Stoner Taurus the new year is bringing you many new situations. You need to look at the big picture to see clearly what actions you’ll need to take to stay on track. Lean on the sacred herb in times when you need quiet contemplation. You will need quiet contemplation this month! Be sure to make time for this and allow for each emotion to be felt throughout your meditation to properly gauge how to portray yourself this month in all roles you play.
The hardest impact you will face this month is in your smoking circle. There is nothing you can do to prepare for the blind side hit you will face as it is a very important lesson. You are steadfast in recovery so do not allow yourself to wallow in the despair you’ll certainly encounter. Find solace in the fact that what remains of your group of friends after this will be closer than ever and you’ll be bonded in a realm that has always been just out of reach. As for love: Don’t be bullheaded. Allow petty disagreements to slide and spend some quality time embracing each other.
Allow the positivity of your business life to radiate through you all month long. You may not be bringing in the big bucks this month but you are on the proper path. Do not question the path you’ve chosen simply allow yourself to flow down its path. Do dot your i’s, cross your t’s, be mindful of your co-workers and keep a decisive way about you and things will be great. You will find you need your pipe less at work. Save that green for the home scene where you will need it most! It’s all about yin and yang this month Stoner Taurus and you can and will come out on top.