Stoner Gemini, July will bring many challenging situations. Fear not. You will tackle one, and then puff, puff, pass on to the next, each one barely slowing you down before you overcome it. This is not to say that this month’s occurrences will be a walk in the park, but you are determined now. Your energy levels will drastically increase although they may not be focused on what they “should” be. Use meditation and exercise to clear any of that head fog that may be lingering, and you should be able to see things from a new perspective, allowing you to come to new solutions you may not have thought of before.
You will likely experience a shift in energies that will drastically increase your livelihood. While most people associate the summer with rest and relaxation, it seems that you will only want to go go go. But remember, there can be no play without at least a little bit of work.
The working sphere for Geminis will prove to be the most difficult aspect of July. Whether it’s the pull back from you, or others plotting against you, you will have some work “enemies” to watch out for. Be up front with coworkers and colleagues, and address anything that feels off before it has the chance to evolve into anything larger. Compromise and understanding from both parties will be essential. Unfortunately, that is not always possible, however, it will still be very important for some kind of plan of action to be put into effect, even if it is only temporary.
Be rational, not emotional. It is nearly impossible to think clearly when emotions are running high. Keep that sneak-a-toke on standby and take a quick smoke break to calm your nerves when needed. This applies to work and personal relationships, although a blow out with your friends is much less likely to happen.