While the month may not unfold in the precise ways you have planned, stoner Aquarius, your days will still be filled with plenty of excitement. You may feel that you are left to your own devices and that the universe is overlooking you. But, you will be able to accomplish and overcome any of the problems that pop up. You may have to reach out to your smoking buddies to get the help you need in order to burn through these issues. And, know that they will be more than glad to help you finish that bowl. Once you all have tackled your toking duties, let the conversation flow. Even if it feels like you are being isolated, you are not alone. Use the wisdom offered by your partners in chronic and you will be amazed at how simple the solution turns out to be.
In past months you may have felt that you weren’t accomplishing your tasks at work with full force. Aquarius, you will be able to see things through at 100% as long as you are willing to ask for assistance. Don’t let your pride be the reason why you do not meet with full success. You may be surprised by your peers, both with their competence in the workplace and their competence when it comes to cannabis. Using the buddy system when doing work will leave all parties involved more energies to enjoy that beautiful bud off the clock. The best advice in order to keep grinding at work is to keep the herb ground and ready to roll at home.
Although you may feel that you are supposed to go at it alone, pay attention to what’s going on with those around you. Just like the workplace, relationships at home can be easily overlooked if we do not listen to what’s happening to others. But, if we are willing to invest the time to help others, you will see all the payoffs. Each person will be able to have the others’ back, and then you will just have to figure out who’s bringing the green.