Stoner Aquarius the final Spring month is upon us. This means more sun, and more hours to get things done. You will have no problem filling up your calendar with adventure and tasks. But if you feel like the to-do list is too much to handle, please remember this mantra for May: Stay calm, and smoke on. Be confident, you will be in no short supply of grit and energy to get the job done. In fact, you will likely be working on more than one task at a time. While there are circumstances when it is better to tackle obstacles one after the other, May is the period for setting high goals, and putting forth maximum grind. Multitasking will be crucial in order to unleash your greatest potential.
While you are unleashing your mind and body conquering conflicts, and creating lasting results, do not neglect the spirit stoner Aquarius. In between spurts of success, take time to pause, pack a bowl, and ponder the future change you would like to see. Contemplative meditation with the sacred herb will be a must during this arduous journey. Exercising the brain and refueling the soul will be crucial to help envision the magic you wish to manifest. Keep the sacred stash jar loaded, and your closest partners-in-chronic on speedial. Working hard will be the secret sauce in this month’s recipe for success, but you will not get much accomplished if you are weary and worn down.
When it comes to the work sphere, any and all positive changes will be possible. Toke time to contemplate the change you would like to see by invoking the help of herbal inspirations. Remain focused on desired outcomes. Like the other aspects of your life, the universe, and everything, work will be one wild and rewarding ride. Keep the momentum flowin’ and those bowls a glowin’ stoner Aquarius.
Be forewarned stoner Aquarius: Do not use a sledgehammer when a gentle nudge is all that is needed. Brute force will not work in May. Remain fluid, and use your adaptive skills to work your way through tenuous circumstances. While strength can be an asset, skillful direction of perspective and perseverance will produce stronger results. As long as the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted, every investment will blossom, and will be a part of the perennial process of progress.