Leo Stoner Horoscope May

Leo Stoner Horoscope May

Stoner Leo where are you, and where do you want to be?  May will be filled with these types of conundrums that at face value may seem easy to answer, but cosmic clouds of confusion will obscure reality.  Even a confident Lion can be perplexed by a complex puzzle.  This is not the month to charge straight ahead with a confident stride.  Toke time to stop once in a while.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to engage the third eye.  Where are you within your intended plan?  What direction are you headed?  These simple questions, coupled with assistance of the sacred herb should help you navigate through the cosmic clouds of confusion this month.  Just remember stoner Leo, there is nothing wrong with turning around, and taking a different path.  Stubborn Leos will have more obstacles in May than those that self assess, and adjust to changing conditions.

Stoner Leo there is a particular window within the business sphere that may glean more promise than any other time in the month.  After the New Moon on the 22nd is the best time for projects, pitches, and collaborative adventures.  Keep the pipe loaded with Indica strains in the first part of the month to better deal with the herky-jerky nature of cosmic winds in the workplace.  Then after the New Moon, be sure to load bowls full of energizing and inspiring Sativa strains to pack the biggest punch surrounding those important meetings.

May requires special words for single stoner Leos:  Perception of intent within personal communication should not be solidified as fact.  Chill stoner Leo, slow your roll, and toke time to enjoy experiences without expectation.  A dance, a phone number, or an invitation to hunt for a secret smoke spot, doesn’t always come with intent for romance.  But at the same time, if you wipe away romantic expectations, then the story is still left unwritten with boundless possibilities.

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