Stoner Libra spring is upon us, and you are steady on your grind. While it is good to have a plan, you will get more accomplished by focusing on the tasks at hand. Someone once said, “The journey of a hundred blunts, begins with a single puff.” So puff puff away, and pay attention to what is immediately in front of you. Do not worry about what might lie down the road. In this case, tunnel vision can be a good thing. Short term task mastery will turn into lasting success, one win at a time.
Stoner Libra it is recommended you find a sweet Sativa, and stick with the same strain for the duration of the month. The uplifting qualities of the right Sativa will help to elevate your spirits, and inspire you to achieve at a higher level. It may take you a few days early in the month to find your groove, but rest assured you will find your stride, and maintain a healthy momentum through the remainder of the month.
At work and in business, be mindful of the details. The first spring month won’t be about planting seeds for the future, but instead cultivating current harvests, and finishing up existing projects. Check, and double check upon completing every task. You will have plenty of time to burn one down when you’re off-the-clock, so avoid smoking while you are in business mode. You want to have a clear mind when assessing the quality of your work so you do not have to reevaluate completed tasks.
While you cannot control external stimuli stoner Libra, you do have control over the vibes you emanate outward. During the month of March, it will be crucial for your personal well being that you take time for others. Whether it is time to toke or time to talk, there is a romantic partner or a family member who could benefit from your PMA: Positive Mental Attitude. It’s up to you to cultivate kindness. Sometimes they might need you to light one up, and share some kind bud. Other times, all you’ll have to do is listen, be patient, and simply be present. Regardless of how you commiserate with your cannabis companions, helping to uplift the spirits of others will be a sure path to internal happiness.