Taurus Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Taurus Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Stoner Taurus before you share the love, you must first turn your focus inward. Early in the month, give the necessary attention to align the Chakras, and awaken the third eye. This initial spiritual investment will have significant returns lasting throughout the remainder of the month. A crucial factor for the success this period will be confidence. Steer clear of sacred herbal strains that may assist paranoia. These will only perpetuate self doubt, and needless second guessing. Remember, regardless of how bumpy the ride gets, you got this stoner Taurus. Day to day situations and obstacles will be overcome with simple attentive stewardship. Stay on the grind, and when the going gets tough – light one up. Spring is a time to spark up your flower, and stop to smell the roses. Before you know it, summer will be upon us, and you’ll soon be burning bowls with your best buds at your favorite smoke spots!

Stay alert stoner Taurus! New smoke buddies and cannabis companions are highly likely in March. The first month of spring will provide sprouts that will soon become budding relationships. But, do not rely on new smoke circle acquaintances with material concerns. You should always be open and honest, but also selective with whom you share your inner insights. Don’t rush the growth of a new sprout! In time, new buds might become some of your most trusted cannabis confidants. Sometimes it is just a matter of time, so stay steady on a slow burn.

Keep the lines of communications clear and open this month. Strength in your values will be crucial for important matters; but you must also allow new information to change your perspective. Take time for solo smoke sessions during the month. These solo efforts will help keep you grounded, and ready to pivot if needed. Core values are important to help our roots grow deep and strong, but there is also wisdom in knowing when it is time to uproot ourselves, and sow new seeds.

Be forewarned stoner Taurus: Avoid grand or risky endeavors on the terrestrial plane in March. Don’t rush! Hasty errors will lead to more time fixing issues. Again, with your third eye open to detail, all work related tasks will be accomplished successfully. This is even more true for the home-life. As long as you stay attentive to the task at hand, you will inspire those around you to reach greater highs.

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