Stoner Libra, your main focus will be on your personal relationships during March, casting an uncertain shadow on your career and finances. This month may put your emotions in the spot light. Your emotions should not be feared, but should be used as a tool to better understand what it is that you’re looking for. Being the sign of balance; use your smoke breaks to find equilibrium with both your logical and emotional sides of yourself.
The overall outcome of your relationships will be up to you. The planets are lined up to cast a slight negative shadow of doubt about yourself, or your current situation. Don’t expect any useful guidance from friends or family. You are going to have to figure this one out on your own. Listen to your heart and stay true to yourself. The best thing you can do in uncertain times, is to keep moving forward, one brave step at a time. If you begin to feel like it’s hopeless, just remember that there is no need to rush. All the good things that you deserve will come to you in good time. Just keep putting out those good vibes. Despite the planets attempts, March still has the potential to be a very positive one for your personal life, especially if you already know what you want.
With the vast majority of your attention being put on your relationships, your career will almost feel like it’s an autopilot. Overall, your job will be stable. If you are in a managerial position, or someone who is used to being in charge, you will not face many problems, but you also won’t be receiving much support from others like you’re used to. Create a list of all the goals and tasks that you need to accomplish. By putting your work into an organized list, you can start to tackle the work load one item at a time. Seeing the tasks crossed off as they are completed can also help motivation levels. Now, if you are someone working in a lower level, or you’re used to being a passive person, you might have a few more difficulties. Nothing really exciting has been happening, or you might be feeling more comfortable in your job. Try not to coast for too long, or you could lose it all if you’re not mindful. A nice Sativa strain might get some creative energies flowing, and be just the trick you need to get off this plateau.