Stoner Pisces the fresh start of the New Year will bring a multitude of new endeavors. The universe will send to you what seems like an unending stream of positivity. Along with this you’ll receive the energies to direct this positive potential towards whatever you wish. Make your plans before the pipe happens or little will get accomplished. Remember that you are still ultimately responsible for how you are to invest your resources. It may be best to make these kinds of important decisions before you break out the stash. Once you’ve decided your new direction settle into your new groove with a nice sativa. Its creativity-producing cannabinoids combined with your concentration will unearth revelations of your skills and abilities of which even you were unaware.
A quick public service announcement for you Pisces: When it comes to drama in the workplace, let it pass you by and don’t succumb to the temptation of defending yourself, there will be no need. Those around you might just be jealous that their lives are like a bag filled with stems and seeds and will try to bring you down to their level. For you, this is a time of no worries–your month will be like a bag of that kind bud, which you got for free! Just be sure not to remind others of their own shortcomings, and keep it positive. Instead of downing others, do your best to share the kindness and bring them to your level, which will be cloud nine if you play it right.
When it comes to relationships, whether it be your significant other or family, share that love. Share the love and your new aspirations because those around you will only benefit. Your love life will only bud and blossom as long as you keep the small things small and throw your full efforts into keeping your focus on the solutions and not the problems. Problems will come and go, but if you can keep your eyes on the outcomes you want to see, your love and friendships will only continue to grow