January brings an interesting month for the Capricorn stoner. Luck and patience are the keys to January for you. Make sure you have a nice Indica strain available this month. Because despite the great feelings of empowerment and positivity that will come in January, contemplation and patience will be the key to unwinding obstacles that have blocked you previously.
Leave the pipe at home this month when you go to work. Your skill in the workplace will shine through in January. Others around you will make mistakes, but your attention to detail will help you rise above them. You may have to be hard on your coworkers for costly errors; stoner stereotypes will hinder your authority if you allow them to creep in at work.
People surrounding you in your personal life will try to give power to the paranoia of your high. Do not let them deter you. Trust yourself and the decisions you have made. This obstacle may affect the luck that is on your side in January. Stoner, you cannot focus on what luck may bring to your life. You have to be contemplative and patient. This will allow the positivity January brings to be your benefit.
This is a great month to chill out and give your life deep thoughts. Listen to Bob Marley and allow the herb to reveal yourself to you.