Stoner Taurus, you of all people know better than anyone your likes, goals, and aspirations. The advice this April will be no different from previous months: it will always be best to stick to your roots, as they are well established and run deep. It may be best to stick with those sticky indicas. Or, avoid sativas in general, as they can cause the mind to wander too far from your current and successful path.
Do not fret, tokin’ Taurus. If you feel like work has become suddenly very routine, this is nothing to worry about because your efforts continue to produce successful results. Now, if you notice a decrease in your productivity, then by all means try a new approach. And if you do feel bored, find new ways of challenging yourself. Whether it’s taking on new tasks and responsibilities in the workplace, or finally hiking to that new smoke spot your co-worker has been raving about…it’s up to you to keep things fresh. Especially since work will not drain any significant amount of your energies, you will have plenty motivation left to smoke good once your work is finished.
Stick close to and stand by your most inner circle Taurus. You are likely to encounter more than one new face who wants their bad vibes to become yours. Remember, you have too much to do and so many loved ones who you already know want to share a smile and help you to smoke away those ill wills. So don’t get caught following others down their dreary paths. Blaze one up and be your own trail blazer. You ignite a spark in those nearest to you. Invite them to tag along. Together you will be headed towards better days and good vibes. Stay strong and smoke on stoner Taurus.