Quick! Stoner Cancer, prepare yourself! Puff puff pass on the stress early in the month. Pressure of the economic grind will weigh you down early in January. The weight will not be crushing, but the potential to frazzle your nerves will be high. Seek the calming nature of the sacred herb to soothe the nerves, and see through the stress as a momentary blip within the grand cosmic design.
Once you make it through the rough start, the stress from the workplace will be counterbalanced with personal enlightenment. Whoa dude, lots of heavy notes in this cannabis vision. All of these things correlate to each-other. Think of the pressure packed beginning to the month like gears loosening within the cosmic machine. These same types of gears will loosen for you personally also. So the cosmic influence that creates pressure and stress in one factor of life, could also cause enlightenment and progress in another. Contemplate that over a joint!
If you need a bottom line to the cosmic confusion, it would be this: Whether you are ready or not, you will be traveling a great distance in January. Both positives and negatives come from such a heady excursion. Remember you are not on this terrestrial plane alone. Cannabis companions are there to give you comfort and fellowship. Over a shared bowl you might find they are dealing with their own chaotic cosmic moments as well. With cannabis communion, we are stronger together.
Stoner Cancer the beginning of the year will be a fluid situation. You may feel different vibes from the universe, depending on what gear has been loosened in life. Approach the period with flexibility in your sacred strain selection. I would recommend keeping a cannabis tool kit of sorts to deal with the roller coaster of emotions. Sativa strains for those breakthrough manic moments when you are ready to take on ambitious tasks. Indica strains for those moments when you need to take a break to view the pressure packed moments from an alternate perspective. Perhaps a high CBD strain to recover from the weight of pressure, or the flight of ambition. With contemplative thought applied to your sacred herbal assistant, you should travel through all situations safely. Godspeed stoner Cancer.