Being the sign of scales in our beautiful zodiac, balance is always a stoner Libra’s goal. For September of 2016 find a perfectly balanced strain of sacred herb to help you feel your way through any moments of doubt. This month the cosmos will be testing your ability to stay emotionally stable. Do not let your past dictate your future successes my dear cannabis companion!
It seems that the direction of your work will be challenging, to say the least. Here is where you really need to focus. It may seem as if problems are cropping up everywhere and that insanity is slowly creeping in. Do not try to douse out all the fires at once. Hit your vape and figure out a few of the problems you can most assuredly handle. Then delegate the rest. By doing this you will show great strength and save great emotional efforts. All while eliminating problems that have existed for months. Truly you will put on a great show for management or better yet, your competition.
For you my stoner Libra, all things love, will be the simple. Everything in your personal relationships should go very smoothly this month. K.I.S.S. each probable obstacle and you will forget it as soon as you’ve crossed its path. Find time to do some soul searching with the sacred herb in your down time. Allow it to open up your senses to a new form of art and expression; you will feel more revitalized and uplifted because of it. Be strong, stay kind and enjoy September Libra!