Stoner Libra keep your bowl packed, February is sure to be a month of fellowship and bonding. Planetary positions will favor a contemplative Libra with a mind toward personal growth within a tight smoke circle. That is not to say the responsibility of the cosmic adventure in February will fall on the stoner Libra’s shoulders. A team effort with your cannabuddies will ensure success and growth.
Seeking insight into your individual perspective will assist your efforts to become closer with your cannabis companions. Early in the month is Groundhog Day. What a perfect time to sink deep into yourself with an Indica dominant Kush Cake. Allow the sacred herb to take you inside yourself and high above the terrestrial plain. Take time to meditate about your place on this planetary spaceship and among your fellow terrestrial astronauts. This preparatory work early in the month will give you great insight into your cannabis companions and light deeper meaning in the fire of the smoke circle.
A friend with weed is a friend in deed. February may bring some challenges, but a team effort will be sure to solve any problems. Use your smoke circle like a Swiss Army knife to tackle problems and tasks that come your way. Each person possesses unique skill sets that enhance the group as a whole. Be sure to place trust in your partners in chronic. They will reciprocate. It is possible by the end of February that your smoke circle will be as tight as that dank preroll.
There are no cosmic signs of danger or excitement in the workplace stoner Libra. The best course of action is to keep your head down, and plot through all tasks that come your way. Perhaps your coworkers will enjoy the stories of your bonding adventures with cannabis companions.