Stoner Capricorn the final summer month will require patience and a firm grasp of your limitations. Cosmic influences will be flip-flopped in August. This reversal of support might leave you upside down at times during the month. The sacred herb can be used to soothe and calm these moments of anxiety. In the end, this flip-flopped reversal of cosmic support could bring unexpected positive aspects to your personal sphere.
It will be better to become a fly on the wall at work this month stoner Capricorn. Knowledge and progress can be gained through observation. Apply a deep Indica strain to the situation. Viewing your work sphere from a contemplative perspective will provide the key to breakthroughs in future time periods. Perspective is the operating word here. By floating high above the work sphere you may see obstacles from a different vantage point. In the end, the practice of observation will help you work smarter not harder.
Adventures in love promise to be dynamic for single Capricorns in August. Humans will float in and out of your personal sphere like beautiful butterflies. Success with these fluttering and flirting new acquaintances only hinges on what lies within you my lovely stoner Capricorn. Be true to yourself and your inner voice. Everything will work out. Puff puff pass the stress, pressure, and expectations. Enjoy the moments dancing with these butterflies. Even if the song ends and your smoke circle runs dry, be sure to savor those moments of excitement. For stoner Capricorn’s lucky in love, the situation will be much more grounded. Toke time to recognize the ally-ship you enjoy in life. It is this companionship and foundation that will benefit you through emotional stability and advice. Share an herbal medible with your companion and enjoy the sparks of communication and fellowship that result.