Scorpio August 2017

Scorpio August 2017

Stoner Scorpio, you may already find yourself feeling a little more spacey than usual. Since you will need little help feeling an altered state of mind, it may be wise to avoid the more cerebral sativas this month. Your best bet may be to find a nice earthy indica, great in flavor, but that will help to keep you grounded during uncertain times. You should not fear this uncertainty, however, as this period in your life does not explicitly contain changes for the worse. It simply means that you should prepare yourself for things to look and feel differently. If you are able to find and hold onto your center, you will be better equipped to embrace all that is new, and find the upside in everything.

One area you are sure to find peace is in the workplace. While peaceful doesn’t necessarily mean slow or uneventful, it is in your work that you will find your groove. Although you may find yourself this month with more questions than answers, be confident that the projects you accomplish this month will be long lasting. Keep your goals in plain view, that is, try to keep separate your herbal/homelife and tasks required for your job. By leaving the pipe at home, you will be able to maintain a clear focus on the finish line, which will give you an advantage over your competitors.

The home front, Stoner Scorpio, will feel no less abrasive, at least at first. But, remember, that ultimately, you control the outcome. There shouldn’t be any direct conflicts with those near to you. However, behind the scenes, there may be disagreements that are not immediately noticed. These may be as simple as deciding what kind of pizza toppings to order, or more substantially where the family will vacation this year. Instead of ill-will, first try to pass the pipe, or a calming cannabis cigarette. All parties involved mean well, but may have trouble hearing input from others. As long as everyone is able to keep their mind and ears open, unnecessary arguments should be easily avoided.

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