Scorpio Stoner Horoscope February

Scorpio Stoner Horoscope February

You’re not the only one stoner Scorpio, who is susceptible to the drain and droll of the dreariness of winter.  Looking back, simply surviving January was quite an achievement. However, this struggle has likely left you with the feeling that your outcomes have not been proportional to your efforts.  Even though your plans do not always manifest in the ways you imagine, and at times it can feel like everything is going wrong, the only antidote is to stay strong and toke on. It is recommended you stick to the Sativa side of of the sensimilla spectrum.  When you’re feeling a little low, its energizing and inspiring properties can be just the pick-me-up needed to get back to a higher level of productivity.  

Selfcare is not just an emerging trend stoner Scorpio; for you, this month, it will be absolutely necessary to your success and ability to stay on the grind.  This does not mean spend all day ‘resting’ on the couch. Extended couch-lock is to be explicitly avoided! The focus of smoke sessions this month should be to clear the mind and rejuvenate the spirits. Toke time early and often in the beginning of February for meditative smoke sessions and medicating moments.  Then continue with frequent consistency throughout the remainder of the month. The goal during this period is long term well being, stoner Scorpio, not momentary gratification. While the weather is far from stellar, sunnier days will be here soon enough. You want to be well rested and centered for when the days are longer; otherwise you will be ill prepared to embark upon all the endo-excursions Spring has in store.  

Overall, your monetary assets are not a big concern.  It is your spiritual finances you should keep a close eye on.  My spirited Scorpion, I have just the mantra to help you through this uncertainty:  “I’m worth it!” Unfortunately, you are not the only stoner sign who is feeling less than 100.  Those nearest you may be experiencing the same struggles, and simply not showing it. With limited energy available during these times, remember, YOU are the best investment you can make!  Only once you have found your own inner balance will you be able to help those who could benefit from a kind hand or open ear. It’s been said: A friend with the weed, is a friend indeed. Sometimes, just knowing there is someone who is down to ride with you, high or low, is all that’s needed to get you through to the otherside.

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