Stoner Sagittarius the final Spring month will be full of frosty nugs and toasted buds. However, without the right herbally enhanced third eye vision, friends and foes, obstacles and triumphs, could all be cloaked like a blurry mirage. June is destined to start out on the right foot. Toke time for a celebratory smoke session early in the month. Soak up the satisfaction and self esteem boost of a mission accomplished. Feel good about who you are, and how you got here.
Banking this confidence boost will be necessary as you travel throughout the month. Setbacks and possible subtle losses to competitors in, and outside of the smoke circle, could shake your resolve. But is it real stoner Sag? Or merely the cruel perception of insecurities? This is the key to soaking up and banking accomplishments early in the month. It will be imperative to maintain your drive in the midst of perceived set-backs as June unfolds. A confident forward stride may be the very thing that gets you back on top. However, if you let a little set back derail your positive momentum, all that winning equity will be lost.
Stoner Sag, this herbally enhanced third eye vision will be required when dealing with potential suitors, and cannabis companions. Burn, inhale, and breathe my fierce Archer. Positivity and negativity implied through communication may all just be in your head. Toke time to feed your head, before losing it. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to see through potential mirages of perception to seek truth before action or reaction.
Just like good bud, important projects and decisions in June will take time. Each step in the process should be done with care so that the outcome is of a higher quality. Remember stoner Sag, quality of outcome is the goal, not expediency. You will be tempted to take short cuts, and sacrifice quality within the decision making process in June. Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb on these temptations. Often the time and care put into the process, directly relates to the quality of the outcome. Enjoy good buds, and make good decisions.