Taurus Stoner Horoscope October

Taurus Stoner Horoscope October

Stoner Taurus the past few months you have been flying high, and moving at what seemed like warp speed.  And as a result, you’ve had almost no time to process recent events, and experiences.  This likely means you are starting off the Fall with one serious case of the feels.  But, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  The new season brings with it the opportunity for growth and new perspective, as long as you’re willing to embrace it.

You can light one up, and let it all go stoner Taurus.  Or, you can fire up the sacred sensimilla, take a deep breath, and dive deep into what’s beneath the surface.  The first option might sound like the simple and clear choice.  But, although the second may at first seem daunting, and take longer, it will produce lasting results, and your spirits lifted higher in the long run.  

Stoner Taurus you can expect any unresolved emotions to flow over into the workplace; so it will be important early in the month to do whatever you need to get your groove back.  You don’t want to burn any bridges with your coworkers because of misplaced tension. Unsavory interactions can be easily avoided by remembering one mantra stoner Taurus:  Use your words.  Especially since the root of the issue may not be work related at all.  In order to keep the positivity flowing on the clock, you will need to make sure you are putting in work at home.  Although spending time, and sharing bowls, with the canna fam might not feel like work, those smokey conversation filled nights can lead to the insights needed to help you rediscover your center so when Monday comes you’ll be ready to grind.

At least when it comes to your closest relationships stoner Taurus, you’ll be smokin’ easy in October.  Whatever the day brings, you can breathe easy knowing that you have some good greens, and your best buds waiting for you when you get home.  Between the highs and lows, you can always count on your friends to be there; ready to light up the herb, and lighten the mood.  By the end of the month the haze will clear, and you’ll be back on cloud nine.  Then once again, you’ll be the one ready to pack a bowl for the friend who needs their spirits lifted.

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