Stoner Pisces the easy-going summer continues from June into July. Let’s look at this protracted cosmic influence as a celestial lubricant allowing the stoner Pisces to slide into whatever adventure they want to manifest. Positive cosmic winds support a sort of choose-your-own-adventure in the second summer month.
Soak up the sun stoner Pisces! Solar rays will bring a kick of energy, like you’ve installed solar panels on your head. This solar kick will be the catalyst to achievement, determination, and creativity required to forge your own path. However, be forewarned stoner Pisces: Too much time soaking up those solar rays will leave your cosmic space suit depleted. Care and attention must be paid on internal requirements as well as terrestrial adventures. Do it all! Get out and enjoy smokey adventures under the summer sun, and then kick back with a nap. Play hard with cannabis companions and rest well. Wash, rinse, repeat.
During this all-you-can-eat adventure buffet of July, be forewarned: Anything you want does not include close interpersonal relationships. If your energy starts to overwhelm cannabis companions, tone it down, and think it out. Puff puff pass on demands of others. Thoughtful self control will come in handy. The energetic boost in July could give you solar super powers. Use them for good stoner Pisces. At work, you could become the MVP of the team. Within your smoke circle you could become the partner-in-chronic everybody relies on.
Within the work sphere, opportunity for advancement will present itself this month. However, this month’s largest opportunity in the work sphere comes from within. An honest assessment of your occupation could lead to positive change in the future. Toke time for a solo smoke session to contemplate how your work fits into your desired life path. Change may not come directly from this meditative exercise, but this important task could be the first step toward positive change in future periods. Puff puff plot the path.