Stoner Sagittarius, in order to capture the bigger picture you will need to pay additional attention to the little things. Instead of sailing high with a sweet sativa, keep grounded by sticking with the indicas this July. It’s okay to relax, and in fact, it will be much needed with the fluctuating time you are sure to encounter. Picking the indica over sativa will allow you to get in that R&R while keeping the brain fresh and alert. It is understood that you will not accomplish EVERYthing you may want to get done. This does not mean that you will get nothing done. By prioritizing your to-dos you will be able to allow the energies that you need to complete those you have deemed the most important.
Do not underestimate the small things Sagittarius. Even when something appears to be insignificant, especially when it seems insignificant, these are the issues that you should be giving extra attention. If you are able to organize your tasks in the workplace, your success in these tasks will definitely be noticed. Yes, this period will require you to give that extra effort, but if you and your peers will be very glad about the results. Even though you may feel like you are playing catch up you will still have the energy reserves to help your colleagues with special projects.
It will be important to not rush when working with issues on the homefront. If you have a special someone then it may seem like everything’s falling apart. But this is all a matter perspective. You can expect many changes and new approaches to old relations. Give yourself the time to adjust to everything new. Make time to pack a bowl and maybe share it with those closest to you. Everyone seems to have some sort of flux going on; embracing the ganja will allow all parties space and time to adjust. When life is giving you lemons, give it a pass and maybe grab some Lemon Haze. Enjoying some herbal refreshments will reenergize and keep your focus to keep tackling all that needs to be done.