Scorpio this month is the month to show the world what you are made of. It’s advisable to keep a clear head. You’re going to need all pistons firing so steer clear of Indica and delve into the Sativa for a change of pace. You may possibly need to lay down the pipe all together this month as you will be faced with opposition that you must face on your own. Those decisions of your past will play a big part in the outcome of this and all obstacles you face this January. If you stay focused all should turn out even keel and leave you with a more solid sense of direction.
January will bring a mixed bag of interpersonal relationship highs and lows. Drama in your love life will set you off kilter if you do not approach it with care. You must be on-point, not just in your dealings with matters of the heart, also with those you communicate with regularly. Absolutely watch your back in the second part of the month. Those green eyed monsters are just lurking around waiting for the right moment to grab your stash and point the blame. In both your work and finance be prepared to take on the responsibilities of everyone around you. You must learn to delegate properly as you will be responsible for the whole of things. Do not bite off more butter laden medibles than you can chew. Strong and thoughtful decision making will help you pull ahead.
All in all, surround yourself with positive friends, family and those who adore your softer side towards the end of the month. They will inspire you to tackle each challenge head on and remind you that there are no problems only situations.