This month is K.E.E. for you, stoner Cancer: K for Karma, E for education and E for execution. July 2016 is a month that you will need to have great faith in yourself. Believe in yourself no matter how many falls may come to you. If you have lived an honest and forthcoming past, this month will only propel you further. Whereas if you have led a life of deceit you will see a reckoning by the end of July.
Be a low “K.E.E.” employee this month. Especially inside the office walls. Do not go over-the-top on your projects. Be ruthlessly consistent and extremely observant at all times. Do this and you should navigate yourself through July with few problems. Having good self-esteem will be a plus as you may have a few hits to the ego coming your way via the cosmos. Do not let them get you down. You are and have been on the right track for some time now. Unless of course, you have not been living your truth. Karma will come and set things right this month. Ergo, it may be best to leave the pipe at home, for now, my stoner Crab. You have many educational lessons to partake in; it is best to be on top of your game.
Many of the cosmos inflicted lessons you learn this month can be put to practical use in your personal life. July brings great satisfaction and new facets in the emotional sphere. If a change is something you are craving: Execute the lessons you’ve learned and take a hold of a new way of thinking. This new thought process will inevitably bring new and interesting persons into your life for love & friendship. Though you may not have a lot of time off this month, do make time to pass the sacred herb with your newly found cannabis companions and cement the new relationships like hempcrete. They are here for the long run.