Houston to Stoner Libra, all systems are go for launch. Communications … Go. creativity … Go. Love … … we are a go.
You got this! Cosmic winds will be like rocket boosters at your back for the December time period. It’s always exciting to have that much power pushing you forward, but the current planetary alignment will take you through with confidence. The sacred herb will be your navigational systems. Any species or strain will be in your comfort zone this month stoner Libra. There is one exception: Avoid medicated edibles in December. More about that later.
Stoner Libra you will soar in the workplace. Flying through the sky on your rocket ship to the heavens, work will come at a comfortable pace with efficiency and productivity. Money may not fall from the heavens like rain, but fortune favors the bold. With cosmic jet packs on your back, you should have confidence and daring on your side.
It’s love and passion where you will see the most impact from your cosmic thrusters in December. For those stoner Libra’s in a relationship, take time with the sacred herb to meditate about your partner. Natural communication will flow from this medicated smoke session, and your love will blossom to new atmospheric horizons. For the single stoner Libra’s, a meditative smoke session focused on self confidence and self love will be your prescription for December. As you reach the heights of the upper atmosphere, potential mates will see you in the glowing light of the sun as you see yourself.
Houston, we have a problem. Much like the lift off of a large space craft, you will encounter a lot of shake, rattle, and rolling to begin your cosmic journey. Mercury is in retrograde for you this month stoner Libra. This usually can cause communication breakdowns and moments of self doubt. However, other planetary alignments will safeguard your travels. Avoid medicated sacred herbal edibles. An uncontrollable deep dive with medibles could send you off the flight path with insecurities, confusion, and paranoia. God speed stoner Libra.