Aquarius Stoner Horoscope May

Aquarius Stoner Horoscope May

They say April showers bring May flowers. And you can be certain this month, stoner Aquarius, will be full of all kinds of flowers!  The kind that smell good, the kind you smoke, and the kind that smell good when you smoke them!

While other signs are trying to feel their way through the lingering cosmic clouds this Spring, you will get to light up and breathe easy throughout the rest of the season. Stoner Aquarius, you have the Sun to thank for the warming days, but this month, it is the celestial alignment that ensures this May will be a chronically good one.

Stoner Aquarius, since you will be the one whose spirit feels light and shines bright, it will be up to you to serve as a gleaming guide to your fellow terrestrial cannanauts. Your positivity will be a beacon of calm to all your road weary cannabis companions.  Allow your shining aura to show them the way to a more peaceful destination. And if any of your cannabis companions do fall behind, they will always find their way back by following the scent of that sweet sinsemilla.

You don’t have to wait for summer to hit the trails my wandering Water Bearer. If the sun is shining, you should be out exploring!  Grab your travel piece, some grade-A ganja, and take your stoney sessions back to your favorite outdoors smoke spots.

The Full Moon happens on the 16th this month. It will be a great night to get together with all your partners-in-chronic to celebrate the Lunar Eclipse. You don’t have to go wild stoner Aquarius, just toke the time to light up, look to the sky, and let everyone’s troubles float away with the smoke.

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