March will be a bag of nugs for you this month stoner Scorp. You may find a few seeds nestled in the bottom of that baggy but, you’ll make the most of it. Over all March will feel like a warm hug from the universe. Take this month to make your platform. Then jump off and soar into the spring months.
This month you will find the most positive affirmations coming in from your work. As the old saying goes “March comes in like a Lion and out like a Lamb” and right around the 10th your vision will be clear and business will be on a new level of high. Your initiative is noticed and is the foundation you are about to jump off of! Continue to analyze, organize and set things into motion until around the 20th. Use your time wisely at the end of the month and strategize to get the bigger things done and out of the way before April. Do not overexert your efforts. You’ll be so buzzed about work you won’t need much to keep you going. Maybe keep a little sativa in the dugout, but I bet you barely need it at work this month!
If there are any seeds in your bag of goodies this month they will be in the sack of love. Be attentive to the moods that surround you in your personal relationships this month. Take heed to use what mother nature infused you with: Charm, empathy and intuition will play a big role in keeping the calm around you. It won’t hurt to keep a bit of hybrid available too. Be the leader you were born to be by not allowing problematic situations turn to full blown arguments. A small word of advice if you’re in a relationship: Do not antagonize your partner.
Other than that my fellow smoking Scorp, enjoy your self this month! You deserve it!