Steer clear of all medibles when it comes to Finance and the Workplace. Who wants to be couch locked when the cosmos are clear for you to move forward with those plans you’ve left on the back burner. Whether its a new business venture or a promotion you’re looking for, you’ll want to play it cool because everything you need is in order. In the workplace upper management will be paying attention. Don’t get paranoid! They are seeing your natural charisma, leadership and your ability to follow through as a means of possible advancement.
In the evenings this month you’ll want select a hybrid in a peace pipe to keep your mind open, uplifted and your spirits high. If you are in a relationship, know that bullying any idea will ensure trouble. Your partner may not be picking up what you’re laying down at this time. Instead hit that peace pipe and remember you can talk about this next month. If you’re single do not loose your temper with your overbearing relatives. It will get you no where. Everyone needs to be themselves this month, even you. Don’t forget your pipe or your water sign superpowers to get along with everyone this month.