Do you feel IT stoner Scorpio? IT being the building positivity that 2016 is bringing to you. The bling that you are emitting is brighter than any perc in a new water pipe. This first month of the year is a tell tale sign of what to expect for the next 12 months.
Work is where you will shine the brightest this month. You are a trusted individual and one who knows how to get things done. Because of these traits you will find yourself amidst an array of money making deals. Your decision will need to be a quick one so you must trust your intuition. Do not take on more than you can handle. Be confident that you will see an upswing in the color of green. More green in your pocket equals more green in your pipe!
On the home front you may be a bit unavailable due to your work. Be sure to be attentive when you are spending time with your loved ones. Being busy does not leave room for being emotionally absent. If you’re attached make sure you spend some quality time on conversation. Pack up the vape and have a real heart to heart. It will leave you both happier and more content. If you’re single don’t go out of the way to start anything quite yet as you are very busy and may not be able to give someone all that is needed in a fresh relationship. If you choose to start one keep it light as not to disappoint your potential new love.