The theme of this month, Stoner Gemini, will be balance. You may struggle early in the month to balance your social calendar with time to focus on your inner peace. But, remember Stoner Gemini, you know yourself best. No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to. You may feel the need to sneak off by yourself to your favorite smoke spot to meditate and medicate with the sacred herb. There will also be opportunities to be a part of a massive smoke circle, which will be the sustenance the soul needs. Don’t worry though, you will quickly find your groove and the rest of summer will be good times and good vibes for you and all your cannabis crew.
With regards to work, it will be imperative you keep your attention on the big picture, Stoner Gemini. Don’t worry about the little things. Enlist the help of coworkers in tackling the tedious tasks. Your efforts will be better used in a creative capacity. Freeing up mental bandwidth will allow you the opportunity to overcome greater obstacles and improve the business’s bottom line. When your not grinding at the nine-to-five, spend down time resting and recuperating. Expand your mind with an inspiring and uplifting sativa. Or, unwind after a long day’s work by puffing on a relaxing indica-dominant strain.
By taking a holistic approach, addressing the needs of the mind and the body, you will show skeptics you can do both: work hard and smoke tough. Paying a little more attention to one’s health never hurt anyone, Stoner Gemini. This investment will have noticeable returns that are sure to materialize quickly. In addition to having more energy to get work done, you will have plenty in the reserve tank to pursue your own adventures outside of the work sphere.
Some might call you a lazy stoner; but how wrong some people can be? This June you will be miles away from the couch. While others are busy making assumptions, you will be out blazing your own path: Discovering new places for your midnight toking, and meeting new people to invite to the next smoke session.