Stoner Pisces this September you may find yourself asking the age old question: Should I stay, or should I go? You’ve spent most of the summer with your head in the clouds, floating lazily and aimlessly along wherever the cosmic currents would take you. Now, as we transition to cooler days, you might find yourself faced with a difficult conundrum. Should you embark on one more endo-excursion before the Fall chill sets in, or postpone your chronic-inspired chronicles, and get back to the daily grind. Before you make your final decision, toke time with the sacred herb, and bring your center back to ground level stoner Pisces. Use a medicated meditative solo smoke session early in the month to reflect on where you’ve been, and look forward to where you want to go. If you pause, puff, and plan, you may realize you can do both stoner Pisces. Both lift your spirits with one more outdoor adventure, and still get everything done on your to-do list!
Stoner Pisces in the work sphere, sincerity will be the secret ingredient to cooking up success this month. There is no room for a “fake it ‘til you make it” attitude if you really want to get the job done. If you are not fully on board with a particular project, enlist the help from coworkers who can keep the ball rolling, and see the task done to completion. While sometimes it’s nice to fly solo, often it’s more enjoyable to pack a bowl for two. The same applies to the more daunting obstacles at work. You may be able to burn through the tough stuff on your own, but it will be much easier with a little help from your peers.
Stoner Pisces, sharing the load will come into play with matters of the heart as well. Share because you truly care, not because you feel like you have to. Whether it is your extra-special stash, or simply your time, you don’t have to invite every stoner Zodiac to be a part of your inner smoke circle. Being the ever caring stoner Fish, it may feel strange to pass on the company of fellow tokin’ terrestrials, but remember being selective is not the same as being stingy. You will know you are with the right people, your people, by finding those who are attracted to the light you emit, not by the endo you are lighting up.