My dearest stoner Scorpio, this October you must challenge your daily mantra. What is it now? Has it gotten you where you need to be? Are you happy with life? How we talk to ourselves is more important than any action we take. What we think about, we bring about. Whether positive or negative our thoughts are what controls us and our environment. Take some time at the very first of this month to meditate with our sacred herb. A new, better, more motivating, more loving mantra will come to you. Use this new mantra daily. Use it when you are aggravated or anxious or angry. It will change your world, one moment at a time.
With that being said, your month will be a bit lagging. If you heeded the advice of the cosmos last month you will be coming off a feeling of accomplishment. Do not, under any circumstances, allow yourself to fall into a downward spiral just because you’re a bit bored and fed up with work. Take the down time to prepare for far busier times ahead. Keep a bit of indica in a sneak a toke and use the creative influence to fuel your logical mind with fun new ways to organize. This in itself will help you feel accomplished especially when the workload hits the fan near the end of October.
In matters of the heart my cannabis companion, you will float along nicely. Do try to avoid conflicts at this time. Your ego does not need to be fed by being right. Allow others to find their own paths even if you know your way is best. They will come to that decision all on their own. Your circle of friends will be wanting to see you a bit more so go out there and have a bit of fun while you are less busy. Then come home with or to your lover and remind them why you’re the most passionate in the zodiac.