Leo November 2017

Leo November 2017

Stoner Leo let’s think of you as a beautiful flowering cannabis plant this month. Every plant that is sure to produce the big buds requires care, attention, and love. The HIGHest quality leader and the cannabis plant need water and nutrients. Thus stoner Leo, the November time period is all about self reflection and watering your soul.

I know you aren’t big on self reflection, but cosmic influences will push you toward uncomfortable places in November. Ahh, but this uncomfortable support will help the Lion tend to his garden so that flowers of leadership continue to bloom in future time periods. Self reflection strengthens leadership by understanding yourself stoner Leo. As memories flood your senses this month, take time to appreciate your story and how you grew into the lion or lioness that your are today. This reflection and analysis will lead to new understanding of yourself and those close to you.

Self reflection will also inspire questions of family and cannabis companions. Your internal quest will create strengthened bonds at home and in your smoke circle. As uncomfortable as you may be with this self analysis, please understand stoner Leo that this is a blessing from the cosmos. Knowledge of yourself and your past will bring new light to your smoke circle.

Internal housekeeping must go beyond yourself stoner Leo. Take time with a strong sacred herb edible and dive into your physical space at home. As you work on yourself take time to freshen and create the space around you that nurtures love and passion at home. Your cannabis companions and family will support these efforts as everyone will benefit. The work at home will also give peaceful moments of contemplation and reflection. This will be a great month for you stoner Leo. Grow like the beautiful weed you are.

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