thoughtful pace will see you through your days. Prior smoke sessions with the sacred herb in earlier months to gain perspective come into play now. The expansion of your work sphere, whether in pay or position is possible, but it must be carefully thought out and planned. It’s time to get those third eye daydreams down on paper!

September pledges more bright and exciting experiences in love, stoner Capricorn. Soak up the extra energy and positive vibes from the transitioning late summer sun. Press at work, but don’t press at love. Single Capricorns should strive to find enjoyment within their current relationship status. That could mean flirting to your heart’s content, or taking a moment to truly love and appreciate yourself. Those Capricorns with significant partners in chronic should commit themselves in service to family. Rewards from this will be bountiful, and no energy will be wasted. What a wonderful trade off if you ask me. Stay lifted stoner Capricorn … #Enjoy.

Capricorn August 2018

Stoner Capricorn the final summer month will require patience and a firm grasp of your limitations. Cosmic influences will be flip-flopped in August. This reversal of support might leave you upside down at times during the month. The sacred herb can be used to soothe and calm these moments of anxiety. In the end, this flip-flopped reversal of cosmic support could bring unexpected positive aspects to your personal sphere.

It will be better to become a fly on the wall at work this month stoner Capricorn. Knowledge and progress can be gained through observation. Apply a deep Indica strain to the situation. Viewing your work sphere from a contemplative perspective will provide the key to breakthroughs in future time periods. Perspective is the operating word here. By floating high above the work sphere you may see obstacles from a different vantage point. In the end, the practice of observation will help you work smarter not harder.

Adventures in love promise to be dynamic for single Capricorns in August. Humans will float in and out of your personal sphere like beautiful butterflies. Success with these fluttering and flirting new acquaintances only hinges on what lies within you my lovely stoner Capricorn. Be true to yourself and your inner voice. Everything will work out. Puff puff pass the stress, pressure, and expectations. Enjoy the moments dancing with these butterflies. Even if the song ends and your smoke circle runs dry, be sure to savor those moments of excitement. For stoner Capricorn’s lucky in love, the situation will be much more grounded. Toke time to recognize the ally-ship you enjoy in life. It is this companionship and foundation that will benefit you through emotional stability and advice. Share an herbal medible with your companion and enjoy the sparks of communication and fellowship that result.

Capricorn July 2018

Capricorn July 2018


Stoner Capricorn the second summer month is sure to bring positivity to your personal sphere. Cosmic support will bring you more in tune with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. All things are possible in July from smoke circle expansion to the excitement of love.

The Moon is usually against your sign in the cosmic grand scheme of things. However, in July there is a counter insurgency that will place the Moon in a positive position. The New Moon on the 13th of July will be a bright marker in the middle of the month. Meditative smoke sessions before the New Moon should focus on love and positivity; not only for others stoner Capricorn, but for yourself in particular. How can new friends and new loves find the best in you if you don’t see it yourself? Keep your sacred herb light and airy. A nice Sativa strain should do the job perfectly. Certainly avoid the potential lethargy of couch lock. This New Moon should bring in a period of new cannabis companions, new love, and a new passion for life.

The current cosmic configuration will also support altruistic endeavors. Volunteerism and charitable passion projects can be a door to meeting like-minded cannabis companions. There is an infectious positive mood that will come from a smoke circle focused on helping others. Puff-puff-pass the positivity stoner Capricorn.

The work sphere will not be affected by the positivity of the Moon’s counter position. But that’s ok. It’s important this month to focus on yourself in the workplace. How long has it been since you have truly assessed your economic options? Fly with the sacred herb and soar high above your position on the terrestrial plane. Seek ways to improve your skill within the workforce. This exercise will have positive impact for the future, whether it be continued education or learning a new job skill,. The most important action in the workplace for July is to avoid office politics. By focusing on yourself, you can leave the water cooler drama to others. With so much activity and positivity in your personal sphere, the gears of the economic grind should all function smoothly in July.

Capricorn June 2018

Capricorn June 2018


I’m not one to talk about fate and destiny stoner Capricorn. But we can all agree that there are moments in life that we arrive at a destination regardless of the decisions or actions we took along the path. The first summer month will require a bit of trust and faith in your path. Positive cosmic support is strong for the stoner Capricorn, but your impact on situations may be diminished.

Breathe, inhale, and let it be stoner Capricorn. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on your connection to the universe and trust in your path. June will be a month where you need to go with the flow. The flow of time and life is going to happen regardless of your ambitions and fears, so you might as well buckle in and enjoy the ride. Don’t push for a certain result or the opposite might unfold.

So what is left to do if you can’t push for your desired outcome? Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to find inner peace and relaxation. Try to tune into your universal support. The mile markers and sign posts will come to you from within instead of in the physical world. However, it’s the first month of summer. Get out and enjoy mother nature. Relaxation isn’t the same thing as complacency. A vigorous hike to a secret smoke spot, or a refreshing swim in a body of water can be soothing and good for the soul. And what could be better than going on these adventures with your cannabis companions? Focus on your instincts and guidance from your third eye during your meditative smoke sessions. Find the right moments for activity for the soul and reparative relaxation for your mind and body.

The old fable of the tortoise and the hare is a good analogy for the work sphere in June. Do not push yourself for maximum effort this month! Try as you might, you will end up at the finish line in the same amount of time as with an even pace. Avoid challenging coworkers, bosses, or employees this month. The job will get done the right way in due time. Dramatic situations will surely find you if you seek them through confrontation.

Capricorn May 2018

Capricorn May 2018


Stoner Capricorn you are entering a wonderful time period. May has all the promise of a blooming flower. The moon will take a prominent position of allyship for your sign. A wonderful turn of events from the usual planetary predicaments of the moon.. From the Full Moon of April 29th, to the Flower Moon of May 29th you will feel a warm cosmic breeze at your back.

Use the sacred herb as a catalyst this month stoner Capricorn. Find the adventure in life and self improvement. The unusual support from the moon will not be a lucky rabbit’s foot or a golden ticket. You can take advantage of this cosmic opportunity through positive effort and attention. Make sure your cannabis tool kit is filled with light and airy Sativa strains. Now is not the time for couch-lock contemplation, but instead active participation.

Opportunity is the key term for May. We create our own opportunities. You now have unexpected universal support for all of your desires and plans. But you must make a plan stoner Capricorn. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on what it is you truly want. Journal your deep thoughts or create a to-do list. NOW, take steps to forward your mission. Perhaps you want to forward your involvement in charity or politics. Maybe there is an outdoor or educational adventure you have passed on in the past. NOW is the time to set yourself up for internal success. Give it a try and get going.

On the personal front, drama can be expected within your smoke circle. It will be crucial for you to recognize this is not your responsibility. People and things will work out on their own without the need for your stressful involvement. Don’t get cornered to choose sides. Calm waters are the best to swim in; and you should be a vigorous swimmer in May stoner Capricorn.

Capricorn April 2018

Capricorn April 2018


Stoner Capricorn last month was quite active and impact-full for your sign.  There is a bit of a flip in the script for April. The larva that morphed into a social butterfly in March will now mature into a worker bee.  Energy and positivity will remain in place, but the focus and direction may change. April will not be a Kiss song stoner Capricorn. You may want to rock all night and party every day, but there will be other time periods for this possibility.  Now is the time to expend all that energy and confidence you nurtured in March toward a social angle, and apply it to your work sphere.

You can’t achieve your goals and dreams without first planning the design and pouring the foundation.  This is the time for the hard work and tough decisions. Keep the Indica species of the sacred herb locked up.  April will be the perfect month to meditate with the Sativa species. The energy and creativity you can cultivate from medicated smoke sessions will aid in your progress toward the manifestation of your dreams.  

Cosmic influences will reward the stoner Capricorn with a solitary focus and plan of action.  Early in the month take some time to meditate with the sacred herb. Planning and budgeting will be a crucial step at this point.  If you have several projects, ideas, or businesses that you would like to pursue, then this will be an important stage to select one to focus your efforts.  If your spread yourself too thin, your dreams may turn into a nightmare.

Decisions you make in April could have a large impact on future time periods.  Not only will a solitary focus be required, but also clear communication. Avoid cloudy situations.  No hot boxing in April stoner Capricorn! Miscommunication from thick smoke clouds could send you off course.

Your personal sphere may feel like you are spinning your wheels in April.  Just be clear with your communication, and enjoy the flow. Breathe, inhale, and let it be.  Do not fret or focus too much attention on the personal sphere. There will plenty of work to accomplish to keep you occupied.

Capricorn March 2018

Capricorn March 2018


Stoner Capricorn you must be ready to transform in March. Shed that larva like body and spread your beautiful wings. There will be many opportunities to float around like a social butterfly in March. Not every encounter will result in a lifelong cannabis companion, but each person has merit and something to contribute. Avoid a deep cloudy haze of overindulgence with the sacred herb. Keep your head and mood light. Each person in the smoke circle of life deserves an honest holistic interaction with you, and you will also benefit from being able to fully take in what each person has to offer.

March will be a month of action, but it is all up to you. Now is the time to execute that business idea you have. Stewart Smalley created a wonderful mantra, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me.” Repeating this mantra during your meditative smoke sessions will help you navigate the busy social scene you will encounter. Confidence and love stoner Capricorn, not just for yourself, but others. Developing your own business, no matter what stage you are in, relies heavily on confidence. You must trust and believe in yourself stoner Capricorn. March is the time to progress and build that entrepreneurial project. Perhaps this new network of cannabis companions will assist you in your efforts.

Whether you are a single stoner Capricorn, or in a committed relationship, there will be enhanced opportunities in March to relate and communicate with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Partners in chronic will add a welcome and fresh perspective. Cannabuddies will offer insight to solve problems and enhance sticky situations. Be confident in your judgement, but some obstacles will require a little help from your smoke circle. Puff puff pass the joint, and listen to your cannabis companion’s point.

Capricorn February 2018

Capricorn February 2018


Stoner Capricorn, you can expect to find yourself with a lot of free time on your hands this month, so it is recommended you keep your pipe clean and ready for takeoff when the moment calls. Some will need this extra help from our favorite, peace-provoking plant to ward off the restlessness that comes from having too much time and not enough on the “to-do” list. But, remember stoner Capricorn, free time does not simply mean time to waste. Since there will be little that is directly demanded of you this month, you will have ample opportunity for new and novel undertakings, or to meditate on the coming spring which will be a great contrast to the overall peace this February promises. Highly recommended, is to explore the wide and tasty world of cooking with cannabis. This would be the best of both worlds: an endeavor that will occupy your available hours, and a final, delicious product that will provide even more hours of ecstatic enjoyment.

With regards to work life, place your focus on the long game, stoner Capricorn. You might feel like it is too soon to plant and plan for the coming summer harvest, but warm weather and all it promises will be here before your know it. Don’t let yourself become complacent in your duties. You may not experience instant gratification or see the immediate rewards of your labors, but rest assured your hard work is not in vain. Now is the time to tidy up, or implement any finishing touches on projects that remain to be completed. It will be important to finalize these tasks from the past so you can give your full attention towards your future endeavors.

Whether you are single, Stoner Capricorn, or have a specific best-bosom-bud, you can expect to find new romance this month. The holiday of love, Valentine’s Day, will be a good reminder mid month of how fortunate we are to have a canna-companion—that special someone who is down to traverse the stars and join us on our journey through the cosmos. Your special someone is always there to help you to find your way back to the path, or to blaze new trails with you when you’re in uncharted territories. Remember to show your appreciation for this person. Sometimes we all need to hear out loud what we already know in our hearts to be true.

Capricorn January 2018

Capricorn January 2018


Stoner Capricorn 2018 will start with a slow steady burn. Inhale the positivity and exhale the negativity. January will be all about your personal journey, both in the work and personal sphere. Be prepared for touching deep emotions buried long ago. Your journey of personal growth and understanding may require digging up these buried issues to reach resolution.

There is no recommendation on a particular species of the sacred herb for January. However, you must find a quiet and comfortable place for medicated meditative smoke sessions. Take a deep dive within yourself. There is insight into yourself and your family waiting to be discovered. Through the sacred herb you can reach understanding and forgiveness for yourself and a family member. It’s all right there, just buried under the surface of anxiety, fear, and anger. Push through this superfluous layer of emotion, and you will be able to solve any longstanding familial issues. The emotional hard work now will pay off in future time periods.

Much like your personal emotional journey stoner Capricorn, your productivity will be all about your own effort. Coworkers and cannabis companions will not be in a position to support your efforts this month. Do not try to change this. Your success will fall solely on your shoulders. Take a diligent hands-on approach this month. The cosmos will support your efforts as long as you use a keen third eye toward details. This month a job well done is a job done alone. In the end you will find blessings from this strengthened attention to personal responsibility.

Speaking of personal responsibility! You must forgo all expectations of a cannabis companion coming to your rescue stoner Capricorn. Pack your own bowl on your travels and loosen your rules on bowl matching. Reliance on others may leave you dry on a cold wet night.

Capricorn December 2017

Capricorn December 2017


Stoner Capricorn be forewarned December will be a sensitive stage. This is not a warning of doom and gloom in the emotional sphere, but a warning to be prepared. Your inner voice will come forward to drive your conscious self in December.

The sacred herb helps us stay in tune with our inner voice. It connects us to the reality of our circumstance. The current planetary alignment will accentuate the power of the sacred herb. In moments of self reflection and meditation this may be a wonderful amplifier. However, with the cosmos stripping away your thick skin, it will be best to avoid medicated moments in public.

Stoner Capricorn, always daring to change the world on your own. The December time period will be no different, but universal influences require you to take a larger approach. You will find more success as a member of a team. This task in networking will take you out of your comfort zone, but the rewards will be more than worth it. As you open your arms to more cosmic astronauts, you may find cannabis companions in the most unlikely places. Not only will your altruistic network grow, but your smoke circle may grow as well.

The planetary alignment is a blessing and an opportunity. This is a great period to hash out unresolved issues among family members and cannabis companions. Toke about it with the source of the problem. When things are left unresolved, even the closest relationships can be awkward. December is a great time to heal the scabs of old wounds.

Finally stoner Capricorn, the most important words for you in December: Take great care of yourself. During sensitive periods it is so important to remember to love yourself. As your subconscious takes over for moments in December, be sure to take conscious moments to pamper yourself and appreciate who you are as a person.

Capricorn November 2017

Capricorn November 2017


Stoner Capricorn November will be quite productive! Be sure to document your progress for official evidence against the theory stoners are lazy. The key to November is understanding yourself and being comfortable with who you are. Your fellow cosmic astronauts will be more likely to enjoy your company if you first enjoy yourself.

There is no clear indication of love on the November horizon for the stoner Capricorn. Whether you are single or in a committed relationship, the lack of celestial sparks in November provides more opportunity to love yourself. Consider yoga as a meditative method to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is a great alignment tool that will help your inner voice guide your consciousness.

Self confidence is the focus this month stoner Capricorn because cosmic winds are guiding you into the human hive. The productive planetary alignment of November doesn’t affect work efficiency, more like social expansion. I have visions of wired avatars buzzing around you stoner Capricorn. The fate of cosmic influence will provide boundless opportunities on the terrestrial plane and in the digital realm. Now is the time to grow your smoke circle and increase your connection and influence with humanity! Blending your social skills online and on the terrestrial plane will be a wonderful dance all month long stoner Capricorn.

Have you noticed I did not recommend any specific meditative smoke sessions? Part of focusing on your inner voice this month will include an analysis of your relationship with the sacred herb. For some stoner Capricorns the sacred herb may be a catalyst to productive social interaction in November. For others, it may be time to put down the pipe and create a productive tolerance break. Whatever you decide it will enhance your opportunity to get out and mix it up with cannabis companions and even the most square cosmic astronauts.

Have fun stoner Capricorn. Take lots of pictures of your social adventures.

Capricorn October 2017

Capricorn October 2017


Stoner Capricorn the month of October will bring an unusual harvest of green gold. You have planted the seeds within yourself all year. You will now reap the rewards of the internal growth you have been seeking. When you know yourself the road in front of you becomes more clear.

In the sphere of work and business, the stoner Capricorn will see tremendous opportunity and fluidity. It may feel as if opportunities are pulling at you from all directions. Don’t try to travel down all roads stoner Capricorn. Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will reveal your path. Trust that you will choose the right path that is meant for you. You are capable and ready to increase your capacity of responsibility. Perhaps several decisive intersections will take you down an altruistic road. What are you most concerned or interested in stoner Capricorn? The world, your country, your city, and even your cannabis community can benefit from your attention and efforts. Volunteering or organizing altruistic or charitable endeavors can bring a bright glow to your inner soul. You have always had the desire to make a positive impact beyond your personal bubble. The October time period will offer opportunities to fulfill this internal desire.

There is a conflict with a cannabis companion that has been long rooted in your relationship. This conflict will grow to the surface early in October. As you have gained so much strength from your internal analysis this year, now you can turn your third eye toward the perspective of others. Toke about it first, then talk about it with your conflicted cannabis companion. Understanding their motives may help you see the conflict wasn’t planted where you thought it was.

Oh no! Did I place too much emphasis on your opportunities to change the world? Don’t worry stoner Capricorn, the planets will align in the final third of the month to offer your heart much needed excitement. Let your insecurities wash away. Trust yourself. Have fun.

Capricorn September 2017

Capricorn September 2017


Stoner Capricorn the September time period promises to be a bright, energetic, and complicated adventure. Celestial benefactors will bring a warm breeze of energy and charisma to the stoner Capricorn in the first fall month. This supportive condition will open doors and opportunities rarely available to the stoner Capricorn.

Early in September you will feel the support of the cosmos. Meditative smoke sessions should match this gift from the universe. Leave the Indica species of the sacred herb in the stash jar. Couch lock and deep meditative dives could derail celestial blessings in September. Light meditative smoke sessions with the Sativa species of the sacred herb will match the light airy warm breeze of the planetary support.

On the work front stoner Capricorn, do not expect magic and fortune. The energetic celestial support will aid in task mastery. Avoid large investments and impactful pivot points. Work may not be exciting this month stoner Capricorn, but you can get a lot done.

Get out the tissues! It is in the area of emotion where you will see the largest impact in the first fall time period. Long standing conflicts with cannabis companions and loved ones have the potential for resolution. However, this is where the celestial support and hard work will be required. Communication and participation in matters of conflict and the heart will lead you down the path of resolution. Remember stoner Capricorn, communication has two elements: Listening and Speaking. You will find these touchy old scabs can heal with effort and understanding.

Capricorn August 2017

Capricorn August 2017


Stoner Capricorn you may seem like a passenger in the month of August. Watching life unfold without universal blessings to impact your surroundings. This may be your fate, so it will be up to you to make the best of this situation. There is no strain or species of the sacred herb that is recommended or warned against. The one requirement is to use the sacred herb as a catalyst to understand the cosmic winds swirling around you while you hold stagnant in the calm center.

Breathe, inhale, and let it be stoner Capricorn. Meditative smoke sessions should focus more on internal strength than outward progress. Current universal struggles cannot be solved with proactive initiative. This is a time period to allow situations to develop and possibly allow problems to solve themselves. August is a great time to turn your third eye gaze inward towards yourself. What can you do to improve yourself? Your body, mind, and spirit need attention to maintain the quality of life you desire. Perhaps there are dietary changes you have been contemplating. Maybe now is the time to get back on that work out schedule. Yoga and stretching are wonderful tools to aid the body and spirit. Now is the time to find positive tasks to influence yourself stoner Capricorn.

Trust will be required in the August time period. Not trust in others, but trust in yourself and your own intuition. As you see the world unfold in front of you, all the clues and signs will be there to make the best decision for your life path. My vision implores you to go with the flow of the cosmos, but this does not mean to turn a blind eye at the situations developing. Understanding a problem sometimes can be all that is needed to solve it. Sometimes the deepest blessings in life come at you instead of from you.

Capricorn July 2017

Capricorn July 2017


Stoner Capricorn, paint the sky with your desires in the second summer month. The world is your canvas and you are limitless with your interpretive style. There will be many intersections and divergent paths for you to directly influence the painting of your life. Instead of meditative smoke sessions, let’s call them creative smoke outs with the sacred herb in the July time period. Tapping into your soul and allowing a portal of communication will be key to guiding your creative spirit. Or will your spirit guide your you?

Internal confidence is the key stoner Capricorn. Don’t get down on yourself. Smoke about it and forget about it. Creative smoke outs should inspire self worth and confidence. Don’t allow negative Nancy’s into the smoke circle, even if it’s you.

You may notice during the month an opportunity for mentorship. A young person needs your guidance. Advice and protection that comes from nobility and prudence are sure to help those in need. You have something to offer those coming behind you.

In the workplace stoner Capricorns should watch out! Appreciation and kharmic kismet are one thing, but sparks and entwined wavelengths are another. This situation will be there for you to decide, but logic and caution should always be wielded with these matters. I cannot see whether this vision is related, but the possibility for advancement is likely in July for the stoner Capricorn. Those stuck in the gears of the economic mechanism will find an interesting opportunity for advancement.

A yellow light is flashing at the intersection stoner Capricorn. Dark desires can be merely decadent for some, and destabilizing for others.




Stoner Capricorn the first month of the summer time period will bring you as much warmth from the universe as you put into it. Blaze one up and allow your inner love and kindness to flow freely in June. You alone are responsible for your emotions and image that you project onto the world and cannabis companions. Take charge in the month of June, and lead your fellow cosmic travellers down a path to blissful enlightenment.

Take time early in the month of June to meditate with the sacred herb. Focus your meditative smoke session on prosperity and confidence. The stars are shining down on you stoner Capricorn. Now is the time to turn that hobby into a business. Perhaps a cannabusiness is what you desire. The month of June is a great time to get started. Be mindful that in order to establish something you must lead with decisive confidence. Do not allow others to steer you astray.

The same theme of leadership and confidence should be applied to your personal life. Now is the time for comfort and clarity. There are many buds on the tree stoner Capricorn. June is a great time to assess cannabis companions and smoke circles to make sure the interests of the many align with your heart and ambition. It’s not egotistical or snobby to trim the dead leaves away from the healthy plant. The current cosmic winds are kind so whatever decision you make will work out for you. Do not allow negativity or emotional recklessness derail your positive vibe.




Stoner Capricorn, the final time period of Spring will require great strength. You will not be moving mountains, actually the opposite stoner Capricorn. Internal strength will be required to plot forward despite no universal support on your side. Picture yourself in the eye of a storm. Violent movement and action swirls around you, but in the eye of the storm you are left stagnant and frozen. Long Term planning and instinctual vision will be hampered in May. These words are not an omen of destruction stoner Capricorn, but simple a guide to understanding your position in May.

Early in the May time period, curl up with a nice deep purple kush Indica. Allow yourself entertainment time with the sacred herb to better understand your position in May. Movies like Cube, Life of Pi, and Snowpiercer would be perfect for this relaxing movie night. We may all be trapped at one point in life, but in the end everything will work out.

Don’t misunderstand stoner Capricorn; the cosmos has not cursed you in the May. There are plenty of actions you can take to combat this stagnant period to progress your agenda. The most important actions focus on the short term. At work and in life, tackle the problems and tasks that are right in front of you. Knocking immediate tasks off your to do list will help prepare you for when the storm returns to life.

Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb are best alone in May stoner Capricorn. Your cannabis companions will not understand the universal stagnation you’ve been dropped into. By focusing on yourself, and plotting forward with an immediate to do list, you will float through May with a better understanding of your surroundings. Just like that trippy movie, at the end of the time period the sunshine of summer and the warm breath of the cosmos will bring a new light to your life.




Stoner Capricorn, Mars and the Moon have aligned to bring you a satisfying and relaxing month of April. The easy flow of the universe will make simple problems and obstacles bounce off you with an ease you normally do not feel. Now is the time stoner Capricorn! You can break out that sweet Indica green your mom warned you about. A nice meditative session with couch lock can be a healing and recuperative state. Do not misinterpret my words stoner Capricorn; rest, recuperation, and an easy flow are not excuses for inaction or laziness.

Work must still be done in the April time period stoner Capricorn. But the cosmos has blessed you with a warm wind to help you with comfortable accomplishments. The key to the April time period is independent thought. During your meditative smoke sessions in April try to focus on what makes you unique, and how you approach situations & problems. Start the month with an intent towards organization. Uncluttering your mind will help your thoughts and decisions flow more freely. All of this will help as the universal flow will be calm and supportive.

“A friend with weed is a friend indeed.” Not always stoner Capricorn. Towards the end of the April time period, do not let the easy flow of the universe distract you from solid decision making and constructive analysis. New cannabis companions should be vetted with objectivity. Do not turn a blind third eye towards enthusiastic new acquaintances.

Capricorn March 2017

Capricorn March 2017


Stoner Capricorn, the universe has blessed you with celestial protectors in the March time period.  However, these protectors have a bargain for you:  You must experiment and walk a different path.  As spring approaches you have the ability to clean out your cluttered closets.  Mistakes of the past – forgive yourself and move on.  Adventures neglected – step out of your protective shell and give new experiences a go.  Pesky leeches sucking at your soul – flick them off and leave them behind.

Break free from the routine in March stoner Capricorn!  All aspects of life from morning rituals to the same route to work should be revisited.  New paths should be created and explored.  Cosmic forces have offered you an opportunity to expand your reach and connection with the universe, but you have to step out of your comfortable patterns.  Complaining and complacency must end in the March time period stoner Capricorn.

Find time alone early in the March time period to meditate with the sacred herb.  Focus on seeing yourself and your surroundings.  Make it your mission to try new things.  Something as simple as trying a new grocery store or taking a different route to work can have a large impact.  The longer you hold on to old patterns, mistakes, and even triumphs, the harder it is to move forward and create something new for yourself.  Bring a notebook to your meditative smoke session.  You will need every tool at your disposal to break free from old patterns.  

Take advantage of your planetary allies stoner Capricorn.  What develops from a concerted effort to create new patterns will amaze you.  New cannabis companions wait around every corner.  A new vibrancy can blossom with current cosmic travelers.  The same old sunset will wash away and a brand new horizon will unveil itself.  You can do it stoner Capricorn!  I believe in you.


Capricorn February 2017

Stoner Capricorn you have the mighty Mars warrior battling on your behalf in February.  With Mars as your cosmic champion, all things are possible in all fields of influence in February for the stoner Capricorn.  Hurray!

The sativa species of the sacred herb will be your go-to smoke session compatriot this February.  You will need energy and understanding throughout the month to take advantage of your opportunities.  Remember stoner Capricorn, Mars is your champion fighting off negative influences from the universe; it will be up to you to create success and accomplishment.  You must stay energized and be moving forward with progress in all facets of life.

Do you have the entrepreneurial bug stoner Capricorn?  February will be a great month to start that side project or startup business you have been thinking about.  All great things start with an idea and action.  That passionate hobby can become the next revenue stream that leads to financial prosperity.  Dreaming is wonderful stoner Capricorn, but taking action is what makes your dreams a reality.

Mars has your back during the February time period, even in matters of love and friendship.  The stoner Capricorn will become the bell of the ball in February.  Opportunities for friendship will knock at every step and around every corner during this time period.  Single stoner Capricorns will have more opportunity to connect with others.  However, this positive projection is not implicitly about romance.  February is a wonderful time to open yourself up to new cannabis companions.  You never know what friendship today will lead to romance in the future.

Capricorn January 2017

Stoner Capricorn 2017 will start with a challenging January time period, but it will not be the norm for the year.  The challenges of January will not deter you stoner Capricorn.  You are solid like a lone oak in a field.  Wind and rain may weigh heavy on your branches, but strength through years of growth will see you through this storm.

Clarity through introspection will be a key to the January time period for stoner Capricorns.  Direction and purpose will be obscured.  Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will be necessary to see the path where no lines can be found.  January challenges will come with a sudden sense of timing, and they will be obscured by cosmic clouds as they approach ever closer.  This is the time to grind up the cannabis strain that helps you see with your third eye.  Resist the urge to fall into a pity party and lose yourself in a coping trance.  Diligence and confidence through your internal beliefs and historical knowledge base will see you through.

The solid oak alone in the field relies on the close friends nearby.  Under the surface, your roots have a complex system of friends that keep you going.  Stoner Capricorn, it will be time to lean on only your close allies in January.  Only seek advice and smoke sessions with your closest cannabis companions.  Taking counsel from acquaintances and strangers will only make the path more obscure as you try to navigate through the challenges the universe will present.  By the end of the January time period, your roots will gain a more firm grasp on this Earth, and you will be ready for any cosmic storms of 2017.

Capricorn December 2016

Stoner Capricorn, the month of December can be a weird emotional period.  The cosmos have blown strange clouds in your direction.  This time period may cause you confusion as up may be down and down may be up.  Fear not stoner Capricorn, everything will work out just fine as you will be able to solve this directional puzzle with positive thinking and solid decision making.  Avoid any strains of the sacred herb that cause over thinking.  December is a great month to try that high CBD strain you have been thinking about.  The cosmic confusion and puzzles of December can be solved with common sense, not over thinking.

The life sphere surrounding business and work will present the most difficult puzzle for the stoner Capricorn in December.  A new job or position can be of great long-term benefit.  You are strong and worthwhile at your core; new positions and challenges are within your capabilities.  However, there is a strong warning I have seen in the strange clouds blowing through the stoner Capricorn sky:  Beware of the trojan horse presented as a gift.  In our economic machine, there is no such thing as free or easy money.  Accepting and investing in a trojan horse can lead to the destruction of your financial house.  See through the sales pitch and follow the path into the future.  The solid brick road may just be spray painted.

The stoner Capricorn’s personal life will be much less complex for the December time period.  Holiday cheer should be soaked up.  Celebrate your own personal positivity and good tidings.  Use the opportunity of the holiday season to take a break with family and cannabis companions.  Appreciate their spirit in your life, and give your love to them.

Capricorn November 2016

Stoner Capricorn the struggle is real.  The November time period will thrust you back into a challenging mode from negative cosmic cross winds.  Hold firm and resolute stoner Capricorn, you have been through worse storms.  You must draw on your experiences from the past.  Your previous internal shelters from the negative wind and rain will aid you greatly in overcoming this challenging time period.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst for action in November.  Falling victim to couch lock and self-pity is not a result of smoke sessions with the sacred herb, it is only a mindset you create.  Puff puff pass sativa this month to draw more energy for the universal battle at your door.

Stoner Capricorn, you are strong enough to overcome the challenges that will be presented In the sphere of work and business.  Competitive enemies from outside and from within cannot be disseminated during this storm.  However, using your team and resources will be the best way to fight through current challenges for future positive results.  Planning meetings and communication with your coworkers or crew will be essential to fighting off competitors and enemies beating at your door.

Stoner Capricorn, the November time period as it relates to cannabis companions, loved ones, and acquaintances is more complex than a simple storm peppering your roof.  New horizons will appear in November.  But as with any horizon, it is off in the distance.  Keep this in mind as you develop new relationships with potential cannabis companions.  A relationship must be cultivated and nurtured.  Relationships that are rushed won’t see the beauty of the horizon.

Capricorn October 2016

Stoner Capricorn, you will be protected from the brisk breeze of fall with excitement and energy.  Universal influences will send confusing messages and a mixed bag of problems in October, but you will sail on the cosmic seas with ease stoner Capricorn.  You have a green light with cannabis companions and full reign of any species or strain of the sacred herb at your combustible disposal in October.  But you will have two distinct themes in October.

Breathe and let it be at work stoner Capricorn.  You will need a calm attitude and patient tongue at the workplace in October.  Take notes, but avoid conflict and big decisions.  There will be time for a strong stand and bold execution in a future time period.  Your notes and insight will come in handy in future time periods, so do not mistake my interpretation as “checking out.”

October will bring significant events in your home life.  This is where most of your attention and energy should be placed stoner Capricorn.  You will face a swirling cosmic wind of activity.  There will be no major negative events, but minor problems to solve.  You will have significant events with loved ones and or cannabis companions, but unfortunately, you may not realize how significant in the moment.  Take chances and have fun with friends and loved ones in October stoner Capricorn.  This time, period will be all about solid decision making and positive experiences.  Don’t coop yourself up and hide away from the gloomy fall.  Put yourself out there with your fellow planetary space travellers, you might just remember an event for the rest of your life.

Capricorn September 2016

Stoner Capricorn, there are warning signs on the road:  “Danger – Catch 22 Ahead.”  Circular logic, catch 22, chasing your tail, these are all cliches that represent the traps I see laid in front of the stoner Capricorn in the September time period.  This warning is not particularly dangerous, but care and attention must be given to stay on a positive progressive life path.

Put down the indica strain for September, and find yourself some energetic sativa.  Energy will be at lower levels in September stoner Capricorn.  You must fight complacency and stagnation.  Energetic trips with cannabis companions and organized meditative sessions with the sacred herb will keep you on target.

How do you avoid chasing your tail?  Attention and diligence are required from you stoner Capricorn, especially regarding your decision making in September.  In both work and play, you must pay attention and make logical decisions.  If you run a business then critical questions require answering before impactful decisions are made.  If you are a corporate warrior then make sure you are driving in a known direction because time mismanagement could take you noticeably off the road.

These warnings hold true for your personal life as well.  Take the time to care and love your family and close friends.  Contemplating memories and enjoying past experiences will help you make decisions and lead your loved ones to new positive adventures.

Capricorn August 2016

Stoner Capricorn!  Your determination and positive attitude set you in a class of your own.  This year has not been easy, but you have survived negative influences and dark clouds to be born again into the wash of sunlight in August.  You are being rewarded this month stoner Capricorn.  Relax and embrace the fruit of your energy.

Reading the machinations of the cosmos is hard enough.  Actually living in this world of vibes, emotions, stellar clouds, and lunar influences are the hardest work of all.  August will bring a calm chill moment in the swirling storm of the universe for the stoner Capricorn.  This calm chill period should be recognized just as much as those dark cloudy periods you traveled through earlier in the year.  Embrace the hot summer month with confidence.  Allow the sacred herb and cannabis companions into your life without fear that they will get in the way of your determined life goals.  There is no one cannabis strain to recommend this month stoner Capricorn.  Embrace all that goes along with floating on a still mountain lake on a summer morning.

Warning, you can disturb this calm chill mountain lake.  Don’t get too cocky.  In this calm chill period, you must participate in life and not lead it.  Loved ones and cannabis companions are not coming from the same centered cosmic place as you are in August.  Take care of yourself and recharge your life cycle batteries, but don’t push people to your whims.  I leave you with the immortal words of the great poet and philosopher Biggie Smalls, “Relax and take notes.  While I take tokes on the marijuana smoke.”  Take time to be a chill being stoner Capricorn.

Capricorn July 2016

Namaste, stoner Capricorn.  If you choose the path of least resistance this July you will find yourself in a beautiful yet, intriguing frame of mind.  This does not mean you should be lax or indecisive as you are the master of your own universe and must continue forward.  It simply means go with the flow don’t force things and all should prevail nicely.  Keep your favorite hybrid around this month and utilize for deep meditation sessions.

As with any meditation or yoga practice, one must find your breath.  In all areas of your life this month Cap, you must breathe into them to keep them healthy.  By finding your breath you will revitalize your work and your home life.  In your working world, it is best to stay working.  Cover for your co-workers when they need a break and take the extra time to establish the good strong relationships you need as you move up the ladder.  If you are already at the top of the ladder now is time to show compassion and be flexible, not demanding and expectant.

You personally need that nice long, medicated yoga session in for yourself stoner, Capricorn.  This month you must put yourself first.  Self-care is not selfishness.  If the energies of the cosmos are making you feel high strung grab your life partner and get outdoors for some exercise.  If you have burnt the candle at both ends maybe you need to relax at home on your porch.  Either way take time for yourself and your special someone this July with a nice medible and watch the beautiful sunset.  Being in nature now will kindle many positive vibes  that last all summer long.

Capricorn June 2016

Stoner Capricorn the month of June is a unique period for you.  The universe is taking a break on influencing your life and emotions in any meaningful way.  I have no news of cosmic good luck or warnings about cosmic headwinds.  However, as you travel to the dark side of the moon, please heed these words:  The cosmos only influences the journey, you determine the path.

When I look deep into the cosmic vacuum of June for the stoner Capricorn, I see a beautiful pond.  Without water flowing into and out of the pond, the water will become stagnant.  This stagnation will lead to algae and scum growth sucking the oxygen out of the pond.  However, if you tend to your pond and circulate the water it will maintain its life and beauty.  The sacred herb can help you see your pond stoner Capricorn.  Meditative sessions with the sacred herb are encouraged in June, especially when the focus is on the maintenance required to keep oxygen flowing into your pond.

Without the influences of the cosmos in matters of the heart, your love life with cannabis companions and family may seem boring at times.  The month of June is a great time to focus on yourself stoner Capricorn.  Think of your family and cannabis companions as fish in your pond.  You must take the time to tend to your pond to keep the oxygen levels right.  The healthier you are then the more your family and cannabis companions will thrive around you.

Capricorn May 2016

Stoner Capricorn, are you familiar with the multiverse?  Scientific theories state that our universe is merely one of an infinite number of universes all connected and yet completely separate.  This theory implies that you have experienced every kind of human ambition and experience that is known to us because there are infinite versions of this world and yourself.  Early in the month of May, it would be wise to place yourself in a creative space with your favorite and most creative strain of the sacred herb.  Use this session to contemplate all the different versions of yourself that have walked Earth in another universe.

The cosmos is going to bring rain instead of flowers for you in May stoner Capricorn.  But it will rain positive creative drops from the universe.  Now more than ever, you should step outside of yourself and find creative methods of thinking and decision making.  The period of May will reward you with bold and creative action.  If you are an entrepreneur then this might mean bold action in marketing, a new branch of products, or changing processes and systems.  Only you will know.  If you are a nut or bolt in the corporate machine, understand that you are powerful and your creativity can reach beyond your position and station.  Don’t be afraid to speak up and present your ideas.

Please stoner Capricorn, take this meditation of creativity and universal understanding to heart regarding your loved ones.  There may be an infinite number of pasts and presents, but you only have yourself here and now.  Cherish your loved ones and cannabis companions, and you will reap the blessings of this world.

Capricorn April 2016

Stoner Capricorn, the month of April begins an expansive period for your personal growth.  You made it through the rough winter, and you have basked in the glow of cosmic fortune.  You are now entering a period where the lessons of the past will benefit your current and future self.  The sacred herb can help you on this journey.  Meditative smoke sessions should be focused on internal self-confidence and belief.

The word “expansion” keeps coming to mind when I think of the cosmic gift presented to you in April stoner Capricorn.  This word can apply to so many things for you this month.  Expansion of the way you perceive yourself in the universe.  You are a powerful being.  This could be the first step towards influencing the environment around you more positively than you have ever contemplated.  Expansion of your business or job.  Now is the time to invest in yourself or your business.  Now is the time to vocalize your ideas and demonstrate leadership.  Perhaps a meditative session with an edible will help you visualize the expansion I am telling you about.  At the core, I am speaking about the expansion of how you see and love yourself.

Test yourself in April.  Be decisive and bold.  Stand behind your opinions and research.  Lead your cannabis companions and lovers.  Now is the time to break out of your shell and spread your beautiful wings.

Capricorn March 2016

Capricorn stoner, you have come a long way.  You have traveled through the scorching pain of the hot cosmic valleys and risen with much elation to the peaks of positive cosmic influences.  March may just wrap up your past year all in one month!  Life is all about perspective Capricorn stoner.  Dramatic situations can always be worse and better at the same time.  In march, life will become all about how you manage the dramatic events that have the potential of overwhelming you.  You know yourself better than anyone.  You must use the sacred herb as a tool in your life at this point.  Selection of the appropriate time and strength of indulgences will be key to riding the emotional waves of March.

Perspective and patience in the work place are vital in March.  The drama will find you, but you are in control of how you react and influence emotional events.  Keep a keen eye on your emotions when dealing with conflict.  Sometimes letting something sit to approach or tackle in the future is the best option versus meeting something head on with emotions of the moment.
Warning:  Don’t get swept up with your cannabis companions in March.  Keeping an even temperament with emotions is crucial to diffuse negative dramatic events, but this same philosophy must be employed to keep you from leaping into situations you might later regret.  Well, regret is a harsh term I don’t like to use, but we must keep a responsible head when our emotions want to take us into the clouds.

Capricorn February 2016

Stoner Capricorn, February brings an amazing opportunity.  The planets have aligned in such a way that the Stoner Capricorn will face no negative influences in February.  The only requirement to take advantage of this cosmic blessing is positive thinking and meditation.

Come with me stoner Capricorn as we imagine your place in the universe in February.  You are on a sailboat.  Behind you is the swirling black clouds of negative emanations from 2015.  You can see the beautiful white lightning strikes of your efforts to push through the storm with positivity.  Now here you rest gently in calm waters.  There is no warm cosmic wind to push you forward, nor a cosmic headwind to fight against.  In front of you is the horizon, a blank canvas that you can paint any image you want.

The sacred herb will take you to magical places in February stoner Capricorn.  Look out onto the horizon.  Where do you want to go?  Who do you want to spend time with?  Meditation and a positive attitude will allow you to paint and plan a wonderful vision of March.  The calm seas will only last for so long, stoner Capricorn, you have to take advantage of the soothing properties of the sacred herb and meditation in February.  Action will come in March.
The only challenge in February will come from your own mind stoner Capricorn.  Some may see lack of motion as stagnation.  Fighting the calm seas will get you nowhere.  Chill, you deserve a break from battle.  February is an opportunity to recharge your batteries and heal your soul.

Capricorn January 2016

Capricorn stoner, January will be a time for deep space travel.  You will lose contact with the cosmic winds that usually swing you from one planetary emotion to another.  You are going to travel to the dark side of the moon in January, and all cosmic communications will be lost.  You will withstand this dark period with the sacred herb as your guide and me as your faithful cannabis companion.

Do not read this horoscope as an ominous fortune.  Stoner Capricorn, you have an amazing opportunity in front of you.  When the seas are calm and the cosmic winds dissipate, you have a tremendous opportunity to travel deep inside yourself.  January will be the perfect time to focus on you, and your inner self.  Powerful sacred herbal edibles and a quiet house will combine to be your space vehicle as you travel to the depth of your own psyche on a mission of discovery and growth.  Grab your writing journal.  Every space adventure needs a mission log.

Be forewarned.  Do not try to accomplish larger goals within your work and personal life in January.  The harder you try to push forward the more risk you take for negative reactions.  Capricorn stoner, you must let go of the fight in January.  Everything will be just fine with a light hand of management.

End of transmission:  God’s speed

Capricorn December 2015

Stoner Capricorn, life has not been easy has it?  I thank you for continuing to read the Stoner Horoscope even though I keep giving you the bad news from the cosmos.  All of the hard work you have put in these past few months are finally starting to pay off.  All of those tough moments and obstacles you have endured can start to be cleared from your mental inventory.  December is a positive time for you stoner Capricorn!  Celebrate with the finest of green goodness, the stickiest of the kind, and the most enlightening of the sacred herb.  December is a period of wildly productive creativity and positive social impacts.

All of the tools you used to battle the searing cosmic wind the past few months will now propel you forward in this time of universal harmony.  Business and work may seem easy at times this month.  The stars have placed no obstacles in your way.  However, this period of low resistance may actually create your undoing.  Even though I envision a positive time for you, stoner Capricorn, you must not forget where you have come from.  All of those battles in the past few months will serve you well if you keep the fighting spirit.  Simple communication and attention will solve all of your problems, but laziness will bring back old foes.

Smoke a bowl and meditate on your inner self.  You are a beautiful person.  It’s time to bring your inner butterfly into the daylight.  This period of cosmic peace will allow you to put your imprint on your friends and family.  You have the power to bring happiness to others just by being you.

Capricorn November 2015

Stoner Ram this November you need to show your true self to the world.  You have a tendency to wear your less positive traits as a shell to protect yourself.  Unfortunately this month being detached, gloomy and self-centered will do you every injustice.  Call upon your sincere, self-controlled, ambitious and faithfully determined self to protect you.  Your honesty and integrity lie on the line.  Be true to yourself, follow your intuition and you will find that you make it out of November better than you first thought.  

The trials of the Winter Solstice will be varying degrees of frustrating for you in both your finance and personal life.  The golden rule is one you must apply to both areas.  Your friends need you.  Your co-workers need you.  Management needs you.  You need you.  Take care of you first:  Spend quality time meditating with the sacred herb.  This self introspection will allow you to also give to the others in your life that need your help during your own personal trials.  Everything you do now to help others will come back to you.  Karma is never a  bitch when you are doing the right thing.

What you need to remember when dealing with your many personal dilemmas this month:  You will not be alone so do not be afraid to ask for help.  Listen to others this month but act of your own accord and you will see why this is all happening soon.  Do not overindulge in anything.  Lastly be sure to lean on the sacred herb when making your decisions.  Stoner Capricorn you can get through this and you will find December to be much more rewarding.  

Capricorn October 2015

Stoner Capricorn, I am going to keep your October horoscope brief this month.  The skies surrounding the stoner Capricorn for October are cloudy and the direct point of action is ambiguous.  I do not want to confuse your emotions of direction with random guesses and hyperbole.

The sacred herb should not be used to cope in October stoner Capricorn.  Avoid any Indica that will tune the world out.  Stick to the Sativa strains for more impact on energy and concentration.

October is all about the two E‘s and two C‘s.

Energy & Effort:  With cloudy skies blocking the vision of what’s in front of you for October, you will need energy and effort to combat or take advantage of any sudden solar winds in your direction.  You must take care and attention in your workplace or business in October with Energy and Effort.

Care & Consideration:  I cannot tell you about any impending triumphs or pitfalls coming in October.  To combat the ambiguity, you must take Care and Consideration with your loved ones.  Keep your eyes and heart vigilant to spot the needs of people around you.
When you are driving through foggy weather, you must be vigilant and cautious.  Good luck stoner Capricorn.  I will continue to look out for you daily.

Capricorn September 2015

Capricorn stoner, negative solar headwinds will continue to obstruct your pursuit of happiness in September.  Last month was a tough month because of previous decisions and actions that you had made.  Problems came at you like glass shards from a broken pipe.  The source of September’s negativity is not your fault.  The fault is in the stars my smoking goat, and there is nothing you can do about it, especially blame yourself.

Unfortunately, “negative solar headwinds” paints a warm and light picture for your September journey.  September will be more like walking through a field of landmines.  You cannot do anything to avoid this field, and you must walk through it.  This will be a bleak and challenging time for the stoner Capricorn.  There is one defensive weapon that you possess that will help you make it through the celestial land mines of September, strength.

You can make it through this month unscathed by harnessing all of your strength.  The sacred herb will be like a shield for the Capricorn.  Prepare yourself with spiritual meditation.  All of your strength will be required to take the hits from the land mines.  Strength in emotions, physical stamina, and mental acuity must be built up and harnessed to make it through September.

I don’t like delivering these warnings to you stoner Capricorn.  Challenging periods like this will help you appreciate the periods of free flowing positivity.  Be strong my fellow cannabis companion.  

Capricorn August 2015

Stoner Capricorn, the cosmos has sent you a complicated puzzle in August.  Unfortunately this puzzle is not a blessing, but instead a culmination of previous frustrations and past anxieties.  You will be presented with puzzle pieces in August that you must solve to move forward.  Each one has its true position within your world sphere and relationships.  The sacred herb must be utilized to meditate and solve these conundrums, not to avoid and deflect responsibility.

The puzzle of August has more to do with your personal life than work or business.  Because your energy and concentration will be focused on solving this complex problem in your head, you need to grind and power through your work life.  August is not the month to take chances or stand out of line in the workplace.

With proper meditation and contemplation, you will see the cosmic puzzle laid out in front of you.  The key to understanding the purpose and universal structure of the puzzle is to know that it’s all within you.  You have created problems and complications in the past that will reveal themselves in August.  Stoner Capricorn, you have put these problems on layaway in the past.  The universe is calling your debt due.  The sacred herb should be utilized with precision in August.  Absolutely do not lean on smoke sessions for coping.  You must utilize the sacred herb to travel within yourself for better understanding.  This will  be one heavy trip for you my friend.

Capricorn July 2015

Stoner Capricorn you are a powerful being!  Let’s look at July like a long distance race.  You are strong and you can win the race, but only at a steady pace throughout the month.  All challenges and problems can be solved with a steady stride and consistent perseverance.  Puff, puff, pass the joint.  Feel the energy of the sacred herb and the fellowship of your cannabis companions.  Go with the flow and July will be your month of enjoyment and happiness.

In your workplace or business, the message of a steady pace is very important.  Do not try to do too much or take on a large project that is unrealistic to complete.  Avoid confrontations with co-workers who are out to sabotage your success.  Run your business or your job like that race we discussed with a steady pace.  A good pace allows you to see the details around you and solve problems with a cool hand.

In matters of the heart a steady pace throughout the month will allow you to shrug off any anxieties that you feel in relationships, and it will help you avoid running too fast into a situation that could hurt you.  Relax and meditate, you got this.  Feel confident that July will bring exceptional moments, but only when you avoid jumping into conflict and apply reasonable expectations on your situation.

Capricorn June 2015

Capricorn stoner, June brings a different aspect than any other month of the year.  Freedom, choice, flexibility, strength, and imagination are words that come to me when I contemplate your June circumstances.  The effects of decisions you make in June will be up to you.  Outside influences will be held at bay.  Imagine you are in a canoe by yourself.  You choose the direction you desire.  You can guide yourself to a beautiful place in nature, but be careful because you could steer towards rapids as well.  Sit back, light up the peace pipe, and just go with the flow Capricorn stoner.

June is a great month to take charge of yourself and see things in a new light.  You can take advantage of opportunities in June by being organized.  When advancement or leading a new project comes your way at work, have the confidence in yourself to take on the challenge and see it through.  You are in control in June.  Positivity and results will only come from your efforts.

The same is true with matters of the heart.  Stay close to your cannabis companions.  Your increased positive attitude and flexibility could really help a loved one out in June.  Just remember that the cosmos has gifted you extra freedom in June, the same may not be true of others.  Empathize and analyze before jumping out of your canoe and into someone else’s.

Capricorn May 2015

Oh Capricorn stoner, the month of May will bring confusion.  Your battle to survive in the gears of the societal machine will seem overwhelming at times this month.  You should take heed in May and plan for the struggle that awaits.  Trust yourself, and know that all projects, decisions, and tasks will eventually come to their own end with hard work and attention to detail.  The timing of the end of these items may not be as crucial as the work itself.

Stoner Capricorn, May can bring frustration or it can bring enlightenment of self examination.  You must continue to work hard on the current projects in your life, whether they are at work or at home.  However, your deadlines need to be adjusted.  The universal forces pounding down on you will prevent culmination in May.  At times your life force will feel zapped.

Thus the conundrum of May is exposed for you stoner Capricorn.  You must be able to balance studious efforts to stay on task, but yet take time for yourself to explore within.  To start the month of May you should get organized.  Stay away from the Indica strains of the sacred herb in this time as the Sativa will bring energy and insight into your tasks.  You should put off some task deadlines to give yourself more room to breathe.

Do not leave town on any important family or business trips in May.  You should put off travel while immersed in this confusing time.  Once you have your tasks and projects organized, you have to set some time aside to explore within yourself.  So many important revelations and answers will come from this that will aid in the completion of your projects in the future. The Indica strains of the sacred herb will be a tool to your inner searching, but only after you get organized and allow yourself time for yourself.

Capricorn April 2015

Capricorn stoner, April is a month of positivity.  The flow of life will be like a smooth reggae song a wash in beat and harmony.  Perhaps the Sublime song, What I Got could be your mantra for the month.

Just because the stars have lined up for you in April does not mean you won’t need to be active in your destiny for the month.  Bursts of positive energy must be utilized to enhance your life and work.  Be confident Capricorn stoner.  Leadership and decision making will be key ingredients to accepting the gift from the stars.  With work and strategy the Sativa species of the sacred herb should be your choice for April to help guide the positive energy flowing through you.

Drama is pushed to the side in your personal life for April.  Enjoy the time with loved ones.  Enemies and negativity are far from your gates this month.  You should seek the comfort of your relationships to give you space for relaxation and inner focus.  When you reach that space away from work and the vibrating energy April will bring, don’t be afraid to mix in the Indica species of the sacred herb to instigate spiritual awakenings.

Don’t forget to smile stoner Capricorn, life is wonderful in these moments.

Capricorn March 2015

Life is confusing for everyone stoner Capricorn, it’s not just you.  March will bring complex times that could ruin your trip if you focus too hard on the details.  You are headed into a month where positive vibes will flow through you like a warm wind, but that doesn’t mean everything will go your way.  Maintain your head.  Don’t get paranoid.  Over thinking your relationships and conflicts in March could lead you down a negative spiral that will bring a chill to that warm wind you are meant to feel.

Stoner Capricorn artists and entrepreneurs should use March to get organized and blaze one up by yourself.  Working by yourself can be wonderful and fruitful, and it avoids any potential negative conflicts with others.  You have made it to this station in life based on your decisions, and you should feel confident in March to expand and build upon that base.

The potential conflict in March will come from your interaction with others.  They may not feel your vibe, and crush your groove.  Just when you think everyone is on board with the progressive thoughts of the sacred herb, you may run into the other side of the spectrum that wants to diminish you and your use of marijuana.  Do not fight with anger.  Protect yourself and your feelings with peace and understanding.

Capricorn February 2015

Stoner Capricorn you must be ready for February.  Negative forces will be strong in February, but not destructive.  Keep your head out of the clouds and grounded on your day-to-day activities and relationships.  Without your focused attention, the negative forces of February could give you a bad trip.  The sacred herb can keep you calm and steady as you navigate your way through February, but avoid the complacency of heavier indica strains.
The negative forces battling against the stoner Capricorn in February will affect both relationships and finances.  This factor presents you with the duality of needing a calm and steady mood for your feelings, and the need for attentive care with your money.  You can do it stoner Capricorn!  February is a month to avoid jumping into anything adventurous or make any permanent decisions regarding your financial plan.  This is the month to hold on to what you have, and protect your investments.
Stoner Capricorns with a life partner should look to lean on them for support and understanding.  Negativity affecting your mood can easily be turned into a wonderful moment by paying attention and allowing your partner to take the lead. Spark one up with your lover and enjoy their company.
For those stoner Capricorns flying solo in the universe, you must be guarded with your emotions like your money in February.  Do not put yourself in couch lock mode and hide away from the world.  You must battle this negativity with action.  This is a great month to engage your friends and seek outdoor activities.  Grab your favorite papers and go for a hike.  The enemy in February is not at your door, it is within you, and you have the power to overcome.

Capricorn January 2015

January brings an interesting month for the Capricorn stoner.  Luck and patience are the keys to January for you.  Make sure you have a nice Indica strain available this month.  Because despite the great feelings of empowerment and positivity that will come in January, contemplation and patience will be the key to unwinding obstacles that have blocked you previously.

Leave the pipe at home this month when you go to work.  Your skill in the workplace will shine through in January.  Others around you will make mistakes, but your attention to detail will help you rise above them.  You may have to be hard on your coworkers for costly errors; stoner stereotypes will hinder your authority if you allow them to creep in at work.

People surrounding you in your personal life will try to give power to the paranoia of your high.  Do not let them deter you.  Trust yourself and the decisions you have made.  This obstacle may affect the luck that is on your side in January.  Stoner, you cannot focus on what luck may bring to your life.  You have to be contemplative and patient.  This will allow the positivity January brings to be your benefit.

This is a great month to chill out and give your life deep thoughts.  Listen to Bob Marley and allow the herb to reveal yourself to you.