Stoner Sag, this coming October you will find yourself settling into a very pleasant groove. And, although there will be occasions that seem like they might turn your groove into a funk, no one will actually be able to affect your zen. Just remember that you are the master of your own destiny. The month will be a good time to reflect upon what makes you happy. Although the skies may get a little cloudy, you will be always able to rise above. Keep in mind that this may mean that you will need to enlist a little herbal assistance to maintain your mellow moods, but odds are you won’t mind creating these particular kinds of clouds.
In case you are feeling that your peace might turn instead to boredom, search out the unknown. It could be as simple as trying that new strain you’ve heard so much about, or that extra chocolatey special kind of recipe. Whatever you choose to do, doing it will not disappoint. Maybe you rope your friends into rollin’ that 7 gram joint you’ve never had the chance to smoke. Although the opportunity for exploration is limitless, it’s not a requirement that your undertaking have to be smoking related. It might be enough to start a new hobby or pick up a new show to watch. Trust yourself Sagittarius, and you’ll have no problem pursuing your curiosity.
If you do experience any trials and tribulations this month, it will likely arise in the home and family circles. But try to proceed with caution. One party might hear something that they don’t appreciate or perceive as aggression. However, confusion does not mean conflict has to be the end result. Take the time to talk it out, or smoke it out. This might be the remedy for rudeness that allows everyone involved to keep their cool.