Stoner Virgo October brings influential and impactful influence from the universe. As the seed transforms into the flowering bud, there are many crucial actions and moments along the path. The second Fall month is a potentially transformative period with long-term impacts for the stoner Virgin.
Stoner Virgo a grand harvest always starts with a seed. You can’t consume ripe big buds without the first phase of the process. Any grand project works in a similar way. Every worthwhile endeavor starts with the seed of an idea. In the same respect, those big beautiful buds will not grow without care and attention. No idea grows into a grand event without follow-up effort and work. Combust the sacred herb stoner Virgo to flush out the seeds of inspiration. Then use the sacred herb as a catalyst to develop and nurture your grand plan. Universal influence in October supports the nurtured growth of positive ideas, and all the work surrounding them. Follow your inspiration, and build the foundation for big buds of success.
Many of the seeds of brilliance come from sacred instinct inside of you stoner Virgo. In October, do not resist your instinct. Your herbally enhanced third eye is wide open. Feed it the green goodness it needs, and follow your cosmic vision. This recipe of internal confidence will affect more than just your business efforts. In October this sacred path will lead to the seeds of romance as well. Whether you are partnered-up, or single roaming the terrestrial plain, positive results will come from trusting your third eye instincts. No deep meditative dives with the sacred herb are required, but a steady diet of herbal enhancement will assist your romantic mission.
Stoner Virgo all spheres of life could be intertwined in the second Fall month. Business, romantic, and even the physical health of your cosmic space suit all fall under the same sacred prescription. And in many ways they could all feed the progression of each other. Follow your instincts! There are many medical benefits to the essence of the sacred herb. Perhaps your third eye knowledge will take you on a new path of natural health directives. Physical fitness of your cosmic space suit is paramount to a healthy terrestrial existence. But each astronaut has a unique regiment of exercise that works best for them.
Stoner Virgo this is your prescription for October: Embrace the grind, consume the green, plant seeds of inspiration, trust yourself, and celebrate with the canna-fam. Plant, nurture, harvest.