Well Stoner Taurus, if nothing else were to go your way this month, at least most of you have birthdays to celebrate! Luckily for you, that is not the case! It seems, you have a lot to be optimistic about during May. Energies will be riding high and your overall physical and mental health will be in fantastic shape. This will be a great time for you to do some self reflection and growth. You may need to do some work on balancing those chakras.
This month you should really try to see the weed jar half full, as you will experience many more successes than disappointments. During the first ten day period, it may feel as if you are standing still and your life is changing drastically around you. Try to get your thoughts in order before acting. You might be able to find serenity with meditation. You can decide to stay stuck in your own conservative ways, or you can jump on board the train to progression and reap the benefits. If any problems do arise, just take them on one at a time. Be efficient and fair; do not waste precious time and mental energy over thinking your decisions. After the 20th, you can expect an increase of incoming finances. Don’t forget to spark one up from time to time to treat yourself for all the great work you’ve been doing.
While your cash flow and career are flowing smoothly, you may find difficulty maintaining relationships to those close to you and you may have to put forth a little extra effort. Be forewarned: around the second ten day period a deep rooted problem may come bubbling to the surface that requires your immediate attention. Whether it is a question of commitment with your significant other or an issue that has been left alone with a close friend, do not avoid it. Be honest and sincere, and whatever you do, do not find yourself caught in a lie. The truth has a way of always rearing it’s ugly head. Have the confidence to stand behind your decisions, and know that the outcome at the end of the month is, it is truly up to you!