Stoner Pisces, you may not have complete mastery over the chaos or events that may come your way. You do, however, have 100% control over how you respond to any and all surprises. This month, you may benefit from a little extra herbal inspiration. It may be beneficial to whip out the grinder, break down that sacred plant and take a toke when you have the chance. Maybe you enjoy a bit of cannabis concentrate to help you contemplate what direction will take you the farthest. Using these preparations will allow you to grind hard when the current circumstances require. And, be sure, your path forward will certainly require much effort from you. The upside is that if you decide to pursue these goals, you will have every tool needed for success.
Pisces, this “go get ‘em” attitude will be noticeable within all fields of your life. Just be cautioned that you do not rush by important to-dos in your race to the finish line. It could be recommended to stick to some sticky Indica. Its mellow tendencies might help you to oddly stay focused: whereas as a Sativa strain might cause your mind to race ahead of yourself.
The least demanding facet during November you can expect to be your homelife. While other areas will require your input and efforts, at home you will be able to just be yourself. Your lover, if you have one, will require nothing more from you other than to smoke a bowl and chill. Even if work or other areas seem to be a little rougher going, you will have peace and solace in the safe space of your home.