Leo Stoner Horoscope April

Leo Stoner Horoscope April

Stoner Leo April poses an interesting problem counter to your nature.  With the magical properties of the sacred herb, and a solid plan of action, you will finish the month stronger than you started.  This interesting month is marked by a significant period: The Full Moon of the 7th through the New Moon of the 22nd marks a time where the stoner Leo may pull back from their social self, and seek progress from within.  Uh oh, yes, that means self reflection amid moments of smoked out solitude. You can do it stoner Leo, just make sure to set time aside for yourself. The New Moon marks that moment where the stoner Leo will break out of their shell once again, and strut with open confidence on the terrestrial plane.

Difficulties may surface in the personal sphere of love during April.  Get out of your own head stoner Leo! Comparisons of equality and fairness within the sphere of love can be problematic.  We all have our own perspectives and journey on our cosmic spaceship. Toke time to float high above the terrestrial plane with your cannabis rocket ship when there are moments of anger, envy, or discrimination with your cannabis companion.  From this higher perspective you may see the current feelings of inequity may simply be the natural rhythm of give-and-take that comes with a close relationship. But also stoner Leo, this is important, toke time to forgive yourself. We could all use more forgiveness, even towards ourselves.

Rest, repair, repeat stoner Leo.  Challenging moments during the month, whether they be cosmically inspired or self inflicted, will bear a toll on your cosmic spacesuit.  The solution to these potential physical aches can multitask with the solution to the trepidation of your emotional journey in April. Find a safe space, and a relaxing space, to meditate with the sacred herb.  Fly high above the terrestrial plane. Seek clarity and understanding from higher perspectives. Forget about two birds with one stone! You can solve two problems with one bowl stoner Leo. I recommend a stoney hot yoga session mid month to work through both physical and emotional issues.

Breathe deep, inhale the sacred herb, and keep in mind that after the New Moon you will be back on your blessed cosmic course with that Leo mojo we all love.

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