Cancer March 2017

Cancer March 2017

The acceleration of energy will be gradual and uphill for the stoner Cancer in March of 2017.  By mid-month, you will feel you have reached the ceiling.  Do not hesitate to push through that feeling and continue on your path of ascension.  This applies to both your personal life and your working life.  Be wary of strains elaborately high in THC or you may miss your chance to advance all together.  Try something a bit more mid-range for relaxation and meditation this month.

In all aspects of your life, you will need to be prepared to move forward.   This process will be liberating on all fronts.  In your world of work, you must be decisive and take action.  Slacking now will greatly deplete the success you have this year.  It may be best to lay the pipe down during working hours this month.  You will need your wits about you as management may be on a striking path.  This does not concern you.  This time it truly is them.  Breathe deep and only speak when it is with control and patience.

It seems that there will be much to consider in the world of love and family this month stoner Cancer.  The decisions you come to will either bring elation or devastation.  Be mindful of the consequences of your actions now as this new news will affect you and your mate the most.  Overall it should be a rather harmonious month for you in the world of love and romance.  It’s the family and friend circle that holds the surprises this time!   Be patient, calm and definitely dab on when your friend needs you to lend an ear.  Don’t let any news from family or friends get under your skin.  Use your logic and you can find peace all month.


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