Stoner Leo, March is a month of transition for you. As moods and seasons try to break away from winter and find the renewed energy of spring, the stoner Leo is stuck in a state of flux in March. Boring can be celebrated! There is no push and pull between positive and negative energy in March for the stoner Leo. You have an open path to pave your way and create your own possibilities in March.
With your work and personal life on cruise control, March might be the perfect time to seek answers and adventure from within. This is the time to take that mental trip you have always desired, or sink into the couch with your favorite video game guilt free. An edible concoction of the sacred herb can make a nice catalyst for the mental adventure you desire. Even though March is humdrum without action and conflict from the stars, you cannot pass up the opportunity to work on yourself as protection from future negative forces or build the plan for future positive emanations.
Don’t let a lack of a catalyst from the stars encourage complacency in March. Choose your own adventure stoner Leo!