Stoner Libra, the April time period will be adventurous and productive. The planets have aligned to put in you in a position for success and good fortune. However, the universe is only blessing you with the gift of support stoner Libra. Blessings and gifts of good fortune will only come with action and diligence.
It’s time to take a tolerance break stoner Libra. One of the magical aspects of the sacred herb is that it is not physically addictive. Any dependence or reliance on the sacred herb is in your head. You have always been in control of the green road you follow. It’s time to turn off the green road and pave a new path for the second spring month. You will always be able to find your way back to the green road when the time is right.
The cosmos will be supportive of decisive action and community participation in April stoner Libra. Both in the work life and love life, all blessings will be up to your concentrated effort. Now is the time to participate in any team building exercises at work or volunteer for any projects within your company. What are you interested in stoner Libra? Seek out a group centered around your passion. Whether you organize or simply participate, networking with your fellow cannabis companions will be crucial to personal success. Maybe there is a hike you and your cannabis companions have always wanted to tackle. Maybe you have discussed an “art night.” The time is now to get out there and mingle.
With a clear head and ambitious spirit, the April time period will bear delicious fruit. The key will be diligent concentration and strong decision making.