Stoner Aries it’s always a fine idea to puff, puff, pass. But, if you’re honest with yourself, you may have been passing on necessary tasks a little too much lately. Now the pressure is building from across the circle to accomplish the polite pass. Obstacles and problems put off in past periods will come to a head in May. While is safe to say your current situation is self-inflicted, don’t beat yourself up too much. Now you must be more selective when it comes to whether a particular circumstance suggests you light one up and mellow out, or requires you to put down the pipe and get down to the grind. It would be too much to say the month will be marred by confrontation, instead you should expect your calendar to be filled with conflict resolution.
This month the level of your achievements will be straight fire as you catch up for past transgressions, and burn through those lingering obstacles. Amidst all the movement, remember to keep your chill stoner Aries. Some obstacles will be leaped over with a single bound, others may require additional elbow grease, and more imaginative problem solving. No matter the amount of effort, or size of the obstacle, May will be the month to advance past these pesky problems; and plant the seeds for future progress. This is a great period to work with a new coalition of cannabis collaborators. Rely upon your fellow gardeners of the earth, and work to grow something long lasting and beautiful.
Regardless of external forces, considerable contemplation must be paid to the social sphere. Perhaps it’s time to take your relationship to the next level. This may mean many things:
– An acquaintance becomes a friend.
– A friend becomes a confidant.
– A romantic interest becomes your one and only cannabis companion.
Be gentle and be deliberate. Do not rush or force growth where it does not occur organically. Look inward stoner Aries! Invoke the intuitive third eye through meditations with the sacred herb. Trust that with proper contemplation and herbal consultation, you will realize what path you must travel. Be confident in the final destination stoner Aries! You may very well come to the conclusion to say ‘Let’s do this.’ It is also possible you decide to part ways with that special sensimilla someone. Handle the business you need to handle, and you will have more time to wander towards what it is you want.