Libra January 2018

Libra January 2018

Stoner Libra the start to 2018 will be quite an adventure. Even though you may lose your terrestrial compass bearings, warm cosmic gravity waves will keep you planted firmly on the ground. Flexibility will be the key to unlock the positive promises of the universe in January. Quick moments of change, and inconsistent emanations from your planetary influencers, will create instability within your life path. For this reason, it will be best to save deep meditative dives with the sacred herb for future time periods. This is not the time for that powerful gummy stoner Libra. Instead, keep your medicated smoke sessions with the sacred herb light and flexible. Perhaps this is the month to try that high CDB strain you have been thinking about.

Stoner Libra you have built a great support structure for uneasy periods like this. When a situation or dynamic changes quickly on you in January, you will be best served to tackle the changing environment with the assistance of your cannabis companions. Do not strike out on your own in this cold wilderness. In matters of love and business, my words ring true. Toke about it with your inner smoke circle. An outside perspective will help you keep your bearings on a shifting terrestrial platform.

Particularly in the workplace, pay close attention to your teammates and adversaries. Moments of action at work may not come in January. However, with this increased attention and knowledge you will position yourself advantageously for future time periods. With the pressure released for action in January, you will be left with plenty of mental space for planning. Taking the steps of research will greatly assist any career advancement this year.

The most important aspect of this period will be the trust you place in the support of your stoner circle. The Beatles said it best, “Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends. Mmm, I get high with a little help from my friends. Mmm, going to try with a little help from my friends.”

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